
ある天文学者の恋文 (2016)

Forbidden love. Undying devotion.

ジャンル : ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 2時間 2分

演出 : Giuseppe Tornatore




Jeremy Irons
Jeremy Irons
Ed Phoerum
Olga Kurylenko
Olga Kurylenko
Simon Johns
Simon Johns
Shauna Macdonald
Shauna Macdonald
Simon Meacock
Simon Meacock
James Warren
James Warren
Oscar Sanders
Oscar Sanders
Paolo Calabresi
Paolo Calabresi
Prescatore Ottavio
Anna Savva
Anna Savva
Irina Kara
Irina Kara
Mamma di Amy
James Bloor
James Bloor


Massimo Quaglia
Massimo Quaglia
Giuseppe Tornatore
Giuseppe Tornatore
Giuseppe Tornatore
Giuseppe Tornatore
Fabio Zamarion
Fabio Zamarion
Director of Photography
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone
Original Music Composer
Maurizio Sabatini
Maurizio Sabatini
Production Design
Maurizio di Clemente
Maurizio di Clemente
Art Direction
Lucio Di Domenico
Lucio Di Domenico
Art Direction
Stefano Paltrinieri
Stefano Paltrinieri
Set Decoration
Gemma Mascagni
Gemma Mascagni
Costume Design
Jeremy Zimmermann
Jeremy Zimmermann




In the year 1215, the rebel barons of England have forced their despised King John to put his royal seal on the Magna Carta, a seminal document that upheld the rights of free men. Yet within months of pledging himself to the great charter, the King reneged on his word and assembled a mercenary army on the south coast of England with the intention of bringing the barons and the country back under his tyrannical rule. Barring his way stood the mighty Rochester castle, a place that would become the symbol of the rebel's momentous struggle for justice and freedom.
50/50 フィフティ・フィフティ
スイート16 キャンドルに願いを
The story about Abby Jensen, a girl who's been eager to reach her 16th birthday and has kept a secret wish list since she was a little girl. When the Big Day actually arrives, utter disaster strikes, leaving Abby to think her birthday is ruined. But when a mysterious box of magical birthday candles arrives to turn things around, Abby's 16 Wishes start to come true. Her day gets better and better...until she makes one wish that threatens to change everything.
Black Emanuelle
In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.
2020年。人間のボクシングに代わり、より暴力的な「ロボット格闘技」が人気を博していた。人間のボクシングが廃れたことで、将来を有望視されていたプロボクサーのチャーリー・ケントン(ヒュー・ジャックマン)も、今では中古のロボットを使ってプロモーターとして生計を立てていた。 ある日、昔捨てた妻が亡くなったという連絡が入る。残された息子のマックス(ダコタ・ゴヨ)の養育権について、妻の姉であるデブラ(ホープ・デイヴィス)とマーヴィン(ジェームズ・レブホーン)夫妻と話し合いをすることとなるが、夫妻が金持ちであることに気づいたチャーリーは、借金を返すためにマーヴィンに10万ドルで息子を渡すと持ちかける。マーヴィンは「旅行に行く3ヶ月の間、マックスを預かってもらう」という条件付きで承諾した。 しばらくして、チャーリーのもとにマックスがやってくる。前金の5万ドルを手にしたチャーリーは以前破壊された「アンブッシュ」の代わりに、中古の「ノイジーボーイ」を購入。マックスはチャーリーの幼なじみであるベイリー(エヴァンジェリン・リリー)の元に居候することになる。金で売られたことに気づいたマックスはチャーリーを嫌っていたが、ロボットとゲーム好きな彼は無理やり試合についていく。「ミダス」との試合は最初は優勢だったが、結局負けてしまい、ノイジーボーイもスクラップになってしまう。
White Palace
Max Baron is a Jewish advertising executive in his 20s who's still getting over the death of his wife. Nora Baker is a 40-something diner waitress who enjoys the wilder side of life. Mismatched or not, their attraction is instant and smoldering. With time, however, their class and age differences become an obstacle in their relationship, especially since Max can't keep Nora a secret from his Jewish friends and upper-crust associates forever.
ポケットモンスター ミュウツー! 我ハココニ在リ MEWTWO SAGA
天候、気流が安定しない断崖絶壁の大渓谷「ピュアズロック」を通るとされる唯一のバスを乗り過ごしてしまったサトシ達一行は、近場で宿屋を営む女性ルナに一晩泊めてもらう事になる。 翌日、ピュア川の研究をする為に訪れた博士ペニシリーナとその助手ドミノが宿屋に訪れた。 その時、お約束のように現れるロケット団に捕まったピカチュウを助ける為にサトシ達一行はルナ、ペニシリーナ達と共にロケット団の気球を追う。 しかし、突然助手のドミノがロケット団の気球をサトシ達諸共撃ち落とし自分は小型ロケットで逃げてしまった。  実はドミノはロケット団のボス、サカキから命令を受けピュアズロックでミュウツーの行方を探していたのだった。 ロケット団と共にピュアズロックの頂上に落ちたピカチュウはそこで自分に対して何故か怒りを見せる見知らぬピカチュウと遭遇する。 見知らぬピカチュウはピカチュウに対して攻撃しようとするが、何者かが現れそれを制止する。そこに現れたのはあのミュウツーだった……
Halfaouine: Boy of the Terraces
Twelve-year-old Noura dangles uncertainly in that difficult netherworld between childhood and adulthood. His growing libido has gotten him banned from the women's baths, where his mother took him when he was younger, but he's not yet old enough to participate in grown-up discussions with the men of his Tunisian village. Noura's only real friend is a troublemaker named Salih -- the village political outcast.
The final part of Pasolini's Trilogy of Life series is rich with exotic tales of slaves and kings, potions, betrayals, demons and, most of all, love and lovemaking in all its myriad forms. Mysterious and liberating, this is an exquisitely dreamlike and adult interpretation of the original folk tales.
Two teenage girls embark on a series of destructive pranks in which they consume and destroy the world around them.
Three and a half years of Jesus' ministry, as told in the Gospel of Luke.
Reunited witch twins Camryn and Alex adjust to their new life as supernatural beings while at the same time trying to maintain a normal existence in this sequel to the magical Disney Channel original movie Twitches. But they soon find themselves going head to head with the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy their world. Luckily, their birth mother, the powerful Miranda, is on hand to help out.
Sex and Zen
A recently married scholar goes on a quest for knowledge of other people's wives, based on his philosophical differences with the Sack Monk. He encounters the Flying Thief, who agrees to help him find women, but only if he attains a penis as big as a horse's. The scholar has a surgeon attach said unit, and he's off and running on his mission, only to find that there are obstacles to his new lifestyle, such as jealous husbands and treacherous females.


The Star Maker
The adventures and deceptions of a photographer who travels through small villages of 1950s Sicily pretending to work for the big film studios in Rome.
イタリアのシチリア州バーリアで、ペッピーノは牛飼いの次男としてすくすくと育つ。ファシズムの支配も終わり、第2次世界大戦を経て共和国へと移行したころ、ペッピーノ(フランチェスコ・シャンナ)はマンニーナ(マルガレット・マデ)と恋に落ちる。だが、彼女の家族は貧しい彼との交際を許さず……。 『題名のない子守唄』などの巨匠、ジュゼッペ・トルナトーレ監督が故郷シチリアを舞台に描く壮大な人生賛歌。トルナトーレ監督自らの半生を基に、1930年代から1980年代にかけてのある家族の喜怒哀楽を生き生きと映し出す。主役を務めるのは、期待の新星フランチェスコ・シャンナ。トップモデルとして活躍するマルガレット・マデがその妻役で出演を飾る。3世代にわたる一家の物語や、たくましく生きるシチリアの人々の生命力に驚嘆する。
The Unknown Woman
Irena, a Ukrainian woman coming to Italy looking for a job as a maid. She does everything she can to become a beloved nanny for an adorable little girl, Thea. However, that is just the very beginning of her unknown journey.
Beatrice is a blabbermouth and a so-called billionaire countess who likes to believe she’s in intimacy with world leaders. Donatella is a young quiet tattooed woman, locked in her own mystery. They are both patients of a mental institution and subject to custodial measures.
アルゼンチンから奨学金でオックスフォード大学に留学して来たマーティン。渡英したのも束の間、下宿先の未亡人の他殺死体を発見してしまう。一緒に第一発見者となった世界的数学者セルダム教授のもとには、謎の記号が書かれた殺人予告メモが届けられていた。その後も、謎のメッセージを伴う不可解な事件が続けて起き…。 オックスフォード大学内で繰り広げられる、数学的謎解きで連続殺人を暴く本格サスペンス。イライジャ・ウッドとジョン・ハート共演、ギジェルモ・マルティネス原作。
Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the 1960s. On a trip home from Rome, where he studies literature and lives with his boyfriend, Tommaso decides to tell his parents the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother Antonio ruins his plans.
ある月食の夜、年頃の娘を持つ夫婦ロッコとエヴァの家に、ロッコの幼なじみで親友のレレとコジモとペッペ、そしてレレの妻カルロッタとコジモの妻ビアンカが集まり、夕食会が開かれる。 たわいのない会話で盛り上がる中、エヴァの提案で7人の男女は互いに秘密のないことの証としてスマートフォンにかかってきた電話や届いたメールやメッセージを公開し合うゲームを始めることになるが、次第に7人の隠された姿が露呈していく。
Tutta colpa di Freud
Francesco is a psychoanalyst grappling with three hopeless causes: a bookseller in love with a book thief, a lesbian hell-bent on becoming straight after a heartbreak, and an 18-year-old in a relationship with a much older married man. Unfortunately, these patients are also his three beloved daughters!
A biopic of 19th-century poet Giacomo Leopardi, who created immortal verses while struggling with a debilitating illness and isolation.
Checco is 39 and lived his entire life with his parents. He loves his job where he does nothing the whole day, until something happens that will change his behavior and his life forever...
The Unlikely Prince
A princess has to pretend to be in love with a rude and ignorant boy to obtein success among her citizens.
いつだってやめられる 10人の怒れる教授たち
Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.
いつだってやめられる 7人の危ない教授たち
A university researcher is fired because of the cuts to university. To earn a living he decides to produce drugs recruiting his former colleagues, who despite their skills are living at the margins of society.
きっと ここが帰る場所
A bored, retired rock star sets out to find his father's executioner, an ex-Nazi war criminal who is a refugee in the U.S.