Cliff Curtis

Cliff Curtis

出生 : 1968-07-27, Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand


Cliff Curtis  (born 27 July 1968) is a New Zealand actor who has had major roles in film, including The Piano, Whale Rider, and Blow, and most recently has appeared in NBC's television series Trauma. He is also co-owner of independent film production company Whenua Films. Curtis, ethnically Māori, has on film portrayed a range of ethnicities, including Latin American and Arab characters. He has appeared as a character actor in many Hollywood films, while in New Zealand he is usually the main star. Description above from the Wikipedia article Cliff Curtis, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Cliff Curtis
Cliff Curtis
Cliff Curtis
Cliff Curtis
Cliff Curtis


Avatar 5
Avatar 4
Avatar 3
The third entry in the Avatar franchise.
Meg 2: The Trench
James 'Mac' Mackreides
Ben Bryant
When the tenacious young sailor Jessica Watson sets out to be the youngest person to sail solo, nonstop and unassisted around the world, many expect her to fail. With the support of her sailing coach and mentor Ben Bryant and her parents, Jessica is determined to accomplish what was thought to be impossible, navigating some of the world’s most challenging stretches of ocean over the course of 210 days.
Executive Producer
Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant 'Taffy' Tawharau (Cliff Curtis), who must choose between his badge and his people, when the Government launches an armed raid through his Ruatoki community, on a school day.
Community Sergeant ‘Taffy’ Tawharau
Inspired by actual events, MURU is the story of a local Police Sergeant 'Taffy' Tawharau (Cliff Curtis), who must choose between his badge and his people, when the Government launches an armed raid through his Ruatoki community, on a school day.
A teenage girl decides to replace her controlling father with his wealthy foreign friend during a weekend trip to the Adriatic Sea.
Cyrus Booth
Billy Freeman
40年前の惨劇を生き延びたダニー(ユアン・マクレガー)は、心に傷を抱えた孤独な大人になっていた。 父親に殺されかけたトラウマ、終わらない幼い日の悪夢。 そんな彼のまわりで起こる児童連続失踪事件。 ある日、ダニーのもとに謎の少女アブラ(カイリー・カラン)からメッセージが送られてくる。 彼女は「特別な力(シャイニング)」を持っており、事件の現場を“目撃”していたのだ。 事件の謎を追う二人。 やがて二人は、ダニーにとって運命の場所、あの“呪われたホテル”にたどりつく。
Jonah Hobbs
Merata: How Mum Decolonised the Screen
Executive Producer
A documentary portrait of the pioneering indigenous filmmaker and activist Merata Mita and an intimate tribute from a son about his mother that delves into the life of the first woman from an Indigenous Nation to solely direct a film anywhere in the world. Known as the grandmother of Indigenous cinema, Merata’s independent political documentaries of the 1970s and 80s highlighted injustices for Māori people and often divided the country. Mita was fearless in her life, her activism and her art. Chronicling the director’s journey to decolonize the film and television screens of New Zealand and the world, the film documents her work, her early struggles with her family and her drive for social justice that often proved personally dangerous.
MEG ザ・モンスター
Clavius, a powerful Roman military tribune, and his aide, Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.
Lt. Cortez
The Dark Horse
Executive Producer
One-time Maori speed-chess champ, Genesis Potini, lives with a bi-polar disorder and must overcome prejudice and violence in the battle to save his struggling chess club, his family and ultimately, himself.
The Dark Horse
One-time Maori speed-chess champ, Genesis Potini, lives with a bi-polar disorder and must overcome prejudice and violence in the battle to save his struggling chess club, his family and ultimately, himself.
Great Expectations
Executive Producer
Miss Havisham, a wealthy spinster who wears an old wedding dress and lives in the dilapidated Satis House, asks Pip's Uncle Pumblechook to find a boy to play with her adopted daughter Estella. Pip begins to visit Miss Havisham and Estella, with whom he falls in love, then Pip—a humble orphan—suddenly becomes a gentleman with the help of an unknown benefactor.
Dr. Sinja
出版代理人のジャックは、得意の嘘と話術で多くの仕事を成功に導いてきた。だが、自分のためならどんな嘘でも平気でついてしまうようになっていた。そんなある日、彼は人気のスピリチュアル指導者のシンジャと知り合う。すると、自宅の庭に謎の巨木が突如現れる。しかも、不思議なことにこの巨木は、ジャックが一言発する度に葉を一枚ずつ散らしていく。シンジャはこの巨木の葉が全て散った時、ジャックの命も失われてしまうと彼に告げる。これを聞いて、ジャックは言葉を発することをやめるが、当然上手くはいかず、葉はどんどん散っていく。遂にはジャックの態度に怒った妻が子供を連れて出て行き、更には職までも失う。この事態に、一時は自暴自棄になったジャックだったが、シンジャの言葉をきっかけに、嘘の言葉で満ちた自分の人生を見つめ直していく。そして、残されたわずかな言葉で、妻や老いた母など周りの人々に想いを伝える。最後にジャックは、幼い時に家族を捨てて出て行った父の墓の前に立ち、父に向って「許す」と告げる。この言葉で全ての葉が落ち、ジャックは苦しんで倒れる。そこに事情を知るジャックの部下アーロンから電話がかかって来る。アーロンは、全ての葉が散って死を迎えるだけと思われた巨木が生き返り、葉を付けただけでなく、花まで咲いていることを伝える。ジャックは助かったのである。 生まれ変わったジャックは今回の経験をもとに「1000の言葉(A Thousand Words)」という本を著す。代理人はかつての部下アーロンである。そしてジャックは、妻が望んでいた子育て向きの家を購入し、妻子と再出発する。
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata is the final work of director Merata Mita, who passed away suddenly before the film could be completed. The film addresses some of the deepest and most distressing issues Māori communities face, and shows how extraordinary creative solutions are being provided by Māori communities themselves. Mita asks Maori men to front up to some grim realities by talking openly and honestly about the violence and abuse that has plagued their communities for many years. The film is a personal response to this violence, with Mita making a case for a return to an older model of Maori manhood, when men were the ones who sweetly sang the children to sleep. “Merata intended the documentary to count in ways that mattered deeply to her and to change perceptions of abuse and violence by using themes of responsibility, redemption, revitalisation, forgiveness and, most of all, love.” - Carol Hirschfeld, Māori Television.
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata
Saving Grace - Te Whakarauora Tangata is the final work of director Merata Mita, who passed away suddenly before the film could be completed. The film addresses some of the deepest and most distressing issues Māori communities face, and shows how extraordinary creative solutions are being provided by Māori communities themselves. Mita asks Maori men to front up to some grim realities by talking openly and honestly about the violence and abuse that has plagued their communities for many years. The film is a personal response to this violence, with Mita making a case for a return to an older model of Maori manhood, when men were the ones who sweetly sang the children to sleep. “Merata intended the documentary to count in ways that mattered deeply to her and to change perceptions of abuse and violence by using themes of responsibility, redemption, revitalisation, forgiveness and, most of all, love.” - Carol Hirschfeld, Māori Television.
Fire Lord Ozai
The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.
Boy, an 11-year-old child and devout Michael Jackson fan who lives on the east coast of New Zealand in 1984, gets a chance to know his absentee criminal father, who has returned to find a bag of money he buried years ago.
正義のゆくえ I.C.E.特別捜査官
Hamid Baraheri
PUSH 光と闇の能力者
Hook Waters
政府に特殊能力者として開発された人間と、彼らの能力を利用したい当局との攻防を描くSFサイキック・アクション。『ラッキーナンバー7』の俊英ポール・マクギガンが、第二次世界大戦時に実際に育成されていたという超能力スパイの逸話を基に映画化。主演は、『ファンタスティック・フォー [超能力ユニット]』のクリス・エヴァンスと『宇宙戦争』のダコタ・ファニング。葛藤(かっとう)する能力者の姿や、スタイリッシュなアクションに注目。
Coffee and Allah
Executive Producer
When a cup of coffee is a gift from Allah.
Eagle vs Shark
Love blossoms for Lily over double Meaty Boy burgers at mid-day when uber-computer nerd Jarrod comes in and leaves with free extra large fries. After gatecrashing Jarrod's party and proving her skills on the game console, Lily goes down to Jarrod's home town with him so he can settle an old score with a past school bully.
独立記念日前夜、ニューヨーク市警察刑事のジョン・マクレーンは、ニュージャージー州に住む娘のルーシーを訪ねる。偶然ルーシーが男に言い寄られる光景を目の当たりにして助けたつもりが、親からの干渉は当然の如く嫌われマクレーンはヘコんでしまう。さらに、上司からはハッカーのファレルをワシントンD.C.まで連行するFBIからの頼まれ仕事を押し付けられ、渋々とマクレーンはファレルの元へと向かう。 しかし、ファレルのアパートメントを訪問したマクレーンは、そこでファレルを狙った正体不明の敵からの銃撃をうける。 最新のハイテク技術を駆使するトーマス・ガブリエル率いるサイバーテロ組織を相手に、完全なアナログ親父であるマクレーンがいつもの如く理不尽な運命を愚痴りながらも、反撃を開始する。
Inside The Fountain: Death and Rebirth
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Darren Aronofsky's ‘The Fountain’.
Detective Flores
A husband is on trial for the attempted murder of his wife, in what is seemingly an open/shut case for the ambitious district attorney trying to put him away. However, there are surprises for both around every corner, and, as a suspenseful game of cat-and-mouse is played out, each must manipulate and outwit the other.
ファウンテン 永遠につづく愛
Captain Ariel
River Queen
An intimate story set during the 1860s in which a young Irish woman Sarah and her family find themselves on both sides of the turbulent wars between British and Maori during the British colonization of New Zealand.
Mort Whitman
Spooked is a contemporary conspiracy thriller arising from the mysterious death of Kevin Jones, who thought he was just buying second-hand computers, until he looked at the data left on the discs. Was kevin murdered or did he simply get drunk and crash his car? Investigating journalist Mort Whitman says he will find out, even if it kills him. The film is based on material from the book 'The Paradise Conspiracy' by Ian Wishart.
Inspector Franklin
A young solo mother loves her son and his needs are formost, but she still has room in her heart for her very broken brother, even as her fundamentalist mother rejects her. But when the brother is responsible for a woman's broken neck, during his burglary of her house, families are changed as crisis amplifies and at times the young mother seems to be the only adult.
Heinous Crime
Pizza Delivery Man
Two players, one heinous crime to be revealed. Wellington Winner of 48 Hours Furious Filmmaking 2004.
Tama Tū
Six Māori Battalion soldiers camped in Italian ruins wait for night to fall. In the silence, the bros-in-arms distract themselves with jokes. A tohu (sign) brings them back to reality, and they gather to say a karakia before returning to the fray. Director Taika Waititi describes the soldiers as young men with "a special bond, strengthened by their character, their culture and each other." Shot in the rubble of the old Wellington Hospital, Tama Tū won international acclaim. Invited to over 40 international festivals, its many awards included honourable mentions at Sundance and Berlin.
Frank Herrera
A juror on the inside and a woman on the outside manipulate a court trial involving a major gun manufacturer.
Point of Origin
Mike Camello
An arson investigator searching for the perpetrator of a string of deadly fires in 1980s California.
Claudio Perrini
ロサンゼルスの消防士であるGordy Brewer(Arnold Schwarzenegger)の家族は、ダウンタウンの爆撃でコロンビアのテロリストグループによって殺され、彼は恐ろしい出来事を目撃します。 彼の妻と息子を殺すことによって彼の人生を台無しにした人々を正義が決して止めないことを確信して、ブリューワーは彼らを殺すためにコロンビアのジャングルへの旅行を決める
The Evil But Handsome Prince Khalid
Set in 1951, a blacklisted Hollywood writer gets into a car accident, loses his memory and settles down in a small town where he is mistaken for a long-lost son.
Pablo Escobar
A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.
Billy Williams
Billy (Cliff Curtis) is trying to organize the biggest celebration the town of Waimatua has even seen - the 75th Jubilee of their school. In doing this, feckless Billy is trying to redeem himself in the eyes of his family, especially his frustrated wife Pauline (Theresa Healey). However trouble arrives with the return of a local former All Blacks Captain, an old flame of Pauline's.
Sheikh Fadlallah
Cy Coates
かつてフランク神父に命を救おうとしたことで呼ばれたフランクは、救えなかった人々の幽霊を毎ターン目にする。 彼は解雇されるためにできる限りのことを試み、病気で電話をかけ、助けられなかったもう1人の犠牲者に直面しなければならないかもしれない電話に出るのを遅らせましたが、自分で仕事を辞めることはできませんでした.
Amir Abdullah
On the premise that his albums will sell better if he is dead, an aging pop-singer fakes his own death. True enough, the money rolls in, but no one can get their hands on it because of the seven year waiting period before a missing person can be declared legally dead. However, a crazed animal rights terrorist, who knows he isn't dead, is trying to kill him, because of the singer's advertisements for fried chicken restaurants. Eventually, it turns out that the singer's manager is paying the terrorist to kill him.
Hercules in the Underworld
When villagers begin disappearing it is discovered that they had fallen through a crack in the earth which goes straight to Hades. Hercules once again comes to the rescue and faces one of his most difficult challenges, and must prove himself as a man as well as a god. "Hercules in the Underworld" is the fourth made for TV movie in the series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
Rapa Nui
Short Ears
Inter-tribal rivalry leads to a competition to erect a huge statue (moai) in record time before Make can take part in the race to retrieve the egg of a Sooty Tern. The reward for winning this race is to rule the island for one year.
Once Were Warriors
A drama about a Maori family living in Auckland, New Zealand. Lee Tamahori tells the story of Beth Heke’s strong will to keep her family together during times of unemployment and abuse from her violent and alcoholic husband.
Desperate Remedies
In a town called Hope on the edge of Britain's empire, desperations clash: the beautiful Dorothea Brook is desperate to free her pregnant sister Rose from the clutches of Fraser, a fortune hunter. A local politician, William Poyner, is desperate for cash and thinks marriage to Dorothea will save him. Dorothea hires Lawrence Hayes, a rough but handsome Argonaut, to bribe Fraser with jewels and to marry Rose; Hayes desperately loves Dorothea and may marry Rose to stay close to her. But Dorothea has a lover, the ravishing Anne Cooper, who encourages the match with Poyser to give the lovers cover. Are these remedies, each desperate in its turn, going to make anyone happy?