
Borderline (1980)

ジャンル : アクション, 犯罪, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 44分

演出 : Jerrold Freedman
脚本 : Jerrold Freedman, Steve Kline


Jeb Maynard is a patrolman guarding the U.S.-Mexican border, whose partner and buddy Scooter has just been murdered. Maynard knows that a smuggler of illegal aliens is responsible for Scooter's death, but the feds insist that drug dealers committed the crime.


Charles Bronson
Charles Bronson
Jeb Maynard
Bruno Kirby
Bruno Kirby
Jimmy Fante
Bert Remsen
Bert Remsen
Carl J. Richards
Michael Lerner
Michael Lerner
Henry Lydell
Kenneth McMillan
Kenneth McMillan
Malcolm Wallace
Ed Harris
Ed Harris
Karmin Murcelo
Karmin Murcelo
Elena Morales
Enrique Castillo
Enrique Castillo
Wilford Brimley
Wilford Brimley
Scooter Jackson
Norman Alden
Norman Alden
Willie Lambert
James Victor
James Victor
Panchito Gómez
Panchito Gómez
Benito Morales
John Ashton
John Ashton
Charlie Monroe
Lawrence P. Casey
Lawrence P. Casey
Andy Davis
Charles Cyphers
Charles Cyphers
John Roselius
John Roselius
Murray MacLeod
Murray MacLeod
Jerry DeWilde
Jerry DeWilde
Katherine Pass
Katherine Pass
Virgil Frye
Virgil Frye
Luis Contreras
Luis Contreras
Eduardo Ricard
Eduardo Ricard
Rodger LaRue
Rodger LaRue
Virginia Bingham
Virginia Bingham
Anthony Munoz
Anthony Munoz
Carlos Muñoz Arosa
Carlos Muñoz Arosa


Jerrold Freedman
Jerrold Freedman
James Nelson
James Nelson
Octavio Elías
Octavio Elías
Gil Mellé
Gil Mellé
Original Music Composer
John F. Link
John F. Link
Tom Kibbe
Tom Kibbe
Camille Taylor
Camille Taylor
Michel Levesque
Michel Levesque
Art Direction
Richard Spero
Richard Spero
Set Decoration
Tak Fujimoto
Tak Fujimoto
Director of Photography
Christopher N. Seiter
Christopher N. Seiter
Production Manager
Ross Reynolds
Ross Reynolds
Jerrold Freedman
Jerrold Freedman
Steve Kline
Steve Kline
Mark Reedall
Mark Reedall
Makeup Artist


かつてCIA工作員として政府の影の仕事を行っていたブライアンだが、退職し今はアメリカで危険の無い仕事をしながら離婚した妻との間にできた愛娘キムに会ったりして日々を平和に過ごしていた。 ある日キムは友人と二人だけでパリ旅行をしたいとブライアンにせがむ。子供達だけで危険な海外旅行に行く事は当然許しがたい事であったが、悲しむキムについつい旅行を許してしまう。 パリについたキムたちは、空港で外国旅行者を狙う犯罪グループに目をつけらていたのだった。宿泊先で父と電話中だったキムは友人が大胆にも室内で誘拐される様を目撃してしまう。 父の咄嗟の指示により犯行一味の手がかりを話ながらキムも無情に連れ去られてしまう。取り残された携帯電話に犯人が出た気配に気付き、ブライアンは呼びかける。 「私には長年にわたって培った特殊なスキルがある。娘を返せ。さもなければお前を探し出し、殺す」 犯人は電話を切るがそこから得られた本当に僅かな手がかりを辿ってブライアンの娘を取り戻す孤独な強行作戦が始まる。
スパングリッシュ 太陽の国から来たママのこと
フロール(パスベガ)はメキシコ人で、娘により良い生活を送るために米国に移住します。 そこに到着すると、彼女は英語の知識の欠如がもたらす障壁にもかかわらず、裕福な家族であるクラスキース(アダムサンドラーとティーレオニ)の家で仕事を得ます。
After being set-up and betrayed by the man who hired him to assassinate a Texas Senator, an ex-Federale launches a brutal rampage of revenge against his former boss.
主人公カスペルは殺し屋ギャンググループmara salvatruchaのメンバーの一人。このグループは貧困で家族も居ない、仕事もない、食べ物もない、そんな地域の若者達から生まれた“1つの家族"である。しかしこのグループのメンバーになる為には13秒間のメンバー全員からの暴行に耐えて生き残れるもののみ。さらに必ず1人誰かを殺さないとメンバーにしてもらえないという恐ろしいグループである。刺青が多ければ多いほど位が高い。 他にもたくさんの掟があるなか、カスペルはグループに秘密でメンバー以外の女の子に恋をする。しかし、リーダーに嘘をついて会っていた事がバレ、罰として移民が移動に使う列車に強盗に一緒に行くことを命ぜられる。 ホンジュラスの少女サイラは、故郷を捨て、父親らと共にメキシコ経由でアメリカへ移民しようとしていたが、チアパス州でアメリカ行きの列車の屋根に乗り込んだところ、メキシカン・ギャング団のカスペル・スマイリー・リルマゴに遭遇し、リーダーのリルマゴに暴行されそうになる。耐えきれなくなったギャング団の少年カスペルは、リルマゴ殺してしまう。 サイラとその家族と共にギャングから逃げ、アメリカへ移民しようと必死に逃げる。 実際に世界中に存在する恐ろしいギャング、実際に今でも起きている不法移民問題やその厳しさなどをリアルに描いた映画。
El Mariachi
El Mariachi just wants to play his guitar and carry on the family tradition. Unfortunately, the town he tries to find work in has another visitor, a killer who carries his guns in a guitar case. The drug lord and his henchmen mistake el Mariachi for the killer, Azul, and chase him around town trying to kill him and get his guitar case.
自分に課した3つのルールを厳格に守りつつ犯罪すれすれの運び屋家業を続けるフランク。ある日いつものように運び屋の依頼が舞い込む。指定された時刻に指定重量のバッグを運ぶ。簡単ないつもの仕事のはずだったが、車のパンクを修理する途中バッグが動きだし中から声がするのを見つけ不審感がぬぐえなくなったフランクはついに自分に課したルール「荷の中身は見ない」を破り バッグを開けてしまうと中からはアジア人の美女があわられるのだった。
メン・イン・ブラック 2
Two young officers are marked for death after confiscating a small cache of money and firearms from the members of a notorious cartel during a routine traffic stop.
The true story of Chong Kim—abducted into the sex trade as a young teen—and the complicated moral choices she had to make in order to survive as her situation grew more desperate.
After his family is killed by a Serbian gangster with international interests. NYC detective Nick goes to S.E. Asia and teams up with a Thai detective to get revenge and destroy the syndicates human trafficking network.
愛妻に先立たれ、メキシコ国境付近の町で牧場を営みながら愛犬と暮らす元海兵隊の腕利き狙撃兵、ジム・ハンソン。ある日、メキシコの麻薬カルテルの魔の手を逃れ、越境してきた母子を助けたことから、彼の運命は大きく変わり始める。カルテルに撃たれた母親は、ジムに11歳の息子ミゲルを託して絶命した。ミゲルをシカゴに住む親類のもとに送り届けてほしい――日々の生活に手いっぱいのジムだったが、仕方なくこれを引き受ける。一方、米国に侵入したカルテルは執拗に彼らを追撃。迫りくる危機に、ジムは必死に抵抗する。果たして彼は、ミゲルを守り、シカゴにたどり着くことができるのか? 命を懸けた戦いの火ぶたが、切って落とされた!
Vacation Friends
When a straight-laced couple that has fun with a rowdy couple on vacation in Mexico return to the States, they discover that the crazy couple they met in Mexico followed them back home and decide to play tricks on them.
セックス・トラフィック 悪夢の週末
A couple off for a romantic weekend in the mountains are accosted by a biker gang. Alone in the mountains, Brea and John must defend themselves against the gang, who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets.


Love and Bullets
Jackie Pruit is the girlfriend of notorious gangster Joe Bomposa. When it looks as if Bomposa's goons are threatening Jackie's life, the FBI moves in to protect her, hoping that she'll have incriminating evidence. Veteran agent Charlie Congers is assigned to watch over Jackie, and while it soon becomes apparent that she knows almost nothing about Bomposa that would be of any use to the FBI, he falls in love with her. Bomposa decides it would be more convenient to have Jackie out of the way, ordering her to be executed. Bomposa's henchmen slip through FBI security and murder her, but now they have to answer the angry and vengeful Congers.
Jay Killon is the bodyguard of the recently elected US president, but he is assigned to the first lady (Lara Royce). Lara hates Killon so she does all she can to escape. The story complicates when someone tries to kill Lara.
At the height of the frontier era, a train races through the Rocky Mountains on a classified mission to a remote army post. But one by one the passengers are being murdered, and their only hope is the mysterious John Deakin, who's being transported to face trial for murder.
Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects
A brutal Los Angeles police lieutenant is determined to bust up an organization that forces underage girls into prostitution.
Messenger of Death
Wifes and children of the Mormon Orville Beecham become victims of a massacre in his own house. The police believes the crime had a religious motive. Orville doesn't give any comment on the case, is taken into protective custody. Journalist Smith persuades him to help him in the investigation - and finds out about economic motives for the murder.
Nicolai Dalchimski, a mad KGB agent steals a notebook full of names of "sleeping" undercover KGB agents sent to the U.S. in the 1950's. These agents got their assignments under hypnosis, so they can't remember their missions until they're told a line of a Robert Frost poem. Dalchimski flees to the U.S. and starts phoning these agents who perform sabotage acts against military targets.
A melon farmer battles organized crime and a hit man who wants to kill him.
A bush pilot is hired for $250,000 to go to Mexico to free an innocent prisoner.
Murphy's Law
A tough police detective escapes from custody after being framed and arrested for the murder of his ex-wife, and must now find the real killer and prove his innocence.
In this strange western version of Moby Dick, Wild Bill Hickok hunts a white buffalo he has seen in a dream. Hickok moves through a variety of uniquely authentic western locations - dim, filthy, makeshift taverns; freezing, slaughterhouse-like frontier towns and beautifully desolate high country - before improbably teaming up with a young Crazy Horse to pursue the creature.
Death Hunt
Yukon Territory, Canada, November 1931. Albert Johnson, a trapper who lives alone in the mountains, buys a dog almost dead after a brutal dogfight, a good deed that will put him in trouble.
The Mechanic
Arthur Bishop is a veteran hit man who, owing to his penchant for making his targets' deaths seem like accidents, thinks himself an artist. It's made him very rich, but as he hits middle age, he's so depressed and lonely that he takes on one of his victim's sons, Steve McKenna, as his apprentice. Arthur puts him through a rigorous training period and brings him on several hits. As Steven improves, Arthur worries that he'll discover who killed his father.
Violent City
A hitman is double-crossed by his girlfriend and barely escapes a murder attempt. He then sets out to take his revenge on the woman and the gang boss who put her up to it.
From Noon Till Three
Bank robber Graham Dorsey spends a few hours with beautiful widow Amanda Starbuck, in which time his gang takes part in a disastrous holdup. Learning of his comrades' demise, Dorsey goes on the lam. Believing her short-term lover was killed by the law, Amanda decides to make the most of having had a liaison with the supposedly deceased desperado by writing a book about him. Much to his confusion, the still-living Dorsey watches as his name becomes legendary.