
미친 시간 (2003)

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to experience it again

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 22분

연출 : Lee Mario


Mad minutes is a documentary about the memories of civilians who were killed by the Korean army during the Vietnam War. It testifies to the insanity and barbarism of war that does not stop, even through the memories of survivors, who are living with the terrible memories of war buried in the heartbreaking historical sequence where countless civilians were sacrificed. The director tells a forgotten part of history through the lives and testimonies of the survivors. It is a record of the scars of war that can never be erased, in line with the twisted modern history: Before even properly apologizing for the massacre of Vietnamese civilians caused by the dispatch of South Korean troops to Vietnam in the past, the government dispatched troops to Iraq again. - Mad Minutes: "To soothe the boredom of American soldiers dispatched to Vietnam during the war, we give them 2-3 minutes once every two months to allow them to freely shoot at anything other than the target inside the unit."



Lee Mario
Lee Mario

비슷한 영화

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