Takehito Koyasu

Takehito Koyasu

出生 : 1967-05-05, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Takehito Koyasu is a Japanese voice actor. Koyasu is part of the voice actor quartet Weiß consisting of Weiß Kreuz voice castmates Shinichiro Miki, Tomokazu Seki, and Hiro Yūki. He used to work for Production Baobab but is now the head of T's Factory, a voice actor company he founded in 1998. Koyasu is known for his deep, smooth voice, which often lands him in roles that are either villains or lonely bishōnen. Recently, though (as in the cases of Mitsurugi Hanagata from Saber Marionette J, Ryo Kuroyanagi from Yakitate!! Japan, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, and Kei Itoshiki from (Zoku) Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei) he has been voicing more and more lively/humorous characters. According to Hisaya Nakajo, the manga artist of the series Hana-Kimi, the character of Masao Himejima was designed with Koyasu's voice in mind; the voice actor ended up voicing this character in the series' drama CDs. On 18 September 2009, he created Velvet Underworld series which is the first drama CD of the series, "The Fool". In the following month, "The Wheel of Fortune" had released as the second drama CD of the series.


Takehito Koyasu
Takehito Koyasu


Shirogane's Father (voice)
特別で普通な二人のクリスマス。 凍り付いた心は、 雪の降らない東京の空に溶けていく。 ただいま、ラブコメディー 秀知院学園の生徒会で出会った 副会長・四宮かぐやと生徒会長・白銀御行。 2人の天才は長きにわたる恋愛頭脳戦の末、 お互いの気持ちを伝え合い、“奉心祭”で初めてのキスをした。 しかし未だ明確な告白には至っておらず、 恋人同士になるかと思われた2人の関係性は曖昧なまま、 お互いをより強く意識して、クリスマスを迎えることに。 “完璧でありたい”白銀と、 “完璧じゃない”所こそを求めるかぐや。 これは天才たちによる、いたって“普通な”恋の物語。 ファーストキッスは終わらない。
Mirage (voice)
"Fight for the future of mankind. A great civilization once existed on this Earth. Possessing knowledge and scientific prowess far exceeding that of modern man, the relics of this ancient civilization remain hidden across this world even now. As high-speed communications networks cover the globe and the peering eyes of satellites are able to expose all secrets, the armies of great nations clash as they seek to uncover and research these artifacts, which possess an unfathomable “power.” A member of this ancient civilization carved a message into a plate: “Protect our relics from evil-doers.” Taking this message to heart, one organization aims to seal away this ancient civilization for good. The elite secret agents of this organization are known as... Spriggans."
ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 特別編集版
Claudia Hodgins (voice)
Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-後編 Paladin; Agateram
Ozymandias (voice)
「私は今度こそ、この手で、我が王を殺すのだ――」 遍歴の騎士・ベディヴィエールとカルデア一行が足を踏み入れた特異点―― 西暦1273年のエルサレム。 そこは民たちが住処を追われ、三つの勢力が対峙する不毛の地であった。 白亜の城を築き、民を殺戮する獅子王と「円卓の騎士」を討つべく、 ベディヴィエールらは「山の民」と協力し立ち向かう。 大切な仲間をも喪う死闘を終えた彼らは、 強大な力を持つ「太陽王・オジマンディアス」に同盟を持ち掛ける。 しかしオジマンディアスは獅子王の計画を明かし、 自らの民を守るためにその提案を一蹴する。 獅子王の真意を知り慄くベディヴィエールたちだったが、仲間たちとともに、その目的を阻止すべく、 聖都・キャメロットへの進撃を決意するのだった。 そしてついに、聖都決戦の日を迎える。 冷酷非道に成り果てた獅子王の真の狙いとは。 滅びの約束された世界で、人類を救済する方法とは。 赦されぬ罪を背負い続けたベディヴィエールの迎える結末とは。 ――最も哀しく、美しいFate、ここに完結。
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
頭文字D Battle Stage 3
Ryosuke Takahashi
Initial D: Battle Stage 3 is the eleventh and final installment of the Initial D series. It features every race from Fifth Stage and Final Stage. Unlike the previous two battle stages, it does not feature any new battles, and doesn't feature any character dialogue.
Shinsuke Takasugi (voice)
地球滅亡のカウントダウンが迫る中、かつての盟友である銀時、高杉、桂はそれぞれの想いを胸にひた走る。 だが彼らの前に立ちはだかったのは、あまりにも哀しい絆を持つ人物…… 銀時たちを教え導いた師匠・吉田松陽とは別の人格、虚(うつろ)だった――。 最後にして最大の敵・虚は、自らの命を終わらせるため、地球を丸ごと道連れにしようとしていた。 虚の野望を阻止し、師匠・松陽の悲願を胸に戦い続ける銀時たちを援護するため、新八、神楽、真選組、かぶき町の面々、かつてのライバルたちまでもが参戦する! 巨大化してゆく虚の力。己の命をかけて対峙する高杉。 ぼろぼろになった銀時が最後に見たものとは…!銀時は果たして、すべてを終わらせることができるのか…! 星の生命力“アルタナ”のエネルギーで生まれた魔人、虚(うつろ)。 長い年月をかけて生まれ変わりを繰り返してきた不老不死の化け物、 その中でつかの間に現れた人格が、かつて松下村塾を開き、幼い銀時たちを教え導いた師匠・吉田松陽だった…。
Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット- 前編 Wandering; Agateram
Ozymandias (voice)
劇場版 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン
Claudia Hodgins (voice)
──あいしてるってなんですか? かつて自分に愛を教え、与えようとしてくれた、大切な人。会いたくても会えない。永遠に。手を離してしまった、大切な大切な人。 代筆業に従事する彼女の名は、〈ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン〉。 幼い頃から兵士として戦い、心を育む機会が与えられなかった彼女は、 大切な上官〈ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリア〉が残した言葉が理解できなかった。 ──心から、愛してる。 人々に深い傷を負わせた戦争が終結して数年。 新しい技術の開発によって生活は変わり、人々は前を向いて進んでいこうとしていた。 しかし、ヴァイオレットはどこかでギルベルトが生きていることを信じ、ただ彼を想う日々を過ごす。 ──親愛なるギルベルト少佐。また今日も少佐のことを思い出してしまいました。 ヴァイオレットの強い願いは、静かに夜の闇に溶けていく。 ギルベルトの母親の月命日に、 ヴァイオレットは彼の代わりを担うかのように花を手向けていた。 ある日、彼の兄・ディートフリート大佐と鉢合わせる。 ディートフリートは、ギルベルトのことはもう忘れるべきだと訴えるが、 ヴァイオレットはまっすぐ答えるだけだった。「忘れることは、できません」と。 そんな折、ヴァイオレットへ依頼の電話がかかってくる。依頼人はユリスという少年。 一方、郵便社の倉庫で一通の宛先不明の手紙が見つかり……。
The Beast Titan / Zeke (voice)
今回はSeason1~3まで全59話が放送されたTVアニメを1本の映画として再編集。 巨人の侵攻によって人類を守る壁が壊された“あの日”から、すべての巨人の駆逐を誓った少年エレン・イェーガーの戦いと成長の軌跡を追った、まさに「進撃の巨人」入門編ともいうべき作品
Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 氷結の絆
Roswaal L. Mathers (voice)
かつて世界を滅ぼしかけ、四百年を過ぎた今なお人々にとっての 恐怖の対象であり、忌み嫌われ続ける存在である《嫉妬の魔女》。 伝説によれば、彼女は紫紺の瞳を持つ銀髪のハーフエルフであったという。 雪と氷に覆われたエリオール大森林に、たった一人で暮らすエミリアは、 嫉妬の魔女に瓜二つという理由から、魔女と恐れられていた。 誤解され、傷つき、それでも小さな希望を持って、孤独を生きていた エミリアの前に現れたのは、小さな猫の姿をした精霊だった。
Tsunehisa Senko (voice)
ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 外伝 - 永遠と自動手記人形 -
Claudia Hodgins (voice)
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
NERV is caught off guard when a mysterious creature arrives in Osaka-III. The Eva Units are sent out, believing it to be an Angel only to discover it's none other than Godzilla, who engages the Eva Units. Godzilla's purpose for appearing is soon revealed when a cosmic monster descends from above, King Ghidorah. Featured exclusively at Universal Cool Japan.
鬼滅の刃 兄妹の絆
Hand demon (voice)
Tanjiro finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko Kamado, turned into a Demon. To his surprise, however, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotion and thought. Thus begins Tanjiro's journey to seek out the Demon who killed their family and turn his sister human again. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 1-5 with extra footage.
Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 Memory Snow
Roswaal L. Mathers (voice)
呪いの元凶である魔獣ウルガルムを打ち倒し、 アーラム村の子供たちを救ったスバルたち。 やっと訪れた平穏も束の間、スバルは 誰にも知られてはならない、とある極秘ミッションに挑んでいた。 しかし変装していたにも関わらず、すぐにペトラを始め、 村の子供たちに正体がバレてしまうスバル。 開始5秒でバレてしまったミッションとは、 エミリアとのデートコースの下見で……。
Gorilla Grodd (voice)
劇場版 進撃の巨人 覚醒の咆哮
The Beast Titan (voice)
映画 妖怪ウォッチ シャドウサイド 鬼王の復活
穏やかな日常は終わりを告げ、運命の日が始まろうとしていた。数千年に一度、地球を襲う最悪の妖怪ウィルス・鬼まろ。人の“悪意”に感染して無限に増殖していく…。 いちはやく異変に気づいたエンマ大王は人間と妖怪の滅亡の危機を救うため、いにしえの力を秘めた『妖怪ウォッチ エルダ』に選ばれし者を見つけだした。なんとそれはケータの娘・ナツメだった!ウィスパーから『エルダ』を受け取ったナツメは、妖気を操る少年・アキノリ、そして伝説の猫妖怪・ジバニャンたちと鬼まろ退治にのりだした。 いっぽう鬼まろは、闇を抱える少年・トウマと契約を交わし、“悪意”を増殖させる邪悪な『鬼眼ギア』を与える。トウマを利用し、次々と人の心を食らっていく鬼まろ。そして、鬼まろが集めた“悪意”が力をあたえ、最も恐ろしい鬼王・羅仙を蘇らせてしまった!
劇場版総集編 オーバーロード 不死者の王【前編】
Nigun Grid Lewin (voice)
時は2138年。仮想現実の中を自由に遊ぶことのできる体感型ゲーム全盛の時代に一大ブームを巻き起こしたオンラインゲーム《ユグドラシル》は静かにサービス終了を迎えるはずだった。しかし、終了時間を過ぎてもログアウトしないゲーム。突如として意思を持ち始めたNPCたち。 ギルドの外には見たこともない異世界が広がっていた。現実世界ではゲーム好きの孤独で冴えない青年が、骸骨の姿をした最強の大魔法使い・モモンガとなり、彼の率いるギルド《アインズ・ウール・ゴウン》の伝説が幕を開ける!
映画 妖怪ウォッチ エンマ大王と5つの物語だニャン!
5つのストーリーをオムニバス形式で構成。突然妖怪になってしまったケータ、8年後の世界にタイムスリップし妖怪になる前の飼い主エミちゃんに会ったジバニャン、弟ができたと母ちゃんに告げられるコマさん、 思い出とともにサンタ当番をこなすUSAピョン。それぞれの物語に隠されたメッセージとは何なのか。全く別の物語が最後の5つ目の物語の地「妖怪ワールド」で明らかになる。
劇場版 デート・ア・ライブ 万由里ジャッジメント
Kyouhei Kannazuki
戦争(ルビ:デート)、再開。 さあ――私たちと最高の戦争(ルビ:デート)を始めましょう シリーズ累計400万部突破!大人気アニメ「デート・ア・ライブ」の完全新作劇場版が早くもパッケージ化! 異界より来たりて甚大なる力を行使せんとする《精霊》――彼女たちを無力化する方法は……デートして、デレさせること!? シリーズ累計400万部突破! 更に2度のTVアニメ化も経た最強のボーイ・ミーツ・ガール『デート・ア・ライブ』、完全新作の劇場版アニメがパッケージとなって顕現!
ワンピース エピソード オブ サボ~3兄弟の絆 奇跡の再会と受け継がれる意志~
Sabo visits a grave-site where he reflects back on his childhood with his brothers Luffy and Ace. After a flashback of his past Sabo travels to the Kingdom of Dressrosa and meets up with a fellow member of the Revolutionary Army to discuss their next mission. Unbeknownst to Sabo, Luffy and his crew are also on the island searching to destroy an artificial Devil Fruit factory.
劇場版 シドニアの騎士
Ochiai (voice)
ONE PIECE “3D2Y” エースの死を越えて! ルフィ仲間との誓い
Aokiji (voice)
『ONE PIECE 〝3D2Y〟 エースの死を越えて! ルフィ仲間との誓い』(ワンピース スリーディーツーワイ エースのしをこえて! ルフィなかまとのちかい)は、2014年8月30日に土曜プレミアム枠で放送された、テレビアニメ『ONE PIECE』のスペシャル番組[1]。
テイルズ オブ ゼスティリア ~導師の夜明け~
Lunarre (voice)
The Seraphim, a mystical spirit race who act as a stabilizing force in the land, blessed a human boy known as Sorey with powers. Sorey's encounter with Alisha and Lunarre leads him to leave on a journey to becoming the Shepherd and saving the world.
コードギアス 亡国のアキト 第2章「引き裂かれし翼竜」
Andrea Farnese
Danku (voice)
Mewtwo - Prologue to Awakening is a special episode of the Pokémon anime, serving as a prologue to Genesect and the Legend Awakened.
劇場版 銀魂 完結篇 万事屋よ永遠なれ
Shinsuke Takasugi
ワンピース フィルム ゼット
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
大災害「セカンドインパクト」後の世界を舞台に、人型兵器「エヴァンゲリオン」のパイロットとなった少年少女たちと、第3新東京市に襲来する謎の敵「使徒」との戦いを描いたテレビアニメ『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』(1995年 - 1996年)を、新たな設定とストーリーで「リビルド」(再構築)したものが『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版』シリーズである。本作は2007年公開の『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序』、2009年公開の『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破』に続く第3作目にあたる。タイトルの「Q」は、当初は雅楽の用語「序破急」に由来する「急」とされていた。 シリーズ第1作『序』は、TVシリーズ第壱話から第六話までのストーリーをほぼ踏襲していたが、第2作『破』からは、TVシリーズ第八話から第拾九話を元にしつつも、新たな登場人物、エヴァンゲリオン、使徒などが加わり『新劇場版』独自のストーリーへとシフトしていった。そして本作『Q』では、前作から14年後の世界におけるNERVと反NERV組織「ヴィレ」の戦いなど、TVシリーズや旧劇場版とは全く異なるストーリーが展開される。
銀魂 よりぬき銀魂さんオンシアター2D
Shinsuke Takasugi (voice)
Movie version of the Shinsengumi Crisis arc (episodes 101-105) and the Kabukicho Four Devas arc (episodes 210-214) which were screened in selected theaters in Japan.
Shō Shishimaru (voice)
In 202X, Tathagata Killer, a mysterious military leader armed with extraterrestrial technology, stages a coup and becomes the new emperor of the world superpower of Asia. Sho Shishimaru, gifted with prophetic powers, may be the only one standing in the way of Killer’s take-over of the entire world. The future of humankind is at stake in this epic struggle, but in its midst, we learn about the mystical laws that rule the world around us.
コードギアス 亡国のアキト 第1章「翼竜は舞い降りた」
Anna Kreman
コードギアス 亡国のアキト 第1章「翼竜は舞い降りた」
Andrea Farnese
プリキュアオールスターズ New Stage みらいのともだち
Phahn Sancraid
Fate/Prototype is a reimagined version of Kinoko Nasu's original version of Fate/stay night. The storyline takes place eight years after the tragic Heaven's Feel. Here, the Holy Grail is still the so desired object. However, the darkness under this so-called "Grail" is revealed while the characters proceed to fight against each other in order to win.
劇場版ハートの国のアリス~Wonderful Wonder World~
Julius Monrey the Time (voice)
The girly but bloody otome game re-imagining of Lewis Carroll's classic fantasy novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with bishounen characters and added romance. A parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland where Alice is smart and non-doormatlike. In this story, Alice is not all what she seems. She is practical, strong, yet darkly cynical. Instead of the tradition story, Alice is kidnapped unwillingly by a mysterious (yet somewhat bishie-looking) man with bunny ears into a place call Heartland. Stuck in Heartland due to a trick by the mysterious bunny eared man, she meets the residents of this world. Along the way, Alice meets Blood, handsome mafia leader; Ace, the psycho yet charming knight and more…What should Alice do in such a world!? (Source: Manga Updates)
劇場版 戦国BASARA -The Last Party-
Sarutobi Sasuke (voice)
Younger Brother (voice)
In 2710, a boy named Shinichi is on a school field trip to a rebuilt 21st century version of the city Nara. When he wanders from his class, he spots a talking white deer and it steals his bag. Shinichi follows the deer and sees a strange girl named Toto and falls in love with her. She is being pursed by two brothers and they try to get away from them.
銀魂 新訳紅桜篇
Takasugi Shinsuke (voice)
ある夜、橋の上で決闘を申し込まれた桂。体よくあしらおうとした瞬間、鮮血の中で桂が倒れた。 辻斬りによる被害が多発しているかぶき町。そんなある日、エリザベスが万事屋を訪ね、事の顛末と桂があの夜以来行方不明である事を話し、桂の探索と辻斬りについて一緒に調べてもらう様に依頼する。 一方で銀時はエリザベスの当面の依頼を神楽と新八に任せ、元から依頼されていた村田鉄矢・鉄子兄妹の下へ向かう。彼らの依頼は「盗まれた名刀・紅桜を取り返してほしい」。 村田兄妹の依頼を遂行する銀時と桂を探索する神楽・新八・エリザベス、二つの事案が複雑に絡み合い、遂に辻斬りの正体にまでたどり着く。そこには意外な人物がいた。
超劇場版ケロロ軍曹 誕生!究極ケロロ奇跡の時空島であります!!
Seeking to unlock the mystery of a strange stone statue that looks exactly like their Sergeant, the members of the Keroro Platoon find themselves engaged in a great adventure.
クイズマジックアカデミー ~オリジナルアニメーション2~
Serious (voice)
Following the destruction of the magical floating device, the Magic Academy falls to earth, but unfortunately lands on and breaks a demon seal, releasing hundreds of ancient demons into the forest around the academy. The teachers are barely keeping the demons away and are desperately searching for the pieces of the floating device, so to earn more magic stones, all of the students from Amelia's class decide to leave the academy (even though they were told not to) to find the missing pieces.
ナルト サ・クロスローズ
Kajika (voice)
Naruto: The Cross Roads (Za Kurosurozu) is the sixth Naruto OVA. It uses the same CGI graphics as Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm and was released during Naruto: Shippuden. This OVA premiered at the Jump Festa Anime Tour 2009. Between the Prologue - Land of Waves and Chunin Exams arcs, Team 7 is waiting for Kakashi, who is late again, to start a new mission (B-ranked as Sasuke states). The team sets off while Kakashi explains that Genmai from the Inaho Village is missing, who has vanished in the hills.
Sorano Taiyou (voice)
17 year-old Sayako Amanokawa aspires to become a journalist, just like Kanemoto, an elite newspaper writer she looks up to. But Kanemoto, shamed from an erroneous report about a corruption scandal, jumps in front of a train and commits suicide. Since that incident, Sayako suddenly becomes able to see spirits and almost loses her life. However, from that near-fatal incident she experiences something extraordinary. The journalist inside her stirred, she embarks to find out about the truth. But the forces that stand in her way turn out to be much formidable than she ever imagined. [from AnimeNewsNetwork]
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
ケロ0 出発だよ!全員集合!!
This is episode 0, the prequel to the main Keroro Gunsou anime series. KeroZero was shown in theaters with Keroro Gunsou Movie 4.
映画 プリキュアオールスターズDX みんなともだちっ☆奇跡の全員大集合!
超劇場版ケロロ軍曹 撃侵ドラゴンウォリアーズであります!
Mysterious giant beings called "Ryū no Shippo" (Dragon Tails) appeared across the world. Due to the danger it could bring, the Keroro Platoon did a worldwide research on the Dragon Tails, but Tamama suddenly disappeared during the research. Because of this, the whole platoon started their search for Tamama and ended up in Mont-Saint-Michel, France where they met mysterious girl named Sion, who holds the mysterious Ryū no Hon (Dragon Book). But little they know about the secrets about her and the worldwide calamity that would destroy the entire world, as they know it...
装甲騎兵ボトムズ ペールゼン・ファイルズ 劇場版
Set after the 1988 OVA movie Red Shoulder Document: Roots of Ambition and months before the events of the VOTOMS television series, Pailsen Files explores the origins of Chirico Cuvie as explained by the Red Shoulder Battalion's now-disgraced commander, Col Yoran Pailsen. Compilation of the Pailsen Files OAV series.
クイズマジックアカデミー ~The Original Animation~
Serious (voice)
There is a magical academy that is located on a floating island in the sky. This is about the students of one of the academy's classes, who's only chance not to fail the semester is to win a competition where they must show off their magic skills.
メジャー 友情の一球
Shigeharu Honda
吾郎は名門、横浜リトルとの激闘を制し、父となった茂野、桃子とともに新天地の福岡へ。そこで吾郎は、新たなチームメイトの古賀との対立や、新しい家族との関係に思い悩む…。そんな吾郎の前に立ちはだかる史上最強のライバル、アーサーとマックス! 果たして吾郎は全国大会へ進むことができるのか!? 原作でもTVアニメでも語られなかった、感動のストーリーが、今よみがえる!
武者ケロ お披露目!戦国ラン星大バトル!!
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
Dead Girls
It's the future of New York. Kate, Rose, Rachel, and Claire lead the normal school life and a new transfer student comes... The transfer student, Louis wants to be friends with Kate. However, something happens to "Red Garden". What is the truth behind this and the real purpose.
超劇場版 ケロロ軍曹2 深海のプリンセスであります!
Another Kiruru appears in the South Pacific, but it was defeated by two unknown entities that look like Keronians, with subtle differences. Meanwhile, Keroro and the gang goes for a trip sponsored by Momoka to a private island. There, an alien named Meru, who claims himself as the prince of the deep sea, captures them, and aims to make Natsumi his princess, and that they had captured Keroro, who pleads to them to assist the Keroro Platoon, only to be kicked out.
Shinsuke Takasugi (voice)
前回の大盛り上がりの宴から約1年と5ヶ月・・・   2011年8月21日、再び両国の地で興奮度MAXの特大イベントが堂々開催!   当日は昼公演、夜公演の約2万人に加え、全国の映画館全63館でのライブビューイング約1万3千人を動員!3万3千人を超える銀魂ファンと出演者による、まさにお祭り騒ぎの一日を収めたDVDが満を持して発売決定!
Sergeant Major Kururu (voice)
On a walk home, Keroro and Fuyuki stumble upon a hidden shrine. Upon exploring it, they end up causing damage to a shining orb within it. That night, Keroro finds a large X on his face, which causes him considerable distraught. The next morning, a breaking news story shows that the X has spread to more than just Keroro, giving the people of Tokyo telepathic abilities, including the Hinata Household and the Keroro Platoon. The Pekoponians seem to think this is a great gift, but the mark may actually be part of a Pekopon invasion older than time itself.
新・北斗の拳 - 男が悲しみを背負うとき
Destruction and betrayal take center stage in the latest installment of the New Fist of the North Star series. When Kenshiro returns to find the city in ruins and its citizens tormented, his pain is compounded when he is betrayed and imprisoned by Tobi. As Tobi prepares a brutal assault on Seiji, Kenshiro must summon all of his strength to break free and take put a halt to his former friend's destructive scheme.
Hadesu (voice)
頭文字D Battle Stage
Ryosuke Takahashi
1995年に「週刊ヤングマガジン」で連載を開始、TVアニメ化、劇場公開と幅広い展開により車ファンの間で人気を博した「頭文字D」のBattle Stage第1弾。拓海が走り屋として目覚め熱い走りを繰り広げる「1~3th Stage」よりバトルシーンを編集し収録。
新・北斗の拳 - 禁じられた拳
The Last Land has crumbled at the hands of Kenshiro, but in order to save the young Lord Doha, the powerful hero must travel through a land haunted by murderous demons in this sequel to the hit anime Fist of the North Star. Lord Doha has fallen ill, and if he doesn't receive a rare serum within a few short days he will certainly die. Though the serum is a two-day trip in both directions, Sara reveals that there is a shorter path running through Cliffland but it is haunted by vicious demons. As Kenshiro bravely makes way for the dreaded Cliffland, a new fighter named Seiji arrives in Last Land pursued by evil Clifflanders and vowing to reclaim Sanga's legacy.
黄金の法 エル・カンターレの歴史観
In the year 2403 AD, a young student named Satoru is visited by a time traveler from the future, a cute girl named Alisa. The two go back in time together to explore the 21st century when a malfunction sends them hurdling through seemingly random episodes of religious and historical importance featuring Buddha, Jesus Christ and other eminent figures.
新・北斗の拳 - 呪縛の街
In the 21st century, a nuclear war turned most of the Earth's surface into a desert wasteland, which also resulted in the contamination of the Earth's water supply. A man named Sanga has built the fortified haven of the "Last Land", where he rules as its dictator by monopolizing the city's uncontaminated water supply. When he learns that the neighboring residents of Freedom Village are trying to dig up a well for their own, Sanga sends his underlings to sabotage their effort. Kenshiro, master of Hokuto Shinken, gets involved in the conflict between the two regions after saving Tobi, an informant hired by Freedom Village.
Hikaru / Dandy Lion (voice)
Touya Dougenzaka (voice)
This is the Animation Store Manager!! Anime Tenchou is a CM character for Animate, one of Japan's biggest retailer of anime, games, and manga. The character series was created by Shimamoto Kazuhiko for publicity purposes. Later adapted into a manga, a weekly radio drama and this OVA animated by GAINAX and directed by Anno Hideaki. Anizawa Meito is the blazing store manager. He is a fireball who loves animation merchandise at heart. He takes over the dying wish of the former store manager, though still alive, who was attacked by the rival store and becomes a “store manager” of newly opened animation goods specialty store, Animate. The scarlet, “store manager visor” is his trademark.
Nakoruru, finally returned to her home Kamuikotan after a long, fierce battle, receives a warm welcome from dear friends and the village children. Her spirit is uplifted by her reunion with companions Manari and Yantamuu. But as the trauma of battle falls away, Rela appears and challenges Nakoruru and the shadow of misfortune creeps closer...
Galerians: Rion
A boy awakes, imprisoned in a hospital without a name or memory. He is immediately attacked and discovers to his surprise that he has incredible telekinetic powers. A girl, her psychic voice calling for help inside his head, sends him on a adventure to save her: And by saving her, he will save all humanity.
∀ガンダムII 月光蝶
Gym Ghingnham (voice)
Blue Remains
In a world laid waste by nuclear war, Amamiku guards the seeds that hold the genetic code of the planet and can be used for its rebirth. Living underwater and protected from the radioactive atmosphere above, she impatiently waits for the earth to be ready for the seeds to germinate.But when her existence is discovered, it sparks a frantic race between the remains of humanity struggling for survival, and the disembodied brain. This fanatic being has programmed his robotic army to destroy them.
Z.O.E 2167 IDOLO
Radium Lavans (voice)
2167, Deep in a hidden laboratory, the Martians are testing new weapons technology that’s going to blow Earth away! Hotshot pilot Second Lieutenant Radium Lavans is taking charge of the program to lead the fight against Earth’s oppressive rule –or is the program taking charge of him? The mineral substance used to power this secret weapon has a mind of its own! As the UNSF works to thwart a possible Martian uprising, the Orbital Frame project development team has no time to lose! Will Radium be able to force the Idolo beta unit to choose a noble destiny, or will the power of Metatron consume him completely?
劇場版 頭文字D Third Stage
Ryosuke Takahashi
太陽の法 エル・カンターレへの道
Hermes (voice)
Some 120 million years ago, a king named Satan fell to hell and instigated a rebellion against gods, all kinds of confusion and evil effects began to occur on earth. El Cantare, the highest existence of Earth, allowed a part of his spirit to descend on Earth to put an end to the realm of Hell. El Cantare's consciousness descended to the continent of Mu, to Atlantis, to ancient Incan Empire, to Greece, and to India as Gautama Siddhartha and awakened people with the power of enlightenment.
Setsuna, a High School student, not only has to deal with bullies and more then appropiate feelings for his own sister, but also must come to terms with the fact that he is the reincarnation of the Organic Angel Alexiel who rebelled against God. Being thrust into a world he never knew existed he must believe that angels and demons exist for the sake of Heaven, Earth and even Hell.
Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade OVA: Burning Clock
Shinya Aiba
Burning Clock, tells the story of the Aiba family, goes into further detail about Shinya and Takaya's rivalry.
少女革命ウテナ アドゥレセンス黙示録
Touga Kiryuu (voice)
天地無用! in LOVE2 ~遙かなる想い~
天地と椿の精・ハルナの切ない恋を描く。ある春の日、いつものごとくケンカをはじめた魎呼と阿重霞のもとから逃げ出す天地。そして彼はそのまま失踪してしまう。天地を探して日本中を旅する魎呼と阿重霞。ふたりはようやく天地を見つけるが、なんと彼は見知らぬ女性と同棲していた。天地を呼ぶ魎呼たちの声もむなしく、彼は女性と共に姿を消してしまう。天地の身に何が起こったのか? そして謎の女性の正体とは?
ビーストウォーズII ライオコンボイ危機一髪!
Optimus Primal (Voice)
A spaceship carrying a Dimentional Warp Gate crashes on Planet Gaea. Galvatron tricks Lio Junior into handing over the control of the gate. With the power to cross time and space, Galvatron intends to bring Megatron to Gaea. But Gigastorm mistakenly brings the behemoth Majin Zarak instead. The Maximals are overpowered by this Predacon giant, so Magnaboss using the gate to call in Optimus Primal...
Jean Jacquemonde (voice)
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
2015年、人類はこれまでに知られている最大の脅威に直面します。天使と呼ばれる謎の存在が、どこに現れてもパニックと破壊を広めます。 誰もその起源や動機を知りません。 この致命的な脅威を阻止するために、国連は秘密結社のネルフに巨大なアンドロイド、エヴァンゲリオンを作成するよう依頼しました。 庵野秀明監督の最初のエヴァンゲリオン映画の最新のビジョンを伝える新しいモンタージュを備えた新しいリマスター版。 この新しいモンタージュには、いくつかの再描画されたシーンが含まれていますが、再生セグメントはフッテージから削除され、The End ofEvangelionの最終カットに恒久的に組み込まれています。
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 DEATH (TRUE)² / Air / まごころを、君に
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
"Revival of Evangelion" combines the movies, "Evangelion: Death (True)²" (a re-edit of "Death" segment from "Death and Rebirth") and "The End of Evangelion," into one long production. It is a "complete" ending.
るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- 維新志士への鎮魂歌
Sadashirô Kajiki
Huey Einburg (voice)
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
第25話「Air」 全ての使徒を倒したNERVに対し、サードインパクト発動を目論むゼーレが戦略自衛隊を使った武力占拠を開始する。施設が次々と破壊・占拠されていく中、シンジは戦自隊員に発見され殺されそうになるが、生きる意思を失くしていたシンジは抵抗すらしなかった。それをミサトが寸前で救出するが、移動中に銃撃に遭って負傷し、シンジにEVAで戦うよう言い残して命を落とす。 第26話 「まごころを、君に」シンジを乗せたEVA初号機を依代としてサードインパクトが始まる。これによって人類は個体の生命体としての姿を保てなくなり液化して崩れていき、その魂は「黒き月」に集められる。初号機はレイやカヲルの姿をとる巨人(第2使徒リリス)に取り込まれ、シンジはレイとカヲルに再会する。そこでシンジは人類が単体の生命となることを望まず、それぞれの個人がいる従来の世界を望みリリスは首から血を噴き出しながら倒れ崩れ落ちていく。
ヘルメス - 愛は風の如く
Hermes (voice)
The creator of the world orders Hermes to defeat the evil King Minos, tyrant of Crete. With his beautiful wife, Aphrodite, by his side, he bravely responds to the challenge. A battle between good and evil rocks the heavens as Hermes fights to unite Greece!
Two explorations of the Lolita complex. Sushiaki Karasawa, a young teacher at a Tokyo high school, becomes infatuated with Yoshida Chizuru, a 19-year-old student who appears in a shampoo commercial. She realizes he's attracted to her, so she shows up at his apartment and offers to sleep over. Soon he realizes that the games she plays have just begun. Later, Chizuru meets the new neighbor of her rock star boyfriend, Hiroyuki. The girl is Azumi Yamada, an innocent from the provinces who enrolls in Chizuru's school. This time it's Chizuru who's infatuated. What will Hiroyuki do when he finds out he's being thrown over for Azumi? Can Chizuru save her from Hiroyuki's revenge?
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 劇場版 DEATH & REBIRTH シト新生
Shigeru Aoba (voice)
Oliver is a young priest of that Vasaria order, and a devout servant of his church. He has grown up with legends of a god who dwells on G, a distant island so forbidden that even speaking its name brings certain damnation! When Oliver saves the mute girl Ohiri from slavery, their destinies become intertwined and they set out on a perilous journey to G. Actually a silenced sorceress from the forbidden island, Ohiri is involved in a deadly game of survival that brings her and Oliver face to face with treacherous dark elves, powerful elementals, and a quest filled with plot twists, magic, and wonder.
Legend of the Blue Wolves
Jonathan Tyberius
A sci-fi gay yaoi OVA film. In the future, mankind has expanded into space, creating space colonies throughout the Solar System-- but when they create their first colony on Pluto, an alien force begins to invade, destroying mankind's colonies and absorbing their fighters' bodies and knowledge into their vast array of giant robotic killing machines. In response to the horror and disgust that the aliens create, mankind gives them the name Apocalypse. Jonathan Tyberius, a young psionically capable recruit whose father died early in the war, trains to pilot mankind's answer to Apocalypse. But when he refuses to give in to the sexual demands of the enormous, corrupt Captain Continental, he is continually mistreated and branded a spy for the enemy. Can his kind but hard-as-nails roommate Leonard Schteinberg save him from the fat captain's clutches, or will their resistance spell doom for the young recruits? And can mankind resist the onslaught of Apocalypse?
銀河帝国の滅亡・外伝 蒼き狼たちの伝説
Jonathan Tyberius (voice)
Jonathon Tiberius is a young robot pilot who is falling for his bunkmate, the tall blonde Leonard Schteinberg. However, their grotesque unit commander has his eye on Jonathon himself. Leonard manages to save Jonathon from their commander's clutches, but at a great cost. Leonard is being shipped out to the front lines, and he and Jonathon only have one night together. Will it make up for an eternity of separation?
Bronze: Zetsuai Since 1989
Takuto Izumi (voice)
Famous rockstar Kouji Nanjou has fallen in love with Izumi Takuto, a soccer player with dreams of seeing "real" soccer in Italy. In angsty boy-love fashion, the story consists of Kouji stopping at nothing to have Izumi stay with him, Izumi dealing with his feelings until the time comes where he has no choice but to decide, and all the other things the two must face and the problems from Kouji's family.
Diego Vega returns from his study trip to discover his homeland is under the army's dictatorship. Diego, refusing to watch idly, disguises himself as Zorro to protect the weak and oppressed. Diego is not a coward but he is unable to win the affections of his sweetheart, Lolita, who is attracted to other more noble men. Diego serenades Lolita as Zorro and fights the evils of his homeland, hoping to capture her heart.
Takeshi is a young man who receives the Polymar helmet to fight the vicious Pluto army. Given incredible abilities, he now fights for justice as Hurricane Polymar. This is a darker reboot of the original superhero anime of the same name.
Twin Signal: Family Game
Signal, a robot companion built for Nobuhiko, is attacked by Pulse, one the its creator's previous prototypes. Reprogrammed by Dr. Otoi's mysterious rival, Pulse is loaded down with weapons and sent on a mission by Otoi: steal the most recent robot technology, and obliterate anything that gets in his way.
For one year, Master Swordsman Eiji Shinjo has been haunted by the memory of his battle with the renegade champion, Gaia. A battle that was cut short by the forces of the malevolent syndicate known as "The Organization." Denied victory, Eiji left the tournament followed by his opponent's mocking laughter. Worse still, Eiji walked away no closer to finding his long lost brother, Sho. But now, a mysterious warrior is hunting down the champions of the previous tournament and using their own moves against them, and it looks like that person may be Sho. Who is this powerful, new foe and who be his next target? Eiji and Kayin, his closest friend and greatest rival, struggle to unravel the mystery before they too join the ranks of the defeated. The answer lies at the heart of The Organization and its plans for world domination. At last, the ultimate battle between the greatest fighters in the world will be decided. But if Eiji loses, his friend, Ellis, may Die...
マクロス7 銀河がオレを呼んでいる!
Gamlin Kizaki (voice)
“歌エネルギー"の実験中、突如聞こえてきた咆哮に歌のハートを感じたバサラは、その正体を求めて単身宇宙へと飛び出した。 たどり着いた辺境の星で彼は、村人たちがと恐れる声が、その咆哮と同じものだと知った。 そして、ペドロ少年と共に捜し当てたその声の主は、はぐれゼントラーディの少女・エミリアだった。 歌の力を信じて、ひとり歌の練習をしていたという少女と意気投合するバサラ。 そこに、彼女の歌声をと判断したゲペルニッチの命令で、ガビルがグラビルとナッターバルゴを率いて現れた! 禁断の技で襲いかかるガビルに対し、バサラとエミリアは?
劇場版 NINKU -忍空-
They have the reputation of being the top martial arts team in the world. They have combat techniques which can control the very elements. They have a small penguin. They are the Ninku, full of martial art prowess, low on brain power, and totally devoid of the respect they deserve.
Shou (voice)
Princess Diana runs away from an arranged marraige and straight into the arms of slave traders who capture her and she is forced to become a slave. She finds her long lost childhood friend/love there, who happens to be the sworn enemy of her families throne, and becomes his, but of course with the family wanting her back all is not ideal.
Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade OVA: Twin Blood
Shinya Aiba
Twin Blood is an alternate version of Blade and Evil's first battle, with drastically different character and mecha designs from the rest of the series. Blade/D-Boy does not need Pegas to transform and the armor more closely resembles the Radam humanoids from Tekkaman Blade II.
淫獣教師 1
Atsuko and Sayaka think they have it made when they are both accepted into the same prestigious women's academy. There, they will be free to explore the intense passion of their relationship, unbounded. But when the mystical bonds imprisoning a hideous ancient evil that feeds on the lust of nubile women are accidentally broken, the two young lovers soon learn they have more to fear than final exams.
サムライスピリッツ 破天降魔の章
Tam Tam
One hundred years after their deaths, six legendary holy warriors are reborn to seek justice against the former comrade who betrayed them into the hands of an evil god! The six warriors search the feudal province of Edo questing for the last Saint Soldier, Haohmaru, and their sworn nemesis Shirou Amakusa. Will the followers of the divine light triumph over the forces of darkness, or is history destined to repeat itself? Before their hundred-year journey has ended, six samurai will prove that the only thing stronger than their holy blades is the steel of their wills!
高校武闘伝 クローズ
Bouya Harumichi is a new transfer student to Suzuran all-boys high school, a place where only the worst delinquents assemble. Due to its large amount of delinquents who are hated by the general people for their inauspiciousness, similarly to crows, it is also known as "Crows High School." Harumichi is an insanely strong fighter but has an irresponsible personality. How will he act in this new environment where everyone is a delinquent?
Long ago, the gate to the world of darkness was sealed. Now evil warriors, known as Remnants, are trying to reopen the gate and let demons take over the world. However, at Tobira High School, exist guardians of the gate who must risk their lives to prevent the gate from being opened.
Nitta (voice)
「マーガレット」誌で連載された上田倫子の人気コミックをアニメ化した、マーガレットVIDEOシリーズ第5弾。新学期の朝、森里いぶきは夢の中でキスをした素敵な"王子様"と、現実の世界で出会ってしまった! 蛭子直人と名乗るその子は、同じクラスに転入してきたばかりか、彼女の家に居候することに──。キスは正夢になる?
Ukyo (voice)
Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.
銀河英雄伝説外伝 黄金の翼
Siegfried Kirchieis
楽しいムーミン一家 ムーミン谷の彗星
Snufkin (voice)
Takuto Izumi (voice)
Koji Nanjo, a young rock star, falls in love with soccer player Takuto Izumi. Koji eventually learns that Izumi's mother killed his father out of severe and intense love. Izumi took all the guilt for his father's murder and refuses to go pro because of fear that his past will be discovered by the media. Izumi detests Koji's company and encouragement and severely dislikes the attention from the press, but Koji cannot stay away for he soon realizes that his love for Izumi is very similar to the love that Izumi's mother felt for his father.
K.O. Beast
Set in the distant future in which the Earth is split in two. The southern hemisphere is placed in another dimension while the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere are able to morph into beast-like humanoids. Eventually the humans of the southern hemisphere, led by Uranus, attack the Beasts.
アリス ~モンキーパンチの世界~
A mad scientist kills Alice and her husband, rebuilding her as a sex doll; soon after her escape, a gangster begins seeking her out.
Junsho Fujioka
* Based on one of Iwadate Mariko's short stories appearing in the shoujo manga monthly magazine Margaret. This is a character study of a rather traumatized young woman who develops a crush on a man who lives next door to her.
らんま½ 中国寝崑崙大決戦! 掟やぶりの激闘篇!
Daikokusei (voice)
St. President school is one of the most wealthy schools around. Everybody in that school respects the Yukan club, the most popular and richest group in the school. This includes Shouchikubai Miroku, Kenbishi Yuuri, Kikumasamune Seishirou, Hakushika Noriko and Kizakura Karen. They go through dangerous adventures to save their school, and of course, just to kill their spare time.
Dwight Camry
宇宙世紀0123年。月の周辺に新設されたフロンティア・サイドのコロニー、フロンティアIV。その内部にあるフロンティア学園では学園祭が開催され、いつもと変わらぬ平和な一日が過ぎようとしていた。 そんな中、フロンティアIVに近づくMS部隊の姿があった。彼らの名は、クロスボーン・バンガード。庶民のための真の貴族による支配主義「コスモ貴族主義」を標榜するマイッツアー・ロナが創設した武装集団に所属するMSだった。
Nineteen 19
Yagi (voice)
While in junior high, Kubota, had a major crush on Masana but she was dating Kazuya. Now in his senior year of high school, Kubota, still has a crush on Masana even though he hasn't seen her in years. A chance encounter leads to an interesting situation. It seems Masana has broken up with Kazuya and is ready for a new relationship. Or is she? Will Kubota be so blinded by his feelings that he fails to see what is really happening? Will he even care?! After all he could very easily lose his virginity by pretending that he doesn't. Adapted from the Nineteen manga.
Two stories: 1. When a gorgeous girl named Rima transfers into Masami's class, she's not only jealous, but also deathly frightened of her. While the boys in class are tripping all over themselves to get to Rima, Masami's having nightmares of a ghastly visitor and finding scars on her body come morning. She asks a friend to help her get evidence to confirm her suspicions about the new girl. But if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth far more. 2. Shy Miko and her more outgoing friend Nanako are enjoying their summer vacation, trying to make the most of their youth. But when horror-movie marathons just aren't thrilling enough, Nanako sets her eyes on a new target: an abandoned mansion at the edge of town, said to be haunted. With two other friends in tow, a reluctant Miko and a gung-ho Nanako enter the mansion. Soon, everything that can go wrong starts going wrong.
ダーティペア 謀略の005便
Spaceship Controller (voice)
Kei and Yuri are called in to solve the mystery of a vanishing starship.
Yasha-Oh Gai
ククリレイジュ -三星堆伝奇-
Gousha (voice)