Yoshino Kimura
出生 : 1976-04-10, London, England
Yoshino Kimura is a British-born Japanese actress, voice actress and singer. She appeared on an episode of the Showtime series Masters of Horror. Kimura won the "Rookie of the Year" prize at the 21st Japan Academy Awards for her appearance in Shitsurakuen.
Natsuko (voice)
Machiko Sono
練馬のマンションの1室で若い女性の他殺体が発見され、ある密告状が警察に届きます。それはホテル・コルテシア東京のカウントダウン・パーティ「マスカレード・ナイト」に犯人が現れるというもの。 新田浩介は潜入捜査のため、再びホテル・コルテシア東京へ。フロント係だった山岸尚美はコンシェルジュに昇進しており、2人は思わぬ再会を果たします。 「マスカレード・ナイト」はその名の通り、誰もが仮面で顔を隠している仮装パーティー。カウントダウンが迫る中、新田は顔もわからない真犯人を見つけることができるのでしょうか?
Yuriko Enami
Akina Hijiriyama
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jinpei Jiba, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
Susan St. James Narikawa
喜劇の名手・三谷幸喜が監督・脚本を担当、政治の世界を舞台に、支持率低迷にあえぐ総理大臣が記憶喪失に陥ったことから始まるドタバタ群像劇を綴る。中井貴一が、傲慢で利己的、国民からも家族からも総スカンを食らう“史上最悪の総理大臣”役で主演。記憶とともに、政治のイロハも過去のしがらみも忘れた主人公は誠実な人間、誠実な政治家として生まれ変わろうとするが? 切れ者の秘書役のディーン・フジオカや総理夫人役の石田ゆり子をはじめ、草刈正雄、佐藤浩市、小池栄子ら実力派俳優たちの演技合戦も見もの。
Skin's Mother
Shiori Omura
Takashi Omura (Hiroshi Tanahashi) was once a popular professional wrestler, but he isn't popular anymore. He now wears a cockroach mask and wrestles as a villain. He is married to Shiori (Yoshino Kimura) and they have an elementary school aged son named Shota (Kokoro Terada). Takashi and Shiori have not yet told their son what Takashi does for a living. One day, Shota finds out that Takashi is a professional wrestler and a villain with a cockroach mask. Shota is shocked and tells a lie to his classmate that his dad is a popular professional wrestler.
Natsuko Kotani
Sawako Kiyokawa
Michiko Kono
A young, mentally retarded boy is wrongfully accused of murder, but his family lacks the means to hire an attorney to defend him. The boy’s sister, Kiriko, pleads with an accomplished attorney named Otsuka to defend her brother pro bono. But because of Otsuka’s busy schedule and other priorities, he refuses to take the case. Lacking a proper defense, Kiriko’s brother is eventually convicted of murder, and dies in prison. From that point on, Kiriko is determined to take revenge against Otuska.
Rika Hiroki
Set half a year after the first season of "First Class." Chinami Yoshinari (Erika Sawajiri) begins work as a fashion designer. In the high-end luxury field, big money is involved and Chinami Yoshinari is again trampled over by other women. She attempts to get through by using her wisdom and toughness that she gained from experience.
Kazuki's Mother
Hinako Katayama
インターネット上に謎のデータがばらまかれ、削除された直後、とある銀行のシステム担当の男が死体で発見される。男を不正アクセス容疑で追っていた警視庁サイバー犯罪対策課の岩月彬と殺人事件として調べる捜査一課の伊丹憲一、そして捜査に巻き込まれた杉下右京が事件を追っていくと、政官財の権力構造と“X DAY”という金融封鎖計画の存在が浮上する。
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.
5 girls and 5 guys find themselves mysteriously trapped in a room and are forced to play a psychological game of dare.
Naoki's Mother
Fukuko Kobayashi
2009年1月24日の21:00 - 23:10(JST)に放送されたテレビドラマの特別番組。このドラマの放送日と同じ日に公開された映画『誰も守ってくれない』と連動した企画になっており、内容は映画版の4ヶ月前に起こった事件を描いたものになっている。映画の『誰も守ってくれない』は、「加害者の保護」の視点・観点で描かれているのに対して、このドラマでは、「被害者の保護」という映画と逆の視点・観点から描かれた。
Masaki Tezuka‘s live-action adaptation of “Rescue Wings” deviates from the original by centering around a female rookie pilot played by 16-year-old actress (only 15 at the time of filming) Yuko Takayama. After her mother is saved, Haruka Kawashima joins an elite air rescue team and decides she wants to become the first female pilot of a UH-60J (Japanese version of the Black Hawk) rescue helicopter. She goes through harsh, rigorous training and must overcome her emotions for the serious job of saving lives. After several mistakes she’s bluntly told she’s not good enough to be a rescue pilot, but the conflict only makes her more determined. One day, an F-15J fighter plane goes missing from radar and Kawashima receives the distress call. On reserve fuel and the struggling against all odds, she must accomplish her mission at any cost.
『次郎長三国志』(じろちょうさんごくし)は、清水次郎長を主人公とする村上元三の長編歴史小説。「海道一の侠客」と謳われた清水次郎長(1820年 - 1893年)については、当人の活躍している当時から、巷間様々な伝承をもって語られていた。2008年の作品である。
Aoi Monzen / Kazusa
The story of Orochi revolves around the life of the Monzen family. Aoi Monzen, a famous, but aging, movie star and Kazusa and Lisa Monzen her two daughters. Aoi hopes for them both to take over her legacy as a star, but Kazusa does not live up to her expectations. The mother is always pitting the girls against one another competitively. As a result, as the years pass, the love the sisters shared grows to a hidden hatred. When another girl named Orochi saves the girl's mother from a terrible accident a bizarre chain of events is set in motion spanning many years. The atmosphere in their estate builds up until Orochi reveals a terrible truth that the family must keep hidden from the world. Orochi serves as the narrator of the story. The movie is based on a Kazuo Umezu manga series which ran from 1969 to 1970.
First Blind Man's Wife
When a sudden plague of blindness devastates a city, a small group of the afflicted band together to triumphantly overcome the horrific conditions of their imposed quarantine.
Hinako Katayama
謎の記号から始まる首都壊滅のカウントダウン 浮かび上がる巧妙に仕組まれた爆破計画!? 東京郊外の巨大なテレビ塔で元人気ニュースキャスターの仲島孝臣の死体が発見された。現場には「f6」という謎の記号が――。 警視庁特命係の杉下右京と亀山薫は、刑事部長らから、小包爆弾のターゲットとなった衆議院議員の片山雛子の護衛を命じられた。雛子は爆発物で襲われるも、無事に海外視察に出立。襲撃現場には「d4」の記号があった。 右京と薫は、会員制webサイトSNS内に「処刑リスト」と名づけられた掲示板があることを知り、仲島と雛子の事件が予告殺人だったことを突き止める。さらに、2週間前に交通事故死していた来生判事の名前もリストに連ねられ、その事故現場から「e4」の記号を発見した右京は、それらの暗号がチェスの手を示す棋譜の記号で、一連の事件は連続殺人であると確信する。 手詰まりとなった捜査一課をよそに、右京は「処刑リスト」サイトを管理者から乗っ取ったという正体不明の人物のアドレス「stalemate@hot-free.net」にあてて、次の一手をメールしていた。意外にも返事があり、そのまま真剣勝負の対局へ。薫らが見守る中、ついに右京が「チェックメイト」を告げる。そしてその投了図から驚愕の事実が発覚!それは未曾有の大事件の始まりだった。右京と薫が史上最大の難問に挑む!!
Akari Kinoshita
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
Ranko Kaburagi
Original story by Yasushi AKIMOTO, writer of the mega hit movie One Missed Call (Chakushin Ari) series. As the project was in development with an idea of an "infectious song (Densen-Uta)", one of the staff called out..."There was a real Densen-Uta!" He discovers on the internet of a song back in 1933, Hungary, which caused mysterious deaths of many people. In "Densen-Uta", high school girls get mixed up in the Japanese version of this infectious song, and with the help of third rate gossip magazine reporter, tries to solve the mystery and horror behind the song. They come to know just how real, an urban legend can become.
Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.
Yuri Saito
Absolutely terrified of the sea, an American lawyer reluctantly goes on an ocean cruise to be near the wife of a client, with no idea of the grim situation that awaits them all.
私たちの人生には、たくさんの“偶然”が転がっています。 そんな偶然と偶然が連鎖して、ふとしたことで幸せにつながっていく…。 あなたにも、そんな経験ありませんか? このドラマスペシャルは、そんなかけがえのない出会いの奇跡、人生を変えた奇跡の瞬間… そんな数々をオムニバスドラマとして紡いでいきます。 セレンディップとは…? この番組のタイトルにもある“セレンディップ”とは、「ふとした偶然をきっかけに、幸せをつかむこと」という意味です。 「セレンディップの三人の王子」という寓話をもとに、18世紀のイギリスの作家ウォルポールが「セレンディピティ」と名付けて、世界に広まりました。 この番組の主人公は、都会にさすらう男と女たち。 彼らのある時間の風景を描く事で、走り続けるうちに、人がいつの間にか忘れてしまう物の大切さ、様々な形で繋がる事が出来るゆえに、逆に難しくなってしまったのかもしれない「本当に繋がる事」の意味、そして、日々を生き抜くことで忘れてしまっていた、大切なコトを思い起こすキッカケになる「偶然の連鎖」。 そんな事を、改めて考え直すドラマとして紡いでいきます。
Père-Lachaise - one of the world's most famous and beautiful cemeteries - is the final resting-place of a gifted group of artists from all eras and corners of the world. Some - such as Piaf, Proust, Jim Morrison and Chopin - are worshiped to this day. Others have fallen into oblivion, or are visited occasionally by a single admirer. In Forever we see the mysterious, calming and consoling beauty of this unique cemetery through the eyes of people of flesh and blood. Many come for their 'own' beloved: husbands, wives, family and friends. Others Honor 'their' artist by leaving behind a personal message or a flower. While admirers share with us the importance of art and beauty in their lives, the graveyard gradually reveals itself as a source of inspiration for the living. Death offers little consolation except for the passing of time, the melancholia of a moss-covered tomb, and the beauty and power of a piece of music, a poem or a painting Written by Cobos
Reiko Mihama
A cadre of backup dancers is left astray when their star singer moves on with her life and marriage. They each had their own ambition and hope, which subconsciously rested on the star power of the singer. When plan A does not work, they cling to plan B. When that does not work, in an act of desperation, they are assigned to plan C by their agency. A fight and unprofessionalism seems to put the Backdancers on permanent ice.
A celebration of the ancient art of Japanese rakugo, roughly translated as “comic storytelling”. The film is interspersed with numerous funerals and wakes, songs, dances, and often disgustingly crude jokes.
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.
Keiko Akagi
The four Takezawa sisters discover that their father has an illegitimate child so they hire a private detective to investigate.
A young woman returns to the island where she grew up.
Shigeko Maehata
Mutsumi Terada
Various individuals named Ichiro undergo life-changing events while being inspired by the baseball player Ichiro. A heartwarming movie about the people who root for the baseball player Ichiro, and their struggles to make their own dreams come true.
Yukari Kamo / the psychic