Kenichi Hagiwara

Kenichi Hagiwara

出生 : 1950-07-26, Omiya, Saitama Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2019-03-26


Kenichi Hagiwara (born 26 July 1950 in Omiya, Saitama, Japan), also known as Sho-Ken, was the lead singer of The Tempters, the "bad boys" of the Group Sounds Japan pop scene in the mid and late 1960s. A teen idol with a legion of loyal fans, Hagiwara was known for his good looks and arrogance, which appealed to both young male and female Japanese fans. After The Tempters, he formed the band PYG along with Kenji Sawada, the first true Japanese supergroup, a unit which included members of The Tigers, The Tempters and The Spiders. Description above from the Wikipedia article Kenichi Hagiwara, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Kenichi Hagiwara
Kenichi Hagiwara
Kenichi Hagiwara


喰女 ―クイメ―
西村京太郎スペシャル 日本一周「旅号」殺人事件
Inspector Totsugawa
Hiroshi Hamano, a professor at a medical university, is found dead. Going by the results of the autopsy, it appears he committed suicide by jumping off a roof, but going by eyewitness testimony and physical evidence at the scene, Detective Kamei suspects murder. A ticket for a train trip around Japan is found in the professor's pocket. However, nobody then could have known the shocking truth hidden behind the tour the dead man was supposed to attend...
Keechie's boss
A successful businessman and his alcoholic wife attempt to piece together their unhappy lives and shattered marriage. Little do Nagai and Akira know that their precarious relationship will soon be transformed by a stranger, the enigmatic Keechie.
A hard-up locksmith and a vengeful computer nerd meet online, adopting the monikers Key and Gun respectively. Together they hatch a perfect heist against a consulting company -- Gun's former employer. At first everything goes perfectly. Gun's expert hacking from his laptop and Key's veteran touch quickly open the safe. Unfortunately, an overzealous security guard makes an unscheduled visit. After dispatching him, the two flee to the closest elevator, only to get stuck between the eighth and ninth floors
横浜、反町にある居酒屋「かずさ屋」を営む主人の荘太郎(萩原健一)は、女房のしず子(室井滋)を病院から自宅に連れて帰って来た。もはや、余命幾許もない事を知っていたからである。それは、しず子本人も気づいており、ある日、看病する壮太郎に、自分が死んだらひとりじゃ店を切り盛りするのは大変だろうから新しい女と一緒になるんだろうと尋ねると、壮太郎は、新しい女と一緒になる気はないと答えた。しず子は、もし嘘をついて他の女と結婚したら、十万億土から戻って来て化けて出てやると冗談とも本気ともとれるような言葉を残して、翌朝息絶えるのであった。 葬式が済み、独り身では忙しい毎日を過ごしていた壮太郎に、兄(尾藤イサオ)が見合いをしないかと女の写真を置いて行く。最初は興味のなかった壮太郎だが、その写真の女が、店の前をうろついたり、休日、浜に釣りに出かけた壮太郎の前にわざとらしく現れるのを観て、興味を覚え、一回会ってみる事にする。 その席で、彼の事を好きになってしまったと素直に告白する里子(山口智子)の気性に惚れた壮太郎は、あっさり、彼女との結婚を決意してしまう。
Rinzo Fuji
A hard working salaryman takes off five days from his busy job and sets off with his wife and two children to visit his parents in his hometown for the 1991 new year holidays. He decides that they will go by car to save on expenses. Unfortunately, the long drive from Tokyo to his hometown becomes a much longer journey than expected due to traffic, sickness and other misfortunes and by the time they arrive three days later, they only have time for a short but happy visit.
After the death of previous Boss, a gang war lasts for more than four years.
A violent detective who can handle assault and blackmail in a straight forward manner.
Shiro Nonaka
国際連盟を脱退し国際的に孤立していた日本は、国内でも政治不安、恐慌や経済不況が蔓延し国民の不満が高まっていた。 こうした状況を憂い憤っていた一部の帝国陸軍青年将校達はひそかに企てていた現政権を取り巻く元老、重臣を粛清し天皇陛下中心の国政を実現すべく昭和維新を実現すべく昭和8年2月21日ついにそれぞれの部隊を巻き込んで決起するが、国民を正義に導くはずの彼らの行動は次第にその思惑とはかけ離れた方向に陥っていく。
極道の妻たち 三代目姐
Testuro Akamatsu
The Man Who Assassinated Ryoma is a movie about a haunted blood-thirsty Bakufu officer who might have killed Ryoma Sakamoto.
Masahiko Tamura
A woman faces betrayal, which tests her love.
Keiichi (Kenichi Hagiwara) is a weather man. He gets involved with two married women, Yoshiko (Mitsuko Baisho) and Miyoko (Chieko Baisho). Both want to divorce but are trapped in meaningless marriages. While being undecided of who he wants to chose, Keiichi witnesses passions boil to an unforgiving climax.
Ryuji Gondo
Tetsu gets into an argument with some Okinawa yakuza and is murdered by them. His brother Ryo comes to Okinawa shortly thereafter and teams up with Tetsu's girlfriend and Max an ex US soldier to extract revenge.
Shoichi Takehara
A drama depicting the conflict between a man that ran to an old lover suffering from advanced leukemia, his wife and child that were left behind, and the friendship that develops between his wife and his former lover.
Hajime Kinoshita
The culturally isolated, nomadic Seburi people of western Japan are the subject of this tragedy about a few of the community's members who especially experience difficulties as modern Japan encroaches on their world. The setting is World War II, and conflicts have already arisen when the military police come to take Seburi men away into the army. Still following their own customs that can be harsh at times, and are particularly cruel to women (women must give birth alone and unaided, a woman's adultery is punished by burying her up to her neck in the earth and then leaving her for days), the Seburi are mainly treated with fear and animosity by the non-Seburi townspeople of the region. Along with the hardships arising from cultural clashes, nature's own vagaries present other challenges to the Seburi -- who still lived in tents until the 1950s. Winter avalanches and snowstorms cause as much havoc as the tensions engendered by the slow encroachment of the modern world.
Umiemon is a naniwa-bushi singer who travels with his wife to the United States in hopes of achieving fame and fortune.
The story of Takeha, a free-spirited genius poet who lived through Taisho Romanticism, and the women who gave themselves over to his ambitions.
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
魔性の夏 四谷怪談より
A former retainer to a noble family kills his wife's father when he tries to expose his past crimes. When he begins an affair with the daughter of another clan's retainer, her father tries to poison him but the substance instead claims an innocent victim...
Katsuyori Takeda
Two Kyushu based yakuza groups are desperate for domaination of the area. When more powerful yakuza groups get involved in their power struggle, a group of childhood friends, belonging to different yakuza families, are caught in the middle. Lies, deceit, and backstabbing are in play resulting in a bloodbath and a quest for revenge...
Tatsuya Terada
東京で暮らしている青年・寺田辰弥は、自分を探していた母方の祖父・井川丑松が目の前で変死したことを機に、生まれ故郷の八つ墓村を訪れる。そこは戦国時代、村人たちによって8人の落ち武者が惨殺されたという忌まわしい歴史をもつ土地だった。帰郷した辰弥の周りでは次々と奇怪な殺人事件が起こり…。 横溝正史の同名ミステリー小説を、巨匠・野村芳太郎監督が映画化。渥美清演じる名探偵・金田一耕助が事件の謎を解き明かす。
鴎よ、きらめく海を見たか めぐり逢い
Fujishita Kumi is an ordinary office lady. Longing to escape her poor fishing village for a life in the city, she came to Tokyo. One day while alone in the office, she's spotted rolling up her pantyhose by the window cleaner Kurata Katsuo. This was to be their first encounter. Completely enchanted by Kumi, Katsuo does everything he can to get close to her. Katsuo is a man with a terrible past. With the death of his coal miner father, his family was broken up and he was forced to follow in his father's footsteps laboring away in the mud. In spite of this, Katsuo still has dreams. He dreams of living in Resiporuko, a utopian fantasyland that exists only in his imagination. When Katsuo and Kumi finally meet they find themselves unable to communicate. Katsuo spends all his time talking about Resiporuko with a starry look in his eyes, while Kumi dreams of living the high life in the city. One day when the two travel to the seashore, they discover a wounded seagull.
Two semi-slackers with an ultra-intimate friendship work, slack and drink in a freezing Hokkaido town.
Akira, a Japanese expat working in Amsterdam, falls in love with a Japanese woman at Schiphol Airport who he thinks is his high school love.
Kenichiro Eto
A footballing law student tutors an undergraduate, developing into a romance that soon enough goes awry.
Set in Tsukuda Island, Tokyo, this drama SP depicts a misunderstanding between an old man with old-fashioned spirit and a young tenant.
Follows the fluctuating fortunes of three ronin in feudal Japan who wander from castle to castle, selling their services to whichever lord will fill their rice bowls. Though they use the servants' entrance, they still feel themselves bound by the samurai code of Bushido; and this tension leads to tragedy.
One day an innocent-looking girl in white clothes appears on board of a ramshackle boat The owner of the boat, Okin, decides to let Mari stay with him without asking her any questions. Turmoil ensues with the reaction of the crew when the runaway girl starts working alongside with them.
Akira Nakahara
The brief love story of an attentive young man and a beautiful woman who meet, fall in love and part during the course of a train ride.
喜劇 命のお値段
Based on the song by Mari Henmi
ザ・テンプターズ 涙のあとに微笑みを
萩原健一がボーカルを担当していた「ザ・テンプターズ」唯一の主演映画となる ミュージカル・コメディ。 ショーケンが高校生を演じ、「エメラルドの伝説」「神様お願い」「おかあさん」をはじめ、 タイトル曲「涙のあとに微笑みを」など全8 曲を披露するファンタジック青春ストーリー。
ザ・テンプターズ 涙のあとに微笑みを
Kenichi Yamakawa (Shôken)
Layabout teen Shoken is dissatisfied with his nagging single mother and bullies at school. He and his friends decide to form a cool rock band, but when Shoken learns that his mother is actually his aunt and his parents died, he becomes very agitated and runs away from home.