Sean Avery

出生 : 1980-04-10, North York, Ontario, Canada


Battalion Leader
世界の歴史を変えた衝撃的な陰謀の裏側を描いた、ありえないけど“ほぼ実話”。 1930年代ニューヨーク、かつてアムステルダムで出会った3人の友人たちが ある殺人事件の容疑者となり、思いがけず全世界に渦巻く 巨大な陰謀へと巻き込まれていくことに―
TENET テネット
Red Soldier 1
満席の観客で賑わうウクライナのオペラハウスで、テロ事件が勃発。罪もない人々の大量虐殺を阻止するべく、特殊部隊が館内に突入する。部隊に参加していた名もなき男(ジョン・デヴィッド・ワシントン)は、仲間を救うため身代わりとなって捕えられ、毒薬を飲んでしまう…しかし、その薬は何故か鎮痛剤にすり替えられていた。昏睡状態から目覚めた名もなき男は、フェイと名乗る男から“あるミッション”を命じられる。それは、未来からやってきた敵と戦い、世界を救うというもの。未来では、“時間の逆行”と呼ばれる装置が開発され、人や物が過去へと移動できるようになっていた。 ミッションのキーワードは<TENET(テネット)>。「その言葉の使い方次第で、未来が決まる」。謎のキーワード、TENET(テネット)を使い、第三次世界大戦を防ぐのだ。突然、巨大な任務に巻き込まれた名もなき男。彼は任務を遂行する事ができるのか?
Officer Hall
Desperate for an online following, a rideshare driver has figured out a deadly plan to go viral and he will stop at nothing to get his five minutes of fame.
Two old friends reunite on the hottest day of summer in NYC.
Assault One
One Eye Small
The Man
Two female strangers in the midst of personal crises, who are brought together by fate become affectionate friends over the course of a frenetic evening in NYC.
The Rocket: The Legend of Rocket Richard
Bob Dill
In the late 1930s, a young machinist named Maurice Richard distinguished himself as a ice hockey player of preternatural talent. Although that was enough to get him into the Montreal Canadiens, his frequent injuries cost him the confidence of his team and the fans. In the face of these doubts, Richard eventually shows the kind of aggressive and skillful play that would make him one of the greatest players of all time as "The Rocket." However for all his success, Richard and his fellow French Canadians face constant discrimination in a league dominated by the English speaking. Although a man of few words, Richard begins to speak his own mind about the injustice which creates a organizational conflict that would culminate in his infamous 1955 season suspension that sparks an ethnic riot in protest. In the face of these challenges, Richard must decide who exactly is he playing for.