
回路 (2001)


ジャンル : ホラー, スリラー, 謎

上映時間 : 1時間 59分

演出 : Kiyoshi Kurosawa


観葉植物販売会社「サニープラント販売」で同僚の田口が自殺してからというもの、ミチの周辺では身近な人たちが次々と黒い影を残し姿を消していってしまった。 同じ頃、大学生の亮介は、”ウラヌス”というプロパイダでパソコンで噂で聞いていた「幽霊に会いたいですか」と問う奇妙なサイトにアクセスしてしまう。 次々と黒い影を残し消える人たち。不気味に変容しはじめる世界。亮介が思いを寄せていた春江も不可解な行動をとり始める。 赤いテープに囲われたアパートのドアを見つめて佇む作業員が何かをしてしまったことが始りのようだった。 親しいものたちが消えてゆき日常が崩壊していく中、ミチと亮介は出会い、共に逃避しようとするが寸前、亮介にも危険が及んでしまう。ミチはそれでも亮介を連れ、幽かな希望目指して船出するのだった。


Haruhiko Kato
Haruhiko Kato
Ryosuke Kawashima
Kumiko Aso
Kumiko Aso
Michi Kudo
Harue Karasawa
Kurume Arisaka
Kurume Arisaka
Junko Sasano
Masatoshi Matsuo
Masatoshi Matsuo
Toshio Yabe
Shinji Takeda
Shinji Takeda
Kenji Mizuhashi
Kenji Mizuhashi
Shun Sugata
Shun Sugata
Boss (uncredited)
Ken Furusawa
Ken Furusawa
Convenience Store Employee (uncredited)
Teruo Ono
Teruo Ono
Doroningen (uncredited)
Sho Aikawa
Sho Aikawa
Masayuki Shionoya
Masayuki Shionoya
Ghost (uncredited)
Kaori Ichijō
Kaori Ichijō
Girl with Long Hair (uncredited)
Takumi Tanji
Takumi Tanji
Man with Bag (uncredited)
Jun Fubuki
Jun Fubuki
Michi's Mother (uncredited)
Koji Yakusho
Koji Yakusho
Ship Captain
Hassei Takano
Hassei Takano
Student A (uncredited)
Atsushi Yuki
Atsushi Yuki
Student B (uncredited)
Go Takashima
Go Takashima
Student C (uncredited)
Akiko Kitamura
Akiko Kitamura
Rie Yasuda
Rie Yasuda
Zengoro Mamiana
Zengoro Mamiana


Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Yasuyoshi Tokuma
Yasuyoshi Tokuma
Executive Producer
Takefumi Haketa
Takefumi Haketa
Original Music Composer
Jun'ichi Kikuchi
Jun'ichi Kikuchi
Tomoyuki Maruo
Tomoyuki Maruo
Production Design
Yoshihisa Kato
Yoshihisa Kato
Visual Effects Art Director
Makio Ika
Makio Ika
Sound Director
Shûji Asano
Shûji Asano
Visual Effects Supervisor
Masaru Tateishi
Masaru Tateishi
Visual Effects Supervisor
Mikiko Koyama
Mikiko Koyama
Script Supervisor
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Junichiro Hayashi
Junichiro Hayashi
Director of Photography
Toru Wada
Toru Wada
Music Producer
Ken Inoue
Ken Inoue
Seiji Okuda
Seiji Okuda
Shun Shimizu
Shun Shimizu
Atsuyuki Shimoda
Atsuyuki Shimoda
Takeshi Furusawa
Takeshi Furusawa
Assistant Director
Yuji Kasamura
Yuji Kasamura
Set Decoration
Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Kiyoshi Kurosawa




A grandiose party to celebrate a sixtieth birthday unleashes a family drama with all the lies that conceal horrendous secrets. The eldest son, Christian, stages a showdown with the popular pater familias; his provocative, moving after-dinner speech dislodges all the masks, which finally fall completely as the father-son conflict intensifies and the bewildered guests look on.
Grbavica: The Land of My Dreams
A woman and her daughter struggle to make their way through the aftermath of the Balkan war.
An average, everyday metalworker and volunteer firefighter content in his marriage to his childhood sweetheart finds his emotions unexpectedly stirred when he falls for a pretty waitress from a nearby town.
Summer in Berlin
When you read the title ‘Summer on the Balcony’ you probably think it will be a light Berlin summer comedy but it’s not. This film is an intimate study of two women friends who come to each other because of troubles with everyday life and with men and thus try to enjoy a life based on their ideas.
About the Looking for and the Finding of Love
Director helmut Dietls and Patric Susskinds illustrate a legendary story of two lovers who cant keep themselves away from death.
8 1/2
言わずと知れたF・フェリーニ監督の代表的作品。映画監督のグイドはある日、自分の体が空中を落下する夢を見る。現実生活の日常に纏わる様々な精神的・肉体的な疲れを癒す為、彼は療養と称して温泉に出掛けるが、そこでも仕事や生活から逃れることが出来ない。そして彼はついに、自分が温泉で余生を過ごしている老人達の中にいるという幻覚を見はじめるが……。本作は、フェリーニ監督自身の自伝的な作品であり、その描き方も、現実と幻想を並行して描くなど秀逸! 絶対に見るべし!!
Journalist and man-about-town Marcello struggles to find his place in the world, torn between the allure of Rome's elite social scene and the stifling domesticity offered by his girlfriend, all the while searching for a way to become a serious writer.
A married couple is terrorized by a series of videotapes planted on their front porch.
In an attempt to pull her family together, Adèlle travels with her young daughter Sarah to Wales to visit her father. The morning after they arrive, Sarah mysteriously vanishes in the ocean. Not long after, a little girl bearing a striking resemblance to their missing daughter reveals that she has retuned from the dead — and that Sarah has been taken to the Welsh underworld.
A high-priced call girl is forced to depend on a reluctant private eye when she is stalked by a psychopath.
Michaela, an epileptic, enrolls in college to study education. She goes off her medication and soon begins hearing voices and seeing apparitions that tell her to avoid religious objects, although she is devoutly Roman Catholic. One priest scoffs at the idea that Michaela could be possessed by demons, but a younger pastor arranges an exorcism for the young woman.
Janine F.
The humorous portrait of a female artist. The film follows the career of 24-year-old Janine F. who in 2002 caused a commotion from the rooftop of a Berlin building.
Bread and Tulips
An endearing light comedy about a woman who spontaneously becomes a resident of Venice after her family left her begin. While enjoying the wonderful people she meets she achieves a new life and the first time independent of her family.
Italian for Beginners
A group of strangers find friendship, family and love within an Italian beginners’ course.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
An isolated lake, where an old monk lives in a small floating temple. The monk has a young boy living with him, learning to become a monk. We watch as seasons and years pass by.


離婚調停中であり、娘の郁子の親権を夫邦夫と争っている淑美は生活を立て直そうと、郁子と一緒に新しいマンションに引っ越す。しかし、そこは雨漏りが酷い、水道水が不味い、上階の子供の足音がよく響くなど不具合が多く、また彼女は何か不穏なものを感じていた。 ある日、淑美は屋上で、赤い子供用バッグ(mimikoバッグ)を見つけ、それがきっかけで郁子と同じ幼稚園に通っていた少女・河合美津子が2年前から行方不明になっているのを知る。美津子は父と共に、淑美たちの真上の部屋に住んでいて、行方不明になったときには似たバッグをかけていた。 バッグは落とし物としてマンション管理人に届け、捨てられたことを確認するが、後日また屋上で同じものが見つかった。娘の郁子はバッグが気になるようで、また、見えない女の子と会話する奇行が見られるようになった。淑美は、美津子の霊が郁子を連れ去ろうとしているのではないかと恐慌に陥り、一度はマンションを出る決意する。
レント ライヴ・オン・ブロードウェイ
Sex Drugs and Aids... This controversial musical follows the lives of recovering addicts and people dying of aids in 80s new York in-between two Christmases after Collins is Involved in a race attack and left on the street to die he is saved by angel a trans woman and drag queen as their relationship builds the scary reality creeps in. In the lot Mark and Roger struggling artists can't afford to make RENT as relentless landlord and former friend Benny makes life hell for them all the while Marks ex girlfriend Maureen is protesting the eviction of the homeless on that same lot and her new girlfriend Joanne handles the law side of things. Finally Mimi is a 19 year old in love with Roger but she is addicted to cocaine and the former heroine addict wants nothing to do with her after his last girlfriend committed suicide.
昭和15年、演劇は規制され台本は検閲にかけられていた。ある日警視庁の取り調べ室で検閲官・向坂睦男(役所広司)は 劇団・笑の大学・座付作家・椿一(稲垣吾郎)を取り調べようとしていた……。
Terror on the Prairie
A pioneering family fights back against a gang of vicious outlaws that is terrorizing them on their newly-built farm on the plains of Montana.
The Ordeal
A few days before Christmas, traveling entertainer Marc Stevens is stuck at nightfall in a remote wood in the swampy Hautes Fagnes region of Liège when his van breaks down. An odd chap who's looking for a lost dog then leads Marc to a shuttered inn.
Midnight University
Every university must have mysterious tall tales in the past, where students die before graduating. Someone wants to create a class to help the spirits graduate college. Surprisingly, the class attendants are growing significantly, and no one wants to teach the class. Star, a popular student, Otaku, a nerd and ghost photography enthusiast, as well as students Moo, Meuk, and Kung, and Fay the chubby clown, have to participate in the class. What kind of terror and romp will they have to go through?
Monte Walsh and Chet Rollins are long-time cowhands, working whatever ranch work comes their way, but "nothing they can't do from a horse." Their lives are divided between months on the range and the occasional trip into town. Monte has a long-term relationship with prostitute Martine Bernard, while Chet has fallen under the spell of the widow who owns the hardware store. Camaraderie and competition with the other cowboys fill their days, until one of the hands, Shorty Austin, loses his job and gets involved in rustling and killing. Then Monte and Chet find that their lives on the range are inexorably redirected.
リング 2
・事件・から一週間、井戸の中から発見された貞子の死体が解剖された。ところが、30年前に殺された筈の彼女の遺体は、解剖の結果、少なくとも死後1年ないし2年しか経っていないことが判明する。すると、貞子は30年近く井戸の中で生きていたことになる! 遺体の身元確認にやってきた貞子の母・志津子の従弟・山村敬は、思わず貞子の怨念のすさまじさに戦慄を覚えるのだった。
What Is a Man without a Moustache?
A young widow, an aging widower-returnee, and a priest from a bankrupt parish are struggling to come to terms with the post-war environment, complete with its prejudices, illusions, and unpleasant mentality. What follows is a romantic comedy set in rough landscape, about a woman who falls in love with a local priest. He is not blind to her love, but is unable to choose between the church and her, until the circumstances force him to make his choice.
Cecilie and Joachim are about to get married when a freak car accident leaves Joachim disabled, throwing their lives into a spin. The driver of the other car, Marie, and her family don’t get off lightly, either. Her husband Niels works in the hospital where he meets Cecilie and falls madly in love with her.
When the trail goes cold on a murder investigation of a policeman, an undercover narcotics officer is lured back to the force to help solve the case.
When Anna and her family arrive at their holiday home, they find it occupied by strangers. This confrontation is just the beginning of a painful learning process.
テトロ 過去を殺した男
Blood Tea and Red String
The aristocratic White Mice and the rustic Creatures Who Dwell Under the Oak battle over the doll of their heart's desire.