Samuel Doux

Samuel Doux


Samuel Doux


Making Of
Arthur Rambo
Who is this Karim D. ? The new young writer whom the media can't get enough of? Or his alias, Arthur Rambo, the author of old hate-fuellled messages which are dredged up, one day, from social media websites?
Dune Dreams
In the wake of his wife’s death, Simon tries to make a fresh start by moving with his son Camille to Dubai. In that extraordinary city, Camille manages to forget, let go, and begin a new life. But for Simon, it’s not so easy. He begins to feel an alarming presence in their home - someone quietly, patiently lurking in the shadows. Could it really be his double? Simon slowly succumbs to anxiety and thinks he is going mad. But he’s not the only one to feel threatened this way. It seems to be happening to all people in Dubai who refuse to cut off all ties to their past.
Dune Dreams
In the wake of his wife’s death, Simon tries to make a fresh start by moving with his son Camille to Dubai. In that extraordinary city, Camille manages to forget, let go, and begin a new life. But for Simon, it’s not so easy. He begins to feel an alarming presence in their home - someone quietly, patiently lurking in the shadows. Could it really be his double? Simon slowly succumbs to anxiety and thinks he is going mad. But he’s not the only one to feel threatened this way. It seems to be happening to all people in Dubai who refuse to cut off all ties to their past.
Happy Birthday
A mother of two gathers her loved ones to celebrate her birthday in her big house near the Loire Valley. The festivities are disrupted by the arrival of her daughter, who is known for her unpredictable outbursts.
The Prayer
Thomas is a drug addict. In an effort to put an end to his habit, he joins a community of former addicts who live isolated in the mountains and use prayer as a way to cure themselves.
Carole Matthieu
Isabelle Adjani is Carole Matthieu – a workplace physician employed in a call centre who has become emotionally involved in the suffering of her humiliated co-workers.
Constance, a 40-years-old real estate agent, gets fired from her job. With no options left, she contacts her former boss, from the small agency where she started her career. To her surprise, he is hiring, but explains he may have already found someone. Constance is convinced she will get the job because of her experience and extensive qualifications. But when Audrey, a younger and prettier woman, is hired instead, it proves too much for Constance to take.
The Law
Directed by French Director Christian Faure and released in 2014, The Law brilliantly traces three days, in late Fall 1974, of stormy debate in the French National Assembly, around a bill which would make "voluntary termination of pregnancy" legal. Behind this bill stands a lone woman brilliantly played by a remarkable Emmanuelle Devos (also in The Other Son): Simone Veil the Minister of Health in the Jacques Chirac government during the presidency of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. During these three days of violent debate Veil, a Jew and Holocaust survivor, is spared nothing: political negotiations, solitude, sparring arguments, insults and violence to her family. In spite of all of this, Veil never wavers.
To fight against the introduction of automatic checkouts that threaten their jobs, staff members at Hard Discounts secretly create their own "Alternative Discount" outlet by salvaging products that would otherwise have been wasted.
La mal aimée
voix off
A young woman invents the love she does not get and she needs. She has always done that, since childhood. It has become a disease. When Nicolas leaves her she refuses to believe it. He will love her anyway, it is needed, she needs it.
Cherry Pie
In a loveless relationship, Zoé ditches her faceless boyfriend in a cheap motel room and sets off north without a penny to her name. She hitch-hikes, pilfers a meal from a gas station, encounters strangers who could be her next ride or a passing glimpse, ambling toward some unknown destination. At the end of her pilgrimage, Zoé reaches the English Channel; on the ferry a woman mysteriously disappears. A new coat gives Zoé a new identity, but even in a new country she's not quite sure she's escaped herself.
Once Upon a Time: Walt Disney 〜ディズニーアニメーション、創作のルーツ〜
ヨーロッパの古典芸術を創作のインスピレーションとしたウォルト・ディズニーの軌跡を辿るドキュメンタリーが登場! ヨーロッパの古典芸術に魅了され多くの刺激を受けて、アメリカ大衆文化を花開かせた天才、ウォルト・ディズニー。ドレ、ドーミエ、ブリューゲルをはじめとする多くの西欧美術の巨匠が、ディズニー作品のキャラクターや背景描写に与えた影響を解き明かし、ディズニーの創造性の源を探るこのドキュメンタリーは新鮮な驚きに満ちています。 見事な静止画の数々と、『白雪姫』、『ピノキオ』、『ファンタジア』など、アニメーション作品本編からのさまざまなフッテージ、美術や映画の専門家たちの解説やコメントに加え、ウォルト自身の貴重な映像なども織り交ぜられた内容は見応え十分。優れたドキュメンタリーであるとともに、一級のエンターテイメント作品となっています。
Once Upon a Time: Walt Disney 〜ディズニーアニメーション、創作のルーツ〜
ヨーロッパの古典芸術を創作のインスピレーションとしたウォルト・ディズニーの軌跡を辿るドキュメンタリーが登場! ヨーロッパの古典芸術に魅了され多くの刺激を受けて、アメリカ大衆文化を花開かせた天才、ウォルト・ディズニー。ドレ、ドーミエ、ブリューゲルをはじめとする多くの西欧美術の巨匠が、ディズニー作品のキャラクターや背景描写に与えた影響を解き明かし、ディズニーの創造性の源を探るこのドキュメンタリーは新鮮な驚きに満ちています。 見事な静止画の数々と、『白雪姫』、『ピノキオ』、『ファンタジア』など、アニメーション作品本編からのさまざまなフッテージ、美術や映画の専門家たちの解説やコメントに加え、ウォルト自身の貴重な映像なども織り交ぜられた内容は見応え十分。優れたドキュメンタリーであるとともに、一級のエンターテイメント作品となっています。