A series of worldwide blackouts cause millions of mysterious cosmic anomalies to appear everywhere across the planet. Some people are drawn into them with horrifying consequences.
A recent widow is glad when her son finds a new friend. But it soon becomes clear that he's after a different type of companionship. Will their attraction be her undoing? And what secrets is hiding?
Dutch Kramer
Speedboat racing champion and multimillionaire Ben Aronoff leads a double life that lands him in trouble with the law and drug lords.
Chuck Cunningham
McKayla and Sadie, two death-obsessed teenage girls, use their online show about real-life tragedies to send their small Midwestern town into a frenzy and cement their legacy as modern horror legends.
Prison Guard #1
Exiting Shopper
若くして結婚したエイミーは、家庭では2人の子どもや頼りない夫の世話に追われ、職場ではやる気のない上司や同僚たちのフォローに奔走し、さらに学校のPTAママたちからは嫌味を言われ、ストレスに満ちた生活を送っていた。 ある日、夫がネット上で浮気していることを知った彼女は、ついに大爆発。夫を追い出して育児も仕事も放棄し、意気投合した悪友ママたちとつるんで自分の人生を楽しみはじめる。 そんな中、横暴なPTA会長グウェンドリンと対立したエイミーは、自ら次期PTA会長に立候補する。
Diner Cop
This intelligently crafted, seven-time award winning festival favorite, tells the story of a young man, in a small seaside town, who learns a thing or two about love, luck and life from his well-traveled, outlaw grandfather. Born & Raised is a gritty, coming-of-age drama with a lot of heart and a ton of laughs.
Big Guy
Angry Cop
A high school senior drives cross-country with his best friends to hook up with a babe he met online.
It's the end of yet another night at Hastings Supermarket, a grocery store in Buck Lake, Arizona. But just before closing, a group of masked and armed to the teeth militants invades the store and take everyone hostage
At popular South Beach University, filthy rich super-snob Victoria English is the absolute queen of leading Greek student club, Sigma Sigma. In order to achieve her crowning ambition, winning FHM Magazine's annual best sorority, she must recruit atypical 'Sigmies' to fulfill the diversity criteria. Ambitious sycophant pledge Kristen Haas helps her attract 'losers' (too poor, ugly, unfashionable), who are cruelly put through excruciating hazing, without intent to actually enroll them. Gloria, the brightest and most assertive pledge, wins the heart of Derek 'baby Dick', Victoria's ideal, yet constantly abused boyfriend, whose bitch-addiction is cured by this alternative lover. Together they lead the revolt of the not-even-nerds.
Residents of an adult community in Florida turn to one another for support and companionship after the deaths of their spouses. Lois has a rejuvenating affair with a younger man while acting as best friend to recently widowed Marilyn. Jack buddies up with Harry for a crash course in solo survival skills and deals with single gal Sandy's romantic overtures.
DEA Agent
この新しい冒険では、マイアミの麻薬探偵マイク・ローリー(ウィル・スミス)とマーカス・バーネット(マーティン・ローレンス)が、マイアミのエクスタシーデザインの陰謀を暴こうとするハイテクチームの一員として割り当てられます。 しかし、彼らは無意識に麻薬王、ジョニー・タピア(ジョルディ・モラ)が関与する致命的な陰謀を発見します。 さらに悪いことに、DEAの秘密捜査官であるマーカスの美しい姉妹であるシド(ガブリエルユニオン)は、クロスファイアに巻き込まれ、ヒーローたちを法の端に追いやることを余儀なくされました。 キューピッドがマイクとシドの上を飛行し始めると、すべてがさらに複雑になり、保護者の兄弟の怒りを引き起こします。
Bank Cop
Clay Doyle, a drifter haunted by the ability to see violent events from the past, wanders into a small Florida town and falls in love with the ethereal Sarah Miller, despite increasingly disturbing visions of murder and decay.
Biker 1
Upon the return of Charlie Puckett to the small town of Pakoe, a series of teenage beheadings begin. Intent on finding the culprit, Sherrif Carl Carson soon begins to suspect that Charlie's return may be more than meets the eye.