Maiko Kawakami

Maiko Kawakami

出生 : 1966-02-05,


Maiko Kawakami (川上 麻衣子, Kawakami Maiko, born February 5, 1966) is a Swedish-born Japanese actress who has starred in numerous movies and TV serials. She is a graduate of Keio University through distance education.


Maiko Kawakami


物語の舞台となるのは、小さな映画館。 この日、上映されるのは何の変哲もないコメディ映画。 観客の中には運送会社の社長夫婦、浪人生、読者モデル、売れない役者の5人。 たまたま居合わせたのかと思いきや・・・ 実はこれら5人の観客は、ある一人の女によってこの映画館に集められていた。 女の目的は・・・死んでしまったフィアンセの復讐。 「あなた達が私の彼を殺したんです」 復讐の念を持つ一人の女と集められた観客、そして、上映されている映画との因果関係は・・・?
Aihime (Chinese Woman in the Waterfall)
『海辺の映画館―キネマの玉手箱』(うみべのえいがかん―キネマのたまてばこ)は、2020年7月31日公開の日本映画。大林宣彦監督作品[6]。尾道の映画館で日本の戦争映画特集を観ていた戦争を知らない若者3人がスクリーンの世界へとタイムスリップし、明治維新から第二次世界大戦までの戦争を体験し映画のヒロインたちがその犠牲となる姿を目撃して、原爆投下前夜の広島で出会った原爆の犠牲となる定めの移動劇団「桜隊」の運命を変えるべく尽力する姿を、モノクロ、サイレント、ミュージカル、時代劇、アクションなどさまざまな映画の表現や様式を総動員して描く。映倫区分はPG12。 2020年4月10日に肺がんのため逝去した大林宣彦監督の遺作となった。
In 1940, Masaaki Takaoka works as a teacher in the agricultural division at a youth training institute. Although Japan’s defeat seems imminent, all of Masaaki’s students are drafted in a futile last-ditch effort. In an attempt to give the young men some hope, he makes everyone promise that they will all meet again under the cherry blossoms upon their safe return. Consumed by sadness over the fate of his students, Masaaki devotes the next 30 years of his life to develop a new species of cherry blossoms that could thrive in any climate in remembrance of his students.
Chieko Akiba
Masanao Ushio and other detectives from Shinjuku West PD discover the strangled dead body of a woman in an empty building in West Shinjuku in Tokyo. According to her husband Takeshi, the murdered Chieko Akiba was a top salesperson at the insurance company where she worked, but quit her job three months ago and planned to open a beauty salon after buying the building which happens to be the crime scene. The call history on her mobile phone reveals the victim answered a call at 8:16 PM and is presumed to have been murdered immediately afterwards. However, Ushio is surprised to hear who was on the other side of the call: Kyoko Yamano, a woman who accompanied Ushio under an umbrella on a rainy night one year ago and whose husband was killed by someone that very night...
富江 アンリミテッド
Kimiko Izumikawa
19-year-old freeter (a Japanese expression for people between the ages of 15 and 34 who lack full time employment or are unemployed, excluding housewives and students.) Tsuyoshi Osanai enters a school for guide dog trainers. After 2 years of training, Tsuyoshi becomes an assistant trainer. His first dog to train is Chie.
Miki, a nursing care robot, is popular among some medical staff and patients for her dainty and efficient work, but others are more skeptical. One day, Miki malfunctions and begins to see and hear fragmented images and voices.
石内尋常高等小学校 花は散れども
Michiko Ichikawa
The 95-year-old director shot the film in his hometown of Ishiuchi, Hiroshima. The story is based on a teacher he had when he was a child.
ロード88 出会い路、四国へ
A young girl with leukemia travels a pilgrimage by skateboard.
ブリード 血を吸う子供
Children born with special power. They seek blood for eternal life. And tonight, the victims ...!
About a group of itinerant actors.
Hostess at Pinky
天使のはらわた 赤い閃光
More than his indie debut Skinless Night, this was the film that launched Mochizuki on his distinctive trajectory through the crime and yakuza genres. Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda) is a racing tipster for a sports paper, a lowlife who spends half his time drunk, hangs out with yakuza and other riff-raff and complicates his sex life by succumbing to advances from his girlfriend's sister. As played by Okuda, he's also a figure of considerable hangdog charm. Less a plot-based movie than a guide to the several forms of high stakes gambling in Japan, this centres on his attempt to help a friend swindled in a bent mahjong game. Hakuryu appears (memorably) as an inscrutable yakuza in a black leather jacket. The film's success led to two sequels.
Honto ni atta kowai hanashi: Jushiryou
This is a series of three short supernatural-themed movies. The first tells the story of a teen girl who dreams of haunted doll. In the second movie, a widowed mother brings her children to a house in the woods to help them forget the death of their father. While in the woods one of the children meets a ghost that wants more than just to be friends. The last movie tells the story of three teen-aged girls who go on vacation, only to find themselves at a haunted inn.
A grieving young mother employed at a video game company is recruited to test and train a new virtual world. She finds a character in this world of fantasy who becomes her new albeit virtual daughter.
首都圏にある某都市に住む男、我妻諒介は犯罪者を追い詰めるためには暴力の行使も辞さない凶暴な刑事。その行き過ぎた捜査と粗暴な性格から、勤務する港南警察署内[3]でも危険人物として敬遠されていた。警察という組織にあって浮いた存在の我妻だったが、自身を理解してくれる数少ない同僚と他愛もない冗談を言い、ある時は酒を酌み交わし、完全な孤立は辛うじて免れていた。 そんなある日、港で麻薬売人の惨殺死体が発見される。我妻は新人の菊池を引き連れ事件の捜査を開始し、容疑者への殴る蹴るの暴行すら厭わない強硬な手段で次々と犯行グループの全貌を暴いていく。そして、覚醒剤を密売する組織の首謀者として暗躍する実業家の仁藤、その手下で殺し屋の清弘の存在をつきとめた。だがその中で我妻は、あってはならない驚愕の事実にも辿り着いてしまうのだった。
Big Bird in Japan
While visiting Japan, Big Bird wanders off from a guided tour bus in Tokyo, and is lost until a Japanese woman helps him get to where he needs to go. The woman, however, is hiding a secret.
Keiko Aizawa
Takeshi Yasui, a junior high school student is found dead in a river. The police investigate it as a murder related to bullying. The dead boy turns out to have been murdered by two of his schoolmates, who he had been bullying.
Internationally acclaimed for his cinematic realism and social commitment, Kaneto Shindo based the story of THE HORIZON on his sister's experiences. The film concerns Hideo, a young girl who leaves Japan in 1920 to settle her family's debt by being sold in marriage to a Japanese farmer in San Francisco. Over the next 20 years the couple works hard and raises 4 children. After Pearl Harbor is attacked they are interned with other Japanese immigrants in a camp, losing both their land and their assets. Hideo has now been uprooted twice and has to adjust to her son's going to war and her daughters' post-war assimilation and marriage to Americans despite her protests. But Hideo is a survivor and she awaits a new immigrant from Japan with hope.
Tetsuaki's struggling to write a novel while his mother fades; Mitsuko's engagement has been forced upon her unwillingly; the two individuals run away to share their grief.
昭和四十六年 大久保清の犯罪
Arrested and interrogated by the police for a murder, Kiyoshi Ôkubo remembers his past and ends up confessing to several murders. Inspired by the true story of the serial killer who raped and killed eight women in Japan in 1971. The case moved the whole country.
A police procedural surrounding murder at a bookstore and the private lives of the cops trying to solve the case.