Kumiko Akiyoshi

Kumiko Akiyoshi

出生 : 1954-07-29, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan


Kumiko Akiyoshi


Smiles Leading To Happiness
Daichi (Mahiro Takasugi) is a young dental technician. He is called a prince due to his excellent skills at work and his handsome appearance. One day, he meets again his childhood friend Manatsu (Seia Yasuda). Manatsu has just began work as a dental hygienist at a clinic in th suburb. Meanwhile, Daichi receives recognition for his work by dental clinic director (Yuichi Kimura) and dentist (Yuuki Tsujimoto), but his father (Tetsuhiro Ikeda), who runs a dental technician's office, thinks Daichi’s skills are not good enough. Daichi then receives a complaint from a patient. Manatsu tries to comfort him, but they end up having an argument.
Yuriko Himura
Genius scientist Kikuo Himura (Yosuke Kubozuka) succeeds in developing a miracle cure for the cold virus. There are now people who are after Kikuo Himura's cold vaccine. Doctor Ichinose (Akira Emoto) is jealous of Kikuo Himura and tries to get the formula which is only in Kikuo Himura's head. Dougen (Chris Peppler) is a high-ranking member of a secret organization. Him and his subordinate try to get the vaccine source by any means necessary. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman, Sakurako (Manami Konishi) approaches Kikuo Himura.
A unique black comedy set in Ginza Cinepathos, a long-established movie theater that closes at the end of March 2013 while being familiar to movie fans with its retro appearance and unique lineup. Unique guests visiting the theater draw a human pattern during breaks.
Furyou shounen: 3,000-nin no atama
The movie is based on an autobiographical book titled “Tokyo Furyou Shounen Densetsu.” The book was written by Endo Natsuki, who was once affiliated with the biker team and band COOLS that was formed in the 1970s by Tachi Hiroshi (61) and Iwaki Koichi (60). The story for the film takes place at a technical high school in the 1970s, where it is said that half of the school’s 3,000 students are juvenile delinquents. Saito plays a student named Sendo, who is aiming to be number one out of all of them. Naturally, the movie will incorporate a lot of action scenes as he brawls his way to the top.
Chigiri Yamazaki
Translucent Tree is centered around divorced Chigiri, a suburban middle-aged mother taking care of her teenage daughter, Mayu, and her ailing father Kaho. Her life is mundane and rather hopeless until Go, a TV producer from Tokyo, pays a visit to her town and the tree they shared time under some twenty years back after a TV commercial shoot. His remembrances of her, the tree, and the long unrequited love stir both of their hearts to fumbling action as they re-discover the love between them.
Yuuko Kushimori
Based on the actual experience of Michi Inoue, an active female high school student at the time, a movie of the best-selling essay “17 years old” depicting the honest feelings of a high school girl.
Keechie's client
A successful businessman and his alcoholic wife attempt to piece together their unhappy lives and shattered marriage. Little do Nagai and Akira know that their precarious relationship will soon be transformed by a stranger, the enigmatic Keechie.
Kazuko Shibayama
Teenager Midori's family moves back to the city where she lived as a child and is relieved to discover that her old friend Ryusuke still lives there. Her terrifying nightmares begin intersecting with her everyday life. Do her nightly dreams about an anonymous fortune-teller have anything to do with the tragedies plaguing her high school?
淀川長治物語神戸篇 サイナラ
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
A group of Japanese tourists try to forget their pasts and find themselves in India.
The days of love between a free-spirited heroine who continues to seek freedom and a young man who is attracted to her charm. Starring Kumiko Akiyoshi.
Sakura and Kenzo are married. Both think they can live a happy marriage, despite the fact that she cannot have children and he does not want to give up her relationship with her lover Yoko.
独眼竜の野望 伊達政宗
Biopic of Date Masamune
戦国乱世の暴れん坊 齋藤道三 怒涛の天下取り
During the age of warring clans (Sengoku Jidai), many samurai lords sought to unite the country under their banners by becoming the supreme leader. One of the first to vie for power in this way was Saito Dosan, the 'Viper'. His son-in-law, Oda Nobunaga, did in fact unite the nation after subduing all of his enemies, yet falling at last to the treachery of one of his most trusted generals. This story is a pre-cursor to those later events as the brilliant military strategist Saito Dosan rises to power and notoriety as a great lord in his own right. Directed by Kudo Eiichi and with a tremendous supporting cast that includes Nakamura Toru as Oda Nobunaga and Chiba Shinichi as Akechi Mitsutsugu, battle scenes of awesome power and a unique view of Japanese history, this is a marvelous production highlighted by the action scenes done by the Japan Action Club (JAC).
Ten to chi to: Reimei-hen
Some of the greatest battles during the Age of Civil Wars were fought between the Uesugi and Takeda clans. Leading up to them was the incredible life of Uesugi Kenshin, who rose from a son out of favor with his...
Miyako Shinohara
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an attractive but very troubled tourist guide comes to him for consultation...
Fusako Harada
男はつらいよ 寅次郎物語
Satoko Okazaki
A woman faces betrayal, which tests her love.
Rising from the lowliest of country samurai to the heights of power as Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is one of the pivotal figures of the Sengoku period.
Internationally acclaimed for his cinematic realism and social commitment, Kaneto Shindo based the story of THE HORIZON on his sister's experiences. The film concerns Hideo, a young girl who leaves Japan in 1920 to settle her family's debt by being sold in marriage to a Japanese farmer in San Francisco. Over the next 20 years the couple works hard and raises 4 children. After Pearl Harbor is attacked they are interned with other Japanese immigrants in a camp, losing both their land and their assets. Hideo has now been uprooted twice and has to adjust to her son's going to war and her daughters' post-war assimilation and marriage to Americans despite her protests. But Hideo is a survivor and she awaits a new immigrant from Japan with hope.
Japanese movie.
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
Tomoko Araki
A run-in with the police once again puts three former reformatory inmates on the wrong side of the law. Their situation becomes increasingly desperate as events spin out of control, culminating in an audacious hijack at sea...
Ryoko Akimoto
While Ryoko is in Vienna studying music, her boyfriend dies in a traffic accident. Ryoko believes that she has psychic powers which killed him, and when she returns to Japan she is sent to a mental hospital. While recovering, her brother-in-law, Kouji, decides to look after her, and she goes to his house to act as a governess for Kouji's sister Keiko's daughter, Alice – who Ryoko becomes increasingly sure had something to do with her sister Fuyuko’s death.
Kei Kaneshiro
An ex-Olympic athlete and a student commit cash robbery. Aki Hoshino, a pre-med student, becomes inspired to steal money the school collected as “special fees” from parents wanting to assure their offspring’s’ acceptance into the hallowed institution. He forms an unbeatable alliance with an ex-employee and crime bosses to retrieve the ill-gotten money from the “wrong” hands.
Physis (voice)
舞台は、今よりも遥か遠い未来。人類は環境破壊により滅び行く地球を再生させるため、植民惑星へ移住した。 コンピュータ管理により整然と生きる人類。その一方で疎まれる、特殊な能力を持つ「ミュウ」という存在。 彼らは過酷な弾圧の中で政府の目から逃がれ、息を潜めながらも自分たちの存在意義を考え、そして地球への帰還を夢みていた―。 ミュウのリーダー、ソルジャー・ブルーは、アタラクシアに住む少年ジョミーを自分の後継者として選び、夢を託す。 故郷・地球へ還る―――  その強い想いから、彼らの地球を目指す戦いが始まる。
Otomi Murai
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means of combat nor a demonstration of physical skill, but an art which reveals the artist to himself.
Sawa Takiguchi (Guide)
明治34年 ロシアとの戦争が差し迫っている中、ロシアの厳しい冬の気候での戦闘経験の乏しい日本軍は寒冷地での戦闘訓練の必要を痛切に感じていた。そこで極寒の気候である青森県八甲田山において雪中行軍演習を執り行うことを決定した。雪中行軍において既に実績を持つ青森歩兵第五連隊神田大尉および第三十一連隊徳島大尉に真冬での八甲田山行軍遂行命令が下る。事前の予備調査では少人数で天候にも恵まれていたため特に問題とはならなかったが、これが冬の八甲田山を軽視する方向に進んでいってしまう。八甲田行軍が始まると事前調査とは比べ物にならないほど天候が荒れ始め、気象記録から過去最大級の低気圧が接近しているため演習の中止を進言する神田大尉であったが、演習責任者である彼を差し置いて同行していた上官は演習中止を許さず冬山を軽視したまま極寒地獄の修羅場となる八甲田山へ死の行軍を続けてしまうのであった…
突然 嵐 の ように
Yuki Kobayashi
21-year-old Hideo Ishida is a reckless young man. Today again, he took part in a car race with a stolen driver's license and a car belonging to the junkyard. But unfortunately, things go wrong and after a collision with another car, the seriously injured Hideo is taken to the hospital. Here he meets the nurse Yuki Kobayashi. Yuki is the opposite of Hideo. During the day she works as a nurse and in the evening she studies hard. However, Hideo's behavior leaves an unforgettable impression on Yuki and the two soon develop an intimate friendship ...
Older brother younger sister.
パーマネント・ブルー 真夏の恋
In a fishing town by the Seto Sea, a student discovers a woman motionless on the beach and takes her back to his family's inn to nurse her, but he soon discovers than she is an extremist on the run from the police.
A young drifter and a precocious sixteen years old girl slowly form a bond in a small town haunted by its wartime past.
Kyoko Toda
A detective wonders that his sister is a murder suspect.
Drama about young people in the Japanese rock scene starring the lead singer of Japanese rock band The Tigers (1966-1971, 1981-1983).
Mami Hatake
A young woman fails her university entrance exam and starts shoplifting.
Based on the novel of the same name by Hisashi Inoue.
「赤ちょうちん」に続き、藤田敏八監督=秋吉久美子主演で送る青春歌謡映画第2作。 嫁ぎ先から突然帰ってきてしまった妹とその兄の近親相姦的愛情を描く異色作。引っ越し屋をやっている秋夫のもとに結婚したはずの妹・ねりが、ひょっこり帰って来る。とにかく秋夫は家に置いてやることにするのだが、どうも家出の理由がよく分からない。親戚連中に聞くと、ねりの夫は行方不明らしく、その原因は妹にあるという。秋夫はとにかくねりを家に戻そうとするが、ある日「夫を殺した」と告白される……
A young and newly-married couple in Tokyo lives a hard life moving repeatedly because of their unfamiliar relationships with their surroundings.