This documentary tells details how the practice wreaks havoc on the environment and on consumers' health. Through disturbing footage and interviews with experts, director Don McCorkell paints a disturbing portrait of a food system that uses hormones, antibiotics and arsenic to increase its output with little regard for the damage it causes.
Exploring the concept of the Ecology of Emotions, this musical film portrays an inner journey through the secret garden of creativity put into frame by the nature of Iceland. Hidden Eden is a metaphor for our inner secret garden of creativity. This project bloomed during an art residency in Iceland, sparked by conversations around our shared philosophies on voice and emotional connection. The nature of Iceland inspired us to make the connection on how the landscape reflects the emotional states of creativity and how it helps manage the homeostasis of our inner emotional landscapes. This exchange between emotion and the landscape opens a space for healing. Creativity provides us with the tools to access a garden of our authentic being, nourishing and balancing us. Allowing ourselves to explore the spectrum of our emotions through the lens of our relationship with the Earth invites others to do the same. The creative process can affect our well being and is a key to human evolution.
A campaign video made for the 1994 Cove Mallard campaign.
A recruitment video created by Earth First! in 1990 to promote their Redwood Summer initiative.
Fallen whale carcasses, abundant in the deep-sea, form ecosystems of their own. As it decomposes, different stages support a succession of marine biological communities. It is these complex and fascinating stages that are here explored.
그리즐리 곰에 관한 전문가이자 애호가인 티모시 트레드웰의 이야기를 그린 다큐드라마이다.
HOLY SHIT breaks the taboo of speaking about human excrement and shows ways out of the dead end of flush and forget. Feeding the world and mitigating the climate crisis by putting our poop back into the loop.
Ecology - the eco system, a nature reserve in the south of the country - RS (between the Mirim lagoons) shows the harmony between nature and animals.
Werner Boote presents an up-close and personal view of the controversial and fascinating material that has found its way into every facet of our daily lives: plastic. He takes us on a journey around the globe, showing that plastics have become a threat for both environment and human health.
1000번이 넘는 강연을 바탕으로 기후변화 현상을 다룬 전작 불편한 진실이 주류 문화의 선두에 기후 변화 문제를 부각시킨 지 10년이 지난 지금, 이 작품은 그 어느 때보다도 이 문제가 우리 삶과 연관이 있음을 증명한다. 전편에서 예측하고 실제 발생한 사례를 중심으로 지구온난화에 대한 관심을 주장하며, 차세대 기후 전문가들을 교육하고 격려하기 위해 전 세계를 돌아다니는 앨 고어 전 부통령의 지칠 줄 모르는 노력이 소개된다. 놀랍고 충격적이며 흡입력 있는 이 후속편은 기후 변화 문제가 그 어느 때보다 심각하지만 해결책이 아직 우리 손안에 있음을 보여준다.
음식문화와 식품 운동을 다룬 다큐멘터리.
The 20 km zone surrounding the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was designated an evacuation zone due to the radiation caused by the accident in March 2011. However, the thousands of people of Itate, situated just outside the zone, and those who had fled the area and taken shelter there were left to their own devices for over a month. Later on Itate became a restricted area and the residents were allowed only visits having to leave the area for good. The place became a ghost town, as it was too close to the Zone and many pets and farm animals are stranded there. There are said to be 150~200 dogs, 400~800 cats, 50 chickens and a pig although the exact numbers are unknown. The public interest in the accident has all but gone but there is one man who still cares what happens to those animals.