Atsuro Watabe
出生 : 1968-05-05, Tokyo, Japan
Takeru Mikumo
深田恭子と瀬戸康史が演じる、泥棒一家の娘と警察一家の息子の禁断の恋をコミカルに描いたドラマシリーズの劇場版。 泥棒一家“Lの一族”の娘として生まれた三雲華(深田恭子)と警察一家の息子の桜庭和馬(瀬戸康史)は、娘の杏(小畑乃々)を連れて遅めの新婚旅行でディーベンブルク王国を訪れる。しかし、そこで最後の大仕事のためにやって来た華の家族と遭遇。あきれる華だったが、杏が誘拐され、犯人からあるお宝を交換条件として要求される。さらに、死んだとされていた一族のひとり、三雲玲(観月ありさ)が現れる。
Tatsuo Inagaki
練馬のマンションの1室で若い女性の他殺体が発見され、ある密告状が警察に届きます。それはホテル・コルテシア東京のカウントダウン・パーティ「マスカレード・ナイト」に犯人が現れるというもの。 新田浩介は潜入捜査のため、再びホテル・コルテシア東京へ。フロント係だった山岸尚美はコンシェルジュに昇進しており、2人は思わぬ再会を果たします。 「マスカレード・ナイト」はその名の通り、誰もが仮面で顔を隠している仮装パーティー。カウントダウンが迫る中、新田は顔もわからない真犯人を見つけることができるのでしょうか?
Takeo Shibano
During turbulent economic times in Japan, Masahiko Washizu (Go Ayano) appears. He leads a foreign investment fund and he is criticized for being a vulture. Masahiko Washizu challenges to buy a bank with insolvent bonds and a company that is experiencing financial depression.
Tatsuo Inagaki
2001年9月11日・ニューヨーク同時多発テロ…世界を大きく変えたあの惨劇後も、世界情勢は予断を許さない状況が続く。サンクトペテルブルク、パリ、ブリュッセル、ベルリン、ストックホルム、マンチェスター、ロンドン、バルセロナなど、世界中いたるところでテロが起きている。どこでもテロが起こりうる現状は、もはや他人事ではないのだ。人々の日常を引き裂き、家族の絆を、愛する人たちを引き裂くテロ。もし、東京でテロが起きてしまったら…? 大切な人が巻き込まれてしまったら…?
クリスマスイブ、都庁が突然火を噴き、展望台にいた客がテロリストたちに人質に取られる。都庁を爆破したテロ組織は日本政府に要求を突きつけるが、未曾有の事態にどう対応するのか、政府と東京都は対立する。刻々と迫るタイムリミット。家族を人質にされた一人の男は妻と娘を助けるため、テロ組織に挑み、テロリストたちに立ち向かう! 自分は家族をこの手で幸せにできるのか、自信をなくしていた男。しかしテロによって家族の愛しさ、尊さを痛切に感じ、テロリストたちと戦う強さを得ていく。男はテロリストに引き裂かれた家族の絆を取り戻すことができるのか?
Kogoro Akechi
『黒蜥蜴』(くろとかげ)は、江戸川乱歩の長編探偵小説。および、作中に登場する女性盗賊の俗称。フジテレビ・関西テレビ 2015年12月22日播送。
Toshiro Saegusa
Masahiro Tominaga
Eiko Yagami (Ryoko Yonekura) is a "Marubo", a unit of Ueno Central Police Station's Organized Crime Division which deals directly with organized gangs to try and keep the peace. However, Eiko has some sidelines: she's a moneylender to her fellow police officers without charging interest in return for information and is also willing to do the odd side job for those on the criminal side for the money. One day, Kasumi (Riho Takada), who is the daughter of Senma-gumi gang's leader (Toshiyuki Nishida), is found stabbed to death. As this threatens to pit gang against gang, Eiko and the police have to hurry and find her killer.
Mitsuhiko Torikai
The story is set in the 70s where Ishihara plays Fumiko, an university student, who gets involved romantically with her assistant professor Katase Shintaro (Iura Arata) and his wife Hinako (Tanaka Rena). However, on 28 February 1972, the police finds Shintaro seriously injured and a young man working in a electronics store (Saito Takumi) dead in a bungalow at Karuizawawhile Fumiko and Hinako are also present at the scene. The truth behind the case is not known and the case is quickly classified as a crime of passion which leads to Fumiko being sent to prison. 40 years later, a report writer Torigai Mitsuhiko (Watabe Atsuro) comes to know about this case and goes to interview the elderly Fumiko (Harada Mieko) in prison which leads him to find out what really happened at the bungalow.
Koichiro Tochiwaki
Bunsaku Akiba
Kenji Sumimoto
Colonel Hasegawa
A Westerner finds refuge with a group of women in a church during Japan's rape of Nanking in 1937. Posing as a priest, he attempts to lead the women to safety.
Writer-director Gu Su-yeon's new film draws on his own semiautobiographical account of growing up as a delinquent zainichi Korean (Japanese-born, but of Korean ancestry) in the seaside city of Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture, a working-class hellhole overflowing with sex and fury. Day after day, (fictional) Gu finds fresh foes and makes the local hoodlums want to kick his ass. While working multiple dead-end part-time jobs, he cruises around town on his scooter in search of gangland trouble: leaping across rooftops with irate hordes of punks in hot pursuit, running off with a fetching belle in a sailor suit, rescuing a schoolgirl from being gang-raped at a glue-sniffing orgy…
Hidenori Maki
a japanese love comedy
Yasuji Midorikawa
Gorô Sukuse
Diving to save a camera from a fall down a flight of stairs, high school junior Naomi Sukuse wakes with no memory of the last four years. Naomi must remember who she was and figure out who she wants to be in this story of love and second chances.
Jean Descole (voice)
このナゾを解いた者には、永遠の命が贈られる。 ある日、レイトンのもとにオペラのチケットが同封された1通の手紙が届く……。差出人はレイトンのかつての教え子でもあるオペラ歌手のジェニス。1年前に亡くなったはずの友人が『永遠の命を手に入れたの』と7歳の少女となって現れたという……。 この不可解な出来事を解明するために、ルークや助手のレミとともにオペラが上演される“クラウンペトーネ劇場”へと向かい調査に乗り出した。そこではレイトンの師、シュレーダー博士が研究していた不老不死王国“古代アンブロシア王国”の伝説を元にピアニストのウィスラーが作曲した新作オペラが上演されていた。しかし、そこに集まった観客たちの真の目的は『永遠の命』を手に入れることだった。舞台に現れた仮面の男デスコールが宣誓したのは『永遠の命』を手にいれるための命をかけたナゾトキゲームの開始の合図であった。そして、生けたゲームが幕を開けた……。
Makoto Yoshida
Yukio Katsuragi
Tetsu Tsunoda
In a small town of Hokkaido, Yunni, Fusako Kurokawa (Saki Takaoka), lives a quiet life with her father. Life here is very simple, but it is good enough and she is happy enough. Days go on as usual. with some coincidence, she meets this man one day, Wataru Kadokura (Atsuro Watabe) a man who cannot speak. A very peaceful "time" now becomes part of her daily life as this strong emotion suddenly takes place in her simple quiet life.
In a small town of Hokkaido, Yunni, Fusako Kurokawa (Saki Takaoka), lives a quiet life with her father. Life here is very simple, but it is good enough and she is happy enough. Days go on as usual. with some coincidence, she meets this man one day, Wataru Kadokura (Atsuro Watabe) a man who cannot speak. A very peaceful "time" now becomes part of her daily life as this strong emotion suddenly takes place in her simple quiet life.
Wataru Kadokura
In a small town of Hokkaido, Yunni, Fusako Kurokawa (Saki Takaoka), lives a quiet life with her father. Life here is very simple, but it is good enough and she is happy enough. Days go on as usual. with some coincidence, she meets this man one day, Wataru Kadokura (Atsuro Watabe) a man who cannot speak. A very peaceful "time" now becomes part of her daily life as this strong emotion suddenly takes place in her simple quiet life.
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Yuichi Oka
Newspaper correspondent Kyoko Togakure visits a nursing home in the outskirts of Tokyo. She finds the dead body of a resident. It was an apparent suicide. He's holding a piece of paper with the mystifying word "Death Water" written on it. Nearby are blood-stained scissors, and his eyes are squashed. She has no idea that this death is just the beginning of a horrendous nightmare.
Jaku Abe
Hideo Otomo
Set in the traditional city of Kyoto, Japan, this deeply poetic TV movie revolves around Chieko who becomes bewildered and troubled as she discovers the true facets of her past. With the harmony and time-honored customs of a Japanese backdrop, the story becomes poignant as Chieko’s longing and confusion develops.
Short film part of "Three... Extremes", a horror film collaboration consisting of three segments by three directors from three countries. Kyoko, a 25 year-old novelist, frequently experiences nightmares of her past as a circus performer.
Yoshii / Higata (segment "Box")
An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: Dumplings, directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong, Cut directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea, and Box directed by Miike Takashi of Japan.
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2004 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Koroshiya desu no yo (It's a Hitman, You Know) - starring Mizuki Alisa. 2. Jibun-counsellor (Self-counsellor) - starring Inohara Yoshihiko. 3. Be Silent - starring Watabe Atsuro. 4. Sasoimizu (Pump-priming) - starring Harada Taizo. 5. Saigo no Hitotoki (The Last Moment) - starring Nagasaku Hiromi.
Oikawa at the Defence Agency
A Japanese salaryman in Shanghai falls in love with two women, one of whom is terminally ill.
The story opens with Yukiko and her business partner in Moscow searching for Russian items for their store in Tokyo. There they meet a Russian translator, Nicholai, played by Sergei Nakariakov - a trumpeter from Russia. Some months later after they have returned, Nicholai and Yukiko meet again while he is auditioning for the Tokyo orchestra where seeds of romance begin. Yukiko's father, however, is diagnosed with a terminal case of cancer. Yukiko returns home to be with him in his final months as he decides not to go through therapy and let the disease run its course. Coming into contact with a childhood friend while at home Yukiko is left to choose between her old friend and Nicholai, all while having to face the emotional struggle of dealing with her father's impending death.
Akira Nutahara
四国の山奥にある小さな村。坊之宮家の女が代々受け継いできた狗神様。この坊之宮家は、“執りつかれると食い殺される”と、村人たちから忌み嫌われる狗神筋の家系でありながらも、村では平穏な日々を過ごしていた。 そんなある日、村に小学校教師として青年、奴田原晃が現れ、坊之宮の女・美希と関係を持ってしまう……。
Tôru Mayama
Mayama Tooru
Kengo Yabuuchi
Rica and Kengo have been living together for the past four years. It’s been a very happy time for Rica; the only dark spot being an accident she caused during a shoot for a commercial in which Kengo’s good friend, Shibata, nearly lost his life. The memory of this event weighs heavily on Rica’s conscience. One night Kengo tells Rica that he has fallen in love with a charming but „inscrutable“ woman named Hanako.
Sousuke Natsume
Tsutomu Yoshioka
Mitsu works in a factory and has a crush on Tsutomu, a young man she met on the Tokyo streets. One day the two go out, and after some deception, Tsutomu manages to have his way with her. Coming from a broken home, he is frightened by love, so he cruelly allows her to wake up alone. A month passes and a more grown-up Tsutomu returns. The lovers joyously reunite and move in together. All is blissful until both notice a strange sore on Mitsu's arm. The doctors diagnose it as leprosy. Without telling Tsutomu, Mitsu checks into a leper sanitarium. Hanging out with society's pariahs gives her much insight. She discovers the old lepers to be wonderful people. In turn, Mitsu becomes their source of joy and renewed hope. Still, she misses her Tsutomu. One day, the doctors inform her that they erred and that the sore is not leprosy. Happily she heads back to her true love until she realizes with a guilty pang that to return to him would mean unhappiness for her newfound friends
Making-of documentary for Swallowtail Butterfly
Heat After Dark is director Ryuhei Kitamura's first theatrical release. This 50 minute film is predominantly a character study within an intense action drama. Those familiar with Kitamura's later works, perhaps especially Versus will realize this is the beginning of his characetristic modus operandi. Here, the well defined characters consist of the innocent (the cop), the relatively good (Atsuro Watabe), the relatively bad (Shinichi Suzuki), and the absolutely bad (Shigeru Izumiya ), and a few other Yakuza hoodlums thrown in for entertainment.
Melodrama about the life of a mentally handicapped young man and his devoted sister after their famous novelist father and housewife mother go to Australia on a business trip.
The days of love between a free-spirited heroine who continues to seek freedom and a young man who is attracted to her charm. Starring Kumiko Akiyoshi.
Set in Edo-era Kyoto, this drama depicts the adolescent battles and the love between parents and children who are born and raised in the same tenement house.
Yuichi Shibata
A drama about a nurse starring Hiroko Yakushimaru
Koji Hatanaka
A widow and her two sons, Seitaro and Koji, live in the small town of Komori, where Buraku people are forced to reside. The two boys are continuously harassed by their teachers and classmates through their childhood as a result of their Buraku heritage. In the midst of the 1918 Great Rice Riots in Osaka, Seitaro meets with Asako, the daughter of a rice shop owner, and falls in love with her. She too is of Buraku descent. At the same period, Hideaki, an old friend of the brothers returns to Komori, and he along with Koji and the townspeople create "Zenkoku Suiheisha", the National Levelers Association, an organization pledged to build a bridge over the river of discrimination, making all people equal in every way.
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