Kenji Mizuhashi

Kenji Mizuhashi

出生 : 1975-01-13, Tokyo, Japan


Kenji Mizuhashi


福岡恋愛白書17 おはようマドンナ
Shoichi Kobayashi
A police officer rehired after retiring investigates a case.
リカ ~自称28歳の純愛モンスター
A dead body in a suitcase is found on a mountain. The body is identified as Takao Honma. 3 years ago, he was kidnapped by Rika Amamiya and went missing. Detective Jiro Okuyama tries to catch Rika Amamiya. He uses a dating app, while using a fake name, and finally finds Rika Amamiya, but he becomes attracted to Rika Amamiya.
Apprentice chef Saori Nakagawa suddenly travels to Tokyo in 1964 to meet Ryuichi Kikuchi, a cook. From Kikuchi who devotes himself to cooking, Saori learns what is really important. The love of two people over 56 years.
Keiichi Mizuno
The owner of an established photo studio, collapses from illness. His son Shinta, who was raised by his divorced wife, comes home. One day, an elderly woman named shows up at the studio and beckons Shinta to come with her. They arrive at a grassy field where Shinta finds about the secret of the "singing voice" that keeps echoing in his memory and about his father's feelings.
Ko's father
Kou created songs and uploads them to the Internet, and Yuka and Saki enjoy his music as fans, always listening with deep interest and admiration. Their final summer vacation has begun as junior high school students.
Fuyuki Tajima
かぞくいろ―RAILWAYS わたしたちの出発―
Tokyo Black Hole: Year Zero in Post-WWII Japan
World War II comes to an end. Tokyo is a destroyed place, without law, driven by hunger and greed. From over 100,000 pages of declassified CIA documents and hours of newly discovered footage, recorded by American occupation charges and private individuals, the documentary shows Tokyo during this crucial year, Year Zero. Observed from the point of view of a young man who finds himself transported in time, the NHK documentary uses color images and state-of-the-art video techniques to reveal how a desperate population is published as the foundations of today's megalopolis.
A Taiwanese girl Yuwen comes to a village of Fukushima to study abroad. She thinks falling-in-love is a stupid thing and the land is unusually dry as Yuwen’s heart because of no rains. Yuwen struggles to speak Japanese but learns Japan culture and relationships from her host family and neighbors. As she opens her heart little by little, rain falls on the small village after a long time.
Aspiring child actress Nanoka (Nanoka Hara) hopes to follow in her late mother's footsteps and become an actress. She is more talented and pretty than her rivals, but she finds it difficult to land parts. One day, she hears that a play, which her mother performed, will be staged again. She takes part in the audition to play the lead role which her mother also played.
(segment "Mikan no hana")
Three stories from Shiratsuna Island: "Mikan no hana" Shiratsuna Island is the only remaining island city in Japan, but it is being merged with a city on the opposite shore. Housewife Misato Tomita lives on the island. "Umi no hoshi" Yōhei Hamasaki, who was born on Shiratsuna Island, lives in an apartment in the outskirts of Tokyo with his wife, Tomomi, and their son, Taichi. "Kumo no ito" Popular artist Hirotaka Kurosaki, who is a native of Shiratsuna Island, goes back to his hometown after seven years.
切り裂きジャックの告白 ~刑事 犬養隼人~
『切り裂きジャックの告白』(きりさきジャックのこくはく)は、中山七里の推理小説。『切り裂きジャックの告白 〜刑事 犬養隼人〜』(きりさきジャックのこくはく けいじ いぬかいはやと)のタイトルで2015年4月18日にテレビ朝日系で「土曜ワイド劇場特別企画」としてテレビドラマ化された。主演は沢村一樹。テレビ局名がオリジナルでは「帝都テレビ」だが、ドラマでは「関東中央テレビ」となっている。
Assistant Inspector Yuasa
『復讐法廷』(ふくしゅうほうてい)は、テレビ朝日系で2015年2月7日の21:00 - 23:06(JST)に放送されたスペシャルドラマ。“復讐殺人”をテーマとしたリーガルサスペンス作品で、その背景にある司法の不備、人間が人間を裁く意味を問う。 アメリカの小説家・ヘンリー・デンカーに同名小説作品があるが、ヘンリーの名前や著作名はエンドロールにも公式サイトにもクレジットされず、「原作」や「原案」とは扱われなかった。しかし本編の最後に「本作はヘンリー・デンカー著『復讐法廷』のモチーフを参考にしておりますが、発表された当時のアメリカと現代の日本との時代背景や法律体系の違いに鑑み、オリジナルの部分を創作、付与して制作しております」とのテロップが入った。
『松本清張 黒い福音〜国際線スチュワーデス殺人事件〜』のタイトルで、2014年1月19日21:00- 23:24 (JST)にテレビ朝日系列『日曜エンターテインメント』枠で、「テレビ朝日開局55周年記念 松本清張二夜連続ドラマスペシャル 昭和の二大未解決事件」の第二夜として放送された。
Ranger Koji Hirata
On Ishigaki Island, conflict brews over a large-scale bridge construction project. One day, Yajima (Sho Aoyagi), a public official from the Ministry of Environment, is sent to Ishigaki Island. Yajima announces to his colleagues that he is absolutely opposed to the bridge construction project and that he wil become a coral ranger who protects the coral reef there. This surprises his colleagues.
The murder of a young girl leaves the inhabitants of a small Japanese village in shock. The body of Emili is found by four classmates with whom she was playing. The murder is never solved. Emili's mother, Asako, is torn by grief and puts a curse on the four girls when they claim not to remember the killer's face. Each of the girls, in their own way, will do penance for their silence.
つやのよる ある愛に関わった、女たちの物語
Mari lives a comfortable life as a single woman. She has a nice job at a company and resides in an apartment in the suburbs of Tokyo. A couple lives next to door to her. Mari can hear them argue or making happy conversations everyday. One night, when Mari comes back home, she sees her next door neighbor sitting in front of his door and shivering from the cold. He locked himself out.
28½ 妄想の巨人
Crew and actors prepare for Mamoru Oshii's stage version of Tetsujin 28.
A young man moves from the countryside to Tokyo, while experiencing hardships and happiness, in his pursuit to become a comics artist.
Shinichi Abe
Based on the life of pioneering manga artist Shinichi Abe, "Miyoko asagaya kibun" starts from the 1970's in Asagaya District of Tokyo where Shinichi Abe began his career with then model girlfriend Miyoko.
The third volume of the appointed drama starring Jun Murakami. It was a short run that was enlivening'Tokyo Mahouya'with his friends, but his friends were killed by the strategy of Yamaryu Gumi Wakato Iwagami. Meanwhile, Ginya Yabuki returns to Kabukicho and begins to struggle again to obtain his utopia.
Yabuki Ginya and a short run who jumped out of the Sanryu group and became stubborn in order to stick to their own goodwill. As they disappear and those who are fascinated by the darkness expose their desires, an organization called "Tokyo Mahouya" that raises funds through its own route emerges. A short run that suddenly appeared in front of Shibamon, who remained alone and rebuilt the group. Guided by Ginya's will, he will build "Tokyo Mahouya" with his compatriots who carry a sad fate, and will survive Kabukicho again. However, the monsters who nest in the darkness cannot leave the route where huge wealth sleeps... Toru Minegishi, the real last appearance. Praying Meifu...
Suzuki Sora is a cheerful country girl from the small town of Bie. She made a promise to her father, and following this promise applies and is accepted for a magic intership in Tokyo, where she will face the life in a big city. While training to get better with her magic, she meets a mysterious boy also practicing to become a mage. While he can not use magic that well and he seems distant and cold at first, Sora’s fate intertwines with his and the two are thrown together, learning a lot of new things about life and each other.
A drama presented by Jun Murakami. Shimon and Short Run, who started walking on the road of the yakuza in Tokyo, were waiting for Yabuki Ginya. Ginya, who grew up together in his hometown, stabbed a local yakuza and entered the juvenile training school because of Tsuruoka, who he admired as a man. He entrusts his sister Ryoko, who is the only relative, to his friends... In Kabukicho, Shinjuku, the men meet again, and the legend of the demons who nest on a sad night begins here!!
Yusagi Inaba
Every day, a high school girl, Chikako, visits a shrine to wish for true love. One day, she recieves a strange text message from the "Love delivery center" and is persuaded to text her ex-boyfriend. When he responds, a bizarre love triangle forms between him, her, and her best friend Haruka.
Junichi Nakano
Based on the comic book by Marie Abiko.
Takaki Tohno (voice)
Taro Hirai
Takashi, an unemployed young man, is entrusted with a "catch ball shop" by a stranger he meets in the park. While accepting people's feelings through catch ball, Takashi himself remembers the important things that he had forgotten.
ナイスの森〜The First Contact〜
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
Kazuya goes to live with his mother Shinobu because his father, Yoshiki, who works in the same company, has fired him according to the company policy regarding redundancy. However, Shinobu soon gets remarried to Sakamoto depriving Kazuya of a place to stay. He then meets Sachiko who works in a salon where sexual pleasure is offered to men. They promise to have a date on the next Sunday by the sea.
"Gina K" tells the story of the daughter of a famous stripper, who reveals her family history so she can stand proud as a vocalist. On stage she's feverish, but when she comes down she's just another girl.
片倉スズメ(上野樹里)は平凡な主婦である。夫は海外赴任中で、定期的に電話はくれるが、話すのはペットの亀の心配ばかりである。毎日は恐ろしく単調に過ぎていき、トイレに行けば自分の存在を無視するかのようにおばさんがオナラをし、夫さえ時々自分のことを忘れているようだ。久しぶりに待ち合わせをした幼なじみのクジャク(蒼井優)には、2時間も待たされてしまう始末(クジャクとスズメは同じ日に同じ場所で生まれたのだが、クジャクはスズメとは正反対にスケールの大きな女である)。…このまま年をとり、死んでいくのか? そう思うと恐ろしい。そんな平凡を嘆くスズメは、ふとしたことから駅の階段に貼られた広告を目にする。「スパイ募集!」。思わずその番号に電話をかけてしまうスズメだった。三日後、彼女は指定された安アパートに向かう。スズメを迎え入れたのは、クギタニシズオ(岩松了)とエツコ(ふせえり)夫妻。普段は商店街のアナウンス嬢と、無職の男である。彼らは自分たちがある国のスパイだと言い、そしてスズメのような典型的な平凡人こそが、スパイ向き。ぜひスパイになってほしいと説得する。スズメは半ば強引に活動資金として、500万円を渡されてしまった。こうしてスズメのスパイ生活は始まるが、いつもの平凡な生活も、いざ平凡を意識し始めると恐ろしく難しい。だが、クギタニ夫妻の一風変わったスパイ特訓は、スズメにはすべて新鮮に映る。一日はあっという間に過ぎていき、日常の裏側には意外な事実がいっぱい隠されていた。そんなスズメの活動に関係あるのかないのか、彼女の周りは急にザワザワしはじめる。初恋の加東先輩(要潤)に出会ったり、普通に生きている人々が実はスパイ仲間だったことを知ったり、さらにはクジャクと引いた商店街のくじ引きで、地引網漁体験が当たり、いそいそと出かけたり。しかし、なんとそこで死体がひっかかってしまう。次第に周りに人が集まってきて、クジャクも何者かに追われ、行方をくらました。目立ってはいけないはずのスズメは徐々に注目される存在となり、公安当局もスズメをマークし始める。
Kenichi Yamamoto
Mikimoto Ogina
Aoi Kuruma (A Blue Automobile) focuses on such a character - a part-time DJ and record-store employee named Richio (Arata). With his spiky yellow hair, wrap-around shades and pale mask of a face, Richio would seem to be an icy moon circling the distant planet of his own regard. But as Okuhara shows us from the first scene, Richio has been traumatized by a boyhood horror - and still bears the physical scars on one eye, the emotional scars in dreams and visions he can neither escape nor explain away. The sunglasses and mask are there for a reason, the pain and rage are real. At the same time, he has a straightforwardness that verges on the cruel - but this is also one of his most appealing qualities.
Two children, each abandoned by their families, come together in the wake of the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo. Based on the true events of the deadly gas attacks perpetrated by members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult on the Tokyo subway system.
Hiroshi Nonomura
TOKYO NOIR トウキョーノワール
In this excursion into Tokyo's dark side, a sexually repressed woman finds liberation by turning tricks at night a sex worker is taken by surprise when her ex drops by and a sex blogger finds strange kinship with a loner.
Maki Hoshino
「鮫肌男と桃尻女」の石井克人監督が、一見普通に見える一家のちょっとおかしな日常をユーモラスに描いた異色ホームドラマ。それぞれ心にモヤモヤを抱えた家族が繰り広げるユニークなエピソードの数々を、アニメやCG映像を織り交ぜつつ、美しい田園風景をバックにゆったりとした時間の流れの中で優しく綴ってゆく。2004年カンヌ国際映画祭の監督週間オープニング作品。  山間の小さな町に暮らす春野家の人々。彼らはそれぞれ悩みを抱え悶々としていた。内気な高校生の長男・一は恋に悩み、小学校に入学したての妹・幸子は時折ふと現われる巨大な自分の分身に困惑している。母・美子は子育てが一段落したことでアニメーターに復帰しようと奮闘中。催眠治療士の父・ノブオは、そんな美子に不満な様子。東京で音楽ミキサーをやっている叔父のアヤノは元恋人に未練タラタラ、ノブオの弟で漫画家の轟木一騎は仕事に行き詰まっていた。それでも春野家の祖父・アキラはそんな家族をいつも温かく見守っていた…。
A nasty trigger girl, named Lucy who always making any trouble and bother everyone's around her life. With her behavior lead to the chaos in everywhere she goes. It seems, when the trouble happened she wills be happy as her favorites. Meanwhile, she has to encounter with her opponent, Hanako in such funny competition. Then, a fierce battle Lucy and Hanako ensues.
Sion Sono Fantasia Short Film Collection
An omnibus drama directed by the genius Sion Sono. Popular idols such as Sakura Mizutani and Yoko Mitsuya will appear, and a fantastic and mysterious story will unfold. Includes Chapter 1 "Woman in the Finder", Chapter 2 "No Memory Woman", Chapter 3 "Virtual Love", and Chapter 4 "Love Doctor".
Jam Films 2
Jam Films 2 features 4 short films by different Japanese directors.
Yuichi Sakai
L'amant ラマン
「醜く老いてしまう前に自らを葬ってしまおう」 春、背中に天使の羽根のタトゥーを入れた17歳の少女・チカコは、そうやって年上の3人の男と1年間の愛人契約を結んだ。男たちは少女を”華子“と呼び、少女は彼らを”A、B、C“と呼んだ。いつも優しく華子を抱くA、物静かでミステリアスなB、乱暴に華子を犯すC。逢引の為だけに用意された洋館で、無感情な情事が繰り返される。夏、補習でどこにも行けない華子を、男たちは花火に連れて行った。花火を見つめる男たちの目はまるで少年のようで、その時、華子は彼らもかつては子供だったのだと実感する。秋、涼子と言うクラスメイトに誘われて行った映画館で、華子は見知らぬ男にレイプされ、妊娠した。居合わせた涼子の弟・行人が彼女に救いの手を差し伸べようとするも、彼はまだ幼く純粋すぎた。冬、Cが何者かに刺され入院した。その病室からは、華子の通う高校が見えた。彼女は知る。かつて同じ部屋に、「彼女を愛人にしたい」と言い遺して死んだ、男たちのかけがえのない仲間が入院していたことを。1年後、華子の18歳の誕生日。男たちは、華子を4番目の男の墓へ連れて行った。彼女は、男の墓にキスをした。そして、別れの時。華子は、自分の中に今まで感じたことのない感情が芽生えていることに気づく。それは、男たちへの愛だった。彼女は思う。「私は、またここから歩いて行ける」と。
Fainda no Onna
Photographer Suga (Kenji Mizuhashi) aiming to win the photo contest and Lulu (Sakura Mizutani), a girl who works as a model. Two people who are drawn to each other while maintaining the relationship between the photographer and the model. One day, a mysterious woman, Sayoko (Yoko Kashiwagura), appears in the viewfinder of Suga. Eventually, Suga and Lulu win the long-awaited victory.
Five young men participate in an experiment drug test, which is known as a short-term, high-paying part-time job.
セブンス アニバーサリー
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor diagnosed Lulu with Kidney stone. She collected the stones in memories of love.
Anthology of five low-budget short films: "Nao and I", "MILD7", "LOVERS", "Strawberry Fields", "Label"
Yû Tachibana - Director
After a group suicide, two journalists investigate the cycle of suicides caused by spirits bound by the Suicide Manual.
Seventeen-year-old Ako works part-time in a cabaret club late at night. Because of this, she falls asleep in school every day. In the new semester, she becomes enamored with her classmate Ryou, who is repeating a year despite her good grades.
North Point - Friends
Japanese TV movie from 2003
An anthology series based on stories collected throughout Japan, mainly by writers Hirokatsu Kihara and Ichiro Nakayama.
Mamoru works as an illustrator in Tokyo. He and his girlfriend decide to visit his hometown of Onomichi. It is a bitter-sweet homecoming, for Mamoru has not been home in eight years. Upon his return, he experiences flashbacks of his ex-girlfriend, who died eight years ago. Feeling a sense of vulnerability, he visits the temple that he used to frequent in the past. There he sees a vision of Megumi, his ex-girlfriend...
Kenji has a dull life. He is unmotivated at the office, and unable to break off a lukewarm relationship with his girlfriend. Then, he meets an old classmate from high school, Ryoichi. Ryoichi says he's starting up a clothing brand with a group of friends. One day, Kenji visits their atelier, or workplace, and is fascinated by the sense of freedom that they share. As his relationship with them deepens, Kenji finds it harder and harder to accept the old world he comes from. One day, he punches his boss and quits his job. Now a proper member of Ryoichi's team, it's the start of a new and carefree life for him. However, it is short-lived. The clothes they make do not sell as well as they hoped for. Short on cash, energy, and ideas, the negative feedback loop forces each of them to start struggling in a search for alternative paths.
観葉植物販売会社「サニープラント販売」で同僚の田口が自殺してからというもの、ミチの周辺では身近な人たちが次々と黒い影を残し姿を消していってしまった。 同じ頃、大学生の亮介は、”ウラヌス”というプロパイダでパソコンで噂で聞いていた「幽霊に会いたいですか」と問う奇妙なサイトにアクセスしてしまう。 次々と黒い影を残し消える人たち。不気味に変容しはじめる世界。亮介が思いを寄せていた春江も不可解な行動をとり始める。 赤いテープに囲われたアパートのドアを見つめて佇む作業員が何かをしてしまったことが始りのようだった。 親しいものたちが消えてゆき日常が崩壊していく中、ミチと亮介は出会い、共に逃避しようとするが寸前、亮介にも危険が及んでしまう。ミチはそれでも亮介を連れ、幽かな希望目指して船出するのだった。
Takuya Hidaka
Satsuki and Takuya are high school students who meet at kendo practice, where they bash one another with wooden swords. They begin an awkward romance, but Takuya soon reveals a masochistic side to his desires. He has been stealing Satsuki's soiled clothing and secretly surveilling her while imagining her subjugation of him. Disgusted, Satsuki rejects him but he persists, and she discovers her own pleasure in manipulating and humiliating him.
ノストラダムス滅亡録 遺伝子の新世紀
In 1999, the human race had reached the time of the end. Military balance is lost in the wake of the nuclear test of a certain country, the threat of nuclear war had been swept.
The fourth film in the 'Rough Knight' series.
The third film in the 'Rough Knight' series
Kenichi Yamamoto
新・湘南爆走族 荒くれKNIGHT2
The second film in the 'Rough Knight' series.
新・湘南爆走族 荒くれKNIGHT
The first film in the 'Rough Knight' series
東京夜暴動 喧嘩の花道 東京番外篇
A Shibuya-kei violence movie in which ferocious love runs fast. The director is Ataru Oikawa. Beasts that cut through the darkness. Prostitution, yak buying and selling, tear gas bullets and pistols are readily available, and team conflicts are unchecked. Such a city, Shibuya. The bloody struggle between the twin brothers Keita and Yuta, who manage the club "Phantom" and partition Shibuya, and the Ikebukuro team "Lucky's" was also intensifying. Eiji, the leader of "Lucky's", teams up with Tanabe of the yakuza organization Hanyukai to challenge the final battle. They stabbed Toru, one of Keita's team, and abducted and confined Mamoru, who was sending information about "Lucky's" to Keita. And the future of the final battle...
平成 残 侠伝 狼 が 斬る !
Hideo Sakiki, a man who once crushed a hostile organization by himself, is back. This is because the funeral of the leader who was taken care of. However, the existence of Hideo stimulates other organizations as well as dislike...
Hiromasa Tohno
Minako, a Tokyo housewife, is depressed that everyone has an active life outside the home except her. Taking her inspiration from TV reports of a hitch-hiking chainsaw murderer, Minako decides to spice up her life by finding a young lover and running off with him by faking her kidnapping. While her family frets and worries, Minako has a wonderful time. Eventually, though, she decides it's time to go back to her family. Her lover, however, isn't ready for the fun to end, and Minako's fake kidnapping soon becomes all too real.
A refined psychological portrait of youths on their way to maturity
Takahashi moves into a new apartment after a divorce and as she tries to settle in, finds that she is having strange and violent dreams and weird things keep happening in her apartment. Her neighbour likes to listen to her through the wall, and becomes increasingly sensitive to her thoughts and feelings. A scientist father and son also live in the building; the son has an obsession with prosthetic body parts.
Nurunuru Kankan
The best must be the freshest. The best sake also follows the same principle to brew in which it needs the best and freshest raw materials, and also the freshest virgin to make it? Visiting one of a Japanese pub that seems to offer the best warm sake, Mononobe tries to follow the steps to reproduce the same flavor. However, he suddenly found out that those flavors are actually a combination of sake, sweat, and other bodily secretions of a virgin. As his only daughter is not a virgin anymore, the only way to make the best sake without a pure virgin is...