
BAD CITY (2022)

ジャンル : アクション, 犯罪

上映時間 : 1時間 58分

演出 : Kensuke Sonomura




Hitoshi Ozawa
Hitoshi Ozawa
Inspector Torada
Mitsu Dan
Mitsu Dan
Akane Sakanoue
Akane Sakanoue
Masanori Mimoto
Masanori Mimoto
Taro Suwa
Taro Suwa
Kentarô Shimazu
Kentarô Shimazu
Koji Kiryu
Koji Kiryu
Akira Hamada
Akira Hamada
Arisa Matsunaga
Arisa Matsunaga
Huh Soo-cheol
Huh Soo-cheol
Akihiko Kuwata
Akihiko Kuwata
Hideo Nakano
Hideo Nakano
Kenji Fukuda
Kenji Fukuda
Kazuyoshi Ozawa
Kazuyoshi Ozawa
Daisuke Nagakura
Daisuke Nagakura
Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi
Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi
Kazuki Namioka
Kazuki Namioka
Tak Sakaguchi
Tak Sakaguchi
Lily Franky
Lily Franky


Kensuke Sonomura
Kensuke Sonomura
Moritada Iju
Moritada Iju
Hitoshi Ozawa
Hitoshi Ozawa


映画『BAD CITY』予告編




カイジ ファイナルゲーム
Tōko Muranushi is married and they have a lovely daughter. She doesn't have any major problems in her life. One day, Tōko meets her former lover, Akihiko Kurata, at a friend's wedding. They haven't seen each other in ten years. Tōko indulges in a sexual relationship with Kurata.
Katsuragi, an elite office worker who fell from a perfect life, drunkenly attempted to jump and commit suicide. Suddenly, he was helped by a mysterious man, Yoda, but that was the beginning of a horrible life of confinement training...
幼少期をロンドンで過ごした吉田は閉塞的な日本の空気に馴染めないまま、高校生活を送っていた。次第に学校から距離を置く吉田にとって唯一HIP HOPだけが彼の拠り所だった。海外での活躍を目指す姉・麻里との約束を胸に、アーティストとして独り立ちするべく練習や活動に没頭する。しかし初めて自分の居場所を見つけたと思った矢先、チャンスを掴みかけては裏切られ、現実の厳しさに晒され次第に自分を見失っていく。そして追い打ちをかけるように、ある悲劇が訪れる。このままでは、俺は負ける。吉田はラッパーとして、1人の人間として、現実を乗り越えるべく立ち上がる…。
Baby Assassins
女子高生殺し屋2人組のちさととまひろは、高校卒業を前に途方に暮れていた・・・。 明日から“オモテの顔”としての“社会人”をしなければならない。組織に委託された人殺し以外、何もしてこなかった彼女たち。 突然社会に適合しなければならなくなり、公共料金の支払い、年金、税金、バイトなど社会の公的業務や人間関係や理不尽に日々を揉まれていく。 さらに2人は組織からルームシェアを命じられ、コミュ障のまひろは、バイトもそつなくこなすちさとに嫉妬し、2人の仲も徐々に険悪に。 そんな中でも殺し屋の仕事は忙しく、さらにはヤクザから恨みを買って面倒なことに巻き込まれちゃってさあ大変。 そんな日々を送る2人が、「ああ大人になるって、こういうことなのかなあ」とか思ったり、思わなかったりする、成長したり、成長しなかったりする物語である。
Fukumi is a high school janitor whose father was a gangster. He works at the school as a janitor instead of belonging to the gang so he can watch out for Yui, the daughter of his deceased father's brother Majima Yoshiki. One day, a gang feud erupts. Yoshiki is killed and Yui becomes the next target.
Rei helps the woman she's been in love with for years escape her abusive husband. While on the run, their feelings for each other catch fire.
Violent Island: Dirty Money Hijack
In the scorching heat of Okinawa, former lovers meet. Now, he is a gangster on a mission, she is a window trying to protect what is hers. Together, they get caught in the crossfire.
Okawa Family’s yakuza, Junji, is released from prison, and is told to take over a local radio station by his boss. Junji tries to explain that it is not a yakuza’s job to talk on the radio, but no one listens to him. He reluctantly goes to the radio building, and is met by a young, upbeat girl broadcasting a talk show and playing pop music. Will this seasoned gangster really fit in on such a show?
ヤクザと家族 The Family
Fill the Cup with Blood
Second delivery in the "Yakuza Hijoshi" series. The protagonist, played by Ando Noboru, is torn between the organization and his old friends.
Brothers'Code - The Back Relation
Yakuza Kojima appeared in Yokkaichi in search of her mother who died when she was young. There he met Torajiro, a master of kendo, who had just left prison after slashing his adoptive father who stole his son's wife. Torajiro was on his way to his brother-in-law, Iwai. While talking about themselves, they someday felt something similar to friendship.
ある博徒一家の二代目襲名をめぐって、二代目を押し立てる侠気の組長と、そのシマを狙う卑劣な大博徒一家が大激突!その争いの中、関東の大親分との友情、殺し屋との名勝負、鉄火肌の芸者との華麗な恋が鮮やかに織り交ぜられていく。 義理と人情に支えられた任侠道の美しさを真っ向から謳いあげる中に迎える、日本刀が縦横に飛び交う大殺陣のクライマックス! 高倉健、鶴田浩二、若山富三郎、菅原文太、藤純子、北島三郎といったオールスターが顔を揃えて、ベテラン小沢茂弘監督が任侠映画の魅力を華麗に映像化。


Demigod: The Legend Begins
The martial artist Su Hua-Jen has risked his life clambering to the summit of one of the five sacred mountains of Wu Lin, only to come across two monstrous beings in battle. His timely intervention turns the tide of the fight, and unbeknownst to him, sets in motion a series of monumentally consequential events. Back in the city, Su has a more mundane problem to face—an enormous debt with the local book lender. To pay this off, he must peddle his remarkable skills as a physician. While Su would prefer to steer clear of the affairs of the martial arts world, a request from the Lord of Globe Castle is financially promising—and might gain him access to the Fantastic Academy, where he can feast his eyes on the Limitless Celestial Book. But treachery is afoot, and Su is soon drawn into a crisis that will rock the foundations of Heaven and Earth.
A man was caught cheating when his girlfriend just walked in. She died in an accident immediately after the witness. The man then fell in love with another woman after a short period of mourning. The ghost of his girlfriend got furious, and revenge was about to begin….
The end of the world forces two sisters together, inside a mosquito net, just to live on—but first they must survive each other.
The Roundup
Originally written as a stage vehicle for corpulent character actor Macklyn Arbuckle, Ernest Day's The Roundup was first filmed in 1920 with Fatty Arbuckle (no relation) in the lead. By the time the film was remade in 1941, Arbuckle's character, a roly-poly frontier sheriff named Slim (!), was refashioned as a supporting role, with Jack Benny's radio announcer Don Wilson essaying the part. The plot, however, remained fairly intact: Upon hearing that her fiance Greg (Preston Foster) has been killed, Janet (Patricia Morison) agrees to marry rancher Steve (Richard Dix) on the rebound. On the day of the wedding, who should show up but Greg, determined to raise as much Hell as humanly possible
A scoring assistant working on a horror feature film finds her debilitating perfectionism has manifested as the film's malevolent spirit who will not let her live past the night unless she delivers a perfect score.
The process of being encroached by the persona.
Keyboard Warrior
Ying Hong is a college student who likes martial arts. He always likes to publish his opinions on martial arts on the Internet and scold netizens. One time, Ying Hong and his roommate were attacked by gangsters while eating supper. Ying Hong made a single move to knock down each other by accident. The process was recorded and uploaded to the Internet by mobile phones. The video instantly became popular. Ying Hong also unexpectedly became the Internet celebrity 'Kung Fu Man'.
ザ・ファブル 殺さない殺し屋
最強の殺し屋が挑む究極ミッション!誰も殺さず、最狂の偽善者から、訳ありの少女を救出せよ。 どんな相手も6秒以内に仕留める――伝説の殺し屋“ファブル”(岡田准一)。 ある日、ボス(佐藤浩市)から「一年間、誰も殺すな。一般人として“普通”に生きろ」と命じられ、佐藤アキラという偽名で、相棒・ヨウコ(木村文乃)と共に一般人のフリをして暮らし始める。猫舌で変わり者のアキラは、今日もバイト先の社長(佐藤二朗)と同僚のミサキ(山本美月)と関わりながら<プロの普通>を極めるため奮闘中。 一方この街では、表向きは子供を守るNPO代表だが、裏では緻密な計画で若者を殺す最狂の男・宇津帆(堤真一)が暗躍。凄腕の殺し屋・鈴木(安藤政信)と共に、かつて弟を殺した因縁の敵・ファブルへの復讐に燃えていた。 同じ頃アキラは、4年前のある事件で自分が救えなかった車椅子の少女・ヒナコ(平手友梨奈)と偶然再会し、これが後に大騒動へと発展する――!
昼夜問わず走り回るが、実績はどん底、挙げ句の果てに解散の危機を迎える麻薬班。これ以上引き下がることのできないチームの年長者であるコ班長は、国際犯罪組織の国内麻薬密搬入情報を入手し、チャン刑事、マ刑事、ヨンホ、ジェフンの 4人のチーム員たちとともに潜伏捜査に出る。麻薬班は24時間監視のため、犯罪組織のアジト前にあるチキン屋を買い取り、偽装創業をおこなうことに。まさかの絶対味覚を持つマ刑事の隠れた才能でチキン屋は一躍名店としての噂が広まる。捜査は後回し、チキン商売で目まぐるしいほどに忙しくなった麻薬班に、ある日絶好の機会が訪れるのだが…。犯人を捕まえるのか、鶏を捕まえるのか!