The Lady Takes a Sailor (1949)
Man the laugh boats!
장르 : 코미디, 로맨스
상영시간 : 1시간 39분
연출 : Michael Curtiz
각본 : Everett Freeman
Jennifer Smith heads a "Consumer Reports"-type company and her reputation for honesty is her greatest asset. While out boating one day she encounters a secret prototype submarine piloted by Bill Craig. Trying to explain her absence after her boat sinks becomes very difficult as Bill and his cohorts attempt to discredit her story.
The film, a parody of the novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, follows a fisherman, Yves, who dreams of traveling by submarine to the bottom of the ocean, where he encounters both realistic and fanciful sea creatures, including a chorus of naiads played by dancers from the Théâtre du Châtelet. Méliès's design for the film includes cut-out sea animals patterned after Alphonse de Neuville's illustrations for Verne's novel.
The Submarine Hidden Hunter DVD takes you under the sea as you are introduced to the U.S. Navy's new high-tech marvel. A Virginia class submarine, she is equipped with nuclear deterrence devices and advanced weaponry designed to protect the United States. In the Submarine DVD Hidden Hunters, you watch as recruits experience lifelike drills while preparing to become the newest defenders of America.
On December 6, 1941, Captain Yamanada of the Japanese aircraft carrier "Hiranamu", orders full steam ahead for Pearl Harbor. His ship encounters and sinks an American yacht and the single survivor, Sue Curry, is rescued by an American submarine, the "Sea Serpent", commanded by Commander Chris Warren. He hears her story and attempts to radio a warning to Pearl Harbor. Yamanada, hearing the signals, orders the airlines jammed, and then sends his son into the air to sink the sub. The attack fails, after the sub makes a crash dive, but they fail in their warning attempts. The next morning, December 7th, the men on the sub hear the story of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and devise a desperate plan to sink the Japanese carrier by letting the carrier know their position. The carrier comes in search of the submarine.
A US submarine runs into a time rift. A special unit goes on a mission to see what's on the other side. They find themselves in an alternate dystopian America, now a one-man dictatorship. They decide to help the rebels.
A U.S. Navy crew aboard a merchant marine ship battle Nazis.
Ship engineer Jim Taggert is rescued from a torpedoed tramp steamer by Joe Morgan, an American gangster that found New York too hot for him, and has become a fisherman operating from an out-of-the-way island off of the coast of South America. Morgan makes his headquarters at the Halfway House run by the parents of Maria Styx as a bar and dance resort catering to the planters and traders of the island. Taggert finds himself practically a prisoner along with a group of American girls acting as entertainers at the resort. Taggert shadows Morgan in his activities in a remote cove and finds that Morgan is supplying German U-boat commanders with torpedoes, but does not know that Morgan has rigged the torpedoes with clock devices that explode when at sea and sinks the U-boats.
American naval forces are using a port in Iceland as a base for anti-submarine patrols to protect North Atlantic convoys from Nazi subs. The Nazis send undercover agents into the port in a scheme to blow up the entrance to the harbor and keep the patrols blocked in. The officers in charge of the patrols have to find the spies and stop them before they achieve their objective.
A young American has her ship torpedoed by a German U-boat but makes it back to her ancestral home in France, where she witnesses German brutality firsthand.
Waterfront rivals George Darcy and Big Tim Ryan are both in love with Rose Kelly, and continue their feud when they join the Navy. After the war, they call a temporary truce to take on dope peddlers who are destroying their neighborhood.
A crooked lawyer trying to cheat a young girl out of her inheritance tries to convince a sea captain to help him. Re-released in 1939 as "Phantom Submarine U-67."
The crew of a Polaris submarine, on a training mission simulating an attack on Russia, is stricken by toxic poisoning. One of the poison's effects is to make its victims hallucinate, and the sub's captain imagines that he has been given an order to actually attack Russia. He prepares to do exactly that.
Based on a true story of Polish submarine "Orzel" (The Eagle): September 1939, "Orzel" is coming to Estonian neutral harbor in Tallin. Under pressure from Germany Estonians have intern the ship. Commander Grabinski decides to escape to England through the Baltic Sea, without any maps that has been confiscated and with only small amount of fuel on board.
Made during the early days of sound cinema, this tense submarine adventure is an intriguing example of a hybrid silent-talkie. A disgraced English sub commander changes his name to Burke and joins the American Navy. When the U.S. submarine on which he is serving as a torpedo launcher begins to sink, Burke must make the ultimate sacrifice to save as many crew men as possible..
In 1968 the Soviet ballistic missile submarine K-129 sank in the Central North Pacific. American intelligence located it within weeks of its demise. The CIA crafted a secret program to raise the submarine in 1974. Now after much secrecy, this story can be told, by the men who made it happen and with never-before-seen footage of the actual salvage attempt, and new evidence of the project's successes and failures.
Based on true events, an American submarine collides into a Soviet sub of the coast of America and an ensuing standoff occurs that could lead to total annihilation.
미국 망명을 요청한 동구권 축소과학의 귀재 베니쉬 박사가 테러범의 공격을 받고 뇌사상태에 빠진다. 미국 정부는 특수부대를 동원하여 잠수함을 미생물 크기로 축소시켜 베니쉬의 혈관에 투입, 뇌의 응혈을 제거하는 프로젝트를 긴급히 마련한다. 그러나 미국의 현재의 기술로는 축소는 한시간에 국한될 뿐, 시간을 연장시킬 수 있는 열쇠는 베니쉬 박사가 갖고 있었던 것. 특수요원 그랜트, 함장 오웬스, 뇌수술의 1인자 듀발 박사, 그의 아름다운 조수 콜라 등은 죽음을 무릅쓰고 인체내로 투입되어 임무를 수행하지만 예상치 않은 죽음의 복병들이 그들을 가로막고 시간을 지체하게 만드는데...
In the 19th century, an expert marine biologist is hired by the government to determine what's sinking ships all over the ocean. His daughter follows him. They are intercepted by a mysterious captain Nemo and his incredible submarine.
거대한 전쟁으로 인해 죽음과 가난이 팽배하고 혼란이 넘쳐나는 미래의 도시. 사람들은 하나 둘씩 정착할 곳을 찾아 피난길에 오른다. 총 하나만으로도 모든 일을 완벽하게 해결하는 전문 킬러 투롭(빈 디젤)은 어느 날, 정체불명의 조직으로부터 엄청난 액수의 돈과 새로운 인생을 보장받을 수 있는 특별한 미션을 부여받는다. 바로 6일 안에 한 여자를 미국으로 데려가는 것. 그는 신비스러운 능력을 지닌 여인 오로라(멜라니 티에리)와 그녀의 보호자인 수녀 레베카(양자경)를 데리고 미국으로 향하지만 도처에서 그녀를 노리는 괴한들의 무차별 공격을 받게 된다. 무너져가고 있는 이 세계를 구원할 유일한 존재가 오로라라는 것을 알아챈 투롭. 그는 과연 정체를 알 수 없는 거센 공격 속에서 그녀를 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가?
러시아에서 발생한 내전을 틈타 구소련 강경파 군부지도자 라첸코(다니엘 본 바르겐)는 핵미사일 기지를 포함하여 군통수권 일부를 장악한 뒤 미국 본토를 위협하는 3차대전 시나리오를 구상 중이다. 미국방성은 라첸코가 핵미사일 암호를 수중에 넣기전에 그의 전쟁 의지를 제압해야 하는 위기에 빠진다. 마침내 램지 함장(진 핵크만)의 지휘하에 핵잠수함 알라바마호의 출정이 시작되고 러시아의 핵미사일 기지 근해로 접근하던 중 러시아 잠수함의 어뢰 공격을 받게 된다. 적의 어뢰공격을 가까스로 피한 후 본국으로부터 핵미사일의 발사에 대한 단계적인 명령이 하달되기 시작하는데...