첩보원 가족 (1993)
Intelligence runs in the family.
장르 : 코미디, 범죄
상영시간 : 1시간 30분
연출 : Herbert Ross
각본 : Ian Abrams
FBI와 CIA에서 일했던 제프 블루(Jeff Blue: 데니스 퀘이드 분)와 제인 블루(Jane Blue: 캐서린 터너 분)는 첩보원으로 한 팀을 이뤘던 베테랑 요원으로, 이제는 결혼하여 딸을 낳고 평범하게 살고 있다. 우연히 마주친 얼뜨기 강도 무에르테(Muerte: 스탠리 투치 분)를 격퇴한 제프는 이 일로 쏘여 경감의 집요한 감시와 복수를 노리는 무에르테의 추적을 받는다. 신분을 숨기고 사는 이 부부에게 CIA는 도움을 요청한다. 강력한 플라스틱 폭탄의 재고가 도난당한 것이다. 그 배후에 살인광인 폴리나 노바책(Novacek: 피오나 쇼 분)이 있다는 것을 안 제프는 그녀와의 악연 때문에 일을 맡기를 거절하지만, 아내가 CIA에서 제시한 조건을 받아 들임으로 사건에 뛰어들게 된다. 작은 사건이 연속되는 가운데 블루 부부는 사건의 베일을 벗겨나간다. 유일한 단서인 포스터가 살해되고 노바책의 부하들은 블루부부를 살해하려 한다. 중간 연락책인 퍼더버(Mr. Ferderber: 소울 루비넥 분)를 위협하여 노바책의 아지트를 밝혀내고, 무에르테를 속여 아지트의 위치를 알아내지만, 노바책은 아내와 딸을 납치해 간다. 쏘여와 아지트에 침투한 블루는 아내와 딸때문에 노바책에게 투항한다. 한편 노바책은 간신히 탈출하지만 헬리콥터는 블루의 각본에 의해 CIA 요원 프랭크(Frank: 리차드 젠킨스 분)가 조종하고 있었다. 임무를 성공리에 완수한 블루 부부는 항해를 떠나는데 매번 당하기만 하던 강도 무에르테가 배에 몰래 승선하여 최후의 복수를 기도하지만 오히려 제인에게 당하고 바다에 홀로 남겨진다. 직업을 속일 수 없다는 블루 부부는 또다시 익명의 세계를 찾아 항해를 떠나는데...
Dumped by his fiancée, Clifford Godfrey goes on vacation anyway where he ends up torn between a sober party girl and his travel agent.
After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancée, Able Seaman Knocker White finds himself literally left holding the baby. Unable to return it before his ship sails he enlists the help of best mate Puncher Roberts to smuggle the child aboard. But babies are surprisingly demanding and gradually the whole crew is drawn into helping keep it fed and washed - and undiscovered. Even so, the officers above deck start to puzzle over the increasingly strange happenings on board.
Five doctors go camping in the remote woods of Northern Ontario. When their boots are stolen they begin to suspect they are being stalked.
When Suzanne Stein has a genetic analysis done on her unborn child, she discovers that although she has a healthy baby, the child will most likely be born gay, like her brother, David. She must decide whether to keep the child, or to have an abortion. Her family enters a crisis about love and acceptance as she makes this difficult choice.
Antonia Lynch-Gibbon, wife of upper-crust wine dealer Martin, falls in love with her husband's best friend, noted psychiatrist Palmer Anderson. While both Palmer and Antonia would like to remain in Martin's life, he has some secrets of his own — namely, a mistress called Georgie, whom his womanizing brother also desires. All the while, Palmer's sister Honor seems to know everyone's business.
Three friends who were inseparable in childhood decide to go on a three-week-long bachelor road trip to Spain, in order to re-establish their bond and explore thrilling adventures, before one of them gets married. What will they learn of themselves and each other during the adventure?
청순한 소녀 델핀은 여름 휴가를 맞이하지만 친구들로부터 함께 휴가를 보낼 기회를 거절당한다. 내성적이고 소심한 그녀는 휴가 기간을 혼자 보내야 하는 외로운 처지에 놓이게 된다. 그녀는 남자 친구를 구할 수 있기를 내심 바리지만 뜻대로 되질 않는다. 그러나 델핀은 희망을 잃지 않고 있다. 얼마전 친구로부터 녹색은 그녀에게 행운을 가져다 줄거라는 이야기를 들었기 때문이다. 좋은 일이 생길지 모른다는 친구의 권유에 따라 그녀는 노르망디에 있는 친구집에서 휴가를 보낸다. 하지만 그곳에서 델핀은 남자를 사귀기는 고사하고 사람들과 잘 어울리지 못하고 불편함을 느낀다. 실망 속에서 델핀은 집으로 돌아간다. 그때 우연히 비아리츠역에서 만난 한 남자와 몇마디의 대화로 서로가 쉽게 통할 수가 있게 된 델핀은 그에게 호감을 갖게 되는데.
The Runeberg family is an ordinary middle class family, with a house in a suburb, a car and three children. By vacationing in a rented house by the sea, the hope is that the tension and anxiety between Rune and Gunnel will disappear. However, instead of spending time with his family, Rune finds himself attracted to a young man, Petrus. Whatever happens next, Rune realizes, it can never be like it was before.
A group of mourners and a man spat from the depths of Hades build a boat from the debris of New Orleans to rescue their lost loved ones trapped beneath the sea.
Northern lawyer John Reynolds travels to New Orleans to try and clean up the local crime syndicate based around a lottery. Although he meets Julie Mirbeau and they are attracted to each other, the fact that her father heads the lottery means they end up on opposite sides. When her father is killed, Julie becomes more and more involved in the shady activities and in blocking Reynolds' attempts at prosecution.
At the Doll House, a 1930s New Orleans bordello, Hallie is the main attraction both for clients and for Jo, the madame. Her comfortable if tedious life is disrupted by the arrival in town of Dove Linkhorn, her true love of three years before who is now searching for her. When Linkhorn learns the truth of her profession he triggers a chain of events involving a number of people, including the young Kitty with whom he travelled from Texas and who is now the Doll House newest recruit.
A man's life is altered unexpectedly after telling a lie to get out of work.
아프가니스탄 전쟁에 참전했던 군인이 마약상과 정보기관이 연루된 음모를 파헤친다.
An irate groom-to-be abducts a recently married bickering couple and asks them to take him to his wedding: Tere Mere Phere is a story about a newly married couple, Pooja and Rahul, who have a perfect love affair and a perfect marriage and set out on a perfect dream honeymoon in a motor home, driving through the breath taking Himalayas … but then can life ever be perfect?! If “distance makes the heart grow fonder” then too much proximity should have the reverse effect! And it does ... As Pooja and Rahul get too close for comfort, the gilt of romance begins to rub off, a series of absurd fights follow and soon they get embroiled with a local Himachali small town guy ( Vinay Pathak) and his girl Muskaan, the “Pahadi Mirch” (Riya Sen).
Police try to capture someone who is commiting ritual murders of women during Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
전직 군인이었던 아마추어 복서 미셸은 자신의 마지막 경기라고 생각했던 시합에서 패배하고 만다. 그런데 그의 앞에 부유한 은행가 페르쇼가 나타나 경호원 자리를 제안한다. 마땅한 대안이 없던 미셸은 페르쇼의 제안을 승낙하지만, 곧 페르쇼가 경찰의 추적을 피하는 중인 범죄자라는 사실을 알게 된다.
Anne and Lore, neighbors and best friends, barely into their teens, board at a convent school where they have taken a vow to sin and to serve Satan. Anne keeps a secret diary, they read a salacious novel, they get a classmate in trouble, they spy on the nuns, they set aside their communion wafers; they make a pact of devotion.
Also known as The Sinner on UK VHS, this one could almost be mistaken for a D'Amato Black Emanuelle film (as well as Jess Franco who also had a film with the same video title). The Italian title translates as The Moon-Skinned Girl, a reference to the amazingly attractive Zeudi Araya, who made two other films with the same director. As a film it really typifies the 'eurotika' of the 1970s - the story concerns a couple with marital problems who escape to the Seychelles and the husband meets - and has an affair with - the title character. The wife meanwhile meets an ex-pat living there (Giacomo Rossi-Stuart!) with whom she has a fling. The couple realise their love for each other and return home stronger for it.
In old New Orleans, a beautiful adventuress juggles the attentions of a rich banker and a dashing sea captain.
New York journalist visits her distant cousin for the first time to write an article about her hard life in the bayous of Louisiana. Journalist's wild drug addicted daughter just adds to tensions between two families' cultures.