Eduard Grau

Eduard Grau

出生 : 1981-01-01, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Eduard Grau


PASSING -白い黒人-
Director of Photography
In 1920s New York City, a Black woman finds her world upended when her life becomes intertwined with a former childhood friend who's passing as white.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Lila, a famous retired singer, loses her memory after suffering an accident, just as she planned her return to the stage.
Director of Photography
グリンゴ 最強の悪運男
Director of Photography
製薬会社の管理部長としてシカゴ本社とメキシコ工場を行き来し、朝から晩までマジメに働いたのに、もうすぐクビに! 友達だったはずの経営者に騙された上に、最愛の妻にまで離婚される始末・・・ 。パッとしない負け犬人生を歩んではきたけれど、さすがにこれほどのどん底は初めてのハロルドは、極悪モンスター上司のリチャードと、彼の愛人で共同経営者のエレーンへのリベンジを誓う。メキシコで〈偽装誘拐〉を演じ、身代金5億円を奪うという、生涯初の悪事を企てたのだ。ところが、ハロルドが死ねば、会社に保険金が入ることに気づいたリチャードは殺し屋を雇う。さらに、リチャードの会社の医療大麻の製造レシピを狙うメキシコの麻薬組織のボスが、ハロルドの〈本気の誘拐〉に参戦! 果たして、貯めに貯めた悪運を爆発させた、ハロルドの一発大逆転の切り札とは?
Director of Photography
Three generations of the rowdy Cutler family live as outlaws in some of Britain's richest countryside – hunting hares, ram-raiding stately homes, and taunting the police. Struggling to retain a way of life fast becoming extinct, Chad Cutler ends up caught between his father's archaic principles and trying to do right by his kids, whilst the full force of the law is finally catching up with him.
Director of Photography
Based on true events about the foot soldiers of the early feminist movement who were forced underground to evade the State.
Director of Photography
情報セキュリティ会社に勤めるサイモンは、妻ロビンとともに新しい街に引っ越してきた。仕事は順調で、ふたりは豪華な自宅を購入し、順風満帆の人生に思えた。 そんなある日、学生時代の同級生ゴードン・モズリーに出会う。そして後日、ゴードンから引越祝いとして豪華なワインが届けられた。ロビンはワインの返礼として、彼を自宅の夕食に招いた。食事の間、ゴードンはまるで親友だったかのように語り、実は高校時代彼とはあまり親しくなかったサイモンは不快感をおぼえる。ロビンには、彼は見かけよりいい人には違いないと思えた。 後日、二人が仕事仲間のパーティーから帰ると、ゴードンから「ギフト」として、庭の池に鯉が泳いでいた。また、サイモンの留守中にロビンに家に入れてもらいテレビの設定を手伝うなどしていた事で、サイモンは不快感を友人たちに語り始める。
Director of Photography
France, 1940. In the first days of occupation, beautiful Lucile Angellier is trapped in a stifled existence with her controlling mother-in-law as they both await news of her husband: a prisoner of war. Parisian refugees start to pour into their small town, soon followed by a regiment of German soldiers who take up residence in the villagers' own homes. Lucile initially tries to ignore Bruno von Falk, the handsome and refined German officer staying with them. But soon, a powerful love draws them together and leads them into the tragedy of war.
Director of Photography
The tragic death of a beautiful young girl starts a tense and atmospheric game of cat and mouse between hunter John Moon and the hardened backwater criminals out for his blood.
Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater
Director of Photography
In 1985, former oil rig worker Richard Linklater began a film screening society in Austin, Texas, that aimed to show classic art-house and experimental films to a budding community of cinephiles. Eventually incorporating as a nonprofit, the newly branded Austin Film Society raised enough money to fly in their first out-of-town filmmaker: James Benning. Accepting the invitation, Benning met Linklater and the two began to develop a personal and intellectual bond, leading to many future encounters. Starting in the 1960s, Benning had been creating low budget films mostly on his own, while Linklater had just begun to craft his first shorts. The filmmakers have remained close even as their careers have diverged. After the cult success of Slacker, Linklater went on to make films with Hollywood support. Benning, meanwhile, has stayed close to his roots and is mainly an unknown figure in mainstream film culture.
Arthur Newman
Director of Photography
A story of a man who fakes his own death and assumes a new identity in order to escape his life, who then moves in with a woman who is also trying to leave her past behind.
After Tomorrow
Director of Photography
Returning to the village of his estranged wife, James grows increasingly concerned when the sinister owner of the guest house refuses to let him leave.
Director of Photography
In post–War England, a writer and sometime-ghost hunter investigates a reported haunting at a boys boarding school.
Director of Photography
Paul is a U.S. truck driver working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.
Director of Photography
Milk Teeth
Director of Photography
A young boy follows his sister into a cornfield as she sneaks out to see her boyfriend.
The Natural Route
Director of Photography
Soon a man will find out that his destiny is already written and that he can't do anything to change it.