Jean-Paul Mugel

Jean-Paul Mugel


Jean-Paul Mugel


A Couple
"A Couple" is a film about a long term relationship between a man and a woman. The man is Leo Tolstoy. The woman is his wife, Sophia. They were married for 36 years, had 13 children nine of whom survived. Each kept a diary. Although they lived together, in the same house, they wrote letters frequently to each other. Leo Tolstoy insisted that they read their diaries aloud to guests at dinner parties. The Tolstoy’s were also a dysfunctional couple, arguing frequently and being very unhappy with each other while occasionally enjoying passionate moments of reconciliation. The film is Sophia’s monologue about the joys and struggles of their life together, loosely drawn from their letters to each other and their diary entries.
Stars at Noon
In present-day Nicaragua, a headstrong American journalist and a mysterious English businessman strike up a romance as they become embroiled in a dangerous labyrinth of lies and conspiracies and are forced to try and escape the country.
Both Sides of the Blade
Sound Recordist
Jean and Sara have been living together for 10 years. When they first met, Sara was living with François, Jean’s best friend and an admirer from back when he played rugby. Jean and Sara love each other. One day, Sara sees François in the street. He does not notice her, but she is overtaken by the sensation that her life could suddenly change. François gets back in touch with Jean. For the first time in years. He suggests they start working together again. From here on, things spiral out of control.
フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊
The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.
Sound Mixer
A 17th-century nun becomes entangled in a forbidden lesbian affair with a novice. But it is Benedetta's shocking religious visions that threaten to shake the Church to its core.
Wim Wenders, Desperado
"Wings Of Desire" and "Buena Vista Social Club", "Paris, Texas" and "The State Of Things": Wim Wenders is considered one of the pioneers of New German Cinema and one of the most important and influential representatives of contemporary cinema. With never before shown archive material and extraordinary encounters with companions and contemporary witnesses such as Francis Ford Coppola, Willem Dafoe, Andie MacDowell, Hanns Zischler, Patti Smith and Werner Herzog, this documentary provides unique insights into the life and work of one of the most multifaceted artists of our times. Renowned documentary filmmaker Eric Friedler ("It Must Schwing. The Blue Note Story") and his co-director Andreas Frege were given the exclusive opportunity to portray Wenders for this film. From Dusseldorf to Paris, and all the way to the desert of Texas, the film traces iconic locations and decisive moments in Wenders' work as director, producer, photographer and author.
永遠の門 ゴッホの見た未来
サリー・ポッターの パーティー
Production Sound Mixer
Various individuals think they’re coming together for a party in a private home, but a series of revelations results in a huge crisis that throws their belief systems – and their values – into total disarray.
Sound Mixer
「氷の微笑」のポール・バーホーベン監督が「ピアニスト」のイザベル・ユペールを主演に迎え、「ベティ・ブルー 愛と激情の日々」の原作者フィリップ・ディジャンの小説「oh...」を実写映画化したエロティックサスペンス。ゲーム会社のCEOを務める女性ミシェルは、ある日突然、自宅に侵入してきた覆面男に襲われてしまう。何事もなかったかのように今まで通りの生活を送ろうとするミシェルだったが、襲われた時の記憶がフラッシュバックするようになっていく。犯人が身近にいることに気づいたミシェルはその正体を突き止めようとするが、自分自身に潜んでいた欲望や衝動に突き動かされて思わぬ行動に出る。第74回ゴールデングローブ賞で最優秀主演女優賞と最優秀外国語映画賞を受賞し、第89回アカデミー賞でもイザベル・ユペールが主演女優賞にノミネートされた。
Sound Engineer
Two young men seek the solitude of the country; their peace is disturbed when a set of random occurrences suggest to their susceptible minds a pattern with sinister meanings.
Casanova Variations
Sound Designer
Alone in a secluded mansion, Giacomo Casanova cries out then collapses. When the mysterious and beautiful writer, Elisa von der Recke, comes to visit, it breathes new life into the old man. A movie that captures the myth of the greatest seducer of all times, Casanova, his story is told both through fiction and on-stage opera performances that unravel the tale of his adventures, his passions, and ultimately his fear of death.
Attila Marcel
Sound Editor
Paul is a sweet man-child, raised — and smothered — by his two eccentric aunts in Paris since the death of his parents when he was a toddler. Now thirty-three, he still does not speak. Paul's aunts have only one dream for him: to win piano competitions. Although Paul practices dutifully, he remains unfulfilled until he submits to the interventions of his upstairs neighbour. Suitably named after the novelist, Madame Proust offers Paul a concoction that unlocks repressed memories from his childhood and awakens the most delightful of fantasies.
Citizens of Cosmopolis
An in-depth documentary about the making of David Cronenberg's feature film, Cosmopolis (2012), an adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel of the same name.
Sound Mixer
Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo during a riot in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's life begins to crumble.
White Material
Amidst turmoil and racial conflict in a Francophone African state, a white French woman fights for her coffee crop, her family and ultimately for her life.
Sound Designer
A schoolboy uses his cellphone camera to shoot intimate interviews with people working at a New York fashion house and secretly posts them on the internet. Result: a bitterly funny expose of an industry in crisis, during a week in which an accident on the runway becomes a murder investigation, and denial leads to devastation.
Sound Engineer
Production Sound Mixer
シャトーでワイン醸造家をしているおじに持つマックスはロンドンで金融トレーダーをしていた。そこへ彼のもとにおじの訃報が届く。 遺産を相続することが決定していたマックスはそれをすべて売却することを考えていた。 だが、シャトーに来たとたん、少年時代の思い出が次々に蘇り、心が揺らいできた。さらに、地元でレストランを経営するファニーとの出会いもまた、彼に変化をおよぼした。
Sound Designer
A married couple is terrorized by a series of videotapes planted on their front porch.
Production Sound Mixer
A married couple is terrorized by a series of videotapes planted on their front porch.
Production Sound Mixer
それは多くの人々にとって多くのことでした:若者の野心、勇気、慢に満ちたハンサムな戦士王は、小さな軍隊を巨大なペルシャ軍に導きました...息子は必死に厳しい父親の承認を求めて、 戦い、そしてそれに対する彼の忠誠心と彼の母親への愛の間で苦労しました...戦いに決して負けず、彼の兵士を既知の世界の果てまで押し付けた冷酷な征服者...夢、偉業、運命が残された幻想家 歴史上の彼らのマークは、今日の世界を形作るのに役立ちます。 彼はそれ以上でした。 彼はアレキサンダー大王でした。
A New Life
Sound Designer
A young American falls obsessively in love with a mysterious courtesan named Melania against the backdrop of a dilapidated Eastern European landscape.
Sound Engineer
A $10-million diamond rip-off, a stolen identity, a new life married to a diplomat. Laure Ash has risked big, won big. But then a tabloid shutterbug snaps her picture in Paris, and suddenly, enemies from Laure's secret past know who and where she is. And they all want their share of the diamond heist. Or her life. Or both.
Love Me
Sound Engineer
Laetita Masson directs this hallucinatory dream-like work about dancing on the beach, Elvis impersonators, and sailors longing to live and work in Taipei. Sandrine Kiberlain, Johnny Hallyday, and Julian Sands are just a few of the many cast members.
The Letter
Sound Designer
A well-bred, lovely, spiritual, sad young woman marries an attentive physician who loves her. She feels affection but no love. Soon after, without design, she falls in love with Pedro Abrunhosa, a poet and performance artist. He also loves her. She keeps her distance from him, confessing her love to a friend who is a nun and, later, to her husband. Hunger for her love and jealousy consume him; she attends him as he wastes away. With his death, she can marry and express her passion, but what she does and how she explains herself, particularly to her cloistered friend, is at the heart of the film. Glimpses of convent life and of Abrunhosa on stage give contrast and mute comment.
Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, until the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup's mind.
Alice and Martin
Twenty-year-old Martin seems to be living the dream. After moving from the French countryside to Paris, he quickly found professional success as a fashion model and romantic fulfillment in dating his half-brother's fiery roommate, Alice. Deep down, however, he is avoiding inner turmoil that stems from his tumultuous upbringing. But when Alice becomes unexpectedly pregnant, the full force of his repression is let loose, wreaking havoc on his life.
Voyage to the Beginning of the World
Sound Designer
Manoel is an aging film director who travels with the film crew through Portugal in search of the origins of Afonso, a famous French actor whose father emigrated from Portugal to France and in process remembers his own youth.
Chronicle of a Disappearance
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
The Convent
Sound Designer
The journey of Michael Padovic, an American professor who arrives with his wife, Helene, at a Portuguese convent where he expects to find the documents needed to prove his theory: Shakespeare was born in Spain; not in England.
Wild Reeds
As the Algerian War draws to a close, a teenager with a girlfriend starts feeling homosexual urges for two of his classmates: a country boy, and a French-Algerian intellectual.
The Absence
Four nameless people -- the old man, the woman, the soldier, and the gambler -- journey to a desolate wasteland beyond the limits of an unnamed city.
The Man Who Lost His Shadow
Sound Engineer
Paul has left his wife and children. Now his wife and ex-mistress is on the hunt for him.
No Fear, No Die
Dah and Jocelyn come from Benin, Africa, to coach their rooster, "S'en fout la mort", for an illicit cock-fight in the basement of a restaurant.
Notebook on Cities and Clothes
Wim Wenders talks with Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto about the creative process and ponders the relationship between cities, identity and the cinema in the digital age.
The Bengali Night
Allan is an engineer working in 1930s Calcutta. He is invited to stay with the family of his boss, Narendra Sen which includes his wife, Indira and daughter Gayatri. Gayatri and Allan become romantically involved leading to tragedy.
Family Council
French rocker Johnny Halliday stars as a professional thief just released from jail. He returns to stealing to support his family. After several successful thefts, he decides to include his under-aged kid into the "family business".
At the sea shore, a goat, a child, and a naked man. This is a photograph taken in 1954 by Agnès Varda. The goat was dead, the child was named Ulysses, and the man was naked. Starting from this frozen image, the film explores the real and the imaginary.
Mona Bergeron is dead, her frozen body found in a ditch in the French countryside. From this, the film flashes back to the weeks leading up to her death. Through these flashbacks, Mona gradually declines as she travels from place to place, taking odd jobs and staying with whomever will offer her a place to sleep. Mona is fiercely independent, craving freedom over comfort, but it is this desire to be free that will eventually lead to her demise.
Sound Mixer
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
In the White City
Sound Engineer
Fed up with the sea, Paul, a Swiss mechanic working in the noisy bowels of a merchant ship, lands in Lisbon.
A publisher seeks information on a writer who died long ago.
Room 666
During the 1982 Cannes Film Festival, Wenders asks a number of global film directors to, one at a time, go into a hotel room, turn on the camera and answer a simple question: "What is the future of cinema?"
The State of Things
Boom Operator
On location in Portugal, a film crew runs out of film while making their own version of Roger Corman's The Day the World Ended (1956) . The producer is nowhere to be found and director Munro attempts to find him in hopes of being able to finish the film.
A César award winning short film about a group of men playing poker until, at precisely 6pm, a bright light suddenly invades their room...
Sound Director
The life of a young man, son of an English officer who lets himself become a prisoner of love resulting in fatalism and disgrace.
A man exiled in Paris makes various trips to Portugal after the Carnation Revolution. Each trip is represented by a woman.
Lourdes l'hiver
Who Is That Splashing in the Mediterranean?
Two half-brothers have to go on a road trip to find their half-sister and receive a huge inheritance.
Don Giovanni
Boom Operator
Screen adapatation of Mozart's greatest opera. Don Giovanni, the infamous womanizer, makes one conquest after another until the ghost of Donna Anna's father, the Commendatore, (whom Giovanni killed) makes his appearance. He offers Giovanni one last chance to repent for his multitudinious improprieties. He will not change his ways So, he is sucked down into hell by evil spirits. High drama, hysterical comedy, magnificent music!
The Truth About the Imaginary Passion of an Unknown
Sound Designer
A very personal interpretation, to say the least, of the passion of the Christ According to St. John.
The Way of the Wind
Production Sound Mixer
A dramatization of several episodes in the life of Christ.
Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan
Sound Recordist
"Don Juan woman", according to the expression of Balzac. A princess, a great seductress. Of a diabolical intelligence. This woman, who has had many lovers - almost all the male characters of the "Comédie Humaine" -, will finally find love. The real one. The great one.