Maiko Kawakami
출생 : 1966-02-05,
Maiko Kawakami (川上 麻衣子, Kawakami Maiko, born February 5, 1966) is a Swedish-born Japanese actress who has starred in numerous movies and TV serials. She is a graduate of Keio University through distance education.
Aihime (Chinese Woman in the Waterfall)
세 명의 영화 관객은 그들이 화면에서 보는 세계로 마법처럼 옮겨진 후 전쟁의 공포를 경험한다.
유키는 소설가를 지망하는 여고생이다. 고등학교에서도 수업시간에도 항상 소설속의 세계를 생각하고 오로지 소설에 대해서만 생각하고 있다. 그의 가장 친한 친구는 아츠코는 어렸을때 검도대회에 참가중 다리를 다쳐서 한 쪽 다리가 불편하다. 그리고 나서 아츠코는 예전부터 줄곳 친구들에게 이지메를 당해왔다. 하지만 그런 그에게 유키가 있기에 아츠코는 견딜 수 있었다. 어느날 유키가 쓴 소설원고가 학교에서 사라지면서 학교에 끔찍한 사건들이 시작되게 되는데....모든 사건들은 하나로 다 이어져있다.
과연 이 사건들의 전말과 사건속에 숨겨진 이야기들은 어떤것들일까??? 출처: []
In 1940, Masaaki Takaoka works as a teacher in the agricultural division at a youth training institute. Although Japan’s defeat seems imminent, all of Masaaki’s students are drafted in a futile last-ditch effort. In an attempt to give the young men some hope, he makes everyone promise that they will all meet again under the cherry blossoms upon their safe return. Consumed by sadness over the fate of his students, Masaaki devotes the next 30 years of his life to develop a new species of cherry blossoms that could thrive in any climate in remembrance of his students.
Chieko Akiba
Masanao Ushio and other detectives from Shinjuku West PD discover the strangled dead body of a woman in an empty building in West Shinjuku in Tokyo. According to her husband Takeshi, the murdered Chieko Akiba was a top salesperson at the insurance company where she worked, but quit her job three months ago and planned to open a beauty salon after buying the building which happens to be the crime scene. The call history on her mobile phone reveals the victim answered a call at 8:16 PM and is presumed to have been murdered immediately afterwards. However, Ushio is surprised to hear who was on the other side of the call: Kyoko Yamano, a woman who accompanied Ushio under an umbrella on a rainy night one year ago and whose husband was killed by someone that very night...
Kimiko Izumikawa
평범한 여고생이었던 츠키코의 언니 토미에가 어느 날 갑자기 불의의 사고를 당해 목숨을 잃게 된다. 그로부터 1년 후, 죽었던 토미에가 다시 살아 오면서 부터 이야기가 시작되는데...
집에 돌아오고 난 후 전과는 전혀 다른 이기적인 모습으로 가족들을 괴롭히던 토미에.
이미 이성을 상실한 엄마와 아빠는 토미에의 말을 마치 신처럼 떠받들지만 동생이었던 츠키코는 이런 가족의 모습이 점점 더 이상하게만 느껴진다. 그러던 어느 날, 결국 정신줄을 완전히 놓아버린 아빠에 의해 토미에가 (또 다시) 죽임을 당하게 되고 다시 평화가 찾아왔다고 생각하는 츠키코의 앞에 이번엔 새로 전학온 학생으로서 토미에가 다시 모습을 드러내는데...
19-year-old freeter (a Japanese expression for people between the ages of 15 and 34 who lack full time employment or are unemployed, excluding housewives and students.) Tsuyoshi Osanai enters a school for guide dog trainers. After 2 years of training, Tsuyoshi becomes an assistant trainer. His first dog to train is Chie.
중년의 나이에 징집된 주인공은 동료로부터 자신이 죽으면 아내에게 엽서를 전해달라는 부탁을 받고, 이후 그의 부탁대로 엽서를 전해주러 동료의 아내를 찾아간다. 그러나 그녀는 가문을 지키기 위해서라는 이유로 죽은 남편의 동생과 강제로 결혼했으나 남편의 동생도, 시아버지도 죽고 결국 혼자서 살아가고 있다. 전쟁으로 인한 비극 속에서 홀로 살 결심을 한 여자와 살아 남은 것에 대한 죄책감에 시달리는 남자. 황무지에서 피어나는 희망을 유머와 소시민적 공감으로 그려내고 있다.
Miki, a nursing care robot, is popular among some medical staff and patients for her dainty and efficient work, but others are more skeptical. One day, Miki malfunctions and begins to see and hear fragmented images and voices.
Michiko Ichikawa
The 95-year-old director shot the film in his hometown of Ishiuchi, Hiroshima. The story is based on a teacher he had when he was a child.
A young girl with leukemia travels a pilgrimage by skateboard.
Children born with special power. They seek blood for eternal life. And tonight, the victims ...!
About a group of itinerant actors.
Hostess at Pinky
나이트클럽을 운영하는 만다이(사토 코이치 분)는 계속되는 불황과 야쿠자의 빚이 산더미처럼 늘어난 상태로, 어느날 야구연습장에서 실직자 하기와라 쇼헤이(다케나카 나오토 분)를 알게 된다. 그는 동성연애자 준이치(모토키 마사히로 분), 이혼한 전직 형사 긴(네즈 진파치 분), 야쿠자 출신 지미(시이나 깃페이 분) 등 5명(고닌)이 뜻을 모아 야쿠자의 사무실을 급습, 1억엔(약 10억원)을 훔쳐내는데 성공한다. 하지만 야쿠자에 고용된 냉혹한 킬러 오리스기 이치로(기타노 다케시 분)의 추적을 받아 하나 둘 죽어가는데...
Nami is a photographer on the set of a porn film. When photographing a rape scene between a teacher and a schoolgirl, she becomes uncomfortable, having remembered a similar incident in her own past.
More than his indie debut Skinless Night, this was the film that launched Mochizuki on his distinctive trajectory through the crime and yakuza genres. Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda) is a racing tipster for a sports paper, a lowlife who spends half his time drunk, hangs out with yakuza and other riff-raff and complicates his sex life by succumbing to advances from his girlfriend's sister. As played by Okuda, he's also a figure of considerable hangdog charm. Less a plot-based movie than a guide to the several forms of high stakes gambling in Japan, this centres on his attempt to help a friend swindled in a bent mahjong game. Hakuryu appears (memorably) as an inscrutable yakuza in a black leather jacket. The film's success led to two sequels.
This is a series of three short supernatural-themed movies. The first tells the story of a teen girl who dreams of haunted doll. In the second movie, a widowed mother brings her children to a house in the woods to help them forget the death of their father. While in the woods one of the children meets a ghost that wants more than just to be friends. The last movie tells the story of three teen-aged girls who go on vacation, only to find themselves at a haunted inn.
A grieving young mother employed at a video game company is recruited to test and train a new virtual world. She finds a character in this world of fantasy who becomes her new albeit virtual daughter.
폭력적인 성향을 지닌 아즈마 형사는 신참인 기쿠치 형사와 함께 부두 살인 사건을 조사하기 시작한다. 용의자 아카네를 잡으려다 오히려 형사들이 당하게 되자 아즈마는 추적 끝에 용의자가 타고 있던 차를 들이 받는다. 마약 판매상인 하시즈메의 자백을 받아낸 그는 보안과의 이와키 형사가 마약을 빼돌리고 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 한편 마약업주 니토는 킬러인 기요히로를 고용하여 하시즈메를 제거하고, 이와키는 자살한다. 사건을 조사한 아즈마는 이것이 니토의 소행이라는 것을 알아차리고 그에게 경고를 한 후 기요히로를 체포한다. 그리고 기요히로를 취조하던 중 그에게도 이와키와 똑같이 자살을 하라고 협박을 하고, 이것이 문제가 되어 경찰을 사퇴하게 되는데...
While visiting Japan, Big Bird wanders off from a guided tour bus in Tokyo, and is lost until a Japanese woman helps him get to where he needs to go. The woman, however, is hiding a secret.
Yusuke Mikuni, a department manager at his company, buys a one-room apartment to have some space to himself. He signs an agreement with a young woman named Chako and has an affair with her once a week at the apartment.
Keiko Aizawa
Takeshi Yasui, a junior high school student is found dead in a river. The police investigate it as a murder related to bullying. The dead boy turns out to have been murdered by two of his schoolmates, who he had been bullying.
Internationally acclaimed for his cinematic realism and social commitment, Kaneto Shindo based the story of THE HORIZON on his sister's experiences. The film concerns Hideo, a young girl who leaves Japan in 1920 to settle her family's debt by being sold in marriage to a Japanese farmer in San Francisco. Over the next 20 years the couple works hard and raises 4 children. After Pearl Harbor is attacked they are interned with other Japanese immigrants in a camp, losing both their land and their assets. Hideo has now been uprooted twice and has to adjust to her son's going to war and her daughters' post-war assimilation and marriage to Americans despite her protests. But Hideo is a survivor and she awaits a new immigrant from Japan with hope.
Tetsuaki's struggling to write a novel while his mother fades; Mitsuko's engagement has been forced upon her unwillingly; the two individuals run away to share their grief.
Arrested and interrogated by the police for a murder, Kiyoshi Ôkubo remembers his past and ends up confessing to several murders. Inspired by the true story of the serial killer who raped and killed eight women in Japan in 1971. The case moved the whole country.
A police procedural surrounding murder at a bookstore and the private lives of the cops trying to solve the case.