
O Clube das Mulheres de Negócios

장르 :

상영시간 : 0분

연출 : Anna Muylaert


Set in an imaginary world where gender stereotypes are inverted, that is, women occupy positions of power while men are raised to be socially submissive. Emerging issues are addressed, not just machismo, but racism, classism and corruption, rooted in the patriarchal culture of Brazil and the world.


Katiuscia Canoro
Katiuscia Canoro
Louise Cardoso
Louise Cardoso
Irene Ravache
Irene Ravache
Cristina Pereira
Cristina Pereira
Ítala Nandi
Ítala Nandi
Grace Gianoukas
Grace Gianoukas
Shirley Cruz
Shirley Cruz
Rafael Vitti
Rafael Vitti
Luis Miranda
Luis Miranda


Anna Muylaert
Anna Muylaert
Anna Muylaert
Anna Muylaert