
A Secret Place (2023)

The bathroom has been a place of inspiration many, many times.

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 18분

연출 : Guillermo Reyes Campos
각본 : Guillermo Reyes Campos


In this documentary, we learn about five stories that converge at the same point, the bathroom. Each bathroom tells the story of its inhabitant.


José Manuel Alcántara
José Manuel Alcántara
Diana Rojas
Diana Rojas
Patricia Rosmir
Patricia Rosmir
Salvador Rodríguez-Gil
Salvador Rodríguez-Gil
Norma Torres
Norma Torres
Gabriel Serrano
Gabriel Serrano
Pablo Serrano
Pablo Serrano


Guillermo Reyes Campos
Guillermo Reyes Campos
Guillermo Reyes Campos
Guillermo Reyes Campos
Sebastián Alfaro
Sebastián Alfaro
Director of Photography
Cid Porvenir
Cid Porvenir
Sound Designer
Cid Porvenir
Cid Porvenir
Sound Editor
Cid Porvenir
Cid Porvenir
Sound Mixer
Sebastián Alfaro
Sebastián Alfaro
Axel Zapién
Axel Zapién
Sound Recordist
Guillermo Reyes Campos
Guillermo Reyes Campos
Manuel Elías López Monroy
Manuel Elías López Monroy
Executive Producer
Trini Salinas
Trini Salinas
Rafael Medina
Rafael Medina

비슷한 영화

Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory
Working men and women leave through the main gate of the Lumière factory in Lyon, France. Filmed on 22 March 1895, it is often referred to as the first real motion picture ever made, although Louis Le Prince's 1888 Roundhay Garden Scene pre-dated it by seven years. Three separate versions of this film exist, which differ from one another in numerous ways. The first version features a carriage drawn by one horse, while in the second version the carriage is drawn by two horses, and there is no carriage at all in the third version. The clothing style is also different between the three versions, demonstrating the different seasons in which each was filmed. This film was made in the 35 mm format with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1, and at a speed of 16 frames per second. At that rate, the 17 meters of film length provided a duration of 46 seconds, holding a total of 800 frames.
On Board
Lucia, pregnant with her first child, prepares herself to be a single mother
The Magic Bond
The Veterans of Foreign Wars as a fraternal and social organization, with emphasis on their projects that benefit community life and cohesion.
The Ogre's Garden
This short piece is somewhat romantic, despite its title. We do see the ogre however. He inverts himself into the action throughout the film. As usual, the action is partly symbolic, partly surreal.
A screenwriter contacts a prostitute to research a character of his new script.
Joe Dimaggio 1, 2, 3
The artist stalks and serenades Joe Dimaggio in her car as he strolls the docks unaware that she is videotaping his every step.
달세계 여행
남북전쟁이 끝난 후 남아도는 대포를 처리하는 방법을 연구하다가 큰 대포를 만들어 안에다가 사람을 태운 우주선을 집어 넣고 달로 쏘아 올리기로 결정한다. 사람들에게 환송을 받으며 천문학자를 태운 로켓이 대포로 발사되고 곧 로켓은 달에 착륙한다. 천문학자는 달에 도착하자마자 잠을 자고, 일어나고 나서 동굴로 가자 거대한 버섯을 발견한다. 한 천문학자가 우산을 펼치자 곧바로 버섯으로 변해 버린다. 이때 외계인이 나타나지만 천문학자는 이를 쉽게 죽인다. 곧 더 많은 외계인이 나타나서 천문학자들은 둘러싸이게 되고, 외계인은 그들을 잡아 우두머리에게 데리고 간다. 천문학자들이 우두머리를 죽이고 도망친다. 다섯 명이 비행선 안으로 들어가고 나머지 한 명은 절벽에 걸친 비행선에 달린 로프에 매달려 비행선을 우주로 떨어뜨린다. 우주선은 지구로 떨어져 바다에 빠진다. 천문학자들은 구조되어 큰 환대를 받는다.
밤과 안개
제2차 세계대전이 끝난 지 10여년이 지나 버려진 수용소의 현재 모습은 흑백의 기록화면으로 이어진다. 12년 전 빈 들판엔 수용소 건설이 진행되었고 ‘밤과 안개’ 작전으로 유대인들이 수감되기 시작했다.
Art Trouble
Harry Gribbon and Shemp Howard enter the world of fine art in Paris.
A documentary short about the lives of three Black trans men.
The Full Package
How much for the full package?
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
One of the most exciting and memorable stories in the history of the World Trade Towers is that of Philippe Petit, a French man who walked a tightrope between the massive monuments in 1974. Narrated by Oscar nominee Jake Gyllenhaal, this is an animated adaptation of the lyrical Caldecott Award-winning book by Mordecai Gerstein. Directed and animated by Michael Sporn, with music by Michael Bacon (of the Bacon Brothers).
Life Eternal
This experimental animated short shows the life of a forest through storms, seasons, and a variety of art forms.
Sheep Skin
María lost her husband in the cristero civil war. Her son Benito and a spanish priest are her only support. The loss of a minor puts María on alert.
어린 소녀들
전쟁 중에 가톨릭 여자 학교에서 크리스마스 케이크를 둘러싸고 벌어지는 순수, 욕심, 환상이 가득한 이야기. "pupil"은 라틴어 "pupilla", 즉 여자아이라는 뜻에서 파생됐다. 이 이야기는 20세기의 가장 유명한 작가였던 엘사 모란테가 1971년 크리스마스를 맞아 친구 고프레도 포피에게 쓴 편지에서 영감을 받았다.
God on Our Side
Inspired by Picasso's Guernica (1937), this film is fundamentally about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A man uses an automated funeral homes company to bury his mother.
Z y el vacío existencial
The Exploration of Sinn
Fetishistic experimental short film involving face manipulation.