Philip Murphy


The Offering
Production Design
In the wake of a young Jewish girl’s disappearance, the son of a Hasidic funeral director returns home with his pregnant wife in hopes of reconciling with his father. Little do they know that directly beneath them in the family morgue, an ancient evil with sinister plans for the unborn child lurks inside a mysterious corpse.
Production Design
In the near future on a colony of state-of-the-art robots, a private investigator is hired by the colony's creator to bring his missing daughter home.
Production Design
新居を探すトム(アイゼンバーグ)とジェマ(プーツ)は、ふと足を踏み入れた不動産屋から、全く同じ家が並ぶ住宅地<Yonder(ヨンダー)>を紹介される。内見を終え帰ろうとすると、ついさっきまで案内していた不動産屋が見当たらない。不安に思った二人は、帰路につこうと車を走らせるが、どこまでいっても景色は一向に変わらない。二人はこの住宅地から抜け出せなくなってしまったのだ―  そこへ送られてきた一つの段ボール。中には誰の子かわからない生まれたばかりの赤ん坊。 果たして二人はこの住宅地から出ることができるのか―?
Journey to Mecca
Art Direction
The 20 year old Muslim religious law student Ibn Battuta (1304–1368), whose full name was Abu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Abdullah Al Lawati Al Tanji Ibn Battuta, set out from Tangier, a city in northern Morocco, in 1325, on a pilgrimage to Mecca, some 3,000 miles (over 4,800 km) to the East. The journey took him 18 months to complete and along the way he met with misfortune and adversity, including attack by bandits, rescue by Bedouins, fierce sand storms and dehydration.