Laughing Owl (Wife) (voice)
Akino is a trainee concierge at the Arctic Department Store, an unusual department store that caters exclusively to animals. Under the watchful eyes of the floor manager and senior concierges, Akino runs around to fulfill the wishes of customers with a myriad of needs and problems in her pursuit to become a full-fledged concierge.
Yukiko Kudo (voice)
劇場版「名探偵コナン 黒鉄の魚影(サブマリン)」公開記念!!科学者で黒ずくめの組織の一員、宮野志保【コードネーム シェリー】は、神秘的な毒薬APTX(アポトキシン)4869を開発する。それは、工藤新一を幼児化させた薬だった!しかし、黒ずくめの組織が、姉・明美を殺害したと知ったシェリーは、組織を裏切り、自身もAPTX4869を飲んでしまう。薬によって幼児化した彼女は、灰原哀と名乗り、身を隠しているのだが……。少しずつ、だが確実に、黒ずくめの組織が、彼女に影を落とす。(C) 青山剛昌/小学館・読売テレビ・TMS 2023
Shokupanman (voice)
The stage this time is Baquel Carnival! It's a fun festival held in Obake Town, a cute and fun city of ghosts that can be transformed into anything! Children truly enjoy the amusement park-like glamorous and exciting Baker Carnival. However, only the ghost boy Dolorin, who is not good at transforming, can not enjoy it, so he is alone. Such Dolorin deepens the bond while encountering Creampanda. They head to Ozomashi no Mori in search of the cloak that has the most transformational power in the world, but Baikinman appears there and rampages to mess up the Baker Carnival with the power of the cloak! Can Anpanman and others protect the fun Baker Carnival from Baikinman?
Satoko Koyama (Sachi's mother) (voice)
Mamiya (voice)
Yorie Tsumura (voice)
Yukiko Kudo (voice)
新一と蘭は、蘭が空手の大会で優勝したお祝いに遊園地・トロピカルランドに行くことに。せっかくのデートにも関わらず、そこで2人は、とある事件に巻き込まれてしまう。 2人が乗ったジェットコースターで殺人事件が発生したのだ。容疑者は7人。その中には黒ずくめの組織のジン、ウォッカの姿も。 新一は殺害トリックを見破って、見事に事件を解決するのだが…。
Documentary about Yasuo Otsuka, famous Japanese animator and mentor of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Featuring interviews with Japanese animation legends such as Masaaki Osumi, Youichi Kotabe, Sadao Tsukioka and Isao Takahata.
Mari Shimada (voice)
「らき☆すた」「かんなぎ」の山本寛監督が、仙台を舞台にアイドルを目指す7人の少女たちの姿を描く青春アニメーション。仙台の弱小芸能プロダクション「グリーンリーヴス・エンタテインメント」の社長・丹下は、最後の所属タレントに逃げられてしまい、次の手としてアイドルユニット結成を思い立つ。社長の無茶ぶりにしぶしぶ町にスカウトへ繰り出したマネージャーの松田は、かつて国民的アイドルユニット「I-1クラブ」でセンターを務めながら、ある事情で芸能界を去った島田真夢と偶然出会う。そうとは知らずに島田の歌声にほれ込んだ松田は、彼女に声をかけるが……。劇中のアイドルユニット「Wake Up, Girls!」の7人は、オーディションで選出された新人声優が務め、実際に「Wake Up, Girls!」を結成してCDデビュー。また、劇場版の公開と同日にテレビシリーズもスタートする。
Dr. Kang
Contains 2 separate stories. In Part 1, Black Jack's latest patient holds a link to Pinoko's past. Pinoko begins experiencing heart attack-like pain periodically, and detailed medical examinations fail to find any abnormalities. During this time, Black Jack receives an urgent request from a past patient whose identity shocks him: Yurie SAIONJI, whose Teratogenous Cystoma was constructed into Pinoko by Black Jack 10 years ago. In Part 2, Black Jack is kidnapped by the government of a war-torn country.
Risa (voice)
ある日、父の形見の鉱石ラジオから聴こえてきた不思議な唄。その唄を忘れられない少女アスナは、地下世界アガルタから来たという少年シュンに出会う。2人は心を通わせるも、 少年は突然姿を消してしまう。「もう一度あの人に会いたい」そう願うアスナの前にシュンと瓜二つの少年シンと、妻との再会を切望しアガルタを探す教師モリサキが現れる。そこに開かれるアガルタへの扉。3人はそれぞれの想いを胸に、伝説の地へ旅に出る―。
Yuki Tatsumi (voice)
そんなある日、三人目の出産を控えたお母さんが入院することに。 いつも一緒に寝ているお母さんがいなくなり、ついついワガママを言ってしまうマイ。
仕事に忙しい日々を送りながらも、思春期の息子、甘えん坊さんの娘との家族の時間を模索するお父さんの守(まもる)。 それぞれが事情を抱える中で、家族とは何かを、マイが魔法を使って知っていくことになります…
Shokupanman (voice)
Okita Mitsuba (voice)
ある夜、橋の上で決闘を申し込まれた桂。体よくあしらおうとした瞬間、鮮血の中で桂が倒れた。 辻斬りによる被害が多発しているかぶき町。そんなある日、エリザベスが万事屋を訪ね、事の顛末と桂があの夜以来行方不明である事を話し、桂の探索と辻斬りについて一緒に調べてもらう様に依頼する。 一方で銀時はエリザベスの当面の依頼を神楽と新八に任せ、元から依頼されていた村田鉄矢・鉄子兄妹の下へ向かう。彼らの依頼は「盗まれた名刀・紅桜を取り返してほしい」。 村田兄妹の依頼を遂行する銀時と桂を探索する神楽・新八・エリザベス、二つの事案が複雑に絡み合い、遂に辻斬りの正体にまでたどり着く。そこには意外な人物がいた。
Yamada (voice)
17 year-old Sayako Amanokawa aspires to become a journalist, just like Kanemoto, an elite newspaper writer she looks up to. But Kanemoto, shamed from an erroneous report about a corruption scandal, jumps in front of a train and commits suicide. Since that incident, Sayako suddenly becomes able to see spirits and almost loses her life. However, from that near-fatal incident she experiences something extraordinary. The journalist inside her stirred, she embarks to find out about the truth. But the forces that stand in her way turn out to be much formidable than she ever imagined. [from AnimeNewsNetwork]
Akiko (voice)
The story is set in a village in the southern Japanese prefecture of Kōchi during World War II. Even in this remote mountainous area, the perception of American and British people as "brutes" has taken root, due to the deaths and injuries among the villagers' relatives. A elementary schoolgirl named Eiko transfers from the city of Yokohama to this village. Eiko happens to have blue eyes from her American father, and her classmates make no attempt to rein in their bullying. Other than Eiko's homeroom teacher Akiko, even the teachers view Eiko the same way that the children do. However, a boy named Kenta views Eiko more with curiosity than with hostility. The children's lives change as the injured father of one of Kenta's classmates returns from the battlefield and news of more casualties arrives in the village.
キララとキラリは星の杖で夜空を輝かせるふたごの星の妖精。元気いっぱいのキララは「もっともっと星を飛ばして夜空を明るくするのよ!」といって、キラリの注意も聞かず杖を振り回します。ところが、ふたりの杖がぶつかり、そのいきおいでふたりはバラバラに飛ばされてしまいます。アンパンマンに助けられたキララは一緒にパン工場へ。その頃バイキン城では、ドクター・ヒヤリが、ばいきんまんのために開発した“心を持ったメカ”ジャイアントだだんだんを完成させるところでした。ところが、ジャイアントだだんだんの胸から、黒い杖を持ったこども、ギラリが突然あらわれ、ジャイアントだだんだんを操って去ってしまいます。夜空から星が消え、デビルスターがあらわれます。クロワッサン星、ゴミラの星、鉄の星は、デビルスターの光線を浴びて、みんな真っ黒な塊にされてしまいます。近づくデビルスターを止めようとするキララですが、一人ではどうすることもできません。そこへばいきんまんがやってきて、ジャイアントだだんだんでアンパンマンたちをおそいます。がんばれ、アンパンマン! みんなの心に星の光がある限り!
Anpanman Christmas special.
Mother (voice)
Kiku-chan to Ookami is, like most of the Sensou Douwa specials, based on a short story by Nosaka Akiyuki. It is set in the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo (the Chinese province of Manchuria) during the closing days of Word War II. Life for the Japanese colonists is tranquil, with none of the hazards and shortages occurring in the Japanese homeland. Then, on August 9, 1945, the Soviet Union, fulfilling its obligations to the Western Allies, declares war and invades. The local Kwantung Army folds up like a house of cards, leaving the Japanese colonists exposed to the invading Russians and Chinese.
Baikinman is snatched by a black cloud inhabited by a princess who loves black, Kuroyuki-hime (Black Snow). She is immediately thrilled with him and starts making trouble with him, turning everything black. However, both Dokin-chan and Anpanman are determined to stop her.
Bobo-kun's mother
Bonobono: Kumomo no Ki no Koto was the second theatrical Bonobono movie, released by Amuse Pictures in theaters in Japan on August 10, 2002. It was done completely in 3D.
Irene Adler (voice)
Shokupanman (voice)
Shokupanman (voice)
本当の勇気を持つ者が手にすると、星を作ることが出来る魔法の杖・スタースティック。それを使うことが出来ないキラキラ星のお姫様・キララ姫は、キラキラ星を飛び出して本当の勇気を探す旅に出る。 旅に出てすぐ危ない目にあった彼女はアンパンマンに助けられ、彼に連れられてやって来たアンパンマンワールドでしばらく生活することに。 一方その頃、「鉄の王子様」に扮したばいきんまんは、鉄の星の住人を騙してジャイアントモグリンを作り、アンパンマンを倒そうとアンパンマンワールドへ向かっていた。
Shiokaze Umino
In the pre-WWII era, Nakano Naval Academy's special school for girls is codenamed "Virgin Fleet". These girls are gifted with a special form of power known as "Virgin Energy". With the fear of another Russo-Japanese war imminent, rookie pilot Shiokaze Umino must hone her powers to save Japan from complete destruction.
Shokupanman (voice)
ある日、遠足にやってきたアンパンマン達は、空から落ちてきたあめふりおにと孫娘のアメちゃんを助け出す。二人からの話によると、ばいきんまんが虹の玉を盗んでしまい、すなおとこも出現して虹の星が砂漠化してめちゃくちゃになってしまったとの事。 二人の案内で虹の星に向かったアンパンマン達。ところが、すなおとこはやがて虹の星を支配しようとばいきんまんを裏切り、トライアングルを使ってしょくぱんまん、カレーパンマン、ばいきんまん達をピラミッドに変えてしまい、時間が経つと石になってしまう。さらには虹の星の住人であるレインボー王子や虹の子達も、そしてジャムおじさんやメロンパンナ達もピラミッドに変えてしまい絶体絶命! 果たしてアンパンマンは、すなおとこの弱点である水を探し出して、すなおとこの野望を止めさせることができるだろうか?
Toki (voice)
Rongo (voice)
Natsumi Rokudou, a spunky 10 year old girl from Japan receives a strange statue from her dad who's an archaeologist. Little does Natsumi know that the statue houses Ongo, a terrible monster bent on world conquest. In a dream, a strange old man named Ahem warns Natsumi of Ongo's return, and gives her a necklace and tells her to do a sexually suggestive dance that will protect her from peril. Once Natsumi awakens, she finds Ongo on her bed...who's not too threatening looking. But now whenever danger rears it's ugly head, Natsumi must swallow her modesty, and do the embarrassing dance to transform into Mii, the large breasted flower spirit of New Guinea's past.
Baikinman and the 3 'Bai' Punch. In order to beat Anpanman, Baikinman joins hands together and forms the "Baikin Trio ".
Gin Rei (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Ginrei and Tetsugyu take a wild west trip into the desert to find something that is at least semi-serious.
Maki Oyamada (voice)
1977年から1980年に放送された『ルパン三世 (TV第2シリーズ)』(以下、『TV第2シリーズ』)第155話(最終話)のサブタイトル。
Gin Rei (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
A wild and crazy adventure involving Daisaku defecting to BF (here Blue Flower), lots of drag and the apparent drinking of a Shizuma drive.
Gin Rei (voice)
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Ginrei notices that her China dress has gone missing, and she must solve this mystery quickly!
Anpanman dinosaur 'Nessie' adventure. Will Anpanmen really be able to save the land of dinosaurs by defeating Baikinman and Gorongora?
Rikako's Father's Lover (voice)
Kikuko Kusanagi
Mikan Enikki features a cat whose name is 'Mikan', in Japanese means tangerine and color orange. He can talk the human language, read, write and do several tasks like a human. The story focused in the mischief of Mikan, Tom and his other cat friends.
Fillyjonk (voice)
An adolescent with the ability to control a looming war-golem becomes entangled in the Experts of Justice's fight against the infamous group Big Fire.
Kyoko Otonashi (voice)
Kyoko Otonashi is a 22-year-old widow. Six months have passed since the sudden death of her husband, Soichiro. In her resolve to move on, she has recently taken over the management of a boarding house owned by her father-in-law. She now finds herself reminiscing about the few seasons that she and Soichiro had together, and about the first time that she saw him: when he became her geology teacher during her final year of high school. This prequel is the third and final OVA released after the conclusion of MAISON IKKOKU, an animated series based on the manga by Rumiko Takahashi. The past events are retold through flashback sequences using scenes from the television series, with narration by Sumi Shimamoto as Kyoko.
Three stories develop familiar Anpanman and popular characters gathered together and filled with love and dreams. Every single talk is short, so even a tired child should be able to sit still in front of the TV: (1) Akachanman's Great Adventure. (2) Currypanman and SL-man. (3) Sing! Anpanman's Dream
Dokin-chan sings and dances on a big stage with a gorgeous set. Finally she she appears to have the chance to host a variety show. The calendar is flipped over as we look back over the episodes of previous seasons.
Kyouko Otonashi
1980~87年に「ビッグコミックスピリッツ」に連載、1986~88年にはTVアニメシリーズも放送された高橋留美子のラブ・コメディが原作。単行本第6巻に収録されたストーリーをOVA化したもので、『うる星やつら 完結篇』の四分一節子が監督を務めた。 テニスクラブのコーチ・三鷹から、豪華クルーザーの旅に招待された響子。その誘いに、なぜか一刻館の面々もついてきてしまい、洋上では大宴会が開かれることに。しかし、あまりに騒ぎに船底が抜けてしまい、クルーザーは沈没。一行は無人島に漂着するが、そこで五代と三鷹のライバル対決が勃発! 壮絶なサバイバル戦が展開されるのだった。
Yuuko Asou
After Yuko has defeated the evil Rogles, peace descended upon Earth and the magical world of Vecanti. But a new threat has arisen: an enigmatic man named Glames from the Dark World, possessor of a sword named Leethus, is planning to conquer both Earth and Vecanti, convinced that there is no other way to save his world from imminent destruction. A young girl from the Dark World named Cham escapes from Glames, and asks Yuko to help her stop him with the aid of her Valis sword.
Shokupanman (voice)
Anpanman and Baikinman fight. Can Anpanman and friends regain the magic pot from Baikinman and rescue Princess Yada's land...?
Reborn as a woman named Aiko, the soldier rises as the military leader of a new crusade, successfully unites the world, and abolishes all religion. Haunted by memories of a past life, Aiko travels backward in time and finds herself caught in an incredible battle to save the future.
Miyuki Shiratori (voice)
Student Jiro Shutendo is unaware that he has mystical powers which could lead mankind to heaven or hell.
Kyoko Otonashi
Kyoko Otonashi
Yasuko Kusakabe (voice)
On the planet Lotus, all is well. The reigning lord, Lord British, thinks of building a shrine or temple. The next day, as the generals and escorts prepare for the lord, the sun dies out, and is replaced by a burning, orange planet. This orange planet engulfs Lotus in light and causes havoc with the weather. Lord British then consults his advisory, an old, twin horned being. He identifies the planet as an inorganic star run by the invaders called bacterians, as told in the prophecy and seals of the planet. The weather worsens. Suddenly, a big serpent can be seen moving chaotically through magma.
On a Wednesday morning, Kenji goes touring with his girlfriend when he spots some other riders waiting and stops his bike. One of them explains that a legendary female driver nicknamed Wednesday Cinderella passes this place every Wednesday in her white Porsche. Kenji becomes interested in this mysterious driver; however, racing with her proves more dangerous than it first seems to be.
Tiki Kalmak (voice)
A spaceship is lost near the forbidden planet of Inferno II. Some years later, a second ship with a crew of nine gets there and encounters a monster that rapidly makes mince meat of most of them. The sole survivor, Makuro Kitazato, must destroy the monster before it can surprise a third ship that is already en route.
Sue (voice)
Maris is a freelance bounty hunter/soldier of fortune who just wants to be so rich that she doesn't have to work anymore. Just one slight problem... Maris is from a world of super strong beings, and constantly has to pay for damages she and her parents inflict wherever they go,
In the future, the oceans have risen to flood all the continents due to humanity's negligence of the environment. Only a few bits of land have been spared, and one of those is the city-island where Elfie lives with her grandfather. One day, due to an underwater incident, she discovers that she can breathe underwater. Her grandfather reveals that in truth she is one of the mythical sea-people. Using the city folk's xenophobia, local politicians spark a war with this hidden people to distract people from their current resource problems, and Elfie is caught in the middle of it.
Diana (voice)
An animated biography of Princess Diana from her birth to her early teen years.
Asuka Mizunokoji (voice)
Suzu Suzuko
A massive gas explosion in modern-day Tokyo throws 17-year-old Suzuko back in time — 500 years into the past and into a death-strewn battlefield. Rescued from lecherous bandits by the young warrior Shukumaru, Suzuko struggles to untangle the time lines. Slowly she begins to understand the strange force that has exiled her, and how it relates to her own mysterious past. Shukumaru and Suzuko tackle mystery, tragedy and disaster as time unravels amidst the roaring flames of past and present.
Asuka (voice)
Lahla (voice)
Sheri (voice)
Based on "Unico and the Kingdom of the Sun," which was newly written as a theater version, this animated film features a battle between the wizard Kukuruku and Unico. Kukuruku builds a castle using dolls transformed from men as building parts. The story revolves around the sorrow and terror of men who have been transfigured into dolls, and a girl named Cherry who wishes to recover the kindness in her brother, who is a student of Kukuruku. This work reminds us of the fact that "transformation" or "transfiguration" --- favorite themes of Tezuka Osamu --- involves not only material aspects, but also man's immaterial heart [Taken from AniDB]
Set in Japan's Tenpyou era (729-749 CE), four young monks are sent to China to study Buddhism and bring a high priest back to Japan with them. The film tells the tale of the four monks' youth and the life and times of the high priest Ganjin.
Lady Clarisse de Cagliostro (voice)