Harumi Sone

Harumi Sone

出生 : 1937-09-05, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2016-06-16




Harumi Sone
Harumi Sone


The Kanto Mutsumo-kai, one of Japan's foremost gangster organisations, is under the dictatorship of Sugo, the third president of the Ryujin clan, and Saito, its president. Toraji (Ozawa Kazuyoshi), who rebelled against this dictatorship but was unsuccessfully insulated and expelled, is picked up by his uncle Ryuzo and joins the Takematsu Rengokai. Toraji recruits a group of local delinquents headed by Hiroshi Maeda (Yasukaze Motomiya) into his ranks and begins a guerrilla war against the Kanto Rikukai-affiliated Yoshinin-kai. The two expand their power, but Toraji begins to dabble in stimulants and gradually goes berserk. An assassination plot is hatched against Toraji, and Hiroshi tries to stop it.
柳生十兵衛 世直し旅
The fate of Tokugawa’s world hangs in the balance as Yagyu Jubei is sent on a mission to discover what happened to 10 of the shogun’s spies that never returned. Matsukata Hiroki, one of the last surviving members of the Golden Age of Japanese Cinema proves that he has not lost a step as he portrays an older and wiser Yagyu Jubei in a movie that brings the best of samurai filmmaking into the 21st century. Summoned from semi-retirement by Shogun Iemitsu, Jubei is asked to take to the road and investigate a clan rumored to be preparing explosives for a rebellion. With help from a beautiful female ninja they head into the Shirakawa domain where the fighting skills of both are tested time and again as they strive to destroy a conspiracy that could bring a new Warring States Era. In the 1960's Yagyu Jubei was the signature role of the great Konoe Jushiro, father of Matsukata Hiroki. This brings the character full circle.
A Hitman must protect a 15-year-old girl
龍が如く 〜序章〜
Sohei Dojima
In 1970s-era Japan, three children, Kazuma Kiryu, Akira Nishikiyama, and his younger sister, Yuko Nishikiyama, are raised together in Shintaro Kazama's Sunflower Orphanage. In the summer of 1980, Yumi Sawamura, a young girl whose parents were accidentally shot and killed during a gang's shootout, joins them in the orphanage. Following a yakuza tradition, the honorable Kazama secretly raises orphans whose parents he has directly or indirectly killed. In return, the children love him as a father and he eventually inducts the teenage Kiryu and Nishikiyama into the Dojima Family, a Tojo Clan affiliate of which he is a senior officer.
Tokyo Zombie
Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
極道恐怖大劇場 牛頭 GOZU
極道恐怖大劇場 牛頭 GOZU
Innkeeper's Brother
Seiji and Yoshifumi are the only members of the Muto branch of the Date Family. The two respect and love their leader, Mr. Muto, like a father and the three share a firm bond. But their fate is sealed when the Family is involved in a conflict. Muto is unable to pay his share of funds for the oncoming battle but tells executives of the Family that he would fight at the front line instead. In the wish to protect Muto, Seiji has him arrested by the police. Ignoring the Family executives' mocks of "Muto escaped to prison", Seiji prepares for the battle and attacks like a demon on behalf of his boss...
やくざの詩 OKITE[掟]
Yakuza film directed by Hiroki Matsukata.
Ryuuzô Fukui
A barkeeper saves a Yakuza boss' life and thus makes his way up in the organization. However, his fear of nothing soon causes problems.
Gôzô Shirane
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
非情番犬 けだもの ノーマーシードッグ
Tetsuya, a young yakuza, returns to his family after his adoptive father is wounded in an attack from a rival gang. In his battle against dishonorable enemies and corrupt yakuza politics, he makes an unlikely ally in a rebel cop .
Seventeen year old Tetsuya kills the boss of a rival gang with the promise of being made. After seven years of prison, he discovers that he is all but forgotten by his Family. The two rival Families have reconciled and Tetsuya was been discarded to keep the peace. Wanted what he was promised, Tetsuya becomes a one-man path of destruction, only to be betrayed once again…
Leader of Tamazawa clan
Seventeen year old Tetsuya kills the boss of a rival gang with the promise of being made. After seven years of prison, he discovers that he is all but forgotten by his Family. The two rival Families have reconciled and Tetsuya was been discarded to keep the peace. Wanted what he was promised, Tetsuya becomes a one-man path of destruction, only to be betrayed once again…
Soma goes to Masakis allowed back to his former gang, led by Takeda who asked for his help since he had problems controlling their own men. But one fears how Somas former assistant Kokubu, now second in command of Takeda, should react. Soon Soma assassinated by three hired men, but one of them, Karasaki, who has just escaped an assassin is still possible to Masaki for help, explaining that Kokubu hired him. Masaki agrees to help him, but this also means that he exposes himself to danger.
When Masaki find themselves at a bar owned by his friend Akemi and ponder the recent strange happenings. He later accepted a proposal from his old rival Hattori and join the Todo-gang. A member, Hazama, beeing jealous over Masakis high rank and starts planning ways to get rid of the newcomer from the gang.
The unexpected death of Fujishima Motoharu, president of a medium-sized firm, triggers a fierce battle over his estate inheritance among family members.
The tale of Ogami Itto and his son Daigoro has come full circle with the greatest sword actor of all time, Wakayama Tomisaburo now playing Lone Wolf's mortal enemy, the evil Lord Yagyu Retsudo, who masterminded Ogami's fall from grace. Brilliant sword actor Takahashi Hideki takes over as the former shogunate decapitator, and his stunning swordsmanship is second to none! The story of Lone Wolf and Child has been told many times, but never before like this. With the magnificent sword skills of Takahashi Hideki as Ogami Itto, the Shogun's Decapitator and Wakayama Tomisaburo as the power hungry Lord Yagyu Retsudo the story has come full circle.
かつて素藤の父に輿入れし蟇田領で酒池肉林と暴虐の限りを尽くした玉梓 (たまづさ) は、里見家に討ち滅ぼされた怨念を晴らすために妖怪の首領として蘇えり、息子の蟇田素藤 (ひきたもとふじ) と家来に命じ、里見家の館山城に攻め入った。里見家は滅ぼされ、静姫と一部の家来は生き延びるが、玉梓の追手が迫ってくる。伏姫の体から飛び散った、仁・義・礼・智・忠・信・孝・悌の各字を刻んだ八つの霊玉を持った八剣士は、それぞれの立場で生きていた。やがて彼らは運命に導かれ、静姫のもとに集まり、玉梓の野望を砕くため、戦いを挑む。
An ex-Olympic athlete and a student commit cash robbery. Aki Hoshino, a pre-med student, becomes inspired to steal money the school collected as “special fees” from parents wanting to assure their offspring’s’ acceptance into the hallowed institution. He forms an unbeatable alliance with an ex-employee and crime bosses to retrieve the ill-gotten money from the “wrong” hands.
Two Kyushu based yakuza groups are desperate for domaination of the area. When more powerful yakuza groups get involved in their power struggle, a group of childhood friends, belonging to different yakuza families, are caught in the middle. Lies, deceit, and backstabbing are in play resulting in a bloodbath and a quest for revenge...
「柳生一族の陰謀」の深作欣二と萬屋錦之介が忠臣蔵に挑んだ大型時代劇。様式美にとらわれないドキュメンタリータッチの作風で描く。 吉良上野介に対し刃傷に及んだ浅野内匠頭が切腹させられ、赤穂はお家断絶となり、領地を召し上げられてしまう。大石内蔵助は家臣たちから誓紙血判を集め、仇討ちの準備を始める。
After World War II, when Okinawa was under control of the United States, the local yakuza prospered. But when Okinawa is returned to Japan, the mainland yakuza tries to take over; the local yakuza tries to compete. Now sides are drawn among the local yakuza guys who used to be best friends since their childhood, and brother fights brother. It results in the biggest yakuza war in Okinawa.
深作欣二がスターウォーズブームの中製作した便乗映画。ストーリーは里見八犬伝に材を採っていたりと安直な部分もあるが、ビック・モローの起用、原寸大のリアベ号の建造など話題性は充分だった。『スター・ウォーズ』に比べ特撮の出来は見劣りはするものの、合成を使わずに戦闘機の追跡シーンを作り上げた点などが海外では高く評価された。 アンドロメダ星雲の惑星ジルーシアは皇帝ロクセイア12世の率いるガバナス帝国の侵略によって「惑星大要塞」へと改造されてしまっていた。ジルーシア人の大酋長キドは奇跡の救い手の勇者を求め、「聖なるリアベの実」8個を宇宙へと放ち、キドの孫娘エメラリーダと戦士のウロッコ2名に、実を追って勇者を迎えに行くように指示した。だがロクセイアはぬかりなく追撃の宇宙戦艦を発進させる。 リアベの実は、銀河系の地球連邦の植民惑星ミラゼリアで、軍に失望して辞職した元将軍のガルダ、宇宙暴走族の若者シローとアロン、チンピラのジャック、富豪令嬢のメイア5名の元に届く。 若者達は「宇宙ボタル」の採集中に難破したエメラリーダの宇宙船を見つけ、エメラリーダとウロッコを救い出すが、2人から使命を聞かされて戸惑う。ガルダは若者達の様子を見て、実を返却して参加を固辞してしまう。シロー等はメイアには内緒で、他の勇者を紹介すると嘘をつき、息子の嫁探しをしていた老婆にエメラリーダを売ってしまう。老婆とエメラリーダはその後ガバナスの追跡部隊に捕縛されてしまう。 メイアはシロー等の行動を知り大いに怒る。改心した若者達は協力してジルーシア救出の準備を開始する。メイアの宇宙艇をシロー・アロンの小型艇を搭載できるように改修し、ジルーシアへと向かう。その途中でリアベの実を持つガバナス人のハンスが加わる。ハンスはロクセイアに地位を簒奪された、ガバナスの本来の皇位継承者だった。 一方、ガバナスは地球の美しさに魅了され、地球連邦へと無条件降伏を迫る。 その混乱の最中、ガルダと合流したシローたち6名は、惑星要塞の破壊とエメラーリダ救出のため、ガバナスの要塞内へと侵入。残る2名の仲間も集い、8名はロクセイアとの対決に挑む。
Following the death of the second Tokugawa shogun, it is revealed that he was poisoned by retainers of his son Iemitsu in hopes of gaining him the shogunate despite the stammer and birthmark which undermine his respect. Iemitsu and his brother Tadanaga become bitter rivals for the shogunate, and the land is split into factions, eventually erupting into warfare. Iemitsu's mentor, his fencing instructor Yagyu, is fixated upon securing Iemitsu the shogunate and ends up betraying everyone, even his own family, in pursuit of the goal.
やくざ戦争 日本の首領
A yakuza leader must balance his violent tactics necessary for the rough streets of 1960s Tokyo with the domestic needs of his daughters.
やくざの墓場 くちなしの花
Katsugi Kanai
新仁義なき戦い 組長最後の日
暴走パニック 大激突
Two bank robbers specialize in "smash and grab" style heists. The thieves dream of escaping Japan and going to Brazil...
実録外伝 大阪電撃作戦
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
After eight years in prison, Takeshi’s mission is a big heist from his own clan’s gambling parlor.
Pinku from 1975.
ウルフガイ 燃えろ狼男
Akira Inugami is the only survivor of a clan of ancient werewolves who relies on his supernatural powers to solve mysterious crimes. After a series of bloody killings perpetrated by an unseen force, Inugami uncovers a conspiracy involving a murdered cabaret singer, corrupt politicians, and a plot by the J-CIA to harvest his blood in order to steal his lycanthropic powers! At the same time, Inugami also discovers the truth behind his family heritage, and that he may not be the last of his kind.
A look at the life of renegade yakuza, Rikio Ishikawa, particularly the years from 1946 to 1950 when his violent antics get him in trouble with his own clan, Kawada, and then with the clan of his protector, Kozaburo Imai. In these years, he can rely on Chieko, a young Tokyo courtesan who gives him shelter. He's banished to Osaka, where he picks up a drug habit. Through it all, he keeps his friends and enemies off balance with unpredictable behavior - and he seems indestructible.
Convicted of murder, Masayuki Ueda is sent to Hiroshima Prison along with his accomplice. But for a man like him, breaking out of prison is easy.
実録飛車角 狼どもの仁義
In gangster-infested 1920s Yokohama, gambler Ishiguro gets in with the local gang -- but his view of life changes after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
仁義なき戦い 完結篇
山口組外伝 九州進攻作戦
The most dangerous hired gun in Tokyo's underworld has managed to trigger a vicious gang war, and now, there's a contract on his life. Though nobody is more skilled in the arts of dealing death, can the tattooed hitman fend off the entire Japanese mafia as he searches for the man who wants him dead?
ジーンズブルース 明日なき無頼派
Hijiriko makes off from the bar she works at with money and a car that isn't hers. Meanwhile, Jiro Katagiri is up to no good with his gangster friends and ends up making off with all their ill-gotten gains, much to their disapproval. The two misfits end up meeting after a car crash and soon end up on the road together in (another) stolen car. It's not long before the police take an interest in the crimes, and of course the gangsters are hot on Jiri's heels; meaning the two must scarper across Japan by any means necessary.
仁義なき戦い 頂上作戦
仁義なき戦い 代理戦争
Toshio Ueda
やくざ対Gメン 囮
Kenichi Mishima
Using a lesser mobster as bait a government agent infiltrates a narcotics-smuggling gang to try to capture the boss. But his survival has a price.
Bank robbers steal 30 million yen and try to elude the cops and escape with the cash. Of the three, only one manages to avoid capture. Yoko, a female accomplice, is tossed in a women's prison where she meets Yuki, and the two of them manage to escape. Their plan is meet up with the robber who avoided capture, get ahold of the cash, and get for away from the big city.
まむしの兄弟 刑務所暮し四年半
Shuji Yano
変身忍者 嵐
Skeleton Maru
During the Edo period, Henshin Ninja Arashi and his allies fight for peace.
ポルノの帝王 失神トルコ風呂
Hiroshi (Tatsuo Umemiya) has the biggest penis in all of Japan and everyone who touches (or is touched by) it, is blessed by good fortune. After buying his sister a washing machine for her wedding, he travels to Tokyo, where he must help his friend Masa out of a half-million yen debt. Among other hijinks, he becomes a penis god in the process.
日本暴力団 殺しの盃
A professional lone-wolf hitman comes to his blood brother's aid when his boss is brutally murdered by an unknown yakuza faction.
Porno Emperor
Young man returns from prison and sets out to destroy the gang that killed his friends and boss of his former gang.
A yakuza gang gets driven out of Yokohama by a big gang from Tokyo. They relocate to Okinawa to violently start over.
不良番長 口から出まかせ
Interesting fights between the "Capone Group" and "Jumbo Group".
ずべ公番長 夢は夜ひらく
The disbandment of the Tanno clan left gang member Tetsu to stray from the crime family's fold. He roamed the streets as a one man band, wearing a denim jacket and long hair with sunglasses to cover his piercing eyes. Befriending a like-minded lone wolf by the name of Gebasaku, Tetsu builds a coalition against higher forces. A graphic portrayal of irrepressible anger and a friendship worth dying for.
花の特攻隊 あゝ戦友よ
In 1943 Japan is facing defeat. This makes Shinkichi, a straight, selfless student-patriot, ever more restless. He can no longer stand his soft "behind-the- gun" role of munition factory worker. School-mates one after another are going to the front, where he feels he should be. The last straw is an official report of his father's death in the Battle of Attu in the Aleutian Islands. He rushes to the naval air corps training camp at Tsuchiura along with his close school-mates Naito, Yamada, Saito and Tagawa as Volunteer pilot trainees leaving his mother and sweetheart weeping and helpless.
Rivalry between two young gangster groups who seek to extend their influence.
不良番長 どぶ鼠作戦
Tokyo hoodlums travel to Osaka and enter into rivalry with the local gangsters.
夜の歌謡シリーズ 悪党ブルース
A story about club hostesses in Osaka.
日本暴力団 組長
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
不良番長 練鑑ブルース
A story of rivalry between two gambling clans.
夜の歌謡シリーズ 長崎ブルース
Japanese “kayo” film based on the song by Mina Aoe.
妖艶毒婦伝 人斬りお勝
This film focuses on Okatsu; the adopted daughter of a master swordsman. She is a master with a sword herself and her talents far overshadow that of her brother, and real child of the man who adopted her. Her brother unfortunately has a gambling habit, and it plunges the family into trouble when he loses a lot of money in a crooked dice game. After releasing he is unable to pay the debt he owes; the blame is shouldered by the father, who is killed, leading Okatsu on a path of revenge.
昭和残侠伝 唐獅子仁義
Hidejuro is sent to prison after killing the boss of a rival family. After being released, he discovers that his family has scattered and he is taken in by a company of quarry workers, whose boss has a strict code of non-violence. When the rival family tries to take over the company and kills their boss, Hidejuro must choose between his promise of non-violence and his yakuza code of revenge...
The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.
日本侠客伝 絶縁状
The Domain: Severed Relations
The story of men devoted to the yakuza lifestyle and their struggles during a time of fading yakuza power.
博奕打ち 総長賭博
Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison. Other clan members oppose and Ishido is elected. When Matsuda is freed, he doesn't accept this decision.
During the Taisho Period (early 1920's) a monastery of warrior monks was split apart between two factions. One of these factions was led by the Chief Abbot and his protege, Shinkai. When Shinkai intercedes in a fight between a rival priest and some ruffians it leads to his expulsion from the order. This story introduced us to the character of Shinkai, a "Karate Priest" and his long running feud with Ryotatsu, his greatest rival. There are touches of humor as Shinkai breaks all the commandments of a priest, including fighting, gambling, and running after women. All this leads to an awesome conclusion as he must destroy a gang of yakuza aided by corrupt priests. The fighting is fast and furious as Ryotatsu waits to see if Shinkai can live long enough to face him in the ultimate test! /Winterheart of CG
昭和残侠伝 血染の唐獅子
Fierce war breaks out when Shujiro’s rival clan attempts to sabotage his lucrative construction business.
続 組織暴力
Man with Black Glasses
Sawaki is released from prison after serving eight years for murdering a rival gang leader in order to obtain the land rights to a landfill for the Kotaki clan and he discovers that the world has changed significantly in that time. The police have forced the disbanding of all yakuza groups in and around Tokyo and most of the former yakuza have moved on to legitimate jobs. Sawaki is disgusted that his yakuza brothers have abandoned their codes of honor and are abusing their newfound power in the legitimate business world to exploit the poor. Sawaki feels partly responsible for making them so powerful and enabling their corruption, so he decides to follow his traditional code of honor to save the residents of a small town where his former lover lives.
侠客三国志 佐渡ヶ島の決斗
A lone wolf tries to eliminate a drug-smuggling operation.
昭和残侠伝 一匹狼
Yakuza families clash over a lucrative fishery business.
Somewhat unique as it appears to be one of the very rare appearances of master thespian Itô in a yakuza role.
Famous enka singer Saburo Kitajima stars as Katsuji, a traveling craps artist who finds great camaraderie on the road.
次郎長三国志 甲州路殴り込み
The continuing adventures of the Jirocho gang.
明治侠客伝 三代目襲名
Osaka, 1907: Asajiro lives between a rock and a hard place: he has to keep his business clean and running, tame his late oyabun’s hot-blooded son and suffer the throes of his impossible love for beautiful geisha Hatsue.
In this gritty tale of gamblers battling in the samurai era, Okawa Hashizo gives perhaps his greatest performance as a gambler returning to his home town. Swearing allegiance to his fiancée’s father, a decent boss, he had taken to the road after a gang fight until things cooled down. While honing his sword skills in his travels, everything in the town had changed and he descended into a virtual hell of violence. Opponents were being slaughtered by a former samurai ‘Bodyguard’ played by Tanba Tetsuro at the height of his amazing career. While these two master swordsmen are fated to meet, before that can even happen they must survive one of the longest, bloodiest swordfights in movie history!
The main character Tachibana Isaburo is released from prison and discovers that his boss is dead. He is offered to become the leader of the group, but refuses. A young fashion villain, a Yakuza boss wants to get into politics. He makes a deal with the Osaka Railway Company, leaving many poor people homeless. Tachibana engages in a fierce battle with villains for the poor.
『東京ギャング対香港ギャング』(とうきょうギャングたいホンコンギャング)は、1964年公開の日本映画。鶴田浩二主演、石井輝男監督。東映東京撮影所製作、東映配給。併映『宮本武蔵 一乗寺の決斗』(中村錦之助主演、内田吐夢監督)。
月影忍法帖 二十一の眼
A wave of terror is threatening to unseat Shogun Yoshimune. Police stations are erupting into flames, convicts escaping from prison, houses robbed and vandalized, streets teeming with panicked citizens. Is Ijyuin Tanomo, highly-placed official of Owari clan, secretly using deadly ninja to foment riot and rebellion? Narumiya Shinbei, a lone samurai spy adept at ninjutsu must uncover the hidden hand orchestrating these shocking crimes. Shinbei enlists a small band of dedicated ninja to lay siege to the enemy’s stronghold, where his own sister works as an undercover agent. Now, ninja must fight ninja in a last desperate battle to save the shogunate.
This is one of the most powerfully effective ninja films that dispenses with the silly magic of earlier efforts, and concentrates on an excellent story with expert fighting. Sena Denemon is the rarest of government officials, a man of integrity, sent on a mission to uncover the corruption that ran rampant during the Edo Period. Refusing bribes, and willing to put his life on the line to raise his son properly, heinfuriates the corrupt Inspectors; thus endangering his own life. Along with his two trusted vassals, he makes a brave effort to alert the Shogun to the plot which is being carried out. After the battle, his son Ichitaro joins the Chichibu ninja group in order to master fighting so he, too, can fight the forces which have brought about so much suffering.
A modern gang version of Chushingura, chronicling almost scene for scene the Brave 47 Ronin story, transposed from the Genroku Period to the Showa Era.
Sonny Chiba plays a low ranking yakuza who spends more time enjoying life than doing the yakuza work. He falls in love with a pretty student girl, whose brother (Saburo Kitajima) later gets drawn into the yakuza business against his own wishes. The film is charmingly old fashioned, utilizing many studio sets and Showa era music; however, the film's real strength is the breezy romance between Chiba and lovely Chiyoko Honma.
A yakuza man is released from prison after serving a long sentence. He immediately sets about creating a new gang and attempts to pull off a huge ransom score.
Sonny Chiba in an adaption from Ryutaro Kondo work
A shooting incident occurs at the Asahina family gambling hall in Tokyo's Joto district. It is the work of Gaijin boss Brown and his henchman Yamaoka, whose territory is in the Jonan district, in response to Kikuya, the head of the Asahina family, refusing to join the Syndicate. Yamaoka relentlessly pursues the Asahina family and uses his brother Komatsu to kill Shibaki, Kikuya's brother, who owns Nagoya territory. When Kikuya receives information that a general meeting of the Brown and Yamaoka Syndicate is to be held in Nagoya, he is determined to root out the syndicate and rushes to Nagoya, ready to die...
ギャング対Gメン 集団金庫破り
A gang plans to steal twenty billion yen by safecracking tactics; however, they discover that one of the gang members is an infiltrating cop.
Goro Ishihara
Two rival gangs of gangsters clash for dominance of a neighborhood.
A man challenges a territorial fight between gangs.
The plot opens with the hero (Tsuruta) leaving prison, having served time through taking the blame for a fellow gang member’s crime. However, his former gang boss seems to have gone to seed, with people now killing each other and dealing in drugs. The hero then teams up with a lone operator (Tamba) who specialises in shaking down gangsters.
Friendship between an ambitious young thief and an artist during the Warring States period.
Ishihama is planning a casino robbery with his wife and mother-in-law. They meet a man named Tsuneda who is planning the same robbery and agree to work together.
1962 Japanese movie
After a successful robbery the culprits, from very different backgrounds, at once turn on each other.
Based on the mystery novel of the same name by Seichō Matsumoto.
警視庁物語 12人の刑事
Ichiro Kawasaki
The murder took place at a hotel in Matsushima. The victim is a woman about 28 years old. The suspect is a young man who visited her the night before, and the evidence, in addition to shoe horns and handkerchiefs, is soap with the name of the tavern. When detectives at Shiogama Station followed the man's tracks, it turned out that he had come from Ueno.
Ichiro (Chiba) is a scrappy little sport in a big car and funny hat always looking for some fun and some extra cash on the side. He and his friends get themselves involved in some shady business dealings involving a kidnapping.
A gang of bank robbers plan a big robbery, but they all plot to betray each other after the heist for different reasons.
風来坊探偵 赤い谷の惨劇
The great Sonny Chiba stars as Goro Saionji, a drifting thrill-seeker. Out to investigate a suspisious plane crash in the Red Valley, he uncovers a plot involving yakuza and a shady land developer to evict an old farmer off of his land to build a sky resort. Goro must now help the old farmer and his daughter and take those criminals on.
A human drama of crew and passengers on a special express train named “Sakura” from Tokyo to Nagasaki...
When the plague threatens a small town in Manchuria, a young doctor finds himself struggling to save the lives of his townspeople.
The son of the murdered Yakuza, Kenji, at the request of his mother, worked in a stable company. However, soon the girl Kenji Amy, who was in favor of the director of the company, is sexually harassed by him. Kenji beats the director and resigns. He asks his brother Ryota, the manager of the cabaret, to find a job, but his brother refuses him, and he is taken in by Senba, a yakuza boss specializing in smuggling and drugs...
One of the earliest of subeban/ girl boss type eiga
スピード狂時代 命を賭けて
Koharu, a young geisha, is in love with Kenichi, an apprentice carpenter to her father Masagoro. Their love life comes to a sudden halt after an argument between their two fathers. Can their love survive in spite of the bitterness between their two families?