Bae Yong-geun

出生 : 1974-10-30,


Bae Yong-geun (배용근) is a South Korean actor.


Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead
When a series of murders occur in Kanghwa Island, Detective K and his partner are once again called upon to solve the case. Along the way, he teams up with a beautiful woman with amnesia and together they discover Vampire bite marks on all the bodies. As they investigate further, they realize that the woman is somehow closely connected to the deaths.
Detective Team Leader
わずか3分16秒のうちに殺人犯に仕立てられた主人公クォン。次々に出てくる思いもよらない証拠。全ては何者かに仕組まれたかのように彼を犯人として導いていく―まったく身に覚えのない罪を着せられたクォンは、仲間から黒幕の存在を告げられる。クォンの元に、この仕組まれた殺人の実態を暴くためそれぞれの特技を持ったゲーマー仲間5人が集結。次々と明らかになる真実に伴い、ある男の存在が浮かび上がる。しかし、その存在を知ったとき、男の恐るべき力を目の当たりにするのだった。 街全体を操作する巨大な力を持った男に、たった6人で立ち向かうゲーマーたち。果たして彼らに勝機はあるのか!?
Papa Zombie
A little boy Seung-gu thinks his dad has become a zombie after losing his job. So he arranges an anti-zombie commando with his schoolmates whose dads seem zombies too. They try every possible means to banish zombie fathers from their own sweet home, but it fails all the time. Whether their grand plan to save their family would be accomplished is in the question.
Police officer
When a man loses his job, he slowly descends into car theft and serial murder. A dark, unflinching look at the darkness of a soul on the edge.
Tabloid Truth
Woo-gon, a passionate manager who lost everything due to stock advertisements and a specialist gets together to find out the truth behind the rumors that have shaken up the country. From precious information to distribution, this crime chasing movie surrounds the invisible truth.
Fighting Family
Show hostess Yeon-jeong, who has been pushed out from works in her workplace, and overwhelmed by her junior colleagues because of her pregnancy with her second child, eventually decides to have an abortion since both her body and mind have been devastated. Then, her husband Min-hyeok drops a bombshell: he will take care of childbirth and child rearing himself.
Young Gun in The Time
Tik Taek-to
Step aside Dirk Gently, there’s a new private eye in town. There’s no case too big, too small or too odd for Young Gun. The frizzy haired, wispy moustached, Hawaiian shirted PI takes his work seriously. Pay no mind to his tarted up secretary/taskmaster or to the fact that his master of gadgets also happens to run a sex shop. Ignore also that his choice of attire hints at a deep admiration for MAGNUM PI. When you hire Young Gun the job gets done.
Read My Lips
Jae-min, still getting over his ex-wife Ha-ra, is a talent agent who takes care of actors and actresses with personal issues. They wouldn't leave him alone and kept pushing him to find more auditions for them. At his birthday party, his family tries to give him advice in vein, and to make it worse, Hara phones him every once in a while and confuses him. To Jae-min, being heartbroken with the irrevocable memories of the old days with Hara, Ga-hwa is the only shelter, although the staff there are not any better. Each day of life is tough, But isn't it true that all the meaningless chat, bullshit and nonsense altogether form the universe? The universe is getting old since its birth 15 billion years ago. In this universe, we are probably each other's merciful purgatories.
The Neighbor Zombie
In 2010, the people of Seoul, South Korea fight a virus that threatens to infect the planet.
北朝鮮の工作員として韓国に潜入していたジウォン(カン・ドンウォン)は、“影”と呼ばれる暗殺者(チョン・グックァン)と共にある指令を受ける。彼らは、国家の裏切り者である金正日の身内を葬ることに成功するが、国家情報員ハンギュ(ソン・ガンホ)に計画をかぎ付けられ包囲される。ジウォンは何とか逃げ切るが、その後再び長い潜伏生活を送ることになる。 『渇き』のソン・ガンホと『M(エム)』のカン・ドンウォンのW主演となった、男同士のきずなを描いた感動の人間ドラマ。北朝鮮のスパイと、彼を追う元国家情報員の宿命の対決と共に、彼らの間に芽生える深いきずなを描く。『映画は映画だ』でデビューを飾ったチャン・フンがメガホンを取り、敵同士でありながら次第に心を通わせていく男たちの悲しい現実に迫る。主演の二人の豪快なアクションもさることながら、その劇的な彼らの人生に胸が震える。
The Perfect Fishplate
The way of cooking a perfect fishplate.