Richard Maibaum
出生 : 1909-05-26, New York, New York City, USA
死亡 : 1991-01-04
The name is "Maibaum, Richard Maibaum".....the brilliant screenwriter who adapted the Ian Fleming 007 novels into the highly entertaining screenplays of nearly every James Bond film from Dr. No (1962) through to Licence to Kill (1989).
Maibaum attended New York University, then studied acting at the University of Iowa. By the time he was in his late twenties, Maibaum was a well established Broadway actor and playwright. He entered films as a screenwriter in 1937, spending the war years with the army's Combat Film Division. In 1946, he joined Paramount as both screenwriter and producer, contributing to such films as The Big Clock (1948) and The Great Gatsby (1949).
From advice that making films abroad was an excellent tax shelter, Maibaum formed a partnership in the 1950s with producers Irving Allen and Albert R. Broccoli This led to his involvement in the phenomenally successful James Bond series of the 1960s and 1970s and, after Ian Fleming, Maibaum has arguably been the person most responsible for shaping the image of the screen's most famous spy!
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "Thunderball".
親友であるCIAのフェリックス・ライターの結婚式に向かう途中、「サンチェスが現れた」とDEA(麻薬取締局)の連絡を受け、ボンドとライターは現場に向かう。サンチェスはDEAが長年追っている麻薬王だったが、自身の人脈で固めた地元を離れてアメリカ領内に姿を見せたということは、二度とない捕獲のチャンスだった。 ボンドとライターは、サンチェスが逃走に使ったセスナをヘリコプターで釣り上げ捕らえ、スカイダイビングで花嫁デラが待つ教会に降り立った。 しかし、サンチェスは買収した捜査官キリファーの手助けで護送車から逃亡。新婚初夜のライター夫妻を襲い、デラを殺した上ライターを拉致してサメに足を食べさせてしまった。 帰国しようとしていたボンドは、空港でサンチェスの逃亡を知りライター宅に急いだが、そこで無残なライター夫妻の姿を発見する。ボンドは報復を誓うが、任務を逸脱した行為に対してMが自ら訪米、別件の任務を指示する。ボンドは辞職を示し、その場から逃走。単身、サンチェスの元へ乗り込む。
00メンバーらによるジブラルタルでのNATOの演習訓練中、「スパイに死を」との標札とともに、004が殺害された。訓練に参加していた007ことボンドは暗殺者を追跡。死闘の末に暗殺者を倒す。 その後、ボンドはソ連が支配する東側のチェコスロバキアにいた。ソ連の重要人物コスコフ将軍から、ボンドを名指ししての亡命の協力依頼が英国情報部に入りその任務のために現地へ潜入していた。先に潜入していた同僚のソーンダースとともに、クラシック演奏会場から脱出したコスコフを援護する。
ソ連国内でアメリカ製の半導体チップを持ち出した003が雪原で遭難。遺体から半導体チップを回収したボンドはソ連軍に追われるが、スキー&スノーボードで振り切って任務を果たす。 003の死体から発見されたのはマイクロチップ。このチップは従来のものと違い、核爆発で発生する強力な磁気にも対抗できるものだった。製造元のゾリン産業が怪しいとにらんだ英国情報部はボンドにゾリンの内偵を命じる。そこでボンドはチップの製造元であるゾリン社を調査する。 社長のマックス・ゾリンが所有する常勝の競走馬を調査するうちに、その馬からはマイクロチップに制御されたステロイド供給装置が見つかる。ゾリンを追ってサンフランシスコに潜入したボンドは彼がシリコンバレーを壊滅させ、マイクロチップ市場を独占しようとしていることを知る。
ボンドは中南米某国のトロ将軍に変装し、将軍が管理する高性能偵察機を破壊すべく侵入する。本物の将軍に見つかり一旦は拘束されるが、CIA女性アシスタントのビアンカの誘惑で敵兵を惑した隙に超小型ジェット機(通称:アクロスター)で逃走。地対空ミサイルに追尾されるものの、前述の偵察機の格納庫内をすり抜けた直後にミサイルが格納庫を直撃、結果的に任務に成功する。 その頃、東ベルリンでピエロに成りすましサーカス団に潜入していた009は『レディーの卵(ファベルジュの卵)』(ロシア皇帝献上品)を持ち出したのを見つかり、投擲ナイフを特技とする双子の兄弟ミーシカとグリーシカにやられ、ベルリン英国大使館公邸に『卵』を持ち込み死亡する。
Lavinia Kean, a brilliant American espionage agent, combats the wiles of international criminal and blackmailer Cesare Magnasco.
核ミサイルを搭載した英潜水艦「レンジャー」とソ連潜水艦「ポチョムキン」が突如消息を絶った。調査を命ぜられたボンドはエジプト・カイロへ飛び、そこで同じ目的でソ連が派遣したKGBの女スパイ、アニヤと出会う。 共同で任務に当たるが、事件の直前、オーストリアでボンドに差し向けられ、返り討ちにあったソ連の殺し屋が彼女の恋人だった。「この任務が終わったら、あなたを殺すわ」そう言われたボンドは彼女と共にアメリカ海軍の潜水艦に乗り込み、怪しいとにらんだストロンバーグ海運のタンカーに接近する。 ストロンバーグは米ソを核攻撃し、世界を壊滅させ、海の世界を作ろうとしていた…。
A private investigator specializing in fine arts tries to track down some missing rare Biblical scrolls TV Drama - Glenn Ford, Anthony Quayle, Forrest Tucker
A private investigator specializing in fine arts tries to track down some missing rare Biblical scrolls TV Drama - Glenn Ford, Anthony Quayle, Forrest Tucker
Additional Dialogue
ソビエト連邦情報機関の最高幹部会議は、西側の情報機関に打撃を与えるため、スメルシュの手によってイギリス秘密情報部の情報部員ジェームズ・ボンドをはずかしめて殺すことに決定した。チェスのモスクワ選手権タイトル保持者でスメルシュ企画課長のクロンスティーンが立てた計画に基づき、第2課長ローザ・クレッブ大佐は、タチアナ・ロマノーヴァ伍長を囮に仕立てた。 ボンドに夢中になったソ連職員タチアナが、暗号解読器「スペクター」を手土産に亡命を望んでいるという連絡が入り、ボンドはイスタンブルへ派遣された。首尾よくタチアナと解読器を確保したボンドは、夫婦を装いオリエント急行に乗り込んで国外脱出を図るが、そこにはスメルシュの放った刺客グラントが待っていた。
This is only the second Audie Murphy movie set in WWII after his autobiographical "To Hell and Back." Here Murphy steps out of his usual kid-Western role to play a civilian working for the Navy helping supply guerilla insurgents in the Philippines. His sole motive is not politics nor bravery, but to find his bride from whom he was separated during the Japanese invasion two years before
This is only the second Audie Murphy movie set in WWII after his autobiographical "To Hell and Back." Here Murphy steps out of his usual kid-Western role to play a civilian working for the Navy helping supply guerilla insurgents in the Philippines. His sole motive is not politics nor bravery, but to find his bride from whom he was separated during the Japanese invasion two years before
This is only the second Audie Murphy movie set in WWII after his autobiographical "To Hell and Back." Here Murphy steps out of his usual kid-Western role to play a civilian working for the Navy helping supply guerilla insurgents in the Philippines. His sole motive is not politics nor bravery, but to find his bride from whom he was separated during the Japanese invasion two years before
London at the turn of the century. Three men is on a mission from the IRA to steal all the gold in the vaults of the Bank of England. Norgate, their leader, discovers the bank's weak spot: an old forgotten sewer straight under the vaults.
An American engineer reaches Mombasa to finish the works of an African railroad and to find his predecessor, who has mysteriously disappeared. While the work continues, will have to face several obstacles, especially violent local tribes, Arabs slave traders and wild animals.
British soldiers in India must contend with an outlaw bandit.
During World War II, members of a British tank unit in northern Africa are captured and held prisoners by Germans.
A notorious bandit develops a grudging respect for the English military man assigned to capture him.
A friendly, successful suburban teacher and father grows dangerously addicted to cortisone, resulting in his transformation into a household despot.
A friendly, successful suburban teacher and father grows dangerously addicted to cortisone, resulting in his transformation into a household despot.
A rich man (Glenn Ford) stuns his wife (Donna Reed) and town with a televised threat to his son's kidnapper.
During WW2, German ships are "safely" docked upriver at Bordeaux, but the British send a team of kayakers to attack them.
Steve MacKendrick resigns from the US Army after causing the needless death of a fellow officer. Wanting to serve in the war, he enlists as a Canadian in the British 1st Parachute Brigade. He proves himself exceptionally skilled for a recruit, arousing the suspicion of his commanding officer who starts an investigation. He redeems himself during combat. The film was titled "Paratrooper" in the US.
Near the end of World War II, a secret American raid on an enemy transportation hub goes very wrong when a turncoat warns the enemy. Led by Capt. Webster Carey (Alan Ladd), the mission causes the deaths of many bystanders -- among them, Carey believes, his Italian girlfriend, Giulia de Graffi (Wanda Hendrix). Back home, Carey stumbles across evidence that might uncover the identity of the informant. But, when he returns to Italy to get even, Carey is stunned by what he finds.
A penniless pregnant woman adopts the identity of a rich woman killed in a train crash.
In this sequel to Dear Ruth, teenaged Miriam starts a political campaign to nominate Bill Seacroft, her brother-in-law, for state senator in opposition to the local political machine. Unknown to Miriam, said machine nominates her father, Judge Wilkins. As support grows for Bill, the presence of rival candidates under one roof poses problems, especially for Ruth, wife to Bill and daughter of the judge.
In 1906 in Connecticut, Elisha Hunt, the 55-year-old curator of a small government museum, marries Abigail, the 19-year-old daughter of a local farmer. In addition to the differences in their ages in this May-to-December union, Elizha is a man of culture while Abigail is uneducated. Bruce Edridge, young, handsome and wealthy, comes into her life, and they fall in love. Abigail is now faced with two choices; the chance of wealth versus her present mediocre circumstances, or her love for Bruce versus her loyalty to Elisha.
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifetyle of his landlord, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner now living on Long Island, finds himself fascinated by the mysterious past and lavish lifetyle of his landlord, the nouveau riche Jay Gatsby. He is drawn into Gatsby's circle, becoming a witness to obsession and tragedy.
Two female con artists from New York City, fleeing the law with loot from their latest scam, hide out in a small Maine town, near the Canadian border. However - the residents of this small town aren't quite as unsophisticated as the girls think they are.
Stroud, a crime magazine's crusading editor has to post-pone a vacation with his wife, again, when a glamorous blonde is murdered and he is assigned by his publishing boss Janoth to find the killer. As the investigation proceeds to its conclusion, Stroud must try to disrupt his ordinarily brilliant investigative team as they increasingly build evidence (albeit wrong) that he is the killer.
The (O)ffice of (S)trategic (S)ervices' Cmdr. Brady (Patric Knowles) forms Operation "Applejack" (based on a composite of actual incidents during WWII) and sends Lt. (j.g.) Philip Masson, U.S.N.R. aka John Martin as spy Philippe Martine (Alan Ladd) along with Miss Ellen Rogers posing as her college roommate, Madame Elaine Duprez (Geraldine Fitzgerald) and Robert Bouchet, Tech Sgt., A.U.S. as Albert Bernardito (Richard Benedict) to acquire secret Nazi plans. After nearly getting caught they succeed and get new identities. However they discover a secret that could change the war and risk their lives to get the information back to London before it jeopardizes their lives. Martine and Duprez then get reassigned to assist fellow spy Frank Schmidt aka Parker (Richard Webb) embedded in the German army so he can relay important Nazi troop movements. Then she is discovered by an old foe, Col. Paul Meister (John Hoyt) but Martine must radio the vital information and misses her.
Ole and Chic are comedians employed in a nightclub, but seeking to be released from their contracts to take a better job. But the prissy nightclub owner, B. J. Wagonhorn, refuses to let them go. In reprisal, they start hurling insults at the nightclub patrons… a ploy that soon has them facing multiple lawsuits… to the delight of three struggling attorneys, Charlie Rodman, Bettty Wilson and Arthur Lane.
This historical drama tells the story of the first class to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. In the early 19th Century, Congress appropriated the money to build the school, but opponents who believed it to be an illegitimate expansion of the powers of the federal government decided to sabotage the school. They put the hard-as-nails Major Sam Carter in charge of the academy, and he ruthlessly put the recruits through grueling training -- until only ten prospective soldiers remained. They include Dawson, a patriotic farm boy and Howard Shelton, a selfish playboy who has come to West Point only because of its prestige. The two vie for Carolyn Bainbridge, while they, along with the other eight, try convince Carter that the school is worth keeping.
Told in flashback, this drama follows the training and personal lives of three recruits in the Army Air Corps: a wealthy playboy, a college jock, and an auto mechanic. Love interest is supplied by a female photographer and a sultry blonde.
Additional Writing
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.
Comic mayhem results when a small town pet store owner, mistakenly believed killed during a sea voyage, turns up very much alive. Director William Thiele's 1940 film stars Frank Morgan, Billie Burke, Ann Rutherford, John Shelton, Harold Huber, Donald Meek, Nat Pendleton, Renie Riano, Frank Albertson, Reginald Owen, Ann Morriss and Richard Carle.
Kenny Williams, a lieutenant on the homicide squad, is engaged to Maxine Carroll, the Mayor's secretary. Or isn't he rather married with his job? For each time he has a date with his longtime fiancée, he is prevented from keeping it by his devotion to duty. Maxine, in desperation, decides to take action and bring Kenny to the altar. Who will win, Maxine's curves or the glorious fight against crime?
Steady, dependable Coast Guard Lieutenant Raymond "Ray" Dower and reckless aviator Thomas "Speed" Bradshaw are the closest of friends. Ray saves the life of Captain Tobias Bliss, tramp steamer skipper, in a daring rescue at sea. Speed flies the injured man back to the base hospital, where the two officers later visit him. There Ray meets Nancy Bliss, Bliss' grand-daughter, and falls in love with her. Speed meets her at a dance and urges Ray to propose before some other guy does. Ray is assigned to flood rescue duty, and Speed and Nancy start going out together and discover they are in love.
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
A boozy former veterinarian and a teenage orphan team together with dreams of entering a broken-down horse in the big race.
A ruthless outlaw becomes very protective of a prizefighter when he learns the young man is his own son.
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.