One day, a boy's body is found again under the same bridge. The case is eerily similar to Masaki's case from 22 years ago. Haru has a connection with the deceased boy. Akira meets Haru while investigating the boy's death. By meeting each other again, the three men face the case from 22 years ago that they buried deep within their minds.
Naoki Niikura
Morio Baba
瀬戸内海の離島。日本有数の資産家が、莫大な遺産を遺して謎の変死を遂げる。資産家は死の直前、美しき娘の誘拐未遂事件の犯人捜索を若宮に依頼していた。真相を探るため、ある閉ざされた島に降り立つ獅子雄と若宮。二人を待ち受けていたのは、異様な佇まいの洋館と、犬の遠吠え。容疑者は、奇妙で華麗な一族の面々と、うそを重ねる怪しき関係者たち。やがて島に伝わる呪いが囁かれると、新たな事件が連鎖し、一人、また一人消えてゆく。底なし沼のような罠におちいる若宮。謎解きを後悔する獅子雄。これは開けてはいけない“パンドラの箱”だったのか?その屋敷に、足を踏み入れてはいけない―― 。終わらない謎へ、ようこそ。
Joe Murata
Yoichi plays basketball at his junior high and is capable. He is granted a scholarship and attends a high school with a superlative basket team. Instead of welcoming the boy the students there decide to bully and harass the new player leading Yoichi to a new high school and basketball team. Expectedly, the basketball team is not the best. The team will have to soon play against the team from the school Yoichi was in before.
Keisuke Tachibana
Toshi Kageyama
A former American G.I. joins a yakuza family after his release from prison in post-World War II Osaka.
Hiroki Sumitomo
(segment "Umi no hoshi")
Three stories from Shiratsuna Island: "Mikan no hana"
Shiratsuna Island is the only remaining island city in Japan, but it is being merged with a city on the opposite shore. Housewife Misato Tomita lives on the island. "Umi no hoshi"
Yōhei Hamasaki, who was born on Shiratsuna Island, lives in an apartment in the outskirts of Tokyo with his wife, Tomomi, and their son, Taichi. "Kumo no ito"
Popular artist Hirotaka Kurosaki, who is a native of Shiratsuna Island, goes back to his hometown after seven years.
Kinji Tsujiuchi
Kinji Tsujiuchi
Tadaomi Karasuma
Tadaomi Karasuma
Kotaru Makino
Shizuto Sakatsuki (Kengo Kora) is a mourner. He goes to scenes of accidents and mourns for the victims. Yukiyo Nagi (Yuriko Ishida), who killed her husband and served prison time, goes to the scene of the murder and meets Shizuto. She follows him from that time. Other people that exists in their lives are Shizuto’s mother Junko who is terminally ill with cancer and waits for Shizuto’s return, his younger sister Mishio who is pregnant by her now ex-boyfriend and a magazine reporter who chases after Shizuto. The movie examines life and death, love and hate and sin and forgiveness through these characters.
Kinzo Otsuka
A young, mentally retarded boy is wrongfully accused of murder, but his family lacks the means to hire an attorney to defend him. The boy’s sister, Kiriko, pleads with an accomplished attorney named Otsuka to defend her brother pro bono. But because of Otsuka’s busy schedule and other priorities, he refuses to take the case. Lacking a proper defense, Kiriko’s brother is eventually convicted of murder, and dies in prison. From that point on, Kiriko is determined to take revenge against Otuska.
There was a tragedy that began at the end of the '69 war. The sad story about the lives of the orphans of Manchuria refugee camp who had to struggled against perpetual cold and hunger.
Kyoichiro Kazamatsuri
Sukehiro Tsuda
Sukehiro Tsuda
Kameto Kuroshima
Masaya Mukai
Popular TV screenwriter Mayumi Taniyama suffers from the dreaded writer's block. When producer Masaya Mukai asks for a screenplay written for him, Mayumi Taniyama offers to write one if he falls in love with her.
関東一円を支配する巨大暴力団・山王会の関内会長は、傘下の池元組が麻薬を扱う村瀬組と兄弟杯を交わして親密になっていることを快く思っていなかった。そこで関内の右腕・加藤はこの2つの組を仲違いさせようと企て、池元に対して「村瀬を締めろ(軽い制裁を与えろ)」と無理な命令をする。兄弟分の村瀬に手を出せない池元は、配下の大友組に村瀬組を締めることを命令する。池元の二枚舌、山王会の思惑に翻弄されながらも、大友組は村瀬組を締めることに成功し、村瀬組は解散する。 池元の行動に不愉快を覚えつつ、大友は村瀬のシマを事実上継承し、大使館の闇カジノで成功を収める。一方、村瀬が隠れて麻薬を売っていることが発覚し、池元に唆された大友は村瀬を殺害する。ところが、このことを口実に池元は大友に破門を言い渡し、大友は怒りを露わにする。大友は復帰のため、関内の元を訪れ許しを請うが、逆に関内は池元の殺害を唆す。そこで大友は悪びれず闇カジノを訪れていた池元を殺害する。闇カジノを狙っていた関内は、今度は池元組若頭の小沢に、組を継ぎたければ親の仇を討てと煽り、大友組と池元組の抗争を仕掛ける。本家の手助けも得た小沢は、次々と大友組の組員を殺害し、彼らを追い詰めていく。
Oda Nobunaga
John Rain
A hit man looks to protect the daughter of one of his victims against CIA assassins.
Ryosuke Momota
A woman is forced to choose between her unborn child or medical treatment for re-occuring breast cancer. Shizuku, a talented surgeon, gets pregnant. In the past ten years of her marriage, she hasn't expected a baby because of breast cancer when she was young. She is pleased for the good news with her husband Ryosuke. However, soon after that, she has a relapse of breast cancer. This is the final chance for 38-year-old Shizuku to have a baby. However, she won't be able to raise her baby after the birth. Should she give up the baby and concentrate on medical treatment? Or should she give birth to the baby even if that may shorten her life? Shizuku is afflicted with the ultimate decision. Her life is filled with difficulties, but in the end, there is a big hope remaining.
暗い性格で友達もいなかった楠本頼子は、クラス一の秀才で美少女の柚木加菜子に突然「私たちは互いが互いの生まれ変わりなんだ」と声をかけられる。始めは戸惑う頼子だったが、互いに孤独だった2人は親交を深め、2人で最終電車に乗って湖を見に行こうと約束する。しかし加菜子は中央線武蔵小金井駅のホームから何者かに突き落とされ、列車に轢かれてしまう。 たまたま勤務帰りの刑事・木場修太郎がその列車に乗り合わせていた。木場は頼子と共に加奈子が運ばれた病院へ向かうが、そこへ女優・美波絹子こと加奈子の姉・柚木陽子と出会うことになる。 一方、小説家・関口巽は稀代の新人小説家・久保竣公と出会う。そして雑誌記者・鳥口守彦と稀譚社社員・中禅寺敦子と共に、武蔵野連続バラバラ殺人事件を追って道に迷い、とある「匣」のような建物と遭遇する。その建物こそ、加奈子が収容された研究所・美馬坂近代醫學研究所だった。 同じ頃、鳥口は「穢れ封じ御筥様」の調査を行っており、関口の紹介の下拝み屋・京極堂に相談を持ちかける。 バラバラ殺人と加奈子の誘拐、事件の裏に渦巻く「魍魎」とは何なのか。
The film begins in the present, with its heroine, Kaoru, a grown-up woman working as a real-estate agent, while helping out the folksy proprietor of a neighborhood fishing pond. There she meets a shy girl who needs her help baiting a hook and reminds her of herself in the fourth grade.
***Sainou-dama A talentless young musician receives a spam email advertising "Talent Balls"--three lollipops which when eaten will awaken your hidden talents and turn you into a savant. However, what awakens within him turns out to be far from what he expects. ***Virtual Memory A women is understress at her job and goes to a store that offers her a machine that allows her to live other peoples memories. What happens when she starts selling hers? ***Funsadan Kyouiku A new teacher finds that her pay is based off her popularity with the students, so she starts to create problems for herself to solve. ***Gozen 2-ji no Chime A writer gets a call at his front gate every day at 2 am, but no one believes him. And then a murder happens and none of the cameras pick the criminal up. ***Kaisou Densha An old man revisiting memories on the subway.
Kuniaki Goto
Following a tip, Manabu Yazaki loses his last money betting on the older "banba" horse "Unryu" (jockied by Makie, a legendary jockey's daughter) in a draft-horse race held in his childhood home of Obihiro on the island of Hokkaido.
Ikuo Matsumura
Yakushiji Tenzen
Satoru Tawada
Ito Kihei
Hatsuo Nogawa
A young boy, Masahiko Sakurai, grows up in Nagasaki where he sees the clear blue ocean everyday. His mother wants him to be a violinist. To make her dream come true, Masahiko goes to Tokyo to learn the violin, and stays with his aunt, Setsuko, in Kamakura near Tokyo. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Masashi Sada's novel of the same name received the 21st Japanese Cinema Reconstruction and Promotion Award and the 46th Blue Ribbon Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Mitsusada Yoshikawa
A foreign spy using the Sorge alias is assigned to Tokyo the capital of Japan just prior to the outbreak of World War II and in the midst of the Japanese imperial ambitions in Eastern Asia. The spy becomes acquainted with a sympathetic communist who like he is attached to the ideals of freedom and rule of the masses. Sorge is able to feed the Soviet Union useful information regarding the Axis allies and their movements in Asia and beyond.
Medical Officer
Katsuhiko Shirosu
When corporate executives are blackmailed into public displays of nudity on the busy streets of Shinjuku, the big guns are called out to locate "Oboreru Sakana". The "big guns" are a misfit duo of ethically questionable characters who must infiltrate a gay nightclub and "fit in" while they search for clues. What ensues is both hilarious and action-packed. Oboreru Sakana is a rather ambitious and often hilarious contemporary crime thriller. Its narrative swings from the grisly to the humorous and pulls in as many pop culture elements as it can manage.
An alcoholic civil servant wakes up under a cherry tree in Tokyo next to a bar hostess with whom he's impulsively made a suicide pact. Though he's now changed his mind, he agrees to travel with her to Hokkaido, her preferred site for ending it all.
Two best friends—Tatsuo, a retiring Yakuza member, and Kiyoshi, a cop—travel to the funeral of a woman they both loved.
Akio Katayama
Chinese-speaking man
After his daughter Mai is killed in an auto accident, a genius programmer recreates her in the form of a computer program called AI. His jealous brother-in-law, wanting to get his hands on the technology for profit, sends his client to steal it and Mai’s father is killed in the process. Learning of her capture, Mai’s old friends race to free AI from her captors so that she won’t fall into the corporate clutches that threaten to erase her soul.
Wu Fu-chun
Shinichi Onda
Masaru Okada
Based on real-life events, this erotic thriller tells the sad and sadistic tale of a Japanese geisha whose behavior spiraled out of control.
Ryuto Kuroda
When I was young, Takato Kuroda took a hand at seeing "Qi" at my grandfather Shigaru who was a great feng shui, but since I closed my eyes with fear, I could not see myself ever since. From the complex with respect to the deceased grandfather, Dragon has developed a software to look at attention with computers, and has an office of management consultant. This summer, Tokyo was suffering from extreme weather which rain continues for over 20 days, and urban function was deprived. One day, a who visited an old shop owner and Suzuki with an introduction of an owner and Yazaki ...
Kanai Hosaka
“Night Train to the Stars” is a biography of the fascinating life of Kenji Miyazawa, one of Japan's most beloved fantasy novelists. Miyazawa is an idealist pledging with his friend Kanai to work for the improved life of farmers. Troubled by his family’s interest in money making and social status, he leaves home after graduating high school to join a Buddhist sect in Tokyo. After falling out with a friend, and receiving news about his sister re-emerging pneumonia, he decides to return home where starts his own experimental school, teaching new farming methods to young local farmers while also instructing them in music and arts. It was only after his death, through the help of his brother Seiroku, that his writings became widely read.
Tatsuhito, a cop, pursues Chinese warlord Wang through the underworld of Shinjuku and over to Taiwan.
Kazuya Shibata
Tatsu Sendo
Kishi is a 37-year-old personnel officer and fairly happy with work, wife and child. But he turns out to be susceptible to a more exciting life. Through his old schoolfriend Daimon he meets the attractive Yoshie and spends a sensational night of love with her. Kishi doesn't want to leave it at one night. On their second meeting, Daimon is also present and this night turns into a sado-masochistic ritual. A suppressed memory emerges in Kishi: once he raped an elderly woman with Daimon. Kishi again crossed a frontier this night and the relationship with his colleague Yuko also breaks boundaries. He slowly realises that his emotional life is taking a direction that he had never dreamed possible; Kishi moves into a new and dark world.
In the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, there was a cute warrior, Souji Okita, who belonged to the armed police of the shogunate in Kyoto. Very few knew that Souji was not a boy, but a woman. Souji loved the vice-leader of the armed police, Toshizou Hijikata. Souji suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and coughed up blood during a battle. Toshizou helped her but said that he did not care for the girl with a smell of blood. Souji had a real talent for swordsmanship and no one but Ryouma Sakamoto could compete with her. Ryouma was a liberal intellectual and tried to carry out a revolution without blood. However, the bloody Meiji Restoration broke out and Souji killed Ryouma who lost his dream. Because a friendship had sprung up between Toshizou and Ryouma, Toshizou got angry and slashed at Souji with a sword. Unwillingly, she unsheathed her sword and thought that she might get love if she was killed by the man she loved.
Sasaki Senri
In 1936, Onodera Toshiko, who moved to Tokyo from Iwate, auditioned for the Moulin Rouge theater in Shinjuku to become a star. On the spot, she catches the attention of the manager and producer Sasaki Senri and the theater's leading actress Takanawa Yoshiko, and then she begins working as a theater's member. Based on the true story of Ashita Matsuko (明日待子), a popular Japanese idol in war period.