Shihori Kanjiya
出生 : 1985-12-12, Tokyo, Japan
Nagasaki in 1986. Hisada, who lives with her affectionate parents and her younger brother, although there are many quarrels between couples, is a fifth grader who loves Yuki Saito and Exogini. Hisada decides to go to Boomerang Island to "see the dolphins" with Takemoto, whose house is poor and avoided by his classmates. Drowning in the sea, getting entangled in the Yankees, and having a lot of trouble, but as the friendship between the two deepens as a result of this adventure, a sad incident that presages farewell occurs.
ある日の朝、鳥類学者の相馬日和(田中圭)は少数野党の党首を務めている最愛の妻・凛子(中谷美紀)か ら意味深な話を投げかけられた。「ねぇ日和くん、もしも私が総理大臣になったら、何かあなたに不都合はある?」 聞き返してもはぐらかされ、野鳥観察の出張に出た日和。ろくに電波の届かない孤島で十日間を過ごしてい るうちに......、なんと彼女は、この国の未来をすっかり変えてしまっていた! 史上初の女性内閣総理大臣に選出された凛子。時を同じく、突然「総理の夫」となってしまった日和。 微力ながら彼女の夢を全力で応援しようくらいに思っていた日和であったが、予想だにしなかった激動の日々に巻き込まれていく......!!
Akane Sato
Little Towa lives with his parents Satsuki and Yuichi in a coastal town on Nagashima. Yuichi is a fisherman, Satsuki runs a restaurant. What Towa doesn’t know is that he is adopted. As a baby, he was abandoned in an internet café, completely emaciated. While his new parents are secretly fighting for custody of him and want to protect him from his past, the family’s happiness begins to falter. Satsuki and Yuichi aren’t the only ones who are worried about Towa’s future.
A genius and reckless poet and a hard working musician are asked by the CEO of a children literature magazine to write a war song to send children into the battlefield.
Mutsuko has been living on an island to which her grandmother and mother have restricted her from leaving. To Mutsuko, the symbol of her freedom was Dreamland, an amusement park on the mainland, but she learns it will be closing permanently this year. Meanwhile, Wataru returns to the island after nine years due to a job transfer. A pupil of his deceased father pays him a visit and tells him about a side of his father he did not know about.
This work by British director John Caird is one of the four major tragedy by William Shakespeare. In this performance version, the title role will be played by Uchino, uncle Claudius and father's ghost will be played by Hayashi Kunimura, Ophelia will be played by Shihori Kanjiya, Gertrude will be played by Yuko Asano, and Horatio will be played by Yukiya Kitamura.
Hatsune Furumi
Kyoko Kamiki
While investigating a murder case, Kamiki Kyoko finds out the truth behind the death of her father who was a police officer which leads her to the dark secrets within the police force. In order to solve the case and take revenge for her father, Kamiki and her supervisor Orihara must battle the odds against the strong forces trying to cover up the truth.
Yukiko Higuchi
Mishio Sakatsuki
Shizuto Sakatsuki (Kengo Kora) is a mourner. He goes to scenes of accidents and mourns for the victims. Yukiyo Nagi (Yuriko Ishida), who killed her husband and served prison time, goes to the scene of the murder and meets Shizuto. She follows him from that time. Other people that exists in their lives are Shizuto’s mother Junko who is terminally ill with cancer and waits for Shizuto’s return, his younger sister Mishio who is pregnant by her now ex-boyfriend and a magazine reporter who chases after Shizuto. The movie examines life and death, love and hate and sin and forgiveness through these characters.
Betty Miyake
Kyoko Omori
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.
Yuko Tanimura
Toko Fujimiya
Shonosuke Furukehashi (Hiroshi Tamaki) is a young samurai and the second son of Sozaemon (Bunchin Katsura) of Togane Domain, Kazusa Province. Sozaemon serves as an attendant, but one day, he is suddenly suspected of accepting bribes. Forged documents written in handwriting startlingly identical to his offer incontrovertible evidence. Framed for accepting bribes he knows nothing about, Sozaemon commits ritual suicide for his “crime”. Shonosuke’s elder brother Katsunosuke (Satoshi Hashimoto), an assistant instructor at the domain’s training hall, is placed under house arrest. Because of that, Shonosuke leaves for Edo alone in order to clear the name of his beloved father.
Yukari Miyama
Mako Awano
The film is set in Edo period. As an orphan child Mio starts working at a restaurant in Osaka where she learns how to cook. When she turns 18, she moves to Edo (today's Tokyo) where she opens her own restaurant.
Azusa Soma
Hoshino Mine
The story is set against the beautiful scenery of Yamakoshi, Niigata, which is also known for bullfighting. Yanagiba plays a man named Satoshi who raises fighting bulls, while Kanjiya plays his deaf and mute daughter Mio. Osamu plays her fiance Maru, a charming young man from the lower part of town.
Hanazono Satsuki
Ohno plays the role of Tarui Shotaro, an ordinary guy who dreamed of becoming a hero when he was a child, but now gets by as a part-time worker. The unexpected story unfolds when one day, the daughter of a yakuza boss asks him to plan a make-believe kidnapping. Sato Ryuta plays Shotaro's co-worker who helps him with the kidnapping. Kanjiya Shihori plays Satsuki, the eldest daughter of the Hanazono yakuza clan, while Narimiya Hiroki plays Satsuki's college senpai who joined the Hanazono clan after graduation. Takahashi Katsumi plays the head of a rival organization who has fallen in love with Satsuki. Kitaoji Kinya plays Satsuki's father and the head of the Hanazono clan.
4人の男女がルームシェア生活を送る都内の2LDKマンション。ある昼下がり、近所で起きた連続暴行事件のニュースを見ているのは、大学3年生の良介(小出恵介)と、人気俳優と恋愛中のフリーター琴美(貫地谷しほり)。夜になると映画会社勤務の直輝(藤原竜也)と雑貨店で働く傍らイラストレーターとしても活動する未来(香里奈)が帰宅する。そしてリビングに集まった4人が繰り広げるのは良介の恋愛相談。やがて、会話が一段落すると一同は思い思いの行動へ。健康第一の直輝はジョギングへ、未来は寝室、琴美は恋人の俳優が主演するドラマの鑑賞、良介は片想いの相手へ告白しようと意気込むのだった。数日後、琴美は居間に佇む金髪の美少年サトル(林遣都)と出会う。2LDKに4人が暮らすことへの疑問を口にするサトルに琴美は答える。“ここはインターネットの掲示板のようなもの。イヤなら出て行けばいい“ 。酔っ払った未来が連れ込んだサトルは、こうして部屋に住み着く。だが、サトルが連続暴行事件の犯人ではないかと疑う未来。直輝はそれを一笑に付す。一方、隣が買春宿ではないかと疑った良介は、潜入操作を実行するが、占い師だったことが判明。直輝の名で占いをしてきたという。その結果は、”あなたは変化を求めて世界と戦っているが、その戦いは世界が完全に有利“というものだった。ある日、遅めの出勤途中にサトルを見かけた直輝は彼を尾行。だが、行動に疑問は持つものの、結局はサトルに何も言えずに終わる。翌日、直輝が目覚めると、大切にしていたビデオを消去されたことから、サトルを部屋から追い出せと、未来が怒鳴り込んでくる。リビングに出て行くと、琴美から妊娠を告白され、それを恋人の丸山に伝えて欲しいと頼まれる。良介からは、片想いの女性と付き合うことになったので、田舎に戻って働きたいと相談を受ける。そして直輝は、誰もが自分を頼ってくることをグチるのだった……。
A couple of smugglers don't know what to do when one day their boss gives them a kidnapping job.
Shoko Kisaragi
Window cleaners Tatsuyo, Yuusuke, Kazuma, Kudou, and Hagiwara are of different ages and backgrounds, but work side by side with their heads in the clouds. The oldest of the group, 40-year-old Hagiwara is already a husband and father but hasn't given up his dream of becoming a novelist. Young aspiring musicians Tatsuyo and Yuusuke keep trying their luck with record labels, but their demos go straight to the trash can. Tatsuyo does find a receptive listener though in Kanako, a young hearing-impaired woman who falls in love with Tatsuyo and his music. Tatsuyo and group continue to move toward their dreams with small steps and big hearts until one day an accident at work completely changes their lives.
東京下町の夕日町三丁目、自動車修理工場を営む鈴木家に親戚の女の子・美加が預けられることになった。父親が事業に失敗し、出稼ぎに行くのだ。しかしお嬢様育ちの美加はなかなか鈴木一家や夕日町の人々になじめないでいた。一方駄菓子屋の茶川は、黙って去って行ったヒロミを想い続けながら淳之介と暮らしていた。そんなある日、淳之介の実父とみられる川渕が再び息子を連れ戻しにやって来た。 そこで茶川は、人並みの暮らしをさせられる証しを必ず見せるからと頼み込み、改めて淳之介を預かった。 大きな事を言ったはいいが、どうやって安定した生活を見せられるのか。やけ酒に酔いつぶれる茶川ではあったが、翌朝、一度はあきらめていた“芥川賞受賞”の夢に向かって黙々と執筆を始める茶川の姿があった。 それを見た鈴木オートやまわりの皆は、心から応援し始めるのだった。 茶川が芥川賞へ向けて全力で書き上げた内容とは、それはなんとも川のせせらぎのように純粋な物語であった。鈴木オートや商店街の人たちは殆どの人が茶川の書き上げた本を買い何度も読み、泣く人、感動する人、あのころを思い出す人など、人それぞれが違った観点をもち茶川を支えていくのである。はたして黙って去っていったヒロミとの運命はいかに。
Kane Kamogawa
Shiomi Tanshio' Tanzawa
An adolescent human drama of high school students who are troubled with their own concerns but gradually find a method of survival through Hotai Club.
This seishun eiga (youth film) follows three teens as they face and share problems in their lives: Natsu (Megumi Seki) breaks up with her boyfriend and later finds out that she is pregnant; Koko (Shihori Kanjiya) has trouble accepting her mother’s romance; Marine (Eri Tokunaga) has a crush on a boy she saw on a train, but can not bring herself to speak to him.
Junko Aizawa
The young daughter of Keizo Tsujiguchi, a respected physician who runs his own hospital, is found murdered. Keizo secretly blames his wife Natsue because he suspects her of having an affair with his colleague Murai, and having been too distracted to keep proper watch over the child. Being a proud man, he does not accuse her directly, but concocts, instead, a twisted revenge against her. Pretending it is to comfort his devastated wife, Keizo arranges for them to adopt a baby girl. What he hasn't told Natsue, is that the baby is the orphaned daughter of the murderer, a tragic day-laborer who has hanged himself while in police custody. He plans to reveal the child's origins after Natsue has given her heart to the child-- when it will cause the greatest possible hurt.
Rika Gotou
全国の書店員が選ぶ第2回本屋大賞を受賞した、恩田陸の同名ベストセラー小説を映画化した青春ドラマ。24時間かけて80キロを歩く学校行事を通し、高校生の友情や葛藤を描いたのは、『ココニイルコト』『青空のゆくえ』の長澤雅彦監督。出演は『HINOKIO ヒノキオ』の多部未華子、『蝉しぐれ』の石田卓也、『花とアリス』の郭智博など、期待の若手俳優たちが顔をそろえた。ひたすら歩き続ける中で自分と向き合い、成長していく彼らの姿が清々しい。
Jo Shishido
In a small nook of Kawasaki Private investigator 591 and adultry specialist investigator 522 embark on separate investigations that leads them both to the same beautifician.
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
Yoshie Saito
The big band 'Swing Girls & A Boy' formed in the movie 'SWING GIRLS'. This concert will be the culmination of that, and deliver their first and last concert! In addition to the fresh big band jazz of the girls who jumped out of the movie, the folk duo from the film "Coelacanth" appears.
When a television producer visits the home of a brother and sister to interview them for his series on paranormal phenomena, what first appears to be a simple case of psychopathology turns into a full-blown epidemic of demonic manifestation. To his horror he realizes that he is not only a witness to the blossoming insanity, filming each scream and horrific expression, but that he and his technology have been intricately tied to the cause and conduit of its spread…
Kaho Kobayashi
Five bizarre stories with no apparent connection to one and other eventually become intertwined, resulting in surreal circumstances.
Yoshie Saito
東北地方の山河高校の、落ちこぼれ学生だった友子ら13人の女子生徒は、夏休みの補習授業をサボるために、食中毒で入院した吹奏楽部のピンチヒッターに応募する。 唯一、食中毒を免れた気の弱い吹奏楽部員・拓雄の指導で、ビッグバンドジャズをはじめた友子らは、次第に演奏の楽しさに目覚め、ジャズにのめりこんでいく。しかし、吹奏楽部員が退院して復帰したため、あえなくお払い箱になってしまう。 2学期になった友子らは、演奏の楽しさが忘れられず、バンドを結成し、楽器を買うためにアルバイトに精を出して、失敗したり四苦八苦しながら、ビッグバンドジャズにのめりこんでいく。
Tsukiko Okuya
There's no limit to what you can see in your dreams...