Yojiro Takita
出生 : 1955-12-04, Toyama, Japan
Yojiro Takita (滝田 洋二郎 Takita Yōjirō, born December 4, 1955) is a Japanese filmmaker.
His 2008 film Departures (おくりびと Okuribito) won the Best Foreign Language Film at the U.S. 81st Academy Awards, in an upset over the Israeli Animated documentary, Waltz with Bashir. He also won the 2009 Japan Academy Prize for Director of the Year, among other accolades, for the film.
Description above from the Wikipedia article Yōjirō Takita, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Tells a series of misunderstandings between Liu Tingshen, the seventh-generation heir of the century-old store "Tong Shunxiang", and his son Liu Jiansan, who lost his mother and has depended on him since childhood.
1930年代の満州で、天皇の料理番が考案した、幻のフルコース。 歴史に消えたレシピの謎を追うのは、どんな味でも再現できる、絶対味覚=麒麟の舌を持つ料理人。 最後の一皿に隠された、壮大な愛とは?
江戸時代前期。安井算哲 の生まれた安井家は将軍に囲碁を教える名家であるものの、算哲自身は出世欲のない不器用な男だった。星の観測と算術の問いを解くことが好きで、あまりにも熱中しすぎて周囲が見えなくなることもしばしばだった。算哲は形ばかりの勝負となった囲碁に次第に疑問を抱き、真剣勝負の場に身を置きたいとの願いを持つようになる。そんな算哲を、将軍・徳川家綱の後見人である会津藩主・保科正之 は暦の誤りを正す任に抜擢する。800年にもおよび使われてきた中国・唐の時代の暦がずれてきたため新しい暦を作るというこの計画には、星や太陽の観測をもとに膨大な計算を必要とし、さらには本来なら朝廷の司る改暦に幕府が口を出すという朝廷の聖域への介入という問題をはらんでいた。算哲は師や友人、算哲を慕いやがて妻となったえん や、彼のよき理解者であった水戸光圀 らに支えられながら、この難関に誠実に取り組んでいく……。
江戸時代前期。安井算哲 の生まれた安井家は将軍に囲碁を教える名家であるものの、算哲自身は出世欲のない不器用な男だった。星の観測と算術の問いを解くことが好きで、あまりにも熱中しすぎて周囲が見えなくなることもしばしばだった。算哲は形ばかりの勝負となった囲碁に次第に疑問を抱き、真剣勝負の場に身を置きたいとの願いを持つようになる。そんな算哲を、将軍・徳川家綱の後見人である会津藩主・保科正之 は暦の誤りを正す任に抜擢する。800年にもおよび使われてきた中国・唐の時代の暦がずれてきたため新しい暦を作るというこの計画には、星や太陽の観測をもとに膨大な計算を必要とし、さらには本来なら朝廷の司る改暦に幕府が口を出すという朝廷の聖域への介入という問題をはらんでいた。算哲は師や友人、算哲を慕いやがて妻となったえん や、彼のよき理解者であった水戸光圀 らに支えられながら、この難関に誠実に取り組んでいく……。
Sanpei is a young boy who lives with his grandpa in a small village in Akita and they both love fishing and are masters at it. His sister moved to Tokyo when their father died and blames it on the fishing. She thinks it's just a stupid play. Gyoshin, a bass professional fisher who lives and competes in America is in a slump and comes to the small village to try to find the joy of fishing again. Together, they all go to find the legendary big char of Yonakidani (The Crying Valley of The Night), which Sanpei's father once saw, but could never catch, before he died.
プロのチェロ奏者として東京の管弦楽団に職を得た小林大悟。しかし、ある日突然楽団が解散し、夢を諦め、妻の美香とともに田舎の山形県酒田市へ帰ることにする。 就職先を探していた大悟は、新聞で「旅のお手伝い」と書かれたNKエージェントの求人広告を見つける。てっきり旅行代理店の求人と思い込み「高給保障」や「実労時間僅か」などの条件にも惹かれた大悟は面接へと向かう。面接した社長は履歴書もろくに見ず「うちでどっぷり働ける?」の質問だけで即「採用」と告げ、名刺まで作らせる。大悟はその業務内容が納棺(=No-Kan)と知り困惑するが、強引な社長に押し切られる形で就職することになる。しかし妻には「冠婚葬祭関係」としか言えず、結婚式場に就職したものと勘違いされてしまう。
慶応四年一月。鳥羽・伏見の戦いの大勢は決し、幕軍は潰走を始めていた。そんな中、大坂の盛岡藩蔵屋敷に満身創痍の侍が紛れ込む。かつて盛岡藩を脱藩し、新選組の隊士となった吉村貫一郎であった。保護を求める吉村に対し、蔵屋敷差配役であり吉村の旧友であった大野次郎右衛門は冷酷にも彼に切腹を命じる。 時は流れ、大正4年。北海道出身の記者が、吉村を知る人々から聞き取り調査を行っていた。
東野圭吾の同名小説を広末涼子主演で描いた、ミステリータッチの甘く切ないラブ・ストーリー。愛する妻と娘に囲まれ満ち足りた生活を送る杉田平介。だがある日、 妻・直子と娘・藻奈美が乗ったスキーバスが崖から転落する。 二人は病院に運ばれるが、まもなく妻は息を引き取る。娘のほうは、なんとか一命を取りとめたものの、意識が戻った彼女は自分は妻の直子だと告白する。やがて平介もそれを信じ、直子は人前では17歳の藻奈美として振舞い、二度目の青春を謳歌するが……。
Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.
Straight-laced, honest Japanese travel agent Misuzu gets a job as a tour guide so that she can the world. On her first assignment in Bangkok, Thailand she does her best for her ungrateful charges, but gets fired when the hotel (through no fault of her own) misplaces all their passports. She also finds herself the victim of a scam by two Japanese con-artists (innocent-looking Tondabayashi and half-Thai Thuy) living in Bangkok. When the hotel finds the passports, she decides to buck the system and sell them on the black market. She teams up with the two con-artists to scam, rip off and rob all the Japanese tourists in Bangkok. They keep trying to pull off bigger and bigger jobs, and end up in trouble with two dumb, sightseeing yakuza, among others. Also, a love triangle forms as Tondabayashi falls for Misuzu, and Misuzu falls for the older Thuy.
Businessmen competing for international building contracts in this globe-trotting comedy-adventure.
A comedy about a young woman who has terminal cancer.
Set in Japan during the bubble era, this unique home comedy cheerfully and humorously depicts the daily life of a strange family that works together to accumulate a small amount of money, while mixing irony and satire.
Sex isn't something one plans. It just happens. Yoko is a 23 year old pink collared worker. After college she is kept close with Yokoyama and Ishida, two male college friends who both harbor feelings for her. Yokoyama is straight as an arrow, yet impulsive when it comes to love. Ishida is more the outspoken type. When Yokoyama proposes to her, Yoko wonders if the old marriage myth is true. Is settling down with an 'ordinary' guy the key to a happy marriage?
A young woman who is prone to romantic dreams involving her supervisor time-travels from 1986 to 2001 and becomes involved with a private investigator who is working on a divorce case and is having his own marital difficulties.
Pink film about synchronized swimmers
あなたの街へ、ドアからドアへ。神出鬼没のおさわり急便。宅配便のトラックに近付いてくる車椅子の男。自らを“謎の中国人”と名乗る彼は、闇取引のダッチワイフ“南極2号”を手に入れ、大喜び。と、その山の中から、上京したばかりのマコ が…。運転手・秋良と意気投合したマコは、早速彼の部屋でシコシコ。翌日、2人は、マコの祖父が遺産として残した仏像を売り飛ばすべく古美術商へ
1986 pink film directed by Yojiro Takita.
Stuck doing show-biz schlock, an investigative reporter stumbles on a scheme to swindle pensions through an attractive gold futures scam, a potential news-story.
When the Groper Train director takes the bus ... From director of Serial Rape-Murderer
It is a sexy hospital. After all, how many hospitals do you know where the nurses prostitute themselves to their patients? A cute nurse is asked to offer sexual services to her patients and resists at first. After all, she has a husband back at home. The hospital offers its patients additional amenities and services like you would never believe.
A videotape left by a mysterious woman to a taxi driver. There is a pattern of a secret bondage show recorded there ... A noir-style story about the membership-based SM show and the secrets of the organization behind it. A unique entertainment work with a romantic effect even in a punchy development.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A female got viciously raped and killed. Aya, the publisher of a popular journal, and the professional photographer Kajii hurry to the location of the murder to make some photos for the news. The picture is awful as the murderer had cut the genitals out of his woman’s body. Aya get a tip from a photograph published in the journal, that was used by the fifteen years old person. Kajii prospects Shun to be the killer and starts following him with the help of his girlfriend. A couple of days later the maniac hits again. A new victim is Makiko, with whom Aya had lesbian sex and relationship. Their investigation for finding the killer leads them to a playground in which the first slay has had place. But who may be this High Noon Slasher and why is killing innocent girls.
A budding world champion of boxing and a man who wants to be a comedian move to Tokyo to find opportunity. They soon have problems and things go awry in this gay softcore sex pornographic film.
1615. Ninja Sarutobi Sasuke is assigned the task of finding a hidden treasure that will restore his clan to their full power. However, sexy ninja warrior Kagero stands in Sasuke's way. Complications ensue when a sudden time warp occurs and both Sasuke and Kagero find themselves thrust hundreds of years into the future to Tokyo, Japan in 1984.
The world’s greatest detective, Ippei Kuroda, is back and this time hired by a politician to find his estranged daughter. When the daughter is found dead, the mystery deepens. Meanwhile, Kuroda’s assistant tries to stop her arranged marriage to a country hick by shacking-up with a composer who writes symphonies on his calculator — when he’s not groping women on the Tokyo trains!
The world's largest black pearl has vanished without a trace, and it's up to Detective Ippei to track it down. His only clue is the mysterious words of a dying man, who managed to mutter "Pussy Print!" before slipping away forever. Teaming with the man's younger widow Matsuko, Detective Ippei boards a local train and begins taking prints of the female passenger's vulvas in hopes of matching one to the print that Matsuka's husband had in his possession at the time of his death.
Assistant Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Pink film from 1982
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Nikkatsu Roman Porno