Morio Kazama

Morio Kazama

出生 : 1949-04-26, Sangenjaya, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan


Morio Kazama


Tayama Jun
劇団唐組によって2003年に初演され、第55回読売文学賞の戯曲・シナリオ賞、第38回紀伊國屋演劇賞(個人賞)、第7回鶴屋南北戯曲賞、および第11回読売演劇大賞の優秀演出家賞を受賞した伝説の戯曲「泥人魚」。初演以来18年ぶりに上演されたこの名作を放送する。 演出は蜷川幸雄や唐十郎に師事した金守珍。出演は、唐の舞台作品へは本作で4作目の出演であり、現代のアングラ演劇界のミューズと呼び声高い宮沢りえ。彼女は「死と乙女」以来、約2年ぶりに舞台に登場する。NHK大河ドラマ「青天を衝け」の徳川家茂役でも話題の磯村勇斗、宝塚歌劇団月組トップ娘役として人気を博し、本作で初のストレートプレーに挑む愛希れいかが唐作品に初挑戦。また、風間杜夫が初演で唐十郎が演じた役で出演する。さらに、岡田義徳、大鶴美仁音、渡会久美子、広島光、島本和人、八代定治、宮原奨伍、板倉武志、奈良原大泰、キンタカオ、趙博、石井愃一、金守珍、六平直政と、本作にふさわしい、くせ者が結集。演劇賞を総なめ、演劇界を席巻し、「唐十郎の集大成」と呼ばれる傑作に注目してほしい。
Tells the story of three bottom-dog boxers who gets used as punching bags. Pro boxer Suenaga Akira fell off the path to greatness but still tries to crawl his way to the top. Omura Ryuta is a youngster who grew up in foster care. Miyagi Shun, a TV celebrity with famous parents, takes a shot at boxing as part of a TV show. Three underdogs with very different back stories put their pride on the line as they exchange blows.
こいのわ 婚活クルージング
The movie was inspired by Hiroshima prefectural government's marital activity "Koinowa Project" which is practiced as part of countermeasures against the declining birthplace.
Honnoji Hotel Manager
浅見光彦シリーズ35 風のなかの櫻香
Yoichiro Asami
1920年代のパリ。エコール・ド・パリの旗手として藤田嗣治は画壇での地位を確立させていた。画家仲間や踊り子たちとの乱痴気騒ぎにうつつを抜かす彼は、絵が巧くても名声を得られねば大成しないとの持論を口にしており、その中で彼の作品は評判を高めていた。 1940年代の日本。帰国した藤田は軍部より戦意高揚画の製作を依頼され意欲を見せていた。だが空襲が東京に迫り、妻と疎開した田舎の農家の人々と豊かな自然に新たな日本を再発見してゆく一方で日本は敗戦への道を辿ってゆくのだった。
President of Gentsu
Shonosuke Furukehashi (Hiroshi Tamaki) is a young samurai and the second son of Sozaemon (Bunchin Katsura) of Togane Domain, Kazusa Province. Sozaemon serves as an attendant, but one day, he is suddenly suspected of accepting bribes. Forged documents written in handwriting startlingly identical to his offer incontrovertible evidence. Framed for accepting bribes he knows nothing about, Sozaemon commits ritual suicide for his “crime”. Shonosuke’s elder brother Katsunosuke (Satoshi Hashimoto), an assistant instructor at the domain’s training hall, is placed under house arrest. Because of that, Shonosuke leaves for Edo alone in order to clear the name of his beloved father.
Kenichiro Hanamiya
Toshiki Nishina
『ブルータスの心臓-完全犯罪殺人リレー』(ブルータスのしんぞう かんぜんはんざいさつじんリレー)は、東野圭吾の推理小説。産業機器メーカーで人工知能ロボットの開発に携わる末永拓也が窮地に陥った。妊娠した愛人、雨宮康子が、掻爬を拒んだためである。上昇志向の強い拓也は、オーナーの女婿になりたいと言う目論見を持っていた。事態の露見は、野望の頓挫を意味する。 そんな中、打開策を見出せない状態に焦りを覚えていた拓也に、意外な提案を持ち掛ける者が現れた。共同作業で康子を殺害しようと言うのである。男達の、完全犯罪殺人リレーがスタートした。
What the War Meant
Koichi Kito
The drama stars Beat Takeshi as General Hideki Tojo, who served as Prime Minister of Japan during World War II and was later executed as a war criminal. The story's theme is said to be a look at how the Pacific War began, focusing mostly on the three month period between the Imperial Conference (Gozen Kaigi) on September 6, 1941, and the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Hirobumi Ito
"Tsubaki Sanjuro" is a remake of Sanjuro (1962) by Akira Kurosawa. Sanjuro returns with sharper, faster, subtler sword, talking and perception. He uses them to settle the trouble and uses them good!
千年の恋 ひかる源氏物語
今より千年前、紫式部は宮中の藤原道長からの頼みで道長の娘・彰子の教育係として京の都にやって来る。実は式部には、どうしても京の都で完成させなければいけない一つの物語があったのだ。『源氏物語』と題されたその物語の主人公は桐壺帝の子・光源氏。 容姿端麗にして武芸に秀でている源氏は何不自由のない生活を送っていたが、継母である藤壺中宮への禁断の恋心に苦悩もしていた―。式部はまだ清純な彰子に物語を説いてゆくのだが、ついに物語は源氏が姫君たちとの逢瀬の果てに、藤壺と体を重ねてしまうことになる…。
ステレオ フューチャー
Keisuke, an aspiring samurai-movie actor lands a major role in a new film, but must contend with a director who has nothing but scorn for him, but who continually fawns over the film’s obnoxious ham of a star.
Public Prosecutor
A comedy about the uproar in a yakuza office, before the dissolution ceremony the next day. The day before the dissolution of the Yamamuro group, it is reported that the leader of the hostile organization was assassinated by someone.
SF サムライ・フィクション
Hanbei Mizoguchi
A fifteen year old boy travels through the Amagi Pass, he encounters some strange people, one of them is the geisha Ozuka Hana. After a murder takes place, the police searchs for the culprit.
Haruo Miyagawa
Tatsuo was leading a peaceful suburban life with his wife and daughter. But an ex-girlfriend attends his bridge club. Then Haruo, an old friend, appears. He is being chased by loan sharks and needs shelter. Haruo overstays his welcome and family relations become strained.
英雄挽歌 孔子傳
Confucius (voice)
Born in the Chinese state of Lu in 551 B.C., Confucius is raised by his mother after his father dies when he is only three. He marries at 19 and enters the service of the local nobility. At 32, he becomes tutor to the Prince of Lu's children, eventually becoming a politician at 51. His career peaks are the roles of Lu's justice minister and eventually prime minister. The land prospers for four years, but Confucius grows disenchanted with court intrigues. For the following 12 years, he wanders the neighboring states, offering advice to their rulers.
Master Kumai
A story of friendship between two women, Yae and Kiyoko. Their friendship is tested when artist Yae, who suffers from fatal illness, develops special feelings towards her best friend Kiyoko’s boyfriend Kosuke.
Nettai rakuen kurabu
Straight-laced, honest Japanese travel agent Misuzu gets a job as a tour guide so that she can the world. On her first assignment in Bangkok, Thailand she does her best for her ungrateful charges, but gets fired when the hotel (through no fault of her own) misplaces all their passports. She also finds herself the victim of a scam by two Japanese con-artists (innocent-looking Tondabayashi and half-Thai Thuy) living in Bangkok. When the hotel finds the passports, she decides to buck the system and sell them on the black market. She teams up with the two con-artists to scam, rip off and rob all the Japanese tourists in Bangkok. They keep trying to pull off bigger and bigger jobs, and end up in trouble with two dumb, sightseeing yakuza, among others. Also, a love triangle forms as Tondabayashi falls for Misuzu, and Misuzu falls for the older Thuy.
A middle-aged journalist looking to make her big break. After working the same beat on the "women's page", Yumiko gets promoted to editorials.
Shoichi Aratama
Suruga Dainagon Tadanaga
From all over Japan, the greatest warriors: Yagyu Jubei, Miyamoto Musashi, Araki Mataemon, and more came to test their blades in a tournament of swords. But behind the match a bloodthirsty plot is born. Tokugawa Yorinobu, a corrupt shogunate official plans to assassinate Shogun Iemitsu and take his place. With scheming samurai Yui Shosetsu and ruthless Negoro ninja leader Genyusai, he plans to incite a ronin uprising and cut a bloody trail across Japan, with terrifying Chinese gunboats to back his play. Matsudaira Izu-no-kami, councilor and friend to the shogun, along with master swordsman Yagyu Jubei and ninja master Hanzo Hattori must stop Yui Shosetsu and his army of ronin and ninja assassins from tearing the country in half and taking over the government!
Imperial Messenger
Koichi Anzai
The unexpected death of Fujishima Motoharu, president of a medium-sized firm, triggers a fierce battle over his estate inheritance among family members.
Shingo juuban shoubu
Yagyu Shinzaburo
The classic tale of the shogun's illegitimate son Aoi Shingo is told in three parts as he strives to become the greatest fencer in Japan, while his father Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune seeks to reunite with his lost son. When the secrets of Shingo's birth are revealed to him, it sets off a series of events that bring him to cross swords with members of the shogun's inner circle in a series of duels that could change the destiny of Japan.
Sakae Osugi
Set in the Taisho era, which might be regarded as Japan's Hippie Phase, Hana no ran is a story about fashionable people without impulse control. Much of the action centers on a popular woman writer, the real-life poet Akiko Yosano, and her experiences among the literati of early 20th century Japan. Because of her independent, anti-war and often erotic poetry, she was a lightning rod for revolutionaries and other extremists, many of whom were destined to glamorous, yet ultimately pointless, deaths. The closest parallels might be the Byron/Shelley group or the people drawn to the Beat Generation.
Hidemi Harada
Hikaru Genji (voice)
Genji, the son of the emperor, is the talk of the Kyoto nobility for his charm and good looks, yet he cannot stop himself from pursuing an unobtainable object of desire: his father's young and beautiful bride. Following the tragic consequences of his obsession, Genji wanders from one affair to another, always seeking some sort of completion to his life.
A 30-year-old man's life gets up-ended when his girlfriend accepts an arranged marriage meeting with a more successful man.
Tomekichi Kumada
A young woman's life is turned upside down when her husband suddenly disappears, leaving behind numerous debts and his illegitimate child. Desperate to track down her missing husband, she travels to Kyushu in hopes of finding clues to his whereabouts and in the process discovers disturbing secrets about the man she loves.
Suganuma, Michiyo's brother
Daisuke is supposed to be out looking for a respectable job and equally respectable wife. He is 30 years old and devotes his attention to music and literature; his family is wealthy and can support his interests. When his friend Hiraoka returns with his wife Michiyo, problems arise.
Shirou Hadano
Set in the 1930s in the international city of Shanghai, the film follows the extravagant life and times of a group of jazz musicians, living from one advance paycheck to the next, as the country teeters over the brink into the Second Sino-Japanese War.
This story is based on the novel "Jo no mai" by Tomiko Miyao which is based on the life of painter Shōen Uemura (1875–1949), the first woman to be awarded the Order of Culture. The title refers to the masterpiece bijinga ("picture of a beautiful woman") that Uemura painted at the age of 61. The main character, Tsuya Shimamura, is born in Kyoto as the second daughter of a tea trader who dies before her birth. Tsuya, who loves painting more than anything and is hopeless at housework, attends art school and at age 15 receives the name Shōsui (from the characters for "pine" and "green") from her teacher. The crown prince of England purchases one of her works, propelling her to fame overnight. The novel portrays the remainder of her stormy life, during which she is impregnated by her teacher and raises a fatherless child; through it all she devotes herself to her painting, undaunted.
Adaptation of Shiro Ozaki's novel.
Shogo Ueda
Yahagi Michiko is accosted and raped walking home one evening. From there she maneuvers the logistics of the police, hospital, and criminal justice system while balancing her home life including romantic relationships.
青春の門 自立篇
Tatsuya Ogata
Mid 50s: the trials and tribulations of Shinsuke Ibuki, freshly arrived in Tokyo from Kyushu.
日本フィルハーモニー物語 炎の第五楽章
When a broadcasting company takes away its financial support from a symphony orchestra, some of the members refuse to admit defeat. The first violinist returns to his home and manages to get the orchestra back together for a grandiose performance, saved at the last minute by their original conductor -- and boding well for the future of the die-hard musicians.
Intellectual collegue professor Sasa becomes obsessed with beautiful Sugiko, a virgin. Eventually, luring her to a love hotel.
Tatsuo Kanamori
“Quit working as a nurse!” “All right, I will!” thus began the married life of Yasuo and Keiko. But the reality is harsh. Keiko even had to work on the first night after her marriage. Ten years later, the married couple is still at it. Yauso tends to the house and their children, while Keiko sacrifices family life for life as an overworked nurse. One day, after Keiko comes home utterly exhausted and dejected from her work, Yasuo makes up his mind and writes a letter of resignation in her place. Upon learning of this, Keiko angrily declares that nursing is what she lives for and she will keep on working. Realising that that is one battle he will never win, Yasuo sends a letter to a newspaper -- “Nurses’ husbands, aren’t you having a hard time? Get together nurses’ husbands. Contact me.” There is a tremendous response. This leads to the formation of many unions of nurses’ husbands throughout the country.
十代 -恵子の場合-
High school student Keiko struggles with the pressures of college entrance examinations and a chaotic home life, ultimately succumbing to alcohol, marijuana, gang members and rape.
Ayako is a 7-year-old girl with a dark, tanned face and a somewhat mysterious expression on her face. She shows up at the elementary school and acts strangely, but the children don't know her name and just call her "that girl". There are two groups of children at the elementary school, and the conflict between the groups intensifies...
Taken out of the pages of history itself, this is the story of the sizzling love between Kenreimon-in of the Taira Clan and Yoshitsuné of the Minamoto Clan. When the Taira Clan had met ignominious defeat at the hands of Yoshitsuné, Kenreimon-in had jumped into the sea with her son, the infant Emperor, but only she had been rescued by Yoshitsuné. A rough-hewn warrior, Yoshitsuné had taken her by force until he awakened an answering love in the Empress with his chamber techniques.
お柳情炎 縛り肌
Matsuo , Son of Yakuza Boss(松夫)
When the boss of a yakuza clan in 1920s Osaka is assassinated, Oryu, his mistress, vows revenge. Her search for the killer takes her out of the city. The old boss' son proves a poor leader, only interested in Omitsu, his high-class girlfriend. Yajima, the second-in-command, is taking advantage of the situation to accumulate power for himself...
Roman Porno from 1975.
秘本 袖と袖
Yonosuke Tsuruta
Writer and ladies-man Yonosuke, who gives inept English lessons (using Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet), is ushered into a lonely woman's house one rainy night. Her husband is at the front in the war with Russia and, as our hero will soon discover, she's wearing a chastitity belt...
赤線最後の日 昭和33年3月31日
Roman Porno from 1974.
Kohei Mizuguchi
Roman Porno from 1973.
Roman Porno from 1973.
人妻 残り火
Koji Machida
Roman Porno from 1973.
女教師 私生活
Keiji Shibata
Roman Porno from 1973.
Kazuo Sakaguchi
Kazuo is an angry young man, especially resentful of the power and snootiness of the rich. But at the same time he's obsessed with Saeko, the daughter of a rich businessman.
新・色暦大奥秘話 愛戯お仕込処
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
おさな妻の告白 陶酔
Roman Porno from 1973.
昼下りの情事 古都曼陀羅
Mineo Kuroki
An upwardly-mobile banker's boss introduces him to the adopted daughter of a wealthy client. He falls in love with the girl and wants to marry her, not knowing that she is involved in a kinky sadomasochistic relationship with her artist father.
昼下りの情事 変身
Jun Anzato
艶説女侠伝 お万乱れ肌
Nikkatsu Roman Porno. Third and final film of the "Oman" series.
The Wayside Pebble is an effective drama about the hardships of a childhood spent with a brusque, cold-hearted father and a submissive mother. The year is 1910 and the place is a small Japanese village. Goichi is suffering because he wants to go to school, but his family is too poor to afford that luxury. Even when a kind friend agrees to help out, Goichi's father refuses to give in to his son's request for an education. Instead, he sends Goichi off to work as an indentured servant for a cold-hearted merchant and his family. As tragedy strikes and the suffering of the young boy increases, he begins to look for some way out of his bleak situation.
1962 Japanese movie
Young Zushiômaru (voice)
After their father quarrels with local military men, Anju and Zushio are forced to flee, but they are captured and sold into slavery. When their mother dies, they are sold to Sansho the Bailiff, a cruel man who subjects them to hideous torments. While Anju falls into a lake and is transformed into a swan, Zushio escapes and after being adopted to a nobleman grows to a young man. He will then fight to defeat the evil Dayu and free all the slaves.
月光仮面 悪魔の最後
The sixth and last Moonlight Mask film in the original series produced by Toei in the 1950s.