As the monk Ryuun, whose past and origin make him prone to internal and external fits, leaves the temple towards Tokyo, he gets to catch a glimpse of enlightenment resonating with the blind Kanoko.
There are men in this world who seem to have been born to be a villain. His upbringing, his sexuality, everything about him was suited to being in the criminal world. However, he also had a loving wife and children. This is the story of a man who throws himself into a deadly struggle on the front lines of a huge violent war, while at the same time seeking the happiness of his family as a good husband and father.
Ryukichi Terada
Three girls go on a trip after a friend commits suicide and learn about friendship.
Harufusa Hatano
Set in the Taisho era, which might be regarded as Japan's Hippie Phase, Hana no ran is a story about fashionable people without impulse control. Much of the action centers on a popular woman writer, the real-life poet Akiko Yosano, and her experiences among the literati of early 20th century Japan. Because of her independent, anti-war and often erotic poetry, she was a lightning rod for revolutionaries and other extremists, many of whom were destined to glamorous, yet ultimately pointless, deaths. The closest parallels might be the Byron/Shelley group or the people drawn to the Beat Generation.
Tadashi Okawa (Episode 3)
番組詳細 徳川十一代将軍家斉の側近の旗本、中野清茂は僧侶の娘で、評判の美少女お美代を養女にする。清茂に淡い恋心を抱くお美代だが、清茂は自らの出世のために、お美代を大奥へと送り込んでしまう。若く美しいお美代は、たちまち将軍の寵愛を受け、側室の一人に選ばれる。しかしそこは女たちの欲望と嫉妬が渦巻く世界。さらにお美代が懐妊すると、清茂は新たな少女を大奥に送り込むのだった。そのことを知ったお美代は復讐を決意する。
Lord Sakai
A woman named Fujiki Asuka arrives as an acquaintance of a sister in law for a day under the bar master Tamura who had guided Yakuza's escaping as a shoji. Tamura who lives on the second floor of the store for the time being the son who wants to work here. A few days later, Tamura finds a handgun from Yuko's baggage and holds a suspicion ....
Akimasa Koiso
Head of Police
In the desert of Egypt, Kurata, the CEO of the Japanese corporation Tokokaihatsu, is killed by a sniper. After the news reaches Japan, the CEO's lawyer, Yamamoto, receives a visit from two men that attempt to steal the deceased CEO's will. This is witnessed by two detectives, Tsuzuki and Ōnuki, but they fail to catch the perps. Yamamoto hands the detectives a set of keys before he stops breathing. Tsuzuki and Ōnuki now have to investigate Kurata's murder...
A made man during the height of Hiroshima's yakuza turf war must maneuver through the violence and betrayal inside the criminal underworld.
Released after seven years in prison, an inveterate thug goes from strength to ruthless strength as he makes his way through a succession of dubious jobs, illegal schemes, and brutal romances.
Bunzo Tanigawa
Set in the icy wilderness of Hokkaido during the early days of the Meiji era, where the brutal warden of Kabato Prison terrorizes convicts sentenced to forced labor to build the roads needed to open up the territory.
This story is based on the novel "Jo no mai" by Tomiko Miyao which is based on the life of painter Shōen Uemura (1875–1949), the first woman to be awarded the Order of Culture. The title refers to the masterpiece bijinga ("picture of a beautiful woman") that Uemura painted at the age of 61. The main character, Tsuya Shimamura, is born in Kyoto as the second daughter of a tea trader who dies before her birth. Tsuya, who loves painting more than anything and is hopeless at housework, attends art school and at age 15 receives the name Shōsui (from the characters for "pine" and "green") from her teacher. The crown prince of England purchases one of her works, propelling her to fame overnight. The novel portrays the remainder of her stormy life, during which she is impregnated by her teacher and raises a fatherless child; through it all she devotes herself to her painting, undaunted.
かつて素藤の父に輿入れし蟇田領で酒池肉林と暴虐の限りを尽くした玉梓 (たまづさ) は、里見家に討ち滅ぼされた怨念を晴らすために妖怪の首領として蘇えり、息子の蟇田素藤 (ひきたもとふじ) と家来に命じ、里見家の館山城に攻め入った。里見家は滅ぼされ、静姫と一部の家来は生き延びるが、玉梓の追手が迫ってくる。伏姫の体から飛び散った、仁・義・礼・智・忠・信・孝・悌の各字を刻んだ八つの霊玉を持った八剣士は、それぞれの立場で生きていた。やがて彼らは運命に導かれ、静姫のもとに集まり、玉梓の野望を砕くため、戦いを挑む。
Kashin Koji
神波史男のシナリオを工藤栄一が監督した。仙元誠三によるキャメラは、光と闇をスタイリッシュに描き出すことに成功している。 雨の夜、ナイフで何度も刺された女子短大生の死体が見つかる。事件の捜査には、有能だが強引なやり方で評判の悪い刑事、大滝も加わった。大滝は恵子という女と同棲している。彼女はかつて麻薬取締法違反で逮捕した阪上の情婦だった。阪上が出所し、恵子の家に転がり込んでくる。大滝と阪上、そして恵子とその息子との、奇妙な共同生活が始まった。大滝は参考人として田中という男を別件逮捕、殴る蹴るの尋問を行い捜査から外されてしまう。阪上は再び覚醒剤に手を出すようになり保護されていった。大滝は恵子に、おとり捜査の協力を願い出る。
It's a rare occasion when a noted filmmaker like Yamauchi Tetsuya gets to re-visit a previous film, and in this re-make of NINJA GARI, he not only does that, but has created an even better piece. While the original from 1964 starred the great old-time actor Konoe Jushiro, this version is perfectly cast with his son Matsukata Hiroki in the lead as Wadakuro, one of four ronin hired to fight against the Shogunate's plot to abolish the Gamo Clan, who are struggling to reinstate their young heir Tanemaru as their Lord. Facing the threat of the Koga Ninja, Wadakuro shows his own cruelty while on a personal vendetta. This is a very brutal film, with lots of realistic ninja action, violent deaths, a dark story line and is completely without any light-hearted 'humor' elements that Toei used to incorperate back in the golden era. And with Matsukata Hiroki's outstanding martial skills, the swordplay is even better in this one. This is definitely one of the best ninja movies ever made!
A star tennis player takes revenge on the blackmailers out to ruin his athletic career.
Izumori Matsudaira
Based on the comic book series of the same name by Yûsuke Aoyagi.
Matsudaira Izu Mamoru Nobutsuna
Goto Matabei
Takeshi Tsugawa
Two Kyushu based yakuza groups are desperate for domaination of the area. When more powerful yakuza groups get involved in their power struggle, a group of childhood friends, belonging to different yakuza families, are caught in the middle. Lies, deceit, and backstabbing are in play resulting in a bloodbath and a quest for revenge...
In pre-war Japan, two members of a large yakuza syndicate instigate a turf war that embroils the highest echelons of Tokyo's underworld.
Political fixer Homei Yamaoka's misdeeds come to light, throwing Japanese politics into deadly confusion. But he's not going down without a fight.
「柳生一族の陰謀」の深作欣二と萬屋錦之介が忠臣蔵に挑んだ大型時代劇。様式美にとらわれないドキュメンタリータッチの作風で描く。 吉良上野介に対し刃傷に及んだ浅野内匠頭が切腹させられ、赤穂はお家断絶となり、領地を召し上げられてしまう。大石内蔵助は家臣たちから誓紙血判を集め、仇討ちの準備を始める。
Kumokiri Nizaemon, a former samurai warrior, has abandoned his class to become the leader of a gang of thieves. He leads his outlaws in an attempt to rob the castle of his former clan.
Rockseia XII
深作欣二がスターウォーズブームの中製作した便乗映画。ストーリーは里見八犬伝に材を採っていたりと安直な部分もあるが、ビック・モローの起用、原寸大のリアベ号の建造など話題性は充分だった。『スター・ウォーズ』に比べ特撮の出来は見劣りはするものの、合成を使わずに戦闘機の追跡シーンを作り上げた点などが海外では高く評価された。 アンドロメダ星雲の惑星ジルーシアは皇帝ロクセイア12世の率いるガバナス帝国の侵略によって「惑星大要塞」へと改造されてしまっていた。ジルーシア人の大酋長キドは奇跡の救い手の勇者を求め、「聖なるリアベの実」8個を宇宙へと放ち、キドの孫娘エメラリーダと戦士のウロッコ2名に、実を追って勇者を迎えに行くように指示した。だがロクセイアはぬかりなく追撃の宇宙戦艦を発進させる。 リアベの実は、銀河系の地球連邦の植民惑星ミラゼリアで、軍に失望して辞職した元将軍のガルダ、宇宙暴走族の若者シローとアロン、チンピラのジャック、富豪令嬢のメイア5名の元に届く。 若者達は「宇宙ボタル」の採集中に難破したエメラリーダの宇宙船を見つけ、エメラリーダとウロッコを救い出すが、2人から使命を聞かされて戸惑う。ガルダは若者達の様子を見て、実を返却して参加を固辞してしまう。シロー等はメイアには内緒で、他の勇者を紹介すると嘘をつき、息子の嫁探しをしていた老婆にエメラリーダを売ってしまう。老婆とエメラリーダはその後ガバナスの追跡部隊に捕縛されてしまう。 メイアはシロー等の行動を知り大いに怒る。改心した若者達は協力してジルーシア救出の準備を開始する。メイアの宇宙艇をシロー・アロンの小型艇を搭載できるように改修し、ジルーシアへと向かう。その途中でリアベの実を持つガバナス人のハンスが加わる。ハンスはロクセイアに地位を簒奪された、ガバナスの本来の皇位継承者だった。 一方、ガバナスは地球の美しさに魅了され、地球連邦へと無条件降伏を迫る。 その混乱の最中、ガルダと合流したシローたち6名は、惑星要塞の破壊とエメラーリダ救出のため、ガバナスの要塞内へと侵入。残る2名の仲間も集い、8名はロクセイアとの対決に挑む。
Goro Seo
Legendary detective returns
Ayamaro Karasumasu
Following the death of the second Tokugawa shogun, it is revealed that he was poisoned by retainers of his son Iemitsu in hopes of gaining him the shogunate despite the stammer and birthmark which undermine his respect. Iemitsu and his brother Tadanaga become bitter rivals for the shogunate, and the land is split into factions, eventually erupting into warfare. Iemitsu's mentor, his fencing instructor Yagyu, is fixated upon securing Iemitsu the shogunate and ends up betraying everyone, even his own family, in pursuit of the goal.
In the year 1873, a Japanese woman is sold as a mistress to an American diplomat stationed in Japan.
Eisaku Daimon
After serving 10 years in prison for murdering a rival boss, Tetsu is appalled to see his yakuza family overgrown and dysfunctional upon his release.
Juzaburo Tsutaya
Utamaro was an artist who lived in Edo (which was later to become modern-day Tokyo) in the late 18th century. This film, which has a complex and wide-ranging storyline, recreates the world of that time, as it appeared in Utamaro's paintings.
Seiji Kataoka
A yakuza leader must balance his violent tactics necessary for the rough streets of 1960s Tokyo with the domestic needs of his daughters.
Three men, all named Masa, join forces to capitalize on each of their unique yet questionable talents against a hyper-competitive Tokyo underworld.
Koji Matsuoka
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
A violent upstart forms an alliance with the powerful Tensei-kai syndicate to fight on the front lines of an underworld war and take over all of Japan.
Katsumi Kawade
Noboru Kajiki
A look at the life of renegade yakuza, Rikio Ishikawa, particularly the years from 1946 to 1950 when his violent antics get him in trouble with his own clan, Kawada, and then with the clan of his protector, Kozaburo Imai. In these years, he can rely on Chieko, a young Tokyo courtesan who gives him shelter. He's banished to Osaka, where he picks up a drug habit. Through it all, he keeps his friends and enemies off balance with unpredictable behavior - and he seems indestructible.
Set in Shibuya in 1949, this is another film based on real life former yakuza boss Noboru Ando's memoirs.
An assassin trained as a ninja carries the code name M. Hayami is a yakuza boss and a divorced father who is not allowed to come near his and her young daughter Mutsumi from his ex-wife Kazuko. In the big port city of Yokohama, M has to see Hayami, who with his practices has thrown angry blood at the president of the yakuza group.
Bansaku Tonami
Hiroshi Matsunaga
Detective Kondo
Hiroshi Matsunaga
Attacking Asao Uchida's lonely, clifftop mansion in no-holds barred massacre.
The great Daimyo enlists the aid of the three Shadow Hunters in ensuring the delivery of an illegal cannon in this sequel to Toshio Masuda's bloody adaptation of the manga by Takao Saito. Despite the Shadow Hunters's remarkable skill, this mission is no walk in the park, and in order to survive they must face a relentless army of ninjas and female warriors willing to sacrifice their lives to disrupt the delivery and claim the cannon for themselves.
Set during the declining years of the Tokugawa shogunate, Shadow Hunters details the questionably noble exploits of three ronin who act as "Shadow Hunters". These three ronin are not your normal ornery ruffians who are looking for a drink, a broad and someone to jab a sword into, but are in fact former samurai who, rather than follow their destroyed fiefs and murdered masters into death via seppuku, have dedicated their combined sword prowess to stopping the government from raping its daimyos for valuable resources.
Eikichi Mine
The film tells about Masayoshi, a noble Yakuza who lives by the laws of honor and humanity, and who is bound by an oath to his brother in a conflict between the Gamblers' family and the Tekiya family.
Takeshi Ijuin leaves for Chicago to be a cameraman, and a few years later returns to Japan. But he only learned the technique of homicide in Chicago. When he visits the graveyard with his father to pray at his mother's tomb, his father is shot by someone. Now he thirsts for revenge.
Yūji, fresh out of prison on parole, meets a stranger named Nao that asks for his assistance...
An action-comedy about three men who try to bilk money out of gambling dens.
16th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
15th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
A young man leaves his widowed mother on her improverished farm and makes his career in the Japanese navy.
Japanese crime film.
Twelfth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Seventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Ninth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Haruo Kuramoto
Horror film directed by Koji Shima.
Third film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
The first film in the 2 part series about Ryuzen, a renegade martial-arts priest who, in addition to breaking all the commandments against sex and gambling, opens his own gambling den in direct defiance of the local yakuza boss. Exciting action and a twisty plot this movie breaks new barriers in Japanese cinema. Katsu Shintaro is superb in one of his better non-Zato Ichi roles as he fights off the advances of a love-lorn woman and risks his life to defeat the powerful gambling boss who has a stranglehold on the town.
Ukon Saegusa
The Son of the Black Mass returns in this ninth installment in Daiei's longstanding Nemuri Kyoshiro series. This time Raizo Ichikawa as Nemuri is called to see that a gold statuette of the Virgin Mary gets safe passage to Kyoto from the prying hands of a sect of murderous Christian ronin that call themselves the Black Finger Group.
Quick Drawer Dog (早射ち犬 Hayauchi inu) is a 1967 film directed by Tetsutarō Murano. It is the eighth film in the Inu series.
A former soldier, reduced to working at a restaurant post-war, becomes a contract killer for the yakuza gangs he's in contact with.
Stray Dog (野良犬) is a 1966 film directed by Yoshio Inoue. It is the seventh film in the Inu series.
Keizo Tsujiguchi believes his wife Natsue was having an extramarital affair when their child was kidnapped and killed. He believes of her extramarital affair she was unable to watch over their child properly and blames her for their daughter's death. To exact revenge on his wife, he then adopts the killer's child without telling the truth to his wife or their newly adopted child.
Tadasu Jumonji
Zatoichi makes friends with a dangerous chess player, while fending off angry yakuza and bloodthirsty relatives out for revenge, and trying to save a sick child. Meanwhile, his luck with dice is turning.
太平洋戦争下の南方ニューギニアのラエ基地に夏堀(長谷川明男)や山県(青山良彦)らが赴任し、零戦の名パイロット梶大尉(本郷功次郎)の厳しい訓練を受ける。やがて梶は戦死。夏堀は戦地を転々とし、やがて神風特別攻撃隊の護衛隊の任を受けるが……。 それまで青春色の強い戦争映画を主に製作していた大映が『大怪獣ガメラ』などで培った特撮技術を駆使して描いた戦争アクション映画。特撮の主眼はもちろんモノクロ映像を効果的に活かした零戦などの空中戦で、担当は築地米三郎。実写フィルムとの融合にもさほど違和感はない。ポスターなどのビリングでは本郷功次郎が主役のようだが、実質の主役は長谷川明男。当時の大映若手スターの世代代わりを象徴しているかのようでもある。
After a yakuza boss is assassinated by a rival, his naval officer son returns home to take over the gang.
A young man named Kijima who works as a pianist in a small bar is surprised when one of the customers asks if he won't pretend to be the fiance of his sister. He is even more surprised when he is offered a million yen to play this apparently harmless role. Actually, it is anything but harmless. Both the customer and his sister are involved in a jewel robbery in which they have double-crossed two of their accomplices who are now out of prison and thirsting for revenge.
Sadao Kawamatsu
Third film in the "Inu" series.
A story full of youthful vigor and spirit as high school students try to work out their problems, realize the awakening of love and growing maturity and find fun and happiness in helping others.
First movie of the Inu series directed by Tokuzō Tanaka