Kenji Takama

出生 : 1949-03-10, Suginami, Tokyo, Japan


Director of Photography
Masao Adachi's first new film in six years that secretly started filming at the end of August. About the life of Tetsuya Yamagami, suspected assassin of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Director of Photography
Biopic about the life of Kitazawa Rakuten, who laid the foundation for the Japanese manga industry.
Director of Photography
A troubled teenager who is about to kill herself has a life changing encounter with a female vampire.
Video artist Ryosuke visits the suburb of Furano in Hokkaido, where his friend lives, in order to shoot a video. His car breaks down and Ryosuke decides to walk to a house and ask for a phone. The person that opens the door is his former girlfriend and first love Haruka. They meet for the first time in 23 years. Even though Ryosuke knows that she is married, he takes her to his video shooting and they get close. Ryosuke leaves Hokkaido in 2 days and he asks Haruka to spend one more day with him.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
In a bid to bring back life to their town after seeing its population dwindle in recent years, the manager of a shopping mall in northern Saitama Prefecture and the executive director of the Honjo Chamber of Commerce start a project to put together an improvised jazz band from local citizens. A former music teacher (Shimizu Shogo) is coerced into becoming the band leader, but the other prospective members are all elderly amateurs with little knowledge of music.
Director of Photography
Stuck in a fishing village in Hokkaido, Tadao's grand-daughter Haru is desperate to visit Tokyo, a trip Tadao is reluctant to make.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
"You will die six hours later." Keishi, a youth who proclaims himself a seer, suddenly says this to Mio, who is walking along the streets of Shibuya. At first, Mio scoffs at it as nonsense but ever since her acquaintance was murdered a few days ago, she realises that she has also become a victim of a stalker. Half believing it, she decides to hang around with Keishi. Later, with the help of Sawaki, a detective she knows, the stalker is identified. She thinks the case is closed but a totally unexpected person attacks her...
デスノート the Last name
Director of Photography
月はキラ対策本部に参入することに成功し、月とLの壮絶な頭脳戦が始まった。 一方、別の死神レムのデスノートを手に入れた少女・弥海砂(あまね ミサ)が現れる。海砂は、自らの寿命の半分と引き換えに、顔を見るだけで相手の名前と寿命が見える死神の目を得て、自身を「第2のキラ」と称してキラを否定する者を消し去っていく。
9/10 ジュウブンノキュウ
Nine former members of a high school baseball team reunite for the first time in seven years, invited to meet again by an unknown figure. The friends begin to reminisce about times gone by, but soon realize that there are discrepancies among their memories. When they decide to open an old time capsule to dig up the truth, they find that the box they buried now has ten keyholes instead of nine; a mystery that only a tenth person could have the answer to.
Terumi has no memory of her life leading up to when she nearly drowned as a child in her town's local lake, Lake Shoryu. Terumi has been supported by her family and her close childhood friend Yukio since that time, although her family also does not seem to understand the reason for this childhood incident. 12 years later, Terumi finally decides to leave her town for a new job, but before doing so, begins investigating the drowning incident together with Yukio in order to know the truth. During her investigations, Terumi meets a man named Soda, who seems to have the same experience of nearly drowning and recovering with no memory as she does. As she digs deeper, a strange relationship between her and the legend of Lake Shoryu begins to surface.
完全なる飼育 女理髪市の恋
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Hotel Hibiscus is the story of one very young energetic girl named Mieko and her internatioanl family who live in Okinawa. They live in a run down old hotel called Hotel Hibiscus with only one room for rent.
ムルデカ 17805
True story of a number of Imperial Japanese Army officers and soldiers who remained in Indonesia to fight off European colonists trying to retake the country after Japan's surrender.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nanako returns to her hometown on the tiny island of Aguni to meet her grandmother Nabbie. However, when Nanako's ferry arrives, it is also carrying Nabbie's former lover, who has returned to Aguni after a long absence.
Director of Photography
Looking for something to do during the summer, Akihiko Suzuki teams up with four girls (Namie, Natsumi, Mishiyo, and Komugi) and a guy (Kosuke) to start a little cafe down by the beach. Actually, he is more interested in the girls than the job. They used to ignore him, but by working at the cafe, he hopes to start a friendship with them.
Director of Photography
Anthology consisting of three films.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Naran and his five brothers and sisters are returning to the family farm for summer. During the rest of the year, they must attend school in the city. Once they arrive, the family heads off to summer pastures for their horses and sheep. One day, Naran meets a lone minstrel and hears the tale of Sukh and his white horse who win the great Naadam horse race. Naran is deeply moved and swears that he will compete in the race with his own beloved white horse.
ガメラ 大怪獣空中決戦
Assistant Director of Photography
平成ガメラシリーズ第1作。 監督に金子修介、脚本に伊藤和典、特撮監督に樋口真嗣を迎え、リアリティを徹底的に追求しつつ、新しい特撮表現に挑んだ意欲的な怪獣映画となった。 1995年。太平洋上に発見された謎の巨大漂流環礁が、黒潮に乗って日本に近づいていた。保険会社の草薙と海上保安庁の米森は環礁の調査に乗り出し、環礁の上で不思議な石版と大量の勾玉を発見。さらに、この環礁が生物であるということが明らかになる。 同じ頃、九州の五島列島・姫神島で、島民が「鳥!」という無線を最後に消息を絶つ事件が発生。調査に呼ばれた鳥類学者の長峰はそこで、島民を食らった巨大な怪鳥を発見する。 政府は怪鳥の捕獲を決定。長峰が中心となって福岡ドームに誘い込む作戦を決行するが、その内の1匹を取り逃がしてしまう。巣に向かって帰巣する1匹を自衛隊のヘリが追跡していた時、博多湾からあの環礁=巨大生物が出現。向かって来る怪鳥を平手打ちで石油コンビナートに吹き飛ばして倒し、そのまま博多へ上陸。周りの建物を破壊しながらドームに向かって行く。更に、予期せぬ事態に周囲は大混乱に陥り、その隙を突いた2匹の怪鳥は自らを閉じ込めていた鉄格子を強力な超音波で切断して脱出。巨大生物も円盤のような姿となって怪鳥を追って飛び去っていった。 「最後の希望・ガメラ、時の揺りかごに託す。災いの影・ギャオスと共に目覚めん。」 古代の石板に記された碑文から、政府は巨大生物をガメラ、怪鳥をギャオスと呼称する。政府はギャオスの捕獲にこだわる一方、ギャオスよりも体格的に大きいガメラを危険視し、ギャオスを追うガメラを攻撃する。 ガメラの妨害を逃れ短期間で巨大に成長を遂げたギャオスは、エサとなる人間を求め東京へと向かう。ここにきてようやく政府は捕獲を中止し、ギャオスに攻撃を行うが、ギャオスは自衛隊の発射したミサイルを巧みに誘導して東京タワーを破壊させ、真っ二つに折れた東京タワーに営巣する。しかしギャオスの産卵直後、突如大きな地震が起こり、次の瞬間、傷の癒えたガメラが地中から出現。東京タワーごと巣を破壊したものの、ギャオスを取り逃がしてしまう。急いで飛び上がるガメラ。 今ここに、東京の空を舞台とした、二大怪獣による空中決戦の火蓋が切られた。
Director of Photography
Akira Hojo and Chiaki Asami live different lives in Tokyo, Japan: Hojo is the leader of a small but rising Yakuza clan, while Asami is a politician aiming to become the youngest member of the Japanese parliament. But while they both live in different ways, Hojo and Asami share the same past; both of them were survivors of the Killing Fields of Cambodia. With the aggression and survival instincts they learned in the Cambodian jungles, Hojo and Asami strive in both the Yakuza and political world to reform Japan into their own sanctuary.
Director of Photography
The Golden Trio of junior high school soccer players, Toshi, Kenji and Kazu, enroll at the new Kakegawa High School merely because they want to play with Kubo, the legendary player who learned his superb soccer techniques in Germany and who helped the Kakegawa team, which then consisted of freshmen only, win eight place in the all-Japan....
Director of Photography
The Story of Untouchable Passion In a rugby match, disaster strikes as player kazuki causes serious injury to his friend Takeshi, and as a result he is left as a vegetable. Kazuki is so plugged with guilt that he quits the team and settles in a remote kamakura Girl's high School as a sport teacher. During a hot summer holiday, Kazuki has fallen into a love relationship, albeit unacceptable to the outsiders, with one of his student Moe. Later, he realizes that his attraction to her comes from nothing other than her loneliness and a crime labelled as grossly unforgivable.
Director of Photography
A man fed up with city life moves to a village in the mountains
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Set in decadent, chaotic Hong Kong and Tokyo, the film tells the story of a young woman caught up in a mysterious turn of events. A young tour guide, 23-year-old Mamiko who's had her heart set on Paris, finds herself swept off to booming Hong Kong where she is thrown into the midst of a high-profile burglary case.
風の又三郎 ガラスのマント
Karin has lived alone in a secluded mountain village with her consumptive mother since her father died. Her worried grandfather advises her to send her mother to a sanatorium and be adopted by him, although she refuses to accept. On the Buddhist All Soul’s Day Festival in August, a messenger from her grandfather pays a sudden visit to her house.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Summer Vacation tells the story of four teenage students who spend their summer vacation at school – unsupervised and untouched by the outside world.
Director of Photography
All the protagonists move about in a Tokyo Bar that has an entire wall taken up with a black-and-white reproduction of a photo of Monument Valley. The action starts as Billy the Kid, in full living color, walks out of the photo and gets a job as a waiter. Along with him on the working staff are a samurai straight out of the history books, a G.I. from World War II, and several other anachronistic characters. The plot (as such) revolves around keeping away the brutal mobsters and thugs who dominate the city streets outside of the bar, making the tavern safe for its easily recognized facsimiles of well-known characters.
ショッキング・オ・ジャポン ビゴーが見た明治の日本
Director of Photography
A documentary about French illustrator Georges Bigot, who lived in Japan for 17 years and left behind many drawings depicting life and social conditions in the Meiji period.
Director of Photography
Akira leaves for the Mt. Gassan foothills before winter's onset, visiting the local temple and interacting with the residents all while falling for fair Fumiko.
Director of Photography
ĀTMAN is a visual tour-de-force based on the idea of the subject at the centre of the circle created by camera positions (480 such positions). Shooting frame-by-frame the filmmaker set up an increasingly rapid circular motion. ĀTMAN is an early Buddhist deity often connected with destruction; the Japanese aspect is stressed by the devil mask of Hangan, from the Noh, and by using both Noh music and the general principle of acceleration often associated with Noh drama.
セミドキュメント 金髪狩り
Director of Photography
Pinku from 1974.
噴出祈願 十五代の売春婦
Assistant Camera
日本暴行暗黒史 怨獣
Camera Department Production Assistant
In the Edo era, two man arrive in a village and engage in criminal activity. While one of them becomes successful and rich, the other gets betrayed and ends up in prison, burning for revenge. The truth changes with the viewpoint in this Wakamatsu film, which has inspired comparisons to Rashomon.
新宿フーテン娘 乱行パーティー
Assistant Camera
A salesman is looking in the city of Tokyo for his lost son. But he becomes increasingly angry at the young and radical hippies, who are not the least helpful.