Jason Clarke
出生 : 1969-07-17, Winton, Queensland, Australia
An Australian film and television actor. Clarke has appeared in many TV series. He is best known as a TV actor for his role as Tommy Caffee on the television series Brotherhood. He has also appeared in many films, often as an antagonist.
Lt. Barney Greenwald
A naval officer stands trial for mutiny after taking command from a ship's captain he felt was acting in an unstable fashion, endangering both the ship and its crew.
Roger Robb
A group of officers based in a labyrinthine top-secret prison must fight for their lives against Hatchet, a brilliant and infamous high-value detainee. When he escapes, his mysterious and deadly agenda has far reaching and dire consequences.
Greg Minor
A woman desperately races to save her child after police place her hometown on lockdown due to an active shooter incident.
Rick Bowden
Philosophical twenty-something Ross Ulbricht creates Silk Road, a dark net website that sells drugs, while DEA agent Rick Bowden goes undercover to bring him down.
Carl Henderson
Louis Creed
医者のルイス・グリードはボストンからメーン州ルドローに引っ越してきたばかりであった。ルイスは妻のレイチェル、子供のエリーとゲージ、ペットのネコ(チャーチ)と一緒に暮らしていた。ある日、エリーが森の中で遊んでいると、ペットの犬の遺体を墓地(ペット・セマタリー)へと運ぶ葬列に出くわした。一家の近所に住むジャド・クランドールは「あの森は危険だから絶対に近付かないように」と警告してきた。 大学病院。ルイスは交通事故で重傷を負って運ばれてきた学生(ヴィクター・パスコウ)の命を救えなかった無念に打ちひしがれていた。その日の夜、ルイスはいやに鮮明な夢を見た。夢の中で、ルイスはヴィクターに導かれるまま墓地へとやって来たが、墓地に入ろうとした矢先、ヴィクターから「それ以上はいけない」と言われたのだった。ルイスが飛び起きると、彼のベッドと足下が泥まみれになっていた。ルイスは自分が見た夢が単なる悪夢ではないと確信したが、現実で何があったのかまでは把握できなかった。
Lewis Morgan
第二次大戦後間もない1946年の冬。レイチェル・モーガンはドイツのハンブルクにやって来た。レイチェルの夫、ルイスはイギリス軍の大佐であり、ハンブルクの復興の任と占領に反抗するゲリラへの対処に追われていた。ロンドン大空襲で息子を亡くしたことは、夫婦関係にも暗い影を落としていた。 二人は軍が徴発した邸宅に滞在し、その間、家の元の持ち主であるステファン・ルバートとその娘は屋根裏部屋で暮らすことになる。レイチェルは息子の仇であるドイツ人と一緒に暮らすことになり、実に不快な気分になっていたが、ステファンの妻がハンブルク空襲に巻き込まれて亡くなったと知る。同じく戦争で家族を喪った傷を持つ二人は急速に惹かれ合っていく。スイスに家を建てて暮らそうと語るステファンだが、国外へ行くには非ナチ証明書が必要だった。レイチェルは友人を介して証明書発行に働きかけ、それを知ったルイスは二人の関係を悟る。
Frank Zariakas
Ed White
Ted Kennedy
Ted Kennedy's life and political career become derailed in the aftermath of a fatal car accident in 1969 that claims the life of a young campaign strategist, Mary Jo Kopechne.
Dr. Eric Price
Henry McAllan
In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.
A blind woman's relationship with her husband changes when she regains her sight and discovers disturbing details about themselves.
Reinhard Heydrich
ヒトラー、ヒムラーに次ぐ、“ナチス第三の男”ラインハルト・ハイドリヒ。その冷徹極まりない手腕から、ナチス党内でもとりわけ忌まわしい人物として“金髪の野獣”と渾名され、ヒトラーさえもが恐れた男。ハイドリヒはナチス政権の高官として華々しい出世を遂げるが、第二次世界大戦に至るまでの年月とその戦時下において、ヨーロッパの人々に残忍で容赦ない恐怖をもたらした。貴族階級の妻リナによってナチスのイデオロギーを吹き込まれたハイドリヒは、<ユダヤ人大量虐殺>の首謀者として、誰も止めることのできない絶大な権力を手にしていく。だが、英国政府から訓練を受け、チェコスロバキア亡命政府によって送り込まれたチェコのレジスタンスグループが、この抑止不能な男を止めようとしていた。大胆にもパラシュートで潜入したヤン・クビシュとヨゼフ・ガブチーク率いる暗殺部隊が、綿密な計画の過程を経て、プラハの街を移動するハイドリヒの一行を襲撃し、致命傷を負わせる。これにより、ハイドリヒは第二次世界大戦中に殺害された唯一のナチス最高幹部となった。ナチス政権に揺さぶりをかけた歴史的瞬間は、それぞれの信念を貫いた、両極に位置する人々によって生み出された。史上唯一成功した、ナチス高官の暗殺計画の真実が今、明かされる――<フランス・イギリス・ベルギーの伝記映画。 第二次世界大戦中、その冷徹極まりない手腕から「金髪の野獣」と呼ばれナチス親衛隊No.2となったラインハルト・ハイドリヒを描いた映画>
Rob Hall
John Connor
Anatoly Brodsky
Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles. While successful in his career, his life feels empty. Haunted and confused, he finds temporary solace in the decadent Hollywood excess that defines his existence. Women provide a distraction to his daily pain, and every encounter brings him closer to finding his place in the world.
Tom Lincoln
At an isolated log cabin in the harsh wilderness of Indiana circa 1817, the rhythms of love, tragedy, and the daily hardships of life on the developing frontier shaped one of our nation’s greatest heroes: Abraham Lincoln. Abe is a thoughtful and quiet boy who spends his days at the side of his beloved mother while learning to work the land from his stern father. When illness takes his mother, Abe's new guardian angel comes in the form of his new stepmother, who sees the potential in the boy and pushes for his further education.
A look at some of the supporting actors/characters in 'White House Down'.
George Wilson
Howard Bondurant
In 1931, the Bondurant brothers of Franklin County, Virginia, run a multipurpose backwoods establishment that hides their true business — bootlegging. Middle brother Forrest is the brain of the operation; older Howard is the brawn, and younger Jack, the lookout. Though the local police have taken bribes and left the brothers alone, a violent war erupts when a sadistic lawman from Chicago arrives and tries to shut down the Bondurants operation.
Driving cross-country to a job interview, Colin takes a short cut and comes across a fatal road accident. One of the drivers, Jina, is shaken but unhurt; the other has been killed instantly. Beside the dead body is a briefcase full of money, which Colin turns in to the local police. But getting out of town proves a nightmare, as Colin's good deed causes a series of bizarre events to unfold.
Gordon O'Hara
As her family falls apart, seventeen year old Sweetness O'Hara is left to fend for herself in a neighborhood where her survival is uncertain.
FBI Agent Doug Tate
A suburban family is torn apart when fourteen-year-old Annie meets her first boyfriend online. After months of communicating via online chat and phone, Annie discovers her friend is not who he originally claimed to be. Shocked into disbelief, her parents are shattered by their daughter's actions and struggle to support her as she comes to terms with what has happened to her once innocent life.
Jack Schwietzer
Look behind the scenes at the making of Public Enemies (2009)
John 'Red' Hamilton
Julian Wright
A free-spirited woman leads a businessman down a path of reckless abandon.
Guard Ulrich
Howard Ferp
A brilliant, misanthropic math genius is inexplicably drawn into an unusual friendship with a laboratory dog.
A young married couple encounters a stranger who threatens their marriage and their lives.
Set in a beach community during summer of surf and sexy curves. A fast-paced and crazy crime-comedy from down under; Get Rich Quick tells the story of a corrupt detective who interrogates an unlucky surfer suspected of robbery. The interview reveals much more, leading to a month of madness for the detective as he chases down a bunch of unsavory characters in a series of interconnected and outlandish crime-stories throughout the underbelly of Sidney.
This documentary follows Phillip Noyce as he tries to find three aboriginal girls able to act in his film Rabbit Proof Fence. The film sees a cast of 100's whittled down to the eventual three girls and follows them through workshops and into the difficult shoot.
Tony Seaton (1973)
Jack Kempson started out as an idealistic cop. Thirty years on, he remains relentless in tracking down villains, but has lost confidence in his moral barometer. He turns a blind eye to the dubious methods employed by some of his contemporaries — prepared to let dodgy means be justified by the noble end.
Australian small-town cop Gary enjoys his nearly pastoral existence, with traffic violations providing the major excitement to his normally low-key days. While away from work, Gary spends a good deal of time fantasizing about local news reporter Julia, who would just as soon relocate to the thriving metropolis of Sydney. Soon, however, a motorcyclist is found decapitated, with a construction worker, a sailor, and a cowboy and Indian also meeting the same fate. With some murderous weirdo with some sort of Village People fixation terrorizing the town, Gary -- with the help of big-wig city detective and Don Johnson-wannabe Tony Charles -- begins to realize that a cop is the last remaining victim to be murdered in order for the killings to be complete. ...
Constable Riggs
In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.
Ray Childress
Montana sheep farmer Rebecca Yoder offers sanctuary to an on-the-lam outlaw, Johnny Gault, who is suffering from a gunshot wound. Yoder is a recent widow, and her decision to help the outsider doesn't sit well with her Quaker community. As a romance brews between her and Gault, it puts in jeopardy her standing among her devout neighbors. But when an evil rancher makes a play for the community's land, Gault's sharpshooting skills might prove his worth after all.
Three people discover jealousy and larceny are a dangerous combination in this tense drama. John (Bryan Brown) is a veteran insurance investigator who succumbs to temptation and veers towards the wrong side of the law. With the help of novice con man Ben (Tom Long), John hatches a scheme to substantiate false claims by taking a percentage of several questionable claims his firm has settled for a fraction of their usual worth. John and Ben are assisted in their illegal business by Louise (Claudia Karvan), a lawyer with a cocaine problem who is also John's lover. But when Louise becomes involved with Ben and demands a bigger share of the money, their already-shaky confidence game begins to collapse.
Guy C
After a one-night stand a couple is faced with the terrifying possibility of what they really want.
Mary-Kate and Ashley star in this Down Under adventure filled with nonstop Aussie intrigue, laughs and romance. After running afoul of a notorious gangster, Mary-Kate and Ashley take refuge in the FBI Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately, the girls are uncontrollable blabbermouths and they blow their cover in town after town until there's only one hiding place left - Australia.
An unfocused twentysomething moves in with a former co-worker, who is suffering from low self-esteem because of her weight, looks, and a case of eczema. Their relationship is based on unending drink, drugs, and sex.
Young Cop #1
A retired detective accepts a simple task, unaware that it will tear open old, forgotten, but deadly wounds.
Robber 1
Guy #2
Whichever side he chooses, someone's gonna die. Death row inmate Rudy Salazar cuts a deal he can't refuse: he'll donate his rare bone marrow to a young girl dying of leukemia. In return, his death sentence is commuted to life without parole. L.A. Detective Quin (C. Thomas Howell), the cop who brought Salazar's murderous rampage to an end, sees through Salazar's selfless facade. En route to the hospital, Salazar makes a daring escape. Now it's up to Quin and his sexy partner, Lydia, to bring Salazar to justice one more time and save the life of an innocent little girl before it's too late.
A “taut Hitchcockian thriller” about an unwitting American who makes a last-minute trip to Sweden to attend the funeral of an old friend — a ranking member of the Nobel Prize selection committee — only to find himself entangled in the complex web of corruption and murder that exists beneath the surface of this rarified world.