Rudy Ramos

Rudy Ramos

出生 : 1950-09-19, Lawton, Oklahoma, USA


Rudy Ramos


Road Dogz
"Boyz N the Hood" meets "Blood In, Blood Out" in this gritty tale of life on the streets of East L.A. Danny (Jacob Vargas), Alfonso (Greg Serano) and Raymo (Clifton Collins Jr.) are lifelong friends who have spent their days hanging out and playing basketball. But everything is about to change...when one of them gets involved with a dangerous drug dealer, all their lives are at risk and they must make some life and death decisions.
Sam Churchill: Search for a Homeless Man
Juan Ochoa
A multi-million-dollar real restate swindle, teenage pornography, arson, kidnapping, and even murder are all part of Sam Churchill's first official case as a private investigator in beautiful Santa Barbara, California.
The Flight of the Dove
An explosives expert fleeing his past and a beautiful spy trading sex for secrets find themselves in love and fighting the spy ring out to kill them.
Jessy Aruna
An ex-cop is temporarily blinded when he steals cash from a money laundering operations. While recuperating in Mexico, the thief falls in love with a beautiful woman who has underworld connections. When the girl disappears, he returns to the United States to find her, risking death from the gangster
A Murderous Affair: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Ali Baez
A married man meets a beautiful woman and they begin an affair.
To Protect and Serve
A rookie cop becomes the chief suspect in the killing of some of his crooked cohorts.
Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure
Policial Manny Beltran
Based on the true story of baby Jessica McClure who fell into a drain pipe in her back yard while playing. She was stuck in the pipe about 20 to 30 feet down and it took rescuers 58 hours to get her out. There was fear that if they shook the earth too much with machinery they could cause Jessica to fall further down and die.
A confident young cop is shown the ropes by a veteran partner in the dangerous gang-controlled barrios of Los Angeles, where the gang culture is enforced by the colors the members wear.
Open House
Rudy Estevez
Someone is killing off nubile real estate agents. A psychologist doing a therapy talk show begins getting calls from the perpetrator, and cooperates with the police to try and stop him. Unfortunately, his lover is a real estate agent, and when it becomes clear that the madman is getting information for his kills from her discarded home listings, they both become endangered.
Jack Casey used to be a hot-shot stock market whiz kid. After a disastrous professional decision, his life in the fast lane is over. He loses his nerve and joins a speed delivery firm which relies on bicycles to avoid traffic jams of San Francisco, is attracted to a fellow bicycler, Terri, and befriends Hector, a budding entrepreneur. Can Jack regain his nerve and his self-respect, and rebuild his life on a more sound basis?
Angel Cruz
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a seaman and though he tries to avoid the gang and his neighbors, it does not work. Soon he is battling the Souls and not only changing their attitudes, but the attitudes of his previously intimidated neighbors as well.
峠のコンビニの駐車場で若い女がガス会社のトラックをヒッチハイクした。山中の一軒家へ送ってもらった女は、冷えたビールをご馳走すると相棒をつれて家に入る。相棒が戻ってくるのを一服しながら待つ運転手であったが、突如背後からやってきたヒッピー風の男に刺殺される。そして男はビールを抱えて出てきた相棒も散弾銃で射殺した・・・ ダーティハリーことサンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン刑事は、相棒と巡回中に強盗事件の報が入り現場へ急行。犯人の要求を聞くも、突如車で店に突入し.44マグナムをぶっぱなして事件を解決、結果1万ドルを越す損害を出した。この事件で上司の逆鱗にふれたハリーは人事課へと移動を命ぜられる。翌日刑事昇任試験の面接官を担当したハリーは、そこでケイト・ムーアという頼り無さそうな女性警官と出会う。そんな中、元相棒がガス会社のトラックを奪った連中が計画した武器強奪に遭遇し銃撃戦の負傷がもとで殉職してしまう。殺人課へ戻されたハリーは、市を脅迫する武器強奪犯の捜査を開始するのだが、新しい相棒はなんとあのケイト・ムーアであった。
Helter Skelter
Danny DeCarlo
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".