Crispian Sallis
出生 : 1959-06-24, England, UK
This new special reveals the secrets of the long-running sitcom's extraordinary success. Helped by former cast and crew members, families of the stars no longer with us, and celebrity fans, we learn the secrets of this comedy classic and get to see previously unseen interviews and rare behind-the-scenes archive footage.
Set Decoration
ブレイク・ライヴリー、ジュード・ロウ共演のスパイアクション。テロで家族を失った女性が、復讐を誓いスパイとなる。 テロによる飛行機事故で家族を失った女性が、スパイ養成の過酷な訓練を経て復讐を誓うスパイアクション。『ロスト・バケーション』のブレイク・ライヴリーと『キャプテン・マーベル』のジュード・ロウが共演し、マーク・バーネルの小説「堕天使の報復」を映画化。これまではその美貌を生かした役どころの多かったブレイク・ライヴリーが、激しい格闘シーンやカーチェイスなど泥くさい演技に挑んでいる点も見どころ。
Set Decoration
At an isolated frontier outpost, a colonial magistrate suffers a crisis of conscience when an army colonel arrives looking to interrogate the locals about an impending uprising, using cruel tactics that horrify the magistrate.
Production Design
At an isolated frontier outpost, a colonial magistrate suffers a crisis of conscience when an army colonel arrives looking to interrogate the locals about an impending uprising, using cruel tactics that horrify the magistrate.
Production Design
A U.S Customs official uncovers a massive money laundering scheme involving Pablo Escobar.
Set Decoration
1960年代のロンドンイーストエンド。一卵性双生児のレジナルドとロナルド・クレイの兄弟は、ギャングのリーダーとして頭角を現した。 経営の才能を併せ持つ兄のレジナルドは、部下の妹であるフランシスと恋仲になる。ギャングに否定的なフランシスのために足を洗うと約束したレジナルドだったが、暴れ者の弟ロナルドはそれを快く思わず、兄弟の間には次第に不協和音が生まれる。
Production Design
When notorious criminal Jacob Sternwood is forced to return to London, it gives detective Max Lewinsky one last chance to take down the man he's always been after.
Art Direction
Production Design
In a remote part of the countryside, a bungled kidnapping turns into a living nightmare for four central characters when they cross paths with a psychopathic farmer and all hell breaks loose.
Production Design
A pastor preoccupied with writing the perfect sermon fails to realize that his wife is having an affair and his children are up to no good.
Production Design
The true story of a man who posed as director Stanley Kubrick during the production of Kubrick's last film, Eyes Wide Shut, despite knowing very little about his work and looking nothing like him.
Set Decoration
Production Design
Awaking from a coma to discover his wife has been killed in a car accident, Ben's world may as well have come to an end. A few weeks later, Ben's out of hospital and, attempting to start a new life, he moves home and is befriended by a beautiful young neighbour Charlotte. His life may be turning around but all is not what it seems and, haunted by visions of his dead wife, Ben starts to lose his grip on reality.
Production Design
Offbeat sword-and-sandals comedy-adventure about three unlikely heroines (Doon Mackichan, Fiona Allen and Sally Phillips) who set out to thwart a Roman invasion and save Celtic Britain in their own unique and outrageous style.
Production Design
Five young people apply to live in an isolated house together for six months whilst their every move is filmed by numerous cameras.
Production Design
Dek, a decent but somewhat dull man, enjoys a happy existence with beloved girlfriend Shirley. They live together with her 12-year-old, Marlene: her daughter by the delinquent Jimmy, who flew the coop years ago and hasn't been heard from since. Dek loves Shirley so much that he proposes to her on national television.
Set Decoration
ボルチモアの大富豪メイスン・ヴァージャー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)は、刑務所から脱獄したハンニバル・レクター(アンソニー・ホプキンズ)の行方を追っていた。当時レクターと接触していたFBI特別捜査官クラリス・スターリング(ジュリアン・ムーア)は、リッチモンド (バージニア州)の麻薬捜査で多数の犠牲者を出したことで遺族から告訴されていた。政財界に絶大な影響力をもつメイスンは、マスコミの報道でクラリスの存在を知り、司法省のポール・クレンドラー(レイ・リオッタ)を利用し、クラリスをレクターの捜査に復帰させようと目論む。
Set Decoration
Production Design
Two twelve-year-old boys, Romeo and Gavin, undergo an extraordinary test of character and friendship when Morell, a naive but eccentric and dangerous stranger, comes between them. Morell befriends with the two boys and later asks them to help him pursue Romeo's beautiful elder sister. He gradually becomes more violent after she rejects him.
Set Decoration
Production Design
An Arthurian legend of young Prince Valiant, son of the King of Scandia. After the King is exiled by an evil leader, the Prince travels to Camelot to secure the aid of King Arthur in helping restore his family to power and prevent a plot by the Black Knight.
A documentary following Terry Gilliam through the creation of "Twelve Monkeys."
Set Decoration
Production Design
Set in 1969, a twelve-year-old grows up in Key West with his mother, who is paying the bills by stripping at the local topless bar. The boy finds out about her activities and tries to convince her to stop, to no avail. A local restaurant owner hires him to collect fish from a boat out in the bay, and the boy discovers that the restaurant owner is using the fish to bring drugs in to shore. He steals one load and goes about selling it so his mother can afford to quit her job.
Set Decoration
ニューオーリンズの地方検事であるジム・ギャリソンは、昼食中に大統領暗殺の第一報を受けた。しかし、直後に逮捕されるリー・ハーヴェイ・オズワルドという人物に、彼は大多数のアメリカ人とは別のショックを受ける。ニューオーリンズの法曹関係者の間ではオズワルドという男は有名人であったからである。 オズワルドは不思議な過去を持ち、奇行を繰り返し、キューバ人の団体とトラブルを起こしていた人物だった。彼はすぐにこの人物の調査を始めるも、大統領暗殺事件の二日後にさらに事件が起こった。マスコミや大勢の警官がいるさなか、オズワルドが警察署の中でジャック・ルビーという男に射殺されたのだ。
Set Decoration
An escaped con, on the run from the law, moves into a married couple's house and takes over their lives.
Set Decoration
Michael ‘Jay’ Cochran has just left the Navy after 12 years and he's not quite sure what he's going to do, except that he knows he wants a holiday. He decides to visit Tiburon Mendez, a powerful but shady Mexican businessman who he once flew to Alaska for a hunting trip. Arriving at the Mendez mansion in Mexico, he is immediately surprised by the beauty and youth of Mendez’s wife, Miryea.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
McGriff and Albaby are probably doing the worst law enforcement job in the world - they are plain clothes U.S. military policemen on duty in war-time Saigon. However, their job becomes even harder when they start investigating the serial killings of local prostitutes. Their prime suspect is high ranking U.S. Army officer which brings their lives in danger.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
ソ連国内でアメリカ製の半導体チップを持ち出した003が雪原で遭難。遺体から半導体チップを回収したボンドはソ連軍に追われるが、スキー&スノーボードで振り切って任務を果たす。 003の死体から発見されたのはマイクロチップ。このチップは従来のものと違い、核爆発で発生する強力な磁気にも対抗できるものだった。製造元のゾリン産業が怪しいとにらんだ英国情報部はボンドにゾリンの内偵を命じる。そこでボンドはチップの製造元であるゾリン社を調査する。 社長のマックス・ゾリンが所有する常勝の競走馬を調査するうちに、その馬からはマイクロチップに制御されたステロイド供給装置が見つかる。ゾリンを追ってサンフランシスコに潜入したボンドは彼がシリコンバレーを壊滅させ、マイクロチップ市場を独占しようとしていることを知る。
Assistant Art Director
The horrors of World War I have robbed returning veteran Chris Baldry of his memory. The traumatized soldier doesn't even recognize his own wife, Kitty, or remember their years together. While Baldry attempts to cope with the unfamiliar surroundings of his own home, he seeks out the company of an old flame from his childhood, Margaret Grey. His amnesia also makes him a ready target for the affections of his older cousin, Jenny.