Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi

Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi


Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi
Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi


日本極道戦争 第七章
The 7th popular series starring Hitoshi Ozawa. Hitoshi Soma, the leader of the Soma group, went to the third chairman, Goichi Yajima, with his feet settled with Keizo Sakai, who planned to take over the Shinseikai, and asked him about the killing of the same gate. On the other hand, the Hanshin Tigers' Murasame prepares to fight with the Soma group because Sakai's Odai was killed, but the chairman, Harimoto, takes measures. The Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers did not appear at the regular meeting of the headquarters. The stage is moved to Kochi, and the conflict between the Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers begins.
Retired Yakuzas open a ramen restaurant and become an overnight sensation, thanks to their recipe developed in prison. But a mysterious upstart gang is taking down every Yakuza family one by one, drawing the chefs back into the gangland underworld once more!
キングダム5 ~首領になった男~
This is the sequel to the previous work Kizu to Okite 2 one year ago. Anzai Mikoto came to a jazz club operated by Sinkai Yuuzi, to listen to the performance of Pianist Namura Miyako, who had been in love with him since she was young. However, one day, Mishima went to the jazz club. He listened to Miyako's performance and fell in love with her soon. He had been pursuing Miyako since then. Miyako gradually felt attracted to Mishima too. Anzai noticed some of her strange behaviors, and asked his team member to investigate...
Final entry in the main Conflict series
7th entry in the Conflict series
6th entry in the Conflict series
5th entry in the Conflict series
The yakuza have their best days behind them and are only a shadow of themselves. The old rituals seem out of date and their tattoos make them outcasts of society. The inexperienced student Ryō stumbles into their ranks by chance, and before he knows it, he becomes entangled in dark machinations. He quickly succumbs to the fascination of omnipotence fantasies and hedonistic decadence and sinks deeper and deeper into a parallel world of prostitution, blackmail and violence. However, there is one thing that Ryō has not considered in his naivety: once yakuza, always yakuza!
CONFLICT 〜最大の抗争〜 第四章
Chondohoe, which was disbanded after the death of the 6th president Washio, due to the attack of Akinari Myojin, whom the Panwanghoe had looked after. Three years later, Date, the director of the Chondohoe, became a member of the rival organization, Panwanghoe, and when its biggest rival, the Chondohoe, was disbanded, the Panwanghoe was making huge profits by successfully attracting casinos.
CONFLICT -最大の抗争- 第三章
Kurata Tetsuya
CONFLICT 〜最大の抗争〜 第四章
4th entry in the Conflict Series
アウトレイジ 最終章
《関東【山王会】 vs関西【花菱会】》の巨大抗争後、大友(ビートたけし)は韓国に渡り、日韓を牛耳るフィクサー張会長(金田時男)の下にいた。そんな折、取引のため韓国滞在中の【花菱会】幹部・花田がトラブルを起こし、張会長の手下を殺してしまう。これをきっかけに、《国際的フィクサー【張グループ】 vs巨大暴力団組織【花菱会】》一触即発の状態に。激怒した大友は、全ての因縁に決着をつけるべく日本に戻ってくる。時を同じくして、その【花菱会】では卑劣な内紛が勃発していた……。
With their hair salon business now on track, longtime couple Sakura and Makoto mull over inviting Sakura's estranged father to their upcoming wedding.
Conflict II
Kurata Tetsuya
When Tendokai's headquarters are attacked, underboss Washio Kazuma orders his trusted lieutenant to investigate a possible mole inside the family.
Kurata Tetsuya
Tendokai's Washio Kazuma, the underboss of Japan's largest crime syndicate, goes on the warpath when his blood brother and family turn up dead.
A skirmish in Fukui sparks a conflict between the local yakuza group Sakashita and the Kyowakai.
Kyowakai in the West and Marukami Rengo in the East are two major organizations vying to create a new order in Japanese yakuza society. However, in Tohoku, a conflict broke out between organizations that were conspiring to invade Tohoku by taking advantage of the problem of the heir to the Shobukawa family, a long-established Shinno group in Aomori.
A new conflict spreading throughout Shikoku
柳生十兵衛 世直し旅
The fate of Tokugawa’s world hangs in the balance as Yagyu Jubei is sent on a mission to discover what happened to 10 of the shogun’s spies that never returned. Matsukata Hiroki, one of the last surviving members of the Golden Age of Japanese Cinema proves that he has not lost a step as he portrays an older and wiser Yagyu Jubei in a movie that brings the best of samurai filmmaking into the 21st century. Summoned from semi-retirement by Shogun Iemitsu, Jubei is asked to take to the road and investigate a clan rumored to be preparing explosives for a rebellion. With help from a beautiful female ninja they head into the Shirakawa domain where the fighting skills of both are tested time and again as they strive to destroy a conspiracy that could bring a new Warring States Era. In the 1960's Yagyu Jubei was the signature role of the great Konoe Jushiro, father of Matsukata Hiroki. This brings the character full circle.
Under the command of the second generation leader of the Kawatani group, Himuro (Yasukaze Motomiya), the largest organization in Nagoya, the problem of the Shigemitsu family's heir is resolved, but the Hiroshima yakuza Genbukai and other groups of 12 organizations, the western Japan. be established. Shikoku, who became the vanguard, was invaded by Akashi, Hyogo, who is a Shinogi, by the Patriotic Giyuto, and Omoto, the head of Kyowa Kaisha, was killed. Burning with revenge, Himuro and Tamura (Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi) launch a violent counterattack.
トウキョウ トライブ
近い未来の “トーキョー”には様々なトライブ(族)が存在し、そこに住む若者たちは、街を暴力で支配しながらお互いの縄張りを守っていた。トライブ間の暴動・乱闘は日々繰り広げられるも、互いの力関係は拮抗し絶妙なバランスで保たれていた。 しかし、ある事件をきっかけに、その均衡はもろくも崩れ去る。「ブクロWU-RONZ」のヘッドに君臨する<メラ>と「ムサシノSARU」に所属する<海(カイ)>。 二人を取り巻く”トーキョー”中のトライブを巻き込んだ、激しく壮絶な一大バトルが今始まろうとしている──。
ユリウス・カエサルがクレオパトラ7世に贈った〝世界で最も美しいジュエリー“・・・〈光の首飾り〉に〈真紅のルビー〉を埋め込んだ究極の宝物・・・【クリムゾン・ハート】。 それはかつて何者かによって盗み出され、以来、歴史の闇に消え去った。 そして現代。 ルビーと首飾りそれぞれの所有者=東洋・西洋を代表する2人の大富豪が互いの秘宝を狙い合っていた。 アジアの闇社会を牛耳るMr.プラムックと、かつて怪盗ルパンの相棒として名を馳せた老盗賊・ドーソン。 インターポールの銭形警部は、世界中の泥棒たちがドーソンの邸宅に集合するという情報を入手。 ドーソンは、大盗賊団=ザ・ワークスのリーダーであったが引退を表明し、その場で次期リーダーを発表するらしい。 次々集まる名だたる泥棒たちの中には、国際指名手配犯・ルパン三世の姿もあった。 そこにはルパンの仲間である峰不二子、マイケル・リーや、ドーソンの用心棒・次元大介も・・・ だが、この会合を混乱に陥れることを狙ったプラムックは、ルパンをライバル視するマイケルを操って、ドーソン暗殺に成功。 首飾りを手に入れて、ついに【クリムゾン・ハート】を完成させた。 ドーソンの遺志を継ぎ、秘宝奪還を誓うルパン。 そのありかは、地図に載らないジャングルにあり、地雷原と武装兵によって守られる難攻不落の要塞型セキュリティシステム―その名も【方舟(ジ・アーク)】。 ルパン三世は、次元大介、峰不二子、石川五エ門とともに、この「絶対不可能」なミッションに挑む!
Sengoku: Bloody Agent
A team of martial arts and weapon masters, led by the revenge-seeking Aika, hunt down and destroy yakuza organizations in Japan. When they meet up with the Black Bullet organization, however, they may have met their match.
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun Woo and JunQ, new arrivals from South Korea.
Detective Murakami meets a girl who suffers from memory loss. The girl has special abilities including the ability to talk with the dead. Detective Murakami names her Maki. Detective Murakami and Maki work together to solves a massive murder case involving a mad bomber. Maki's identity is revealed during their investigation.
First part of a long series of films (V-Cinema) in which we follow the rise of a Yakuza clan.
最強極道伝説 極鬼2
Yakudo Gokuki Returns
The story is of a three-way composition of a corrupt prefectural police and a hostile organization, through friendship and death
藁の楯 わらのたて
A korean hitman codenamed 008 who carries out his job ruthlessly is called to Japan for work.
ブラックフェイス 2
新宿狼 (ウルフ)
The name of the legendary fighter 'Toshi Toshi', Mr. Yoshino Masatoshi (Ozawa Hitoshi) in the Shinjuku business center, Shinjuku Kabuki-cho, legendary fighter, was roaring. Every day a tag litter of various places attacks a lone wolf Toshi. For such Toshi, only Toryokubai group manager Tanahashi group Tadashi Bashi (Shakuya) who used Shinjuku as a root founded his eyes. Toshi, who decided to live as a chorus, decides to live as a choreographer, making a fighting partner in the Gong Faction era as a brotherly son, and expanding its power as a fighter group.
A DAY of one HERO 清水一希 主演
It is a typical day in the life of actor Kazuki Shimizu when a gun is found inside his bag, leading to all sorts of trouble for him. A Day of One Hero is a direct-to-video film starring Kazuki Shimizu as himself in a mockumentary of his acting career as Don "Doc" Dogoier in the Super Sentai series Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. The film also features cameo appearances by Tokusatsu veteran actors Yoshio Yamaguchi and Nao Nagasawa.
Sequel of gedobo
Mashiba works hard for a group called Wakagashira's However, Mashiba was not satisfied with the people who loban, including the boss, who were blinded by money and had no humanity. One day, he meets a monk doing alms on the street. With that encounter, Mashiba's destiny begins to change.
First part of a long series of films (V-Cinema) in which we follow the rise of a Yakuza clan.
The cruelty of the yakuza that emerges under incandescent light
After Ryo wipes off the remnants of the Hong Kong triad, he finds his partner mysteriously murdered. Now he must figure out who took the hit while fending off shadowy characters waiting for the perfect moment to kill him.
COOL GIRLS クールガールズ
"Cursed/ Cool Girls"- A man from North Korea brings in secret data into Tokyo. His purpose is to free his nation. The data is extremely dangerous for the Japanese government. A delicate matter needs a solution.
A Professional sniper, Ryo has executed so many missions with his partner, Narushima. But Ryo is caught in between a multitude of emotions, when he realizes that his newest target will be an old acquaintance of his.
Sukiyaki Western Django
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
劇場版 仮面ライダー電王 俺、誕生!
宝石泥棒に憑依したイマジンを追って、過去の世界に向かった良太郎たち。しかし、それはデンライナーを奪うために仕組まれた罠だった。首謀者は時の列車ばかりを狙う強盗集団の首領・牙王。彼は“神の路線”を走り、全ての時間を支配できるという神の列車を手に入れるため、オーナー達を人質にデンライナーを過去へ走らせる。 残された良太郎とハナにデンライナーから脱出したモモタロスが合流するが良太郎はデンライナーを追っている最中に牙王に蹴られた後遺症で電王に関わる記憶が欠落していた。そこで11歳の良太郎(劇中で小太郎と命名される)やジークとも遭遇。小太郎は時間を超える列車に乗ってみたいと彼らに同行を申し出る。一行は桜井侑斗の助けを借り、ゼロライナーでその後を追った。様々な時代を通り抜け、良太郎たちがデンライナーを発見したのは江戸時代初期の『大坂の役』の頃。そこで牙王は神の路線へ繋がる最後の封印を解こうとしていた。
Ken Kariba, who was transferred to the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, was investigating allegations of kidnapping of Japanese groups in Europe amid a series of explosions in various parts of Japan and the spread of fear of terrorist attacks with bombs. It eventually led to a series of terrorist attacks and, gradually, to a great conspiracy.
劇場版 仮面ライダーカブト GOD SPEED LOVE
Shuuichi Tadokoro
1999年、地球に衝突した巨大隕石は海の大半を蒸発させ、同時に地球外生命体・ワームが隕石から出現、瞬く間に広範囲を支配した。人類は対ワーム組織・ZECTを設立。マスクドライダーシステムを開発し、戦場に投入した。 それから7年後の2006年。深刻な水不足に陥った地上でワームとライダーの戦いが続く中、ZECTに反旗を翻す一部メンバーが新組織・NEO ZECTを結成。ZECTはNEO ZECTの粛清に乗り出す。ZECTのライダー大和鉄騎=ケタロス、矢車想=ザビー率いる部隊に追いつめられるNEO ZECTの織田秀成=ヘラクス、風間大介=ドレイク、北斗修羅。そこへ天道総司=カブトが乱入し、戦況は新たなる段階を迎える。 折しもZECTでは、巨大彗星が地球に接近する情報を掴んでいた。この彗星を引き寄せれば、地球に莫大な水を獲得でき、ZECTは益々権力を強めることができるのだ。ZECTは「天空の梯子」と呼ばれる軌道エレベータを用いて、「天空の梯子計画」を発令。天道よりこの情報を得たNEO ZECTも、ZECTの支配力増加を抑えるべく、計画の乗っ取りを画策する。
ムラマサ 八ノ章 月黄泉
The eighth installment in the series of fantasy swordplay action movies starring Riki Takeuchi.
A gangster, Tetsuo Onijima (Hakuryu), attacks and imprisons a hostile giant organization
花と蛇2 パリ/静子
衝撃の官能ロマン『花と蛇』の第2弾。主演は前作に続き、杉本彩。杉本ふんする静子と激しい愛に挑戦するのは、遠藤憲一。大物俳優・宍戸錠も出演している。日本古来の春画の世界がスクリーンの中で再現され、スタッフとキャストが限界に挑んだ意欲作。 35歳という年の差ながら、深く愛し合う遠山隆義(宍戸錠)とその妻・静子(杉本彩)。美術評論家である遠山が崇拝する画壇の長老が亡くなった。彼は遠山にCGで描いたエロティックアートの数々を残していた。それを見た遠山は……。
Supernatural yakuza movie
Ryoda, who opens a used car dealership in Yokohama, is actually the boss of a Colombian Mafia now he have a war against the Chinese Mafia
新・影の軍団 第四章 地雷火
Shippuu (Hayate)
Shippuu (Hayate) appeared suddenly dead. However, he fell into the hands of Sarutobi for due to his loss of memory.
Detective Yasagure, who has deviated from the organization, uncovers the shameful part of the police and knocks out the corrupt organization.
Captive Files III
The portrayal of how the media's focus on a shocking crime causes a chain reaction and produces a copy cat crime: abduction and imprisonment by a young dry cleaner. Only the victim may be more than he bargained for…
Ryô Eguchi
裏世界の大御所である老人・田代(石橋蓮司)はある日、世界的タンゴダンサー・遠山静子を映した映像に釘付けとなる。 田代の命を受けた部下・森田は、静子の夫である若手実業家・遠山隆義(野村宏伸)を脅迫して、静子を「パーティー会場」へとおびき出すとともに、彼女のボディガード・京子(未向)を集団で襲撃させ、会場へと運び込む。
Sarutobi Sasuke and the Army of Darkness 1 - The Heaven Chapter
Part 1 of a 4 part series about Sarutobi Sasuke
無間地獄 凶悪金融道
Kiryu Mamoru, a subordinate boss of the Tomogashira Group, earns a living through the shady business of "yamikin" or underground lending. He preys on desperate customers who cannot get loans from legitimate lenders, charging exorbitant interest rates of 30% in 10 days or even 90% in some cases, in violation of the law. With the backing of his yakuza group, he employs extremely vicious and unethical methods...
極道恐怖大劇場 牛頭 GOZU
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
仁義35 野望の代償
Burn all your heart fire. Two samurai in the wilderness. A small group belonging to the Ichienkai, the Kagawa group. Shuichi Kagawa, the son of the group leader, is released after a long sentence. He officially inherited the traces of the Kagawa group. Yoshiro is surprised to meet Shuichi, who has been in prison for a long time as a thought criminal. He was a junior who fought the student activism with Yoshiro. Around that time, there was information that Hitman, a well-known person in Kansai, had infiltrated the neighborhood. Jin instructs Kumosuke to look around. However?!
New Shadow Warriors II
Shippuu (Hayate)
Iga ninja led by Hattori Hanzo took back Princess Fuji who was kidnapped by Fuma Clan at the end of the war. However, there were three of them - one being the real Princess Fuji and the others doubles. Not knowing which is the real one, the Iga ninja has no choice but to separate into three teams to deliver the princess to her wedding. The evil hands of the Fuma and the Koga are trying to reach Princess Fuji and the Iga ninja. Their difficult journey has begun.
許されざる者 第二章 獅子たちの鎮魂歌
A rowdy, young yakuza takes revenge against a gang of thousands for the death of his boss.
After his father figure like mafia boss is murdered, Azusa Moribe (Masaya Sato) goes on a one man killing spree to exact revenge.
Shippuu (Hayate)
In the time of the peaceful Toyotomi Era, Shinotada, the master of Kochi Family, a source of revenue for the Tokugawa, is trying to marry his younger sister Princess Fuji to Akinobu Sunekazura, who has connections with the rival Toyotomi, in order to bring peace. One of sixteen great warriors of Tokugawa, Hattori Hanzo, entrusts his wish and gathers the remnants of Iga Village, which was destroyed by Oda Nobunaga, and orders them to guard Princess Fuji. The Council of Elders of Sunekazura, hire the Fuma Ninja led by Fuma Kotaro, joined by the Koga Ninja, led by Sarutobi Sasuke, who is serving Hideyoshi Toyotomi, to assassinate Princess Fuji! Can Hanzo Hattori with the Iga remnants prevent this evil plot and protect the princess? Once again, Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba plays the leading role of Hanzo Hattori with his old enemy, Sarutobi Sasuke, played by Hiroki Matsukata. The presence of both famous actors will overwhelm any audience!
仁義34 殺しの報酬
A bounty on the neck of Hitoshi Kamibayashi. A conspiracy swirling underworld! Someone put a prize on Jin's neck and scattered photos of Jin in the underworld around Shibuya. Sunagawa, who saw the situation seriously, advises Hitoshi and Yoshiro to be careful. Yoshiro searches for a mastermind aiming at Hitoshi's neck and finds out that it is the work of Kuroki, the leader of the tent group. The Tenmankai was also known as a war hawk in the Musashinokai, which manages the area around Shibuya. Kuroki's ambition to assassinate Jin re-engages his former minions, who were trying to return to Katagi, into the world of Shura.
仁義36 反逆の銃弾
Hitoshi and Yoshiro were called by Sunagawa and were referred to a man. Hamura is the second man in the Daido group. Hamura and Hitoshi used to have a nostalgic relationship with each other. A gunshot suddenly hits the two who bloom in the old story! Hamura suddenly pulls out his pistol and protects him, and is shot and injured. Jin, who vows revenge, searches for the man who attacked them. Eventually, the identity of the man was known. It was a man named Yoshikawa who was excommunicated by the road group. Hitoshi chases Yoshikawa, but Yoshiro has some suspicions.
仁義33 極道復讐戦争
The Kanto Ichienkai was devoted to the conflict with Hokuriku. At that time, Jin and his brother Tsuda appear in front of Jin in the former sand group. Tsuda was in a position to steal the money of the Hokuriku Union and be chased. Hitoshi and Yoshiro saved Tsuda's crisis, but it was Takechi, a brother of former Sunagawa group leader Sunagawa, who followed Tsuda. Twelve years ago, Takechi boarded an enemy territory alone in order to protect the sand group, which was still a weak organization, and was banished from Kanto due to that. What is the true meaning of Takechi's appearance over 12 years ?!
An intense, middle-aged postal worker kidnaps an university student and confines her long enough that he may have successfully be-petted her... a thrilling criminal-drama with a surprise twist that will satisfy all audiences.
実録 柳川組2 西日本征圧 報復
The movie is set one year after the events of Mafia Family Yanagawa - Part 1, in which 8 Yanagawas faced off against 100 Devil Dragons in an epic bloody battle. Jiro Yanagawa (Takeuchi Riki) continues his feud with the Devil Dragons as he attempts to usurp their western territory.
実録・安藤昇侠道伝 烈火
After Kunisada's Yakuza leader and father figure is brutally murdered, he and his best friend go on a two-man mission to avenge his death, killing other Yakuza leaders leading to a final confrontation by the old man's killers.
仁義32 裏切りの代償
Don't show your back to the greedy outer road. A fierce tiger, a rising dragon, and a standing prince. The leader of the Uchida group, who belongs to the Ichienkai, is an outlaw who has expanded his power by breaking the law and vandalizing the stripes. Some members of the Ichienkai, who noticed Uchida's intention to take over the Ichienkai, were trying to expel Uchida. Hitoshi meets Muroto, the young head of the Uchida group, and searches for it, but on the way back, a gun is pointed at Seiji, the only son of the Uchida group leader. On the contrary, Jin who seized Seiji tries to use it as a trump card for expulsion of Uchida-gumi ?!
Shigeru Hashida
A barkeeper saves a Yakuza boss' life and thus makes his way up in the organization. However, his fear of nothing soon causes problems.
実録 柳川組 大阪戦争百人斬り
Based on a novel "The Battle Of The Yanagawa-Gumi" by Koichi Iiboshi, it tells the story of criminal Jiro Yanagawa. Released from prison, Jiro joins the notorious Yoshimizu Yakuza family as a member. Not long after however, he sets out to form his own Yakuza clan in Osaka. This sparks a bloody territory war with the Devils Dragons.
Tokyo’s Valentine Call is a special kind of phone club. Older salarymen pay to wait for calls from teenage girls, discreet meetings are arranged, and handfuls of yen are exchanged for a quick session of enjo kosai, or paid sex with a high school girl. Plenty of girls are doing it—some to make money for fancy, fashionable clothes and accessories, others to set a trap to rob and brutalize the old perverts. But the Valentine Call staff, horny young Ogisu and the vaguely sinister, makeup-coated Mr. Kuni, have a nasty plan of their own. Listening in on the enjo kosai calls, they conspire to trick the girls into giving them free sex. Mr. Kuni even has a twisted concept behind this scheme. He calls it enboku, his campaign to humiliate the teenage girls, drive them away from prostitution and purify Japan.
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
Shingo was sentenced to death for the plot of Shunichiro, the CEO of a large business group. Shunichiro thought that Shingo was dead, but Shingo lived as a Mayo hit man. And the fierce battle between the brothers begins.
仁義26 抗争と野望
Last time, Kurobe of the Tama Union, which had eroded the territory of the sand group, was killed by Nakazawa's tactics in his confidant. The Tama Union Otaki group, which was stigmatized for hunting Kurobe, was excommunicated, and the group leader Otaki was forced to survive with the remaining members. On the other hand, due to the success of his strategy, Nakazawa, who took the position of acting chairman of the Tama Union, sets out to take action to trap his favorite Hitoshi and Yoshiro by the shab of the law. Hitoshi and Yoshiro confront Otaki and Otaki's daughter, Yuriko, who was once a woman of Hitoshi, to protect her dream.
Two contract killers cross paths in the middle of the same job and realize they are childhood friends. Together they take a break from killing and visit the small island they once called home. After reflecting on their past lives they decided to team up and use their talents in killing for good... much to the upset of the crime syndicates.
ごろつき稼業 仕事人サブ
The truth of a sniper becomes clear in the turmoil of a drug robbery that shakes the underworld.
Inside the Todo-gumi, the confrontation between the young head of the martial arts group and the young assistant head of the moderate group continued. Eventually, Young Head's Assistant's strategy targeting the second generation caused a divisive conflict ...
Hitoshi Hoshiyama
黒の天使 Vol.2
平成 極道 伝 夜叉 が 裂く !
Seven years have passed since the incident of the previous work. Yakuza Seiji, who was called a "Bodhisattva" and was afraid of being a "Yaksha" if he had a dos, started working at a hunting station and a town factory. There, I met Keiko, a clerk. Keiko lived with her son, who was born to a yakuza. Seiji's former group was crushed by the Ryujinkai, and Akamatsu, who had a grudge against Seiji, was at the top. Knowing the source of Seiji, Akamatsu begins revenge using bodyguards Kobiki and others. Seiji lived in peace, but the people around him were harmed and his heart returned to "Yaksha" ...
仁義18 反逆の代償
A dispute also occurred at the Hitachi Union, an organization next to the Kanto Ichienkai, to which Hitoshi and Yoshiro belong. It is said that the emerging Komada group is in a state of immediate action aiming at the long-established Fujishiro group's sima. Voices of anxiety began to rise even within the Kanto Ichienkai due to the turmoil of the neighboring organization. And it was also the fear of the Kanto full-scale war that would come if the emerging Komada group won the Hitachi Union. Sakai, the chairman of the Ichienkai, immediately entrusts Yoshiro with the task of collecting the situation and infiltrates the Imamura group, which is a subordinate organization of the Hitachi Union.
黒の天使 Vol.1
仁義15 女豹襲撃
Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting head of the Sumida River Association sand group. The name has reached the point of roaring throughout the Kanto region, and rumors have spilled over the neck of Jin. At that time, Jin meets a strange woman. He meets the woman who left behind a meaningful word for Jin. Examining the woman who left Jin with meaningful words reveals that he was in contact with a pistol dealer. Immediately after that, Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, who was meeting with Hitoshi, fell to a deadly bullet.
仁義14 資金源強奪
The group that Hitoshi and Yoshiro once crushed after a fierce battle, the angry party. Takeda, a former Black Dragon Society executive who was in the office after the conflict, infiltrated the Black Dragon Society after his release and took the position of executive. At that time, Hitoshi and Yoshiro were following the case where a familiar Sokaiya colluded with a major trading company and embezzled 500 million gold. It was because they were in the Shima of the sand group, and there was information that the general assembly shop borrowed money from the yakuza and was busy repayment. As I proceeded with the investigation, it turned out that the yakuza was the Black Dragon Society. Hitoshi and Yoshiro learn about the existence of Takeda, a former angry party.
仁義13 地獄の墓標
After the internal conflict in the Kanto Ichienkai that was once caused by the Takayama group, until the reconstruction of the Takayama group, the Shima of the Takayama group was kept by the sand group led by Hitoshi Yoshiro. There was a group that was aiming at the sima. The Wuryukai under the same Kanto Ichienkai. After the death of his predecessor, this group, who made a name for himself as a servant, began to repeat dirty business after the young head Tange took over his mark. The sand group and the Wuryukai are in conflict over the Shima of the Takayama group. At that time, Kihara, an old friend of the dragon society, comes from Jin.
Maki Fujishiro (Yoko Natsuki), the leader of the Fujishiro group, who is feared to be a female leopard in the Hokuriku region, appears in the Kanto region with a young head, Akatsu (Hirotaro Honda). She is said to have chased her niece Natsumi (Megumi Kanzaki) who ran away with the money of the group. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting head of the sand group, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), the chairman of the group, will be ordered by the Kanto Ichienkai to help. As the search progresses, Jin gets angry at Akatsu's excessive violent behavior and the tension grows. And the intention of Hokuriku's expansion into the Kanto region, which is behind the incident, becomes clear.
平成残侠伝 外道は殺れ !
Takanezawa, a young head of the Yokohama Kibe group, confronts the Kansai organization that forces the transfer of Shima with the debt of the previous generation as a shield. Appeared by Riki Takeuchi and Hagiwara fashion.
The hot-blooded manga of love and excitement is revived in the Heisei era!
仁義6 全面報復戦争
Kanto Ichienkai, the largest Yakuza organization in the Kanto region. The conflict with the Iwami-gumi was won by the activities of Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi), acting head of the sand-gumi, and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), the chairman of the sand group, and the Ichienkai seemed to have regained peace. However, the lump of the Iwami-gumi war becomes a spectacular revenge drama and attacks the Ichienkai. It started with a proposal by Sakai, the new chairman of the Ichienkai, to return to the Ichienkai, which was split with the Iwami group. The Takayama group, whose leader was killed by the angry party, was furious at this proposal, and left the Ichienkai to collide with the angry party! On the other hand, Hitoshi and Yoshiro will embark on measures against the Takayama group.
Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara), who is loved by Misato (Chikako Aoyama), the daughter of Iwami (Akira Nakao), a director of the Kanto Ichienkai, was forced into a difficult position between the Sumida River Association and Iwami. Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi), acting leader of the sand group, is approached by Iwami and is ordered to push Iwami in the next presidential election. However, Iwami is demoted by the presidential election due to the strategy of Sunagawa, the parent of Hitoshi. The furious Iwami immediately awakened the Iwami group and declared a full-scale war to the Kanto Ichienkai.
Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Takeuchi) and Yoshiro Yazaki (Sakakibara), who quickly rushed to the position of director of the sand group, crushed the conflicting organization, Ryugumi leader Mizuta, at the same Sumida River Association, and further expanded their position. At that time, Sorimachi, who once fought off the rice paddies and the five-minute brothers' cup, is released after a long sentence. Sorimachi is stunned by the strange appearance of the group. He was furious at the rise of Hitoshi and Yoshiro, and began to draw a picture of the killing of the two and the takeover of the Sumida River Association. On the other hand, Yoshiro, who noticed Iwami, the upper organization of the Sumida River Association, Don of the Kanto Ichienkai, approaches Misato, the daughter of Iwami.
The martial arts group Jin and the economic yakuza Yoshiro Jinyoshi combination ended the conflict with the homology group, and after receiving the orders of Sumida River Association Chairman Sunagawa, Jin was finally appointed as acting leader of the Sunagawa group. Mizuta, the leader of the Ryugumi, who had long wanted to smoke the existence of the two, was dissatisfied with this decision of Sunagawa, and suspected that Sunagawa might be trying to take over the Sumida River Association and eventually the Kanto Ichienkai in the future.Come to embrace. Paddy looks at Aoki, the remnant of the Kurokawa group, who was once crushed by the two, trying to hold his breath while Hitoshi is still in the position of acting group leader.
The battle gang Yakuza Hitoshi Kamibayashi (Riki Takeuchi) and the brain gang Yakuza Yoshiro Yazaki (Toshihiko Sakakibara) from the University of Tokyo challenge the summit decisive battle of the extreme society.
Jinpachi Nezu who lost both his wife and daughter during a feud against the yakuza 10 years ago while he was an accountant for their organization. One day he comes across a young idol and rescues her from being kidnapped by the yakuza.
Tetsuo Takayama
A summery youth movie about love and beach volleyball, adapted by Yuhei Enoki from an original draft by Osamu Murakami. Starring Kenichiro Kikuchi and Eri Fukatsu.
고독의 의리