The Meteor (2024)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 1시간 1분

연출 : Johan Palmgren, Isabell Andersson


A large iron meteorite is found by two enthusiasts. But who owns it? A subtle film about property rights that develops into a philosophical and slightly absurd story.


Eric Stempels
Eric Stempels
James Hyslop
James Hyslop
Anders Zetterqvist
Anders Zetterqvist
Andreas Forsberg
Andreas Forsberg
Dan Holtstam
Dan Holtstam
Jan-Mikael Bexhed
Jan-Mikael Bexhed


Johan Palmgren
Johan Palmgren
Isabell Andersson
Isabell Andersson
Johan Palmgren
Johan Palmgren
Kalle Lindberg
Kalle Lindberg
Johan Palmgren
Johan Palmgren
Niko Röhlcke
Niko Röhlcke
David Ricci
David Ricci

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