Ross Reynolds


V.I. Warshawski
Victoria "V.I" Warshawski is a Chicago based private detective who agrees to babysit for her new boyfriend; then he is murdered. Being the detective type, she makes the murder her next case. In doing so she befriends the victim's daughter, Kat, and together they set out to crack the case.
If Looks Could Kill
Aerial Coordinator
Michael Corben, along with the rest of his high-school French class, sets out for a trip to France when he is mistaken for an agent of the same name. He is beseiged by both the good guys and the bad guys. British Intelligence outfits him with a series of James-Bond-like gizmos, and Steranko sends more would-be assassins after him. Can Michael stop the evil Steranko's plans for European domination?
Eve of Destruction
Eve is a military robot made to look exactly like her creator, Dr. Eve Simmons. When she is damaged during a bank robbery, the robot becomes an unstoppable killing machine. Colonel Jim McQuade is assigned to stop the robot and with the help from Dr. Simmons they have to predict where she will go next.
Flight of the Intruder
U.S. Navy pilot Lt. Jake Grafton and his bombardier buddy, Lt. Cmdr. Virgil Cole, are two soldiers embedded in the Vietnam War growing frustrated by the military's constraints on their missions. Despite the best efforts of their commanding officer, Cmdr. Frank Camparelli, to re-engage them, this disillusioned pair decide to take the war effort into their own hands with an explosive battle plan that could well get them court-martialed.
Loose Cannons
Mac, the two-fisted, savvy cop finds that he's being saddled with a new partner, a known burnout, to work with him on a new and difficult case. The new partner is Ellis, an amazing detective, one who puts Sherlock Holmes to shame with his lightning-fast deductions. But he keeps assuming the personalities of entire casts of Television shows. This can be a problem when people begin shooting at them.
Loose Cannons
Helicopter Camera
Mac, the two-fisted, savvy cop finds that he's being saddled with a new partner, a known burnout, to work with him on a new and difficult case. The new partner is Ellis, an amazing detective, one who puts Sherlock Holmes to shame with his lightning-fast deductions. But he keeps assuming the personalities of entire casts of Television shows. This can be a problem when people begin shooting at them.
賞金稼ぎのジャックは、報奨金付きの指名手配の男をN.Y.で逮捕することに成功。意気揚々とL.A.行きの飛行機に乗り込んだまではよかったが?! マーティン・ブレスト監督がロバート・デ・ニーロを主演に迎え制作した痛快ロード・ムーヴィ。
A mother and her two teenage sons move to a seemingly nice and quiet small coastal California town yet soon find out that it's overrun by bike gangs and vampires. A couple of teenage friends take it upon themselves to hunt down the vampires that they suspect of a few mysterious murders and restore peace and calm to their town.
Body Slam
Helicopter Camera
M. Harry Smilac is a down-on-his-luck music manager who is having a hard time attracting talent and booking gigs for his band, Kicks (The most recent of the gigs is a Dairy Queen opening!!). When making arrangements for a campaign fund-raiser, he mistakes Rick Roberts, a professional wrestler, for a musician and hires him. At that moment he becomes a wrestling manager and starts to book matches for him and his teammate Tonga Tom. The team is a success, and Harry decides to take his wrestlers and his band on a "Rock n' Wrestling" tour. The tour is a success, and Harry feels what it is like to be a winner again.
52 Pick-Up
Harry Mitchell is a successful Los Angeles manufacturer whose wife is running for city council. His life is turned upside down when three blackmailers confront him with a videotape of him with his young mistress and demand $100,000. Fearing that the story will hurt his wife's political campaign if he goes to the police, Harry pretends that he will pay the men, but does not follow through.
52 Pick-Up
Harry Mitchell is a successful Los Angeles manufacturer whose wife is running for city council. His life is turned upside down when three blackmailers confront him with a videotape of him with his young mistress and demand $100,000. Fearing that the story will hurt his wife's political campaign if he goes to the police, Harry pretends that he will pay the men, but does not follow through.
Rainy Day Friends
A tough street kid from the L.A. barrios is discovered during an examination to have stomach tumors. During his hospitalization, he must learn to cope with not only his medical condition, but with people such as other patients, social workers and hospital personnel who come from a totally different world than he does--and they have to learn to cope with him.
Five college buddies from the University of Texas circa 1971 embark on a final road trip odyssey across the Mexican border before facing up to uncertain futures, in Vietnam and otherwise.
アメリカ コロラド州の平和な田舎町。昼下がりに異様な数の兵士がパラシュートで次々と降下してくる。ソビエトの兵装の兵士達は次々と降下し銃撃を開始した。武器を持たぬ市民は虐殺されていくが高校生ジェドはその仲間達は間一髪山中へ逃げ込み少ない武器を手に取り反撃を開始する。
Helicopter Pilot #1
来るロサンゼルスオリンピックに向けてのテロ対策と警備強化を名目に、カリフォルニア州当局は陸軍と合同で秘密裏に攻撃ヘリコプター「ザ・スペシャル」ことブルーサンダーを開発し、ロサンゼルス市警察に配備した。 州当局の意向で運用試験のパイロットに選ばれたベトナム帰りの警察航空隊員フランク・マーフィーは、コンビを組む航空観測員・ライマングッドを伴ったブルーサンダーのテスト飛行中に、連邦地方庁舎の一室で行なわれていた州政府関係者の密議を盗聴、録画してしまう。それは、ブルーサンダーの能力をアピールするためのヒスパニック地区での暴動煽動、また反対派を暗殺する「ソア(THOR= Tactical Helicopter Offensive Response 戦術ヘリ攻撃対応)計画:騒乱鎮圧への軍用ヘリ活用」に関するものだった。しかも、ベトナム時代の上官でブルーサンダーの開発にも携わる陸軍大佐・コクランが陰謀に一枚噛んでおり、直前に起きていた市議会委員長殺害事件に絡む謎の言葉“THOR”はこの陰謀の事だった。 コクランらは証拠隠滅のためにライマングッドを殺害、マーフィーにその容疑がかけられる。マーフィーはブルーサンダーを強奪して逃走すると、別居中の妻ケイトにライマングッドが死の直前に隠した密議の録画ビデオをテレビ局の報道キャスター・ヒューイットに渡すよう託し、自らはロサンゼルス上空で権力と、そしてコクランの乗る軍用ヘリとの孤独な闘いを繰り広げる。
Deadly Encounter
A veteran pilot finds himself knee-deep in trouble when his ex-girlfriend shows up at his doorstep in a terrible state. She knows the whereabouts of an immense fortune, and the Mafia is hot on her trail.
The Border
A corrupted border agent decides to clean up his act when an impoverished woman's baby is put up for sale on the black market.
Two domestic robots fall in love and run off together.
Jeb Maynard is a patrolman guarding the U.S.-Mexican border, whose partner and buddy Scooter has just been murdered. Maynard knows that a smuggler of illegal aliens is responsible for Scooter's death, but the feds insist that drug dealers committed the crime.
The story of a woman who survives the car accident which kills her husband, but discovers that she has the power to heal other people. She becomes an unwitting celebrity, the hope of those in desperate need of healing, and a lightning rod for religious beliefs and skeptics.
During his long career, bounty hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson has caught over 5,000 criminals. Now, while he is working on apprehending fugitives in Illinois, Texas and Nebraska, he himself is being hunted by a psychotic killer.
The Stunt Man
While on the run from the police, Steve Railsback hides in a group of moviemakers where he pretends to be a stunt man. Both aided and endangered by the director he avoids both the police and sudden death as a stuntman. The mixture of real danger and fantasy of the movie is an interesting twist for the viewer as the two blend in individual scenes.
The Nude Bomb
Helicopter Pilot
When KAOS develops a bomb that can dissolve all clothing, Maxwell Smart is brought in to foil the evil plot.
Where the Buffalo Roam
Light Plane Pilot #2
Semi-biographical film based on the experiences of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson.
Disaster on the Coastliner
Helicopter Pilot
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
Disaster on the Coastliner
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
Disaster on the Coastliner
A deranged engineer, bent on revenge for the deaths of his wife and daughter, sets two passenger trains on a collision course, and con-man Robert Fuller puts his life on the line to ward off the crash.
...And Justice for All
An ethical Baltimore defense lawyer disgusted with rampant legal corruption is forced to defend a judge he despises in a rape trial under the threat of being disbarred.
Helicopter Pilot
A UFO is stranded on earth and impounded by the US government. Its pilot, a cat with a collar that gives it special powers, including the ability to communicate with humans, has eluded the authorities and seeks the help of a scientist in order to reclaim and repair his ship and get back home.
The Ransom
A Native American travels around a resort town, murdering cops and rich people with a high-powered crossbow, while demanding that the town's richest residents pay him money to stop the killings.
Grand Theft Auto
A rich girl steals her dad's Rolls Royce and heads off to Las Vegas to get married. However, her angry parents, a jealous suitor, and a bunch of reward seekers are determined to stop her.