Kei Narumi
「そして、ここに生きている。」16年経った今も変わらず志木那島の人々と寄り添いながら生きる“コトー先生”こと 五島健助 の新たな物語。
Tadashi Kinusaki
超おひとよしの普通のサラリーマン・絹咲正(堺雅人)が 婚活パーティーで出会った女詐欺師の澪(門脇麦)に詐欺の片棒を担がされ、10億円の詐欺計画に巻き込まれていくコメディードラマ。ウソがつけず、優しすぎる正は『絶対に人を騙すことができない詐欺師』となってしまうが、そんな正の言動が詐欺計画を次々と思わぬ方向へ進めていってしまう。 誰も傷つけない新時代の詐欺師・正は10億円を騙しとることができるのか!?
Naoki Hanzawa
Kray Foresight (voice)
Kray Foresight (voice)
炎を操る新人類バーニッシュの出現に端を発する惑星規模の発火現象である世界大炎上により、人口の半分が焼失してから30年が過ぎた世界。自治共和国プロメポリスでは、炎上テロを繰り返す過激派バーニッシュの集団マッドバーニッシュに対抗すべく、対バーニッシュ用装備を扱う高機動救命消防隊バーニングレスキューが消火活動を行っていた。 バーニングレスキューの新米隊員ガロ・ティモスは、火災現場でマッドバーニッシュの首魁である少年リオ・フォーティアと出会う。「燃えて消す」を流儀とするガロと「燃やさなければ生きていけない」と語るリオは、互いの信念をかけて熾烈な戦いを繰り広げる。 燃える魂をぶつけ合う二人の戦い、果たしてその先にあるものとは――
Shujiro Ezure
Masakazu Isshiki
Actor Masato Sakai brings you an unprecedented adventure! The world's first attempt to ski down the huge cliffs of Denali (6190m), the highest peak in North America. The challenge is undertaken by 40-year-old mountain skier Daisuke Sasaki. Denali is the mountain where Naoki Uemura, the adventurer he admired, lost his life. It has long been a dream of his to face it head-on. The temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius and the oxygen is half that of the flat terrain. Will he succeed in his descent? The 4K camera captures the powerful footage. You, too, can join in on the ultimate adventure!
Kensuke Komikado
Gen Suzuki
『パンドラ〜永遠の命〜』は、2014年4月27日にWOWOW「ドラマWスペシャル」として放送されたスペシャルドラマ。優秀な医学者鈴木元は、クローン技術の革新的な発見をする。 だが倫理上の問題から上司の榊原道隆から反対を受け衝突、大学の研究室を追われることに。 7年後、地方の医者となっていた鈴木は、探偵を使って探していた田代めぐみが遺体で見つかったことを知る。 彼女には6歳の息子田代新児がおり、奔放なめぐみとは10年近く音信不通だった妹の田代なつみが引き取ることに。
Komikado Kensuke(古美門研介)
Shoji Kanzaki
Kenichi Nakamura(中村健一)
Mikio Takazaki(髙崎幹夫)
夫がうつ病になったことをきっかけに、これまでの自分たちを見つめ直し、成長していく夫婦の姿を描いた細川貂々の同名コミックエッセイを映画化。監督は「三本木高校、馬術部」の佐々部清。出演は「オカンの嫁入り」の宮崎あおい、「武士の家計簿」の堺雅人、「冷たい熱帯魚」の吹越満、「ハードライフ 紫の青春・恋と喧嘩と特攻服」の津田寛治。
Major Shirou Mashiba
Technical Staff
Genki Ogasawara enrolls in an all boys high school. He then sets out to become popular with girls and looks for a club to join at school. Genki then comes across a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" performed by the school's drama club. Genki falls for the lead playing Juliet and decides to join the drama club. Genki isn't aware that the drama club is about to be shut down and that the person playing Juliet is actually a senior male student in drag.
Yoshiaki Miyamae
Story of the last assistant doctor in Okinawa.
Naoyuki Inoshiyama
Masato Sakai Visit Native Americans living today.
The Unknown 'Ryoma Biography' - Ryoma Sakamoto, Hero of the Century: The Greatest Mystery and Secret Codes.
Masaharu Aoyagi
Youzou Ooba
A theatrical film version of Madhouse's Aoi Bungaku Series anime. The film will re-edit the four episodes based on Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human (Ningen Shikkaku) novel, which have character designs inspired by manga artist and novel illustrator Takeshi Obata. This "director's cut" will include new "navigation" footage which is being created specifically for the film with narrator Masato Sakai.
Captain Kuhio
1990年代初頭、クヒオは、自分はアメリカ軍特殊部隊のパイロットで、エリザベス女王とも血縁関係にあたるなどと吹聴し、次々と女性たちをだましていた。だが、実際彼は純粋な日本人で、華麗な経歴もすべて自ら作り出したものだった。弁当店を営むしのぶ(松雪泰子)も彼の立派な軍服姿にころりとだまされ、懸命にクヒオに尽くすが……。<吉田和正原作の「結婚詐欺師 クヒオ大佐」を映画化した、型破りな人間ドラマ。日本人でありながら西洋人のような容ぼうを生かし、自分はアメリカ空軍のパイロットなどと偽って女性たちから約1億円を巻き上げた実在の結婚詐欺師の真の姿に迫る。どこか憎めない詐欺師役に『南極料理人』の堺雅人。彼に無償の愛をささげる女性を『余命』の松雪泰子らが熱演する。付け鼻をして、何とも不思議な主人公に成り切った堺と3人の女性たちの物語に夢中になる。>
A story of an island country named Horai that was finally about to be integrated under one political administration. Domon DATE, an innocent man confined in a prison island. After 10 years of imprisonment, he kept his sanity by dreaming of retaliating against those who framed him up. He breaks the prison with the help of a man incarcerated in the deepest corner of the prison island. The man identified himself as Saji. His steady road to revenge was obstructed by a woman named Mikoto, the once fiancée of his. Can Domon get his revenge? Who is the man who identified himself as Saji? What are the hidden thoughts of Mikoto?
Jun Nishimura
The story involves an aloof thief, a young man who turns to God after his father’s suicide, a manipulative marriage councilor, a man who recently lost his job, and several others whose lives become intertwined in various unexpected ways.
Koichi Hayami
Yasushi Enomoto
Yasushi and Yuka, who have both lost their spouses in the past, are brought together by fate and lead a happy life together, blessed with two children. Then one day, their new house, which the couple had painstakingly built together, catches fire due to Yuka's carelessness. Fortunately, no one in the family is seriously injured and Yasushi is relieved, but the shock of the fire causes Yuka to suffer from a neurological disorder called dissociative amnesia, and she is unable to remember even her own name. The doctor tells her that there is no clear cure in modern medicine, which shocks Yasushi, but she accepts Yuka in her current state and decides to walk with her again.
The son(功)
仕事を辞めたばかりの息子が、グラビアカメラマンの父親に誘われ避暑地の山荘へやってくる。息子は妻の不倫、父は離婚の危機と互いに問題を抱えながらも、 2人は亡き祖母が集めてきた古着のジャージを着て、夏休みをのんびりと過ごす。翌年の夏、2人は猛暑の東京から逃れるように山荘へ向かう。
Tatsuya Sayama
「さっきよりもいい人」「これ……見て……」「日の出通り商店街 いきいきデー」「透き通った一日」「フラッシュバック」
Minoru Date
大入り満員の客席に、音二郎は決意する。「よし俺たちもこれをやろう!」 そして彼らは、なんとたった一晩の稽古で、日本版「ヴェニスの商人」をでっち上げてしまう。観客はどうせ外国人だからと、台詞もデタラメ。言葉に詰まったら「スチャラカポコポコ」で切り抜けようという、はっきり言って無茶苦茶な公演。音二郎一座、起死回生のこの舞台、果たして成功するのか?
Ren Keguang
「壁の中には、"壁男"が潜んでいる」 TV局の情報バラエティ番組でレポーターを務める響子(小野真弓)のもとに、"壁男"に関する一通の匿名の投書が届く。興味を抱いた響子は"壁男"に関する取材を続け、TVのOAをきっかけとして謎の"壁"の噂は瞬く間に全国に広がってゆく。 そんな中、響子の恋人でカメラマンの仁科(堺雅人)は"壁男"に異常な興味を示し、何かに取り憑かれたかのように壁の写真ばかり撮り続けるようになる。彼の突然の豹変を心配する響子。そんな彼女の不安をよそに、仁科は次第に"壁男"と人間世界の関係に思いを巡らせ、"壁男"と交信することを考え始める。そして、仁科の行動も"壁男"の噂も更にエスカレートしていき、響子の周辺の人々をも巻き込んだ不思議な怪現象が次々と起こり始める・・・ -"壁男"とは、いったい、何者なのか?
A nameless gunfighter arrives in a town ripped apart by rival gangs and, though courted by both to join, chooses his own path.
A hangout next to the 'boiler room' in the basement, offstage at a theatre in Osaka. The comedians who visit there and the people who surround them. Their respective agendas are soon exposed.
Shuji Hanamoto
土曜プレミアム特別企画 "ダ・ヴィンチ・コード"ミステリースペシャル 天才ダ・ヴィンチ最大の謎と秘密の暗号 ~モナリザ・最後の晩餐に隠された真実に迫る!~
Shuji Tamura
Yamanami Keisuke
Follows the final days of the shogunate and Shinsengumi's Vice-Comander Hijikata Toshizo along with his fellow anti-imperialist group.
Army Second Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda (Nakamura Shido) has been fighting guerrilla warfare in the jungles of Lubang Island in the Philippines with his subordinates Corporal Shimada (Yanagiba Toshiro) and Private First Class Kozuka (Nishijima Hidetoshi) since the end of the Pacific War, without knowing the war had ended. Eventually, the two men die, unable to fulfil their duty to their homeland, and Onoda is left alone, but when a rescue team is sent out from the home country, he does not obey the order to return, believing it to be a diversion by the enemy, as the form of the return order is different. However, an encounter with adventurer Norio Suzuki (Masato Sakai), who has come from Japan to look for Onoda, leads to Onoda's return to his homeland in March 1974, 30 years after the end of the war, after completing his intelligence work on Lubang Island.
Kohei Yamashita
Miyo Hanayama (Etsuko Ichihara) works as a home care nurse, supporting the home care of patients who are close to death. Shigeaki Noguchi (Shigeru Kamiyama) complains that his wife has stopped talking to him since he collapsed once. Noriko Imaizumi (Hideko Yoshida) refuses to undergo surgery because her business has taken off and continues to recuperate at home. And 18-year-old Emi Akizuki (Juri Ueno) insists on visiting the town where she used to live. Everyone is trying their best to live their lives while keeping an eye on their imminent death, which may come at any moment. Meanwhile, Yuki (Mari Hoshino), a nurse like Miyo, discovers she is pregnant.
The latest work by writer Mayumi Nakatani and director Kyoichi Itagaki, who have steadily gained popularity for their sad and warm comedies Beautiful Sunday, Paper Marriage and This Time for Loving Wives in the Third Stage SHOWCASE series, will make its first appearance at the Parco Theatre this spring. Set in the everyday life of contemporary Japan, the play carefully and carefully depicts the strengths, weaknesses and hidden sides of the characters. The seemingly serious story, lightly wrapped in a great sense of comedy, will make you laugh, feel sad, and feel sorry for yourself as you are drawn into the world, and in the end, you will love all the characters. A very orthodox, yet unlikely comedy. Well-made, but never scheduled, this play is sure to satisfy you beyond your expectations. We are proud to present "Father's Love - Family Tale" in the hope that more and more people will experience the happiness of watching a play. Please look forward to it.
Wakabayashi is a poor office worker at a housing company. His grades have not improved recently and he has no girlfriend to spend his holidays with. One day, while slurping down ramen at his favourite restaurant, his eyes meet those of Komachi, a part-time worker who has just returned from delivery. 'Ugh, beautiful!' She was born in a foreign country, or perhaps her language is poor. She may have been born abroad and her language is poor, but she is good-natured and, above all, beautiful. Wakabayashi, who is single, falls in love at first sight, but the owner says coldly, "Don't get carried away. She's no ordinary girl", she says coldly. When Wakabayashi, who is depressed, goes to town, he sees Komachi, beautifully dressed in a yukata. What secret is she hiding behind her seemingly effortless appearance? A contemporary fantasy featuring Nao Nagasawa, a popular actress who made her debut in the Sentai series.
Adapted from Haruki Murakami's short stories, The Elephant Vanishes reveals a strange and beautiful world lurking beneath the surface of Tokyo's bright bustle. The Elephant Vanishes was performed in Japanese by an all-Japanese cast.
Okita Soji
慶応四年一月。鳥羽・伏見の戦いの大勢は決し、幕軍は潰走を始めていた。そんな中、大坂の盛岡藩蔵屋敷に満身創痍の侍が紛れ込む。かつて盛岡藩を脱藩し、新選組の隊士となった吉村貫一郎であった。保護を求める吉村に対し、蔵屋敷差配役であり吉村の旧友であった大野次郎右衛門は冷酷にも彼に切腹を命じる。 時は流れ、大正4年。北海道出身の記者が、吉村を知る人々から聞き取り調査を行っていた。
Sonoko takes illegally dumped rubbish home and arranges it in her room, as if she is looking for something. One day, Satoshi is accidentally picked up by her and brought home as if he were illegally dumped rubbish. Satoshi is then locked up in Sonoko's room, which is kept at a comfortable temperature......
The protagonist is a woman (Hiroko Yakushimaru) who is a sales manager at the Japanese branch of a famous French shoe brand. The protagonist is obsessed with a Hong Kong singer called Eakin Cheng and frequently goes to Hong Kong. However, she herself has an ambition to change the company's marketing policy (and if she can't change it, she will launch a new brand herself), so she goes to Hong Kong to plan this and that. However, this comes to light, and as it goes against the wishes of the head office, a feud is brewing between the two.
Hisao Shima
Five merry men who travel and live all over the country. They all love to sing and for some reason they are all nocturnal. Their hobbies are raiding and blood donor cars. What they don't like is crosses, and what they love is - choo-choo-choo!!! ?
Set in a (fictional) student dormitory at Tokyo Metropolitan University, which is in danger of being closed down, the film depicts the emotional exchange between students struggling to keep the dormitory alive and a prefect sent in by the university. Inspired by the movement to preserve the Komaba Dormitory at the University of Tokyo, the story differs greatly from historical fact.
Etsuro Maeno
After being sent away from the man she loves, Shino wanders in Osaka, waiting for him to reach out again.
Yasuo Arakawa
The fourth chapter in the Love Cinema series, is a story of a cloistered and obsessive character who is confining and closed. When many suicides occur in an apartment building the police are by to question a female resident.
Yuichi Hirano
Roadside Noodle Eater
A rich, young businessman travels to Australia with the intention of buying a 1967 Citroën DS. Once he arrives, things do not go to plan, and he must drive the DS into the outback alongside a blind young woman in order to track down its seller.
An officer struggles to solve a murder case despite being at odds with his lieutenant. Officer Tetsubei discovers the body of a man whose face has been crushed and his fingerprints erased. Tetsubei describes the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the body, including his own theory, and is angered by Lieutenant Yukari. That night, Tetsubei visits the shop of Kanako, whom he has a secret crush on. There, Mizutani, Kanako's husband, who has been missing for seven years, appears.
2000年5月12日。今をときめく人気アイドル 葉村ナオの写真集の撮影のため、撮影スタッフは高原のペンションに宿泊することになった。しかし、ワガママで高慢なナオの態度と言動に、撮影スタッフやペンション従業員たちは振り回されて不満が募っていく。
Toshi Nakajima
Hiroki Ogasawara
On Sunday, a man wakes up to find a strange woman sleeping next to him... A gay couple develop a strange, trusting relationship with a sudden intruder.
Boy with time bomb standing on golden meadow
NONFIX過去放送した番組 #323 兄の仕事場 ~鴻上尚史と10人の新人俳優たち~
Dates and venues 6 - 14 July 1996, Theatre Saint Maur Created and performed by Yasuyuki Tsutsumi