Akihito Yagi


Ryukyu Batoru Rowaiaru
Shouhei Yonamine
In pursuit of his love of extreme dance, Ken (Joey Beni) wanders the globe and makes his to Okinawa, Japan. There, Ken meets Iwao Shinjo (Masahiro Aragaki) who is a master of the Ryukyu Classical Dance. Ken learns the steps for Ryukyu Classical Dance, which itself secretly holds the techniques for Ryukyu Karate.
天才的な空手の腕を誇る17歳の女子高生が“壊し屋”と呼ばれる集団に立ち向かうアクション・ムービー。 松村空手道場へ通う17歳の高校生・土屋圭(武田梨奈)は天性の運動神経でどんな技でも軽々とこなすが、師匠の松村(中達也)は圭の強さを認めず、地味な型げいこばかりを課していた。そんなある日、師匠に認めてもらえない腹いせから、圭は強いと評判の空手家たちに挑戦して彼らの黒帯を奪う“黒帯狩り”を始めてしまう。
Set in 1932, amid the rise of militarism after the establishment of the Manchukuo colony in Northeast China, the story centers on a trio of karateka. Studying under their aging master in a small dojo in the woods of central Kyushu, Choei, Taikan and Giryu face a company of kempeitai military police come to requisition their dojo for use as a military base.