Yuki Tanada
出生 : 1975-08-12, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Yuki Tanada (タナダユキ, Tanada Yuki, born 12 August 1975) is a Japanese film director and screenwriter.
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Tanada pursued theater in high school before entering the Image Forum Institute of the Moving Image to study filmmaking. Her independently produced film Moru won the grand prize at the 2001 Pia Film Festival. Her next work, Takada Wataru: A Japanese Original, a documentary on a Japanese folk singer, was featured at the 2003 Tokyo International Film Festival. She won the Directors Guild of Japan New Directors Award for her 2008 film One Million Yen Girl. She has written the scripts for many of her films as well as contributed the script to Mika Ninagawa's Sakuran. She has also directed for television.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Yuki Tanada, licensed under CC BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
美人で優しい園子(蒼井優)に一目ぼれして結婚した哲雄(高橋一生)は、ラブドール職人として働いていることを彼女に隠していた。哲雄は仕事にのめり込み、園子とはセックスレスになる。ある日、園子がこれまで明かすことのなかった秘密を哲雄に打ち明ける。 『九月の恋と出会うまで』などの高橋一生と『彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち』などの蒼井優が共演したラブストーリー。それぞれ秘密を抱える夫婦が、本当の幸せを見つけようとする。『ふがいない僕は空を見た』『お父さんと伊藤さん』などのタナダユキ監督が、自身の著書を映画化。きたろう、渡辺えりらが脇を固める。
美人で優しい園子(蒼井優)に一目ぼれして結婚した哲雄(高橋一生)は、ラブドール職人として働いていることを彼女に隠していた。哲雄は仕事にのめり込み、園子とはセックスレスになる。ある日、園子がこれまで明かすことのなかった秘密を哲雄に打ち明ける。 『九月の恋と出会うまで』などの高橋一生と『彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち』などの蒼井優が共演したラブストーリー。それぞれ秘密を抱える夫婦が、本当の幸せを見つけようとする。『ふがいない僕は空を見た』『お父さんと伊藤さん』などのタナダユキ監督が、自身の著書を映画化。きたろう、渡辺えりらが脇を固める。
美人で優しい園子(蒼井優)に一目ぼれして結婚した哲雄(高橋一生)は、ラブドール職人として働いていることを彼女に隠していた。哲雄は仕事にのめり込み、園子とはセックスレスになる。ある日、園子がこれまで明かすことのなかった秘密を哲雄に打ち明ける。 『九月の恋と出会うまで』などの高橋一生と『彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち』などの蒼井優が共演したラブストーリー。それぞれ秘密を抱える夫婦が、本当の幸せを見つけようとする。『ふがいない僕は空を見た』『お父さんと伊藤さん』などのタナダユキ監督が、自身の著書を映画化。きたろう、渡辺えりらが脇を固める。
A widower and his daughter deal with the death of the man's wife.
あらすじ 高校生の斉藤卓巳(永山絢斗)は、助産院を営む母子家庭のひとり息子。友人に誘われて行ったアニメの同人誌販売イベントで、あんずと名乗るアニメ好きの主婦・岡本里美(田畑智子)にナンパされる。里美は卓巳を自宅に招き、大好きなアニメキャラクターのコスプレをさせて情事に至る。以降、里美が用意した台本通りにセリフを言いながらコスプレセックスをすることが日常的になっていた。だがある日、卓巳は同級生の松永七菜(田中美晴)に告白され、里美との関係を断つことを決心する……。里美は、元いじめられっこ同士で結婚した夫・慶一郎(山中崇)と二人暮らし。執拗に子作りを求める姑・マチコ(銀粉蝶)からは不妊治療や体外受精を強要され、マザコンの夫は頼りにならず、卓巳との関係だけが心の拠り所だった。しかし二人の関係を夫と姑に知られてしまい、里美は土下座して離婚を懇願するが受け入れられず、代理母を捜すためにアメリカに行くことが決定する……。
鈴子は短大を卒業したものの就職できずに仕方なくアルバイトをしている。どうにかしてこの生活から抜け出そうと考えている中、ひょんな事件に巻き込まれてしまう。 「百万円貯まったら、この家を出て行きます!」 と家族に宣言。百万円を貯めるたびに、次から次へと引越しをして、1人で生きていく決意をする。 海の家での短期アルバイト、桃園で桃をもぎり、ホームセンターで働き、ちょっぴり恋をする― 行く先々の街で様々な人たちと出会い、笑ったり、怒ったり素敵な恋をしながら、自分だけの生き方をみつけてゆく一人の女性の物語。
鈴子は短大を卒業したものの就職できずに仕方なくアルバイトをしている。どうにかしてこの生活から抜け出そうと考えている中、ひょんな事件に巻き込まれてしまう。 「百万円貯まったら、この家を出て行きます!」 と家族に宣言。百万円を貯めるたびに、次から次へと引越しをして、1人で生きていく決意をする。 海の家での短期アルバイト、桃園で桃をもぎり、ホームセンターで働き、ちょっぴり恋をする― 行く先々の街で様々な人たちと出会い、笑ったり、怒ったり素敵な恋をしながら、自分だけの生き方をみつけてゆく一人の女性の物語。
A story of a 16-year old girl who comes to Tokyo aspiring to be an actress.
15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
Compilation film featuring short works from directors Hitoshi Yasaki ("Short Cakes"), Yuki Tanada (scriptwriter "Sakuran," "Tsuki to Cherry"), Hiroyuki Nakano ("Stereo Future," "Samurai Fiction"), Masahiko Nagasawa ("Yoru no Picnic"), Masaya Kakehi ("Bijokan), and more for a total of 18 shorts. This time around the theme is "24 hours," where filming for each work must have been completed in 24 hours in order to appear in this film.
When an alluring young woman joins an erotic writing class, she begins a game of sexual cat and mouse with a naïve college student. As they venture into more and more unpredictable territory in the bedroom, he begins to think she might be using him as a test subject for her fiction more than anything else.
When an alluring young woman joins an erotic writing class, she begins a game of sexual cat and mouse with a naïve college student. As they venture into more and more unpredictable territory in the bedroom, he begins to think she might be using him as a test subject for her fiction more than anything else.
Yukari Nishihara
Yukari Nishihara, 25, earns her living as an art model and aspires to become an actress. One day, while she was out, she saw “a man's face about to jump off the roof of a building”, and since then she has been suffering from a peculiar constitution: she sees a suicide while on her period, faints, and develops a fever. The goddess of love does not smile on Yukari, who is unable to become a sweet girl with a nice boyfriend. The only things that can save Yukari now are her best friend Hana, who has a keen intuition, and a suppository that can break a fever in one shot. On the day of an important audition, Yukari has decided that this is her last chance. However, Yukari realizes that she has forgotten her antipyretic suppositories, and her eyes meet those of another soon-to-be suicide victim. She is in a desperate situation. What does Yukari do?
Yukari Nishihara, 25, earns her living as an art model and aspires to become an actress. One day, while she was out, she saw “a man's face about to jump off the roof of a building”, and since then she has been suffering from a peculiar constitution: she sees a suicide while on her period, faints, and develops a fever. The goddess of love does not smile on Yukari, who is unable to become a sweet girl with a nice boyfriend. The only things that can save Yukari now are her best friend Hana, who has a keen intuition, and a suppository that can break a fever in one shot. On the day of an important audition, Yukari has decided that this is her last chance. However, Yukari realizes that she has forgotten her antipyretic suppositories, and her eyes meet those of another soon-to-be suicide victim. She is in a desperate situation. What does Yukari do?