Set Designer
It explores what happens to a group of long-term friends one night when, during their annual get-together to celebrate a birthday in a villa by the sea, they discover that the world might be ending within the space of a few hours. From that moment on, the time separating them from the possible end of their lives seems to flow differently, both speedily and never-endingly, over a summer’s night which will change their lives forever.
Production Design
In seaside Italy, a Holocaust survivor with a daycare business takes in a 12-year-old street kid who recently robbed her.
Production Design
The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti.
Production Design
The story of Jessica, a 17-year-old girl who lives in a strange world, a place that could be our world in the near future, perhaps, or in an alternate dimension. The point being that, whatever the nature of her world may be, Jessica's problems are the very same as they are in our world. Above all, the fear of a scary future haunts Jessica and seems to worry everybody around her as well, with the only escape appearing to be "like the other people". But Jessica's different: she has a dream and she has talent, yet her world rejects those who try to change the world and better their lives. All the isolation and bullying will have an unexpected impact on the situation, until a very shocking turning point of the story. All the way up to a shocking denouement.
Production Design
A group of wild, physically disabled lowlifes has the perfect plan to rob a bank, but things go terribly wrong as each of them reveals their own personal agenda.
Production Design
Production Design
Set Designer
イタリアのシチリア州バーリアで、ペッピーノは牛飼いの次男としてすくすくと育つ。ファシズムの支配も終わり、第2次世界大戦を経て共和国へと移行したころ、ペッピーノ(フランチェスコ・シャンナ)はマンニーナ(マルガレット・マデ)と恋に落ちる。だが、彼女の家族は貧しい彼との交際を許さず……。 『題名のない子守唄』などの巨匠、ジュゼッペ・トルナトーレ監督が故郷シチリアを舞台に描く壮大な人生賛歌。トルナトーレ監督自らの半生を基に、1930年代から1980年代にかけてのある家族の喜怒哀楽を生き生きと映し出す。主役を務めるのは、期待の新星フランチェスコ・シャンナ。トップモデルとして活躍するマルガレット・マデがその妻役で出演を飾る。3世代にわたる一家の物語や、たくましく生きるシチリアの人々の生命力に驚嘆する。
Production Design
Rome, Paris and Helsinki right after the Madrid bombings. Three stories about people who, for different reasons, are afraid of others – the eponymous "thy neighbor." A humanity full of differences, but at the same time, with very similar feelings. So similar that their stories appear almost parallel and complementary.
Production Design
Love and injury in time of war. Attilio de Giovanni teaches poetry in Italy. He has a romantic soul, and women love him. But he is in love with Vittoria, and the love is unrequited. Every night he dreams of marrying her, in his boxer shorts and t-shirt, as Tom Waits sings. Vittoria travels to Iraq with her friend, Fuad, a poet; they are there with the second Gulf War breaks out. Vittoria is injured. Attilio must get to her side, and then, as war rages around him, he must find her the medical care she needs. In war, does love conquer all?
Production Design
Roberto Benigni adapts the classic children's tale by Carlo Collodi for the big-budget family-oriented comedy Pinocchio.
Assistant Production Design
『ライフ・イズ・ビューティフル』(原題:La vita è bella、英題:Life Is Beautiful)は、1997年のイタリア映画。ロベルト・ベニーニ監督・脚本・主演作品。第二次世界大戦下のユダヤ人迫害(ホロコースト)を、ユダヤ系イタリア人の親子の視点から描いた作品である。 カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員グランプリを受賞。第71回米国アカデミー賞で作品賞ほか7部門にノミネートされ、そのうち、主演男優賞、作曲賞、外国語映画賞を受賞した。また、トロント国際映画祭の観客賞やセザール賞の外国映画賞も受賞している。
Art Direction
In 18th-century Sicily, deaf-mute highborn Marianna Ucrìa is forced to marry his uncle Pietro, a disgusting old man, at age 13. She bears three children before even turning 16, when she finally gives birth to a boy. Despite everything, she'll find a way to emancipate herself from the oppressive social conventions of the time.
Assistant Production Design
The life of St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) as related by followers who gather after his death to tell stories so that Leone can record them: a privileged and virile youth, a prisoner of war, an heir who turns away from his father and gives all to the poor, a beggar for others, and an inspiration to friends who accept the Gospels' life of poverty.