Tan Takaiwa
出生 : 1930-11-13, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
The history of the Yakuza Eiga at the TOEI studio is roughly outlined. Real Yakuza and also their connections to the movie business are discussed, and many important actors and directors of the genres are interviewed. Former real yakuza boss turned actor Noboru Ando, Takashi Miike, Sonny Chiba and many more get a chance to speak.
Executive Producer
2005年4月、鹿児島の枕崎漁港に一人の女性が訪れた。その女性、内田真貴子は大和が沈没した地点へ連れて行って欲しいと漁師達に頼むが相手にしてくれない。そんな漁師の中に、水上特攻時に大和の乗組員として乗艦していた神尾克己がいた。一度は真貴子の頼みを断るが、彼女が自分の恩人であった内田兵曹の養女である事を聞かされ 彼女の頼みを聞き入れる事にした神尾は自分の漁船に彼女を乗せ、大和の沈没ポイントへと出航した。そして、戦後ずっと閉ざしていた口を開き、内田兵曹の話を彼女に語り始めるのであった。
Executive Producer
A spaceship carrying a Dimentional Warp Gate crashes on Planet Gaea. Galvatron tricks Lio Junior into handing over the control of the gate. With the power to cross time and space, Galvatron intends to bring Megatron to Gaea. But Gigastorm mistakenly brings the behemoth Majin Zarak instead. The Maximals are overpowered by this Predacon giant, so Magnaboss using the gate to call in Optimus Primal...
In 1929 the fossil of a 500,000 year old man is discovered in China. In 1941 the Japanese army confiscates this find, but during the war the remains disappear. Based on these factual events, this movie takes off with a science fiction story involving a space rocket which places a satellite in orbit containing a secret cargo. The satellite crashes on a remote island and footprints are found in the sand leading away from the crash site. A story of how an ancient primitive cave-dwelling family contends with the scientists who want to study them.
Executive Producer
A short movie based on the "Sailor Moon" TV series and movies about Ami rivaling with a boy she hasn't met nicknamed "Mercurius" who consistently ties with her for perfect scores on exams. When a spirit named Bonnone attacks her, Ami assumes it's Mercurius, but Usagi (Sailor Moon) knows otherwise.
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
Production Director
インターハイ予選決勝リーグで海南大附属高校に敗れた湘北バスケット部。その原因が自分にあると思い込んだ花道は髪型を坊主頭にした[注 1]。
Miki's lying in bed in the school's nursery after being hit in the face by a ball, supposedly asleep when Yuu comes in. Yuu asks her if she is asleep but she does not answer, so he looks at her as she sleeps. Then he kisses her and leaves. As soon as he has left, Miki jumps up, surprised and wonders what he is up to, since they have just met... or have they?
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
The Norimaki Family, the Soramame Family, Suppaman, and Dr. Mashirito end up coming to a summer resort which is really a haunted castle filled with monsters. While enjoying the many facilities, such as the arcades and hot spring baths, they all end up falling into the clutches of Vandora, a female vampire who intends to feed off them.
Two childhood friends find themselves caught in the midst of an all-out turf war between rival factions in the yakuza-stained region of Kyushu.
After the death of previous Boss, a gang war lasts for more than four years.
Executive Producer
The widow of a murdered yakuza boss serves jail time for attacking the man she believes killed her husband. After her release, as she is shadowed by a hitman, she returns to thoughts of revenge.
A made man during the height of Hiroshima's yakuza turf war must maneuver through the violence and betrayal inside the criminal underworld.
Executive Producer
During the Showa era, a young yakuza survives war and injury and rises to become a clan boss with the help and respect of his sworn brothers.
Executive Producer
When the patriarch of Japan's most powerful yakuza family is shot, his wife is left to pick up the pieces and carry on the legacy.
Mid 50s: the trials and tribulations of Shinsuke Ibuki, freshly arrived in Tokyo from Kyushu.
Executive Producer
Saito Masao reminisces on the days of his youth more than 50 years ago and his forbidden love of his older cousin Tamiko. When he was 15, Tamiko moved in to take care of his sickly mother. The two quickly fell in love with each other but were inevitably forced by their family to live separate lives.
One of Japan’s most popular historical characters, former Vice-Shogun Tokugawa Mitsukuni, whose travels around the nation are legendary has made it to the silver screen in a dynamic and exciting tale featuring megastar Toshiro Mifune as an expert swordsman drawn into the action to fight injustice. The Elder Lord travels about disguised as a retired merchant with his two trusty bodyguards Sukesaburo and Kakunoshin by his side and secret agent Yashichi close by. After a chance meeting with a dying man and young woman who had been brutally attacked, they set out for Kaga Province to wreak vengeance on the responsible parties. Don’t miss this exciting journey into Japanese history!
深作欣二がスターウォーズブームの中製作した便乗映画。ストーリーは里見八犬伝に材を採っていたりと安直な部分もあるが、ビック・モローの起用、原寸大のリアベ号の建造など話題性は充分だった。『スター・ウォーズ』に比べ特撮の出来は見劣りはするものの、合成を使わずに戦闘機の追跡シーンを作り上げた点などが海外では高く評価された。 アンドロメダ星雲の惑星ジルーシアは皇帝ロクセイア12世の率いるガバナス帝国の侵略によって「惑星大要塞」へと改造されてしまっていた。ジルーシア人の大酋長キドは奇跡の救い手の勇者を求め、「聖なるリアベの実」8個を宇宙へと放ち、キドの孫娘エメラリーダと戦士のウロッコ2名に、実を追って勇者を迎えに行くように指示した。だがロクセイアはぬかりなく追撃の宇宙戦艦を発進させる。 リアベの実は、銀河系の地球連邦の植民惑星ミラゼリアで、軍に失望して辞職した元将軍のガルダ、宇宙暴走族の若者シローとアロン、チンピラのジャック、富豪令嬢のメイア5名の元に届く。 若者達は「宇宙ボタル」の採集中に難破したエメラリーダの宇宙船を見つけ、エメラリーダとウロッコを救い出すが、2人から使命を聞かされて戸惑う。ガルダは若者達の様子を見て、実を返却して参加を固辞してしまう。シロー等はメイアには内緒で、他の勇者を紹介すると嘘をつき、息子の嫁探しをしていた老婆にエメラリーダを売ってしまう。老婆とエメラリーダはその後ガバナスの追跡部隊に捕縛されてしまう。 メイアはシロー等の行動を知り大いに怒る。改心した若者達は協力してジルーシア救出の準備を開始する。メイアの宇宙艇をシロー・アロンの小型艇を搭載できるように改修し、ジルーシアへと向かう。その途中でリアベの実を持つガバナス人のハンスが加わる。ハンスはロクセイアに地位を簒奪された、ガバナスの本来の皇位継承者だった。 一方、ガバナスは地球の美しさに魅了され、地球連邦へと無条件降伏を迫る。 その混乱の最中、ガルダと合流したシローたち6名は、惑星要塞の破壊とエメラーリダ救出のため、ガバナスの要塞内へと侵入。残る2名の仲間も集い、8名はロクセイアとの対決に挑む。