Takayuki Hori
Kanae's husband disappeared without a trace while on a union trip. Though usually headstrong and independent, the woman becomes plagued with worry over what happened to him, and is unable to move on with her life. Thus, Kanae decides to hire a private investigator, and keeps running the public bathhouse to the best of her abilities. As he tries to figure out the truth about her husband, Kanae must deal with the stress from a work-intensive job, meddlesome neighbors, and recurring nightmares in which she is drowning.
A Japanese businessman goes on an unwitting journey of self-discovery when he takes a company trip from Tokyo to a Montana cattle ranch.
Tomokazu Sawada
Based on the murder of nine street peddlers in the aftermath of the Great Kanto earthquake
Amiko lives in Hiroshima, Japan. She is a little different from other girls. Her family consists of her father, pregnant mother, and an older brother. Her father is nice to other people and her mother teaches calligraphy. Amiko has classmate Ri-kun, whom she likes. Amiko is honest and naive. Her behavior sometimes makes people feel embarrassed.
Sota Amaya
High school student Yuki suffers from a chronic disease and has lost hope for living. One day she has a life-changing encounter with Aki, her destructive classmate with a beautiful singing voice. Together they decide to form a band with Yusuke who secretly has feelings for Yuki.
Norimasa Hayama (voice)
両親を事故で亡くし心を閉ざしている資産家・牧田家の跡取り娘、静子。 祖父が遺した豪邸で家政婦・奈津と二人で暮らしていた。ある日、奈津が窓から落としてしまった鉢が、偶然通りかかった男の頭を直撃。男は命に別条はなかったものの記憶喪失になってしまう。奈津は事故の責任を感じ、記憶が戻るまで男を牧田家で面倒を見ることを提案する。
The story unfolds with the main character, 25-year-old Miu Komaru, who lives on the outskirts of Fukuya City. Miu, who is single and cares for her grandfather Goro, works at the city hall but is isolated, and the only person who can snuggle up is Koji Mano, who works at the same office. One day, Mano commits suicide from the roof of the city hall, but it was the death after being ordered to "falsify documents" unreasonably. Goro gives a shocking mission to Miu, who returns home in grief, to "take away the data of the falsification instruction in order to take a lie," and Miu secretly stands up with "things that are not usually noticeable" as a weapon. —HateHoollywoodNetflix
Kazuma Kubota
Takaki runs a small cardboard processing company. One day, he killed himself. He did this because of Yoshiyuki. Yoshiyuki is the CEO of a company that works with Takaki's company. Due to Yoshiyuki, Takaki's company went bankrupt because of heavy debts. This caused Takaki to jump off of a rooftop building. Despite the appeals from Takaki's family, Yoshiyuki was unpunished by the law. Takaki ’s son Kazuma and Takaki ’s nephew Mitsuru decide to take revenge on Yoshiyuki.
A frustrated young woman returns from Tokyo to her hometown in Toyama where she meets an old woman who lives alone. There she slowly finds purpose in life by taking "photographs" that spin memories instead of ghosts.
Kiyokazu Kurihara
After a long and unsuccessful struggle to get pregnant, convinced by the discourse of an adoption association, Satoko and her husband decide to adopt a baby boy. A few years later, their parenthood is shaken by a threatening unknown girl, Hikari, who pretends to be the child's biological mother. Satoko decides to confront Hikari directly.
Akira Hyodo
Yuji Kazama
Mildrath (voice)
少年リュカは父パパスと旅を続けていた。 その目的は、ゲマ率いる魔物たちに連れ去られた母を取り戻すこと。 旅の道中、遂にゲマと遭遇し、魔物たちと激しい戦いを繰り広げるパパス。 しかし一瞬のスキをつかれ、リュカが人質にとられてしまい、手出しができなくなったパパスは、リュカの目の前で無念の死を遂げる―― それから10年。故郷に戻ったリュカは「天空のつるぎと勇者を探し出せば、母を救うことができる」というパパスの日記を発見する。 父の遺志を受け継ぎ、リュカは再び冒険の旅にでることに。 立ちはだかるいくつもの試練、そしてビアンカとフローラ、2人の女性をめぐる究極の選択。 果たして冒険の先に待ち受けるものとは!?
Ryota Hironaga
Hironaga Ryota was a child when he was separated from his father due to his parents' divorce. He takes over the glasswork factory his father almost brought to bankrupty and manages to somehow get by. In the meantime, Ryota himself is also divorced with children he does not see. One day his older brother Shoichi says he saw their father out in the city. Thus begins the two brothers' effort to find their father.
Eisei Hiraoka
A writer from Kamakura named Hiraoka Eisei is researching supernatural stories but finds himself revisiting memories from a previous visit to his wife’s home town. Ogura Kako,a shy local woman, is asked to help an actor from Tokyo practice speaking with Kyoto intonation and, after the lesson, he asks her to show him around Arashiyama.
Kidachi Shōgo
Thirty years after aboy's disappearance, a journalist revives interest in the case, which in turn compels the victim's brother to look for this woman's daughter in the snowy hinterlands of northern Japan. This sets off a series of events that causes the brother and the woman's daughter to glimpse the truth that has been concealed by their vague and painful memories.
Saito Ryousuke
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set in the 1990s in Japan. In Kobe in 1993, Jun Baba gets taken to a juvenile prison due to a killing of a man who cheated his mother out of all her money in self-defense. One day, he hears that his younger brother, who has been desperately ill, is in a critical condition and breaks out. However, he finds out his brother is already dead. In the depth of despair, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a man who runs a self-support facility. He begins to live at the place, and befriends with Takumi Watanabe aspiring to be a lawyer. In 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hits and their friendship comes to an end. Crushed under the debris, Takumi persuades Jun to live his life instead. Jun swears to live on assuming Takumi's identity.
Koji Wakamatsu
1969年、原宿のセントラルアパートに"若松プロダクション"はあった。当時33歳の若松孝二が作り出すピンク映画は若者たちを熱狂させ、時代の先端を駆け抜けていた。 21歳で"若松プロダクション"の門を叩いた吉積めぐみの目を通して、若松孝二と共に映画、青春、そして恋、なにもかもが危うくきらめいていた一瞬の時を描く、青春群像劇! 2012年10月17日の若松孝二監督逝去から6年。いまや日本映画界を牽引する俊英白石和彌が、師匠若松孝二が時代と共に駆け抜けた若き日を描きだす。白石監督自ら「映画を 武器に戦ってきた若松さんの声をもう一度聞きたい」と企画した本作『止められるか、俺たちを』は、記念すべき若松プロダクション映画製作再始動第一弾となる。 主演は門脇麦、若松プロダクション助監督・吉積めぐみ役を熱演。そして若松孝二役は若松組常連・井浦新。 こんな若松プロ、こんな青春、誰も観たことない———
Genjiro Muraki
After the Great Kanto earthquake in 1923, a troupe of female sumo wrestlers arrive in Tokyo.
In 2010, while covering the issue of the "secret agreement" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the author came across diplomatic documents relating to the reversion of Okinawa and was particularly impressed by the handwritten documents of Kazuo Chiba, then Director of the North American First Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which, unlike ordinary bureaucrats, "stood out from the crowd and seemed unique". The name of Chiba subsequently appeared in a number of documents left by former Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's secretary, and the author became interested in finding out what kind of person he was.
Sota Amaya
「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」という5つのチームが拮抗するエリア、SWORD地区。彼らは伝説のチーム「ムゲン」のリーダー琥珀が率いる湾岸連合軍との死闘に辛くも勝利し、SWORD地区はつかの間の平和を取り戻していたが、九龍グループによるカジノ建設計画をめぐり、仲間たちとの固い友情で結ばれた男たちはSWORD地区の未来を懸けて最大の決戦に挑む。
とある一帯を支配する最強のグループ「ムゲン」が「雨宮兄弟」と激しい抗争を繰り広げた後、ムゲンが解散し雨宮兄弟も姿を消す。その後、頭角を現した五つのチーム「山王連合会」「White Rascals」「鬼邪高校」「RUDE BOYS」「達磨一家」の頭文字を取り街は「SWORD」地区といわれ、「G-SWORD」と呼ばれるグループが互いにしのぎを削っていた。そこへある男が帰ってきたことで、SWORD地区には不穏な空気が漂い始める。
A lonely young girl who has lost her mother wears a blindfold all day and believes she has only half the world. Until one day she meets a middle-aged man who also claims to have only half the world in the graffiti world of her desk ......
Sakuya Kosui
Shizuto Sakatsuki (Kengo Kora) is a mourner. He goes to scenes of accidents and mourns for the victims. Yukiyo Nagi (Yuriko Ishida), who killed her husband and served prison time, goes to the scene of the murder and meets Shizuto. She follows him from that time. Other people that exists in their lives are Shizuto’s mother Junko who is terminally ill with cancer and waits for Shizuto’s return, his younger sister Mishio who is pregnant by her now ex-boyfriend and a magazine reporter who chases after Shizuto. The movie examines life and death, love and hate and sin and forgiveness through these characters.
Hirohiko Osawa
Shintaro Katase
The story is set in the 70s where Ishihara plays Fumiko, an university student, who gets involved romantically with her assistant professor Katase Shintaro (Iura Arata) and his wife Hinako (Tanaka Rena). However, on 28 February 1972, the police finds Shintaro seriously injured and a young man working in a electronics store (Saito Takumi) dead in a bungalow at Karuizawawhile Fumiko and Hinako are also present at the scene. The truth behind the case is not known and the case is quickly classified as a crime of passion which leads to Fumiko being sent to prison. 40 years later, a report writer Torigai Mitsuhiko (Watabe Atsuro) comes to know about this case and goes to interview the elderly Fumiko (Harada Mieko) in prison which leads him to find out what really happened at the bungalow.
Former college buddies Horaguchi and Okawa suddenly reunite on a whim after 15 years apart and try to resume their friendship by planning a trip together. Meanwhile, Okawa’s live-in girlfriend Kaede and the pair's old friend Kyoko get roped into joining them. Soon, the four head off on a trip together with the goal of sharing sukiyaki by the sea.
Through philosophical and science themed imagination, Emile questions everything from his teenage years to adult life.
Butterfly Collector
Makoto who is working in Brazil is back in Japan for a short stay. However, not having a place for the week she stays over at Toru's house. Their lifestyles though are not exactly good matches and soon the tension begins to simmer
Keisuke Murota
Tetsushin Hino
"Blazing Famiglia" centers around a family of former teenage gangsters. Tetsu Hino (Yoshimi Tokui) was once the leader of the most feared motorcycle gang in the Kanto area. Now, Tetsu Hino is middle-aged man who is looked down upon by his rebellious son Shuhei (Kento Hayashi). One day, Tetsu and his old biker gang gather together again after the daughter of a member is assaulted. Tetsu, worried about his day to day life, nevertheless regains the passion from his biker days. Tetsu then finds out that Ken Igarashi (Jun Murakami) is the man behind the attack. Ken Igarashi has had a grudge against Tetsu for a long time.
Sennen no yuraku is set in a small community called “Roji” where Kenji Nakagami—one of the most famous novelists in Japan—drew the absurdity and passion of life since its inhabitants have been living and dying. There were beautiful men in “Roji” who struggled to live with the blood of the Nakamato Clan, blood called “noble yet unholy.” Oryu, a midwife, has watched all those men growing up, living and dying... She is now aging old and starts to talk with the dead men souls of the Nakamoto Clan...
Yukio Mishima
Seeking to exact revenge upon Yoji, Yukio travels to an area surrounded by the sea, desert and lava topped mountains. There, Yukio meets mysterious Rika and becomes enchanted by her presence. While, Yukio can't get Rika out of his mind, he faces off against Masakazu, a former subordinate of Yoji, and a detective chasing Rika.
On the first day of opening, a small Italian restaurant is set on fire, killing three customers, and the unidentified survivor, who was injured and taken to hospital, somehow escapes. Detective Tono and his team, who are renowned for their interrogation skills, realise from evidence left at the scene that there are still survivors who have fled the scene. After obtaining information about the customers from the owner-chef, who was slightly injured, Tono visits the suspects, but they all seem to be acting strangely and are hiding something. The hidden relationship between the suspects, who seemed unrelated, is then revealed.
Fumihiko Kamiyama
Keimichi Hirasawa
A blind master swordsman attempts to lead a quiet life with his wife but he is provoked back into battle.
Rikutaro Saeki
Go Ayano plays Kazunari Mizusawa, a young photographer gathering pictures of girls in Shibuya for a documentary. Suddenly the constant noise of the bustling crowd is drowned out by a high school girl (Aimi Satsukawa) shrieking in anger. Mizusawa is startled, but also confused by the fact that nobody in the area but him seemed to care or even notice. His fascination with figuring out exactly what makes young girls want to come to Shibuya in the first place makes him determined to find out more about her.
A seemingly "normal" office worker Hiroko has a secret. At home she lives with a prosthetic torso - no head, arms or feet, just body and penis. Hiroko bathes with the torso and she also makes love with the torso at night. Hiroko's secret life is interrupted when her outgoing sister Mina rings her doorbell. Mina is running away from her abusive boyfriend and wants to stay at Hiroko's home
No. 13
Kaname Shimada
Youjin is a quirky young man living in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Yojin has a difficult time sitting still and can't focus on extended conversations. His life revolves around farming his grandmother's vegetable garden. Yojin experiences a new kind of feeling when he meets a pretty young lady named Machiko. The feelings are strong enough that he feels the need to be with her and gain her affection.
Major Ose
A true-story account of a German businessman who saved more than 200,000 Chinese during the Nanjing massacre in 1937-38.
"Shadow of Sand" - Set in Tokyo in the 1980's. Yukie, a young woman lives with the vision of the lover she has murdered. After his death he continues to appear in her room. Yukie maintains her usual life, trying to avoid discovery of her crime until a new lover turns up.
Hiroshi Sakaguchi
During a suicide attack on an airport, the hand grenade of 'M', one of three terrorists, malfunctions, leaving him captured. Exposed to maltreatment in prison, he slowly loses his grip on reality as he is forced to confront his ideological convictions.
"Gina K" tells the story of the daughter of a famous stripper, who reveals her family history so she can stand proud as a vocalist. On stage she's feverish, but when she comes down she's just another girl.
Aoi Kuruma (A Blue Automobile) focuses on such a character - a part-time DJ and record-store employee named Richio (Arata). With his spiky yellow hair, wrap-around shades and pale mask of a face, Richio would seem to be an icy moon circling the distant planet of his own regard. But as Okuhara shows us from the first scene, Richio has been traumatized by a boyhood horror - and still bears the physical scars on one eye, the emotional scars in dreams and visions he can neither escape nor explain away. The sunglasses and mask are there for a reason, the pain and rage are real. At the same time, he has a straightforwardness that verges on the cruel - but this is also one of his most appealing qualities.
Makoto Tsukimoto / Smile
A musical- style comedy movie set in Hakata.
Shingo Kono
Rika, a bright, attractive, and driven young woman, is intent on marrying her dreamy boyfriend Seiichi Ono who is not only tall and handsome but also an up-and-coming executive. One day, Ono abruptly dumps her.
Takashi Mochizuki
止められるか、俺たちを2」 出演は、井浦新、東出昌大、杉田雷麟、成田浬ほか
名古屋にあるミニシアター・シネマスコーレは新型コロナ禍で、開館して以来、初めての休館に追い込まれるなど様々な苦境に見舞われた。それでも「なんてことない」と笑顔を絶やさず、映画文化の多様性を守るために奮闘する木全純治支配人の姿を追う。座席数51席のシネマスコーレは、1983年に映画監督の若松孝二氏が創立した。以来、木全支配人が見出したインディーズやアジアの知られざる名作を、一日も休まずに上映してきた。近年は、坪井篤史副支配人が手掛ける独創的なイベントで全国的に知られるようになった。映画作品と観客の近さが魅力的だったシネマスコーレは、“密”の回避が叫ばれる状況で存続できるのか? 2年間にわたる取材を通して、ミニシアターが映画文化の発展に果たしてきた役割の大きさと、多様性が持つ意味を問いかける。