Yoshino Kimura

Yoshino Kimura

Рождение : 1976-04-10, London, England


Yoshino Kimura is a British-born Japanese actress, voice actress and singer. She appeared on an episode of the Showtime series Masters of Horror. Kimura won the "Rookie of the Year" prize at the 21st Japan Academy Awards for her appearance in Shitsurakuen.


Yoshino Kimura
Yoshino Kimura


Мальчик и птица
Natsuko (voice)
Мальчик Махито сильно тоскует по своей матери и решает отправиться в рискованное путешествие в потусторонний мир. В иной реальности исход неминуем, а жизнь обретает новое начало...
Маскарадная ночь
Machiko Sono
Анонимное письмо доставлено в столичное полицейское управление Токио. В письме говорится, что преступник по делу об убийстве появится на вечеринке обратного отсчета Маскарадная ночь, которая пройдет в отеле Кортезиа.
Kiba: The Fangs of Fiction
Yuriko Enami
Hayami Teruya is a dedicated salaryman who does a workman like job as the chief editor for a magazine. He has personal charm, get along with both the publisher and subordinates and runs the ship well. Chatting with his direct boss he picks up a certain vibe. Did he misunderstand that the magazine is doomed and will be terminated? If so, he is not going down without a fight. He will fight to make it through and keep his, and the others', jobs.
First Love
Akina Hijiriyama
A university student has the usual dreams and aspirations. It turns out to be a pipe dream and so she murders her own flesh and blood. The usual media heads seek an answer in order to sell copy. A psychologist is writing a book about the character and incident. Her research for the subject matter turn the psychologist inward and things come out of the shadows that perhaps are better left buried deep in the shadows of the psyche.
Часы ёкаев. Фильм 6
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jinpei Jiba, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
Hit Me Anyone One More Time
Susan St. James Narikawa
Keisuke Kuroda wakes up in a hospital bed unable to remember who he is. While sneaking out of the hospital, he sees a glimpse of the news and realizes that he is the Prime Minister of Japan. His approval rating was the lowest in the history of modern Japan. During a recent speech, a citizen had thrown a rock at him causing him to lose his memory. Keisuke Kuroda’s subordinate takes him to the official residence of the prime minister where he tries to implement changes to the country. The only people aware that he has lost his memory are his three secretaries.
Skin's Mother
Бывший убийца и по совместительству гениальный шеф-повар, юная официантка и команда невероятных убийц - завсегдатаи бистро. Девушка, которая ощущает пустоту в сердце, и уверена, что нигде и никому не нужна, подвергается одному нападению за другим и теперь должна найти в себе желание жить.
Мой папа – рестлер-злодей
Shiori Omura
Младшеклассник Сёта обожает смотреть рестлинг. Но однажды парня постигает шок: оказывается, что за маской злодейского рестлера Чёрного Таракана скрывается не кто иной, как его родной отец. Мальчик не может раскрыть эту ужасную тайну одноклассникам, поэтому врет, что его папа — популярный рестлер.
Pretty Proofreader DX
Precure Dream Stars!
Desperate Sunflowers
Natsuko Kotani
Natsuko Kotani was born to be a swindler. Meanwhile, Tetsuko Ishida is Natsuko’s distant relative. Unlike Natsuko, Tetsuko is an attorney with an upright disposition. Whenever Natsuko makes trouble, Tetsuko is called to solve her troubles. Believing that Natsuko is using her, Tetsuko, with her boring life, begins to change.
実録ドラマスペシャル 女の犯罪ミステリー
Lost and Found
Sawako Kiyokawa
Atsuto was abandoned by his mother when he was young. He now works in the lost and found department at the Hoshigaoka Station. He spends his days imagining about the owner of the lost item, how the item became lost and found. One day, Atsuto learns that his mother committed suicide. His life begins to move ...
Pro Bono
Michiko Kono
A young, mentally retarded boy is wrongfully accused of murder, but his family lacks the means to hire an attorney to defend him. The boy’s sister, Kiriko, pleads with an accomplished attorney named Otsuka to defend her brother pro bono. But because of Otsuka’s busy schedule and other priorities, he refuses to take the case. Lacking a proper defense, Kiriko’s brother is eventually convicted of murder, and dies in prison. From that point on, Kiriko is determined to take revenge against Otuska.
First Class 2
Rika Hiroki
Set half a year after the first season of "First Class." Chinami Yoshinari (Erika Sawajiri) begins work as a fashion designer. In the high-end luxury field, big money is involved and Chinami Yoshinari is again trampled over by other women. She attempts to get through by using her wisdom and toughness that she gained from experience.
Hot Road
Kazuki's Mother
Teenager Kazuki Miyaichi has always felt unloved by her mother due the circumstances surrounding her birth. Because she harbors anxiety and perceives herself as being worthless to others, she engages in acts of juvenile delinquency. One day, a transfer student from Yokohama named Eri introduces her to Hiroshi Haruyama, a reckless youth who’s a member of the “Nights” motorcycle gang. Kazuki finds herself increasingly drawn to Hiroshi over time, but he soon becomes leader of the Nights and gets caught up in a conflict with a rival gang.
Hinako Katayama
Detective Kenichi Itami from the The National Police Agency and Akira Iwatsuki from the cyber investigation team investigate a complex murder case. The victim was under investigation by the cyber investigation team. As Detective Kenichi Itami and Akira Iwatsuki delve deeper into the case, pressure from around makes their investigation even more difficult. Secretly, a national financial doomsday scenario is carried out under the plan of "X Day".
Go! Anpanman: Revive Banana Island!
Clouds and cold may ruin all the sweet fruit on Banana Island, but queen Banna refuses to ask Anpanman for help, while while Baikinman goes to Banana Island in search of the legendary Giant Banana.
Majutsu wa Sasayaku
A woman named Kazuko (Kimura) who was guilty of a “serious crime” in the past, along with three of her friends. Those friends suddenly begin to die one by one. Kazuko learns that one of those deaths is somehow connected to Mamoru (Nakamura Aoi), her younger brother from whom she has been separated ever since their father disappeared 15 years earlier. Although Mamoru knows nothing of his sister, Kazuko is determined to find the killer in order to protect Mamoru and herself.
Kingu gemu
5 girls and 5 guys find themselves mysteriously trapped in a room and are forced to play a psychological game of dare.
Naoki's Mother
После трагической гибели дочери учительница Юко Моригути пришла в класс, чтобы провести свой последний, самый важный урок. После него её работа в этой школе была закончена. Но это было лишь начало запущенного ею изощренного плана мести. Ведь её класс — это далеко не кучка тринадцатилетних ангелков с типичными для пубертата проблемами, а сборище жестоких и хладнокровных подростков, чьи злодеяния в силу малолетства зачастую остаются безнаказанными.
Путь невесты-убийцы
Fukuko Kobayashi
Хироко Нумадзири, офисная служащая 25 лет от роду, собралась замуж. У нее замечательный жених, и замужество наконец-то должно положить конец несчастьям, которые преследовали ее чуть ли не с самого рождения. Но на беду буквально за день до свадьбы к ней заходит управляющий дома, в котором она живет, и на него сверху падают острые ножницы. Они протыкают его и уносят все надежды Хироко на будущую счастливую жизнь: у нее в квартире труп, и с этим нужно что-то делать. Недолго думая, она укладывает его в большой чемодан и начинает лихорадочно искать место, где его можно спрятать хотя бы на день. В лесу на склоне Фудзи она случайно встречает Фукуко Кобаяси, неудавшуюся самоубийцу, которая хочет расстаться с жизнью, потому что она никому не нужна. Вместе они они пытаются найти выход из создавшегося положения
Can't Protect Anyone
Rescue Wings
Masaki Tezuka‘s live-action adaptation of “Rescue Wings” deviates from the original by centering around a female rookie pilot played by 16-year-old actress (only 15 at the time of filming) Yuko Takayama. After her mother is saved, Haruka Kawashima joins an elite air rescue team and decides she wants to become the first female pilot of a UH-60J (Japanese version of the Black Hawk) rescue helicopter. She goes through harsh, rigorous training and must overcome her emotions for the serious job of saving lives. After several mistakes she’s bluntly told she’s not good enough to be a rescue pilot, but the conflict only makes her more determined. One day, an F-15J fighter plane goes missing from radar and Kawashima receives the distress call. On reserve fuel and the struggling against all odds, she must accomplish her mission at any cost.
Samurai Gangsters
Jirocho (Kiichi Nakai), a fledgling bakuto who left his wife, goes on a year-long training with his minions: right-hand man and military master Ohmasa (Kishibe Ittoku); stinky priest Daigoro (Takashi Sasano); well-known stranger Ishimatsu Mori (Yoichi Nukumizu); beautiful Masagoro Oiwake (Kazuki Kitamura); and others. As Jirocho's fame spreads, he gains more enemies. Among them are Katsuzo Kurokoma (Koichi Sato), who is one of the most powerful in Koshu, and the villain who is also Ishimatsu's nemesis, Masaru Mima (Riki Takeuchi). A traitor also emerges from the family, Yoshikazu Ebisu (Yoshikazu Ebisu). Meanwhile, Jirocho's wife falls ill and other terrible situations occur. Jirocho falls into a pinch of absolute despair. What on earth will he do? What is the fate of his minions? The Jirocho family will face a fierce battle...
Aoi Monzen / Kazusa
1950г. Орочи, таинственная девушка, приходит в поместье семьи Мондзен в поисках укрытия от грозы, и остается работать горничной. Хозяйка дома Аои Мондзен - молодая и успешная кинозвезда с двумя дочерьми. Но династия Мондзен хранит темную тайну, которая настигает всех, без исключения женщин, в чьих жилах течет эта кровь, по достижению возраста 29 лет…
First Blind Man's Wife
Место действия фильма — огромный мегаполис, у которого нет названия. Именно здесь начинается странная эпидемия… эпидемия слепоты. Жители города теряют зрение один за другим и, это ставит целый мегаполис на грань жизни и смерти. Лишь одна женщина по неизвестной причине осталась видеть. Сможет ли она стать проводником для других?
AIBOU: The Movie
Hinako Katayama
A former TV presenter is murdered. On the same day, two police officers from the Metropolitan police Special Mission Task Force, Sugishita Ukyo (Yutaka Mizutani) and Kameyama Kaoru (Yasufumi Terawaki), are guarding a female Diet member, Katayama Hinako (Yoshino Kimura). The pair identifies explosives and saves her life. From the clues left at the scene, Sugishita builds up his case and finds a connection between the murder of the TV presenter and the attempted murder of the Diet member. During a painstaking investigation, the savage murder case of a young overseas volunteer five years earlier emerges in the background, and the pair prevents indiscriminate murder at the Tokyo Big City Marathon event by suppressing the perpetrator.
Fine, Totally Fine
Akari Kinoshita
Two listless friends and a clumsy girl try to make sense of their lives, and perhaps find love along the way.
Сукияки Вестерн Джанго
Через несколько сот лет после печально знаменитой битвы в заливе Данноура (1185) в далекой японской горной деревушке нарастает напряжение. Одетая в белое банда Гэндзи (из клана Тайра) и одетая в красное банда Хэйкэ (из клана Минамото) вступили в жестокое противостояние, порожденное слухами о спрятанном золоте. Когда в деревне появляется безымянный странник, обремененный темным прошлым, но мастерски владеющий искусством стрельбы, и Гэндзи, и Хэйкэ задают себе вопрос, на чью сторону он встанет. Битва за власть, предательство, похоть и любовь переплетаются, пропитывая землю кровью. Историческая война между кланами вновь обретает жизнь в формах «спагетти-вестерна».
The Suicide Song
Ranko Kaburagi
Original story by Yasushi AKIMOTO, writer of the mega hit movie One Missed Call (Chakushin Ari) series. As the project was in development with an idea of an "infectious song (Densen-Uta)", one of the staff called out..."There was a real Densen-Uta!" He discovers on the internet of a song back in 1933, Hungary, which caused mysterious deaths of many people. In "Densen-Uta", high school girls get mixed up in the Japanese version of this infectious song, and with the help of third rate gossip magazine reporter, tries to solve the mystery and horror behind the song. They come to know just how real, an urban legend can become.
Банзай, режиссер!
Виртуозная клюква. Суп и алкогольный коктейль в одном флаконе от пожилого и талантливого японского парализованного клоуна, жонглирующего семью чудесными жанрами одновременно. Китано упорно, входя в ту же воду (комедия) доказывет, что его чувство юмора универсально, а талант в его возрасте смешивается с самоироничным живительным шоу-маразмом естественным человечным способом.
Dream Cruise
Yuri Saito
Absolutely terrified of the sea, an American lawyer reluctantly goes on an ocean cruise to be near the wife of a client, with no idea of the grim situation that awaits them all.
История восхождения маленькой деревенской девочки на пьедестал красавицы Хигураши-ойран, которой восхищались все без исключения. С детсва она обладала не простым нравом, что вызывало много сложностей и провоцировало появление завистников и недоброжелателей. Но, не смотря на это, красавица-куртизанка смогла подняться до статуса ойран, оставив позади всех конкуренток. Постепенно, она становится самой популярной женщиной Квартала. Богатый и влиятельный самурай изъявляет желание выкупить ее и сделать своей женой. О чем еще может мечтать куртизанка? Но вот есть одна проблема…. она беременна и с ребенком расставаться не хочет.
Père-Lachaise - one of the world's most famous and beautiful cemeteries - is the final resting-place of a gifted group of artists from all eras and corners of the world. Some - such as Piaf, Proust, Jim Morrison and Chopin - are worshiped to this day. Others have fallen into oblivion, or are visited occasionally by a single admirer. In Forever we see the mysterious, calming and consoling beauty of this unique cemetery through the eyes of people of flesh and blood. Many come for their 'own' beloved: husbands, wives, family and friends. Others Honor 'their' artist by leaving behind a personal message or a flower. While admirers share with us the importance of art and beauty in their lives, the graveyard gradually reveals itself as a source of inspiration for the living. Death offers little consolation except for the passing of time, the melancholia of a moss-covered tomb, and the beauty and power of a piece of music, a poem or a painting Written by Cobos
Reiko Mihama
A cadre of backup dancers is left astray when their star singer moves on with her life and marriage. They each had their own ambition and hope, which subconsciously rested on the star power of the singer. When plan A does not work, they cling to plan B. When that does not work, in an act of desperation, they are assigned to plan C by their agency. A fight and unprofessionalism seems to put the Backdancers on permanent ice.
Ночь поминовения
Сёмантэй Кёкаку прославился как величайший мастер жанра «ракуго», он знаменитый рассказчик фривольных историй и анекдотов. Он воспитал целую плеяду талантливых учеников. Прощаясь с ушедшим учителем, они показывают всё своё мастерство. Их шутки заставляют и мертвецов пуститься в пляс.
The Samurai I Loved
A young samurai stuck at the bottom of the hierarchical order attempts to rescue his childhood sweetheart from an evil clan lord after learning of a plot to kill her and her infant child. Bunshiro Maki is a skilled swordfighter who's lethal with a blade, yet still can't rise through the ranks of the system. After his father is accused of plotting against his clan and forced to commit ritual suicide, his longtime love Fuku is sent to Edo to become the clan lord's concubine. A few years later, Fuku has bore the clan lord a son. When Maki learns that the clan has hatched a plan to kill Fuku and her son to secure succession to the throne, he recruits two childhood friends to help thwart the diabolical plot.
Ichigo Chips
Ichigo no kakera deals with a female manga artist Ichigo Nekoda (Miyazawa), whose career is heading into a downward spiral as she can't reinvent the success of her 12 year old hit the Cherry Road. Now in her early 30's she's become quite fond of alcohol and egoism to some annoyance of her loyal manager Tomoko (Kajiwara), who isn't willing to leave her side even though the financial strains of her client are also becoming her personal burdens. Ichigo still gets greeted by her female fans and willingly signs autographs, but getting praised for work that she's done over a decade ago doesn't digest as smoothly as one would assume. Her on and off man, who happens to also be her editor steers toward the off days more than usual as he also grows tired of Ichigo's uninspired ways. But when the going gets tough, Ichigo heads down to a transvestite bar where she's more than welcomed with words of wisdom and a few hard drinks.
Set during Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), "Bluestockings" tells the tale story of a love triangle between wealthy businessman Yuichiro (Etsushi Toyokawa), his wife Akiko (Kyoko Hasegawa), and Kiyoko (Yoshino Kimura).
О женщинах и асюрах
Keiko Akagi
Четыре сестры собираются вместе после долгого перерыва, узнав, что у их отца есть сожительница и ребенок на стороне. Сестры решают скрыть это от матери и пользуются встречей для того, чтобы поделиться друг с другом своими проблемами. У старшей сестры, Цунако, — роман. Макико знает о том, что ее муж завел молоденькую любовницу. Болезненно застенчивая Такико решает выйти замуж за свою первую любовь. Самая младшая из сестер, Сакико, вышла замуж за своего бойфренда, узнав, что ждет от него ребенка. Тем временем мать сестер неожиданно умирает. После похорон они находят написанное ею в газету письмо. Сестры вспоминают, что когда-то уже читали его в этой газете, в колонке, посвященной делам любовным… Становится ясно, что все это время мать знала о том, что происходит в ее семье, и простила своего неверного супруга.
Her Island, My Island
A young woman returns to the island where she grew up.
Copycat Killer
Shigeko Maehata
Masahiro Nakai (SMAP) stars in this hit film based on the best-selling novel by Miyuki Miyabe. Directed by Yoshimitsu Morita, the film also stars Tsutomu Yamazaki and Yoshino Kimura. The title “Mohouhan” means “copycat”, and it tells the story of a criminal who abducts and kills women, and those who try to catch him. Nakai is cast as a cold-blooded, intelligent and evil guy who uses the media to announce and show his murders live to the public.
Run Ichiro Run
Mutsumi Terada
Various individuals named Ichiro undergo life-changing events while being inspired by the baseball player Ichiro. A heartwarming movie about the people who root for the baseball player Ichiro, and their struggles to make their own dreams come true.
Isola: Multiple Personality Girl
Yukari Kamo / the psychic
When a woman, able to read the thoughts of others, comes to help survivors of the 1995 Kobe earthquake, she encounters a girl with Multiple Personality Disorder whose dangerous 13th personality, Isola, must be stopped
Lost Paradise
Kuki is a veteran newspaper reporter who has been shuffled off to a book-development branch and finds escape in an illicit relationship with Rinko. Together they find the passion no longer present in their marriages.