Tom Tully

Tom Tully

출생 : 1908-08-21, Durango, Colorado, USA

사망 : 1982-04-27


Tom Tully (August 21, 1908 – April 27, 1982) was an American actor.

프로필 사진

Tom Tully

참여 작품

Madame X
Man in Dublin Bar
Thrown out of her home by a jealous husband, a woman sinks into degradation. Twenty years later, she is charged with killing a man bent on harming her daughter. The daughter, unaware of who the woman is, takes the assignment to defend her in court.
Running Scared
C-47 Pilot
It's 1961. Two servicemen smuggle a box of military gear to USA. Leroy tries out a military camera and accidentally takes a picture of some military facilities. Army finds one of the pictures and thinks they're communist spies.
Mr. Noonan
Two truck drivers are hired to transport a top-secret cargo from New York to Houston. Along the way they must evade attempts by a terrorist group to hijack the material.
악당 찰리 배릭과 그의 친구들 4인조는 뉴멕시코 작은 마을의 은행을 터는데 성공한다. 이들은 엄청난 거액을 기대하고 가방을 열지만, 그들이 훔친 돈에는 마피아의 거금 75만 달러가 포함되어 있다. 그들은 졸지에 경찰 뿐 아니라 마피아의 추적을 받게 된다.
Any Second Now
Howard Lenihan
A photographer plans to murder his rich young wife after she catches him cheating on her and threatens to divorce him so he won't get any of her money. He arranges for her to have an auto accident. However, instead of killing her, the accident only causes her to lose her memory, and the doctors say that it could return at any moment.
Sheriff McCrea
아리조나 경찰 쿠건은 범인을 뉴욕에서 아리조나까지 호송명령을 받고 뉴욕으로 간다. 하지만 쿠건은 범인을 놓치고 만다. 이미 범인의 부하들이 진을 치고 있다가 쿠건을 따돌렸던 것. 쿠건은 다시 심기일전, 범인을 꼭 잡겠다고 다짐한다.
McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force
Gen. Harkness
The crew of PT-73 are in trouble again when Ensign Parker is mistaken for a pilot and gets shanghied into the Air Force.
The Carpetbaggers
Amos Winthrop
When playboy Jonas inherits his father's industrial empire, he expands it by acquiring an aircraft factory and movie studio. His rise to power is ruthless. He marries and then quickly abandons sweet, bubbly Monica, turns his young, attractive stepmother Rina into a self-destructive actress and manages to disappoint even his closest friend, cowboy movie star Nevada. Is Jonas beyond redemption?
남태평양 목선작전
Captain McClung
Lieutenant Rip Crandall is hoodwinked into taking command of the "Wackiest Ship in the Navy" – a real garbage scow with a crew of misfits who don't know a jib from a jigger. What none of them knows, including Crandall, is that this ship has a very important top-secret mission to complete in waters patrolled by the Japanese fleet. Their mission will save hundreds of allied lives – if only they can get there in one piece.
Ten North Frederick
Mike Slattery
A wealthy, aging businessman with political ambitions conducts an adulturous affair with his daughter's roommate.
Behind the High Wall
Warden Frank Carmichael
A group prison breakout goes from bad to worse when the desperate warden tries to steal the gang's dough.
사랑하거나 떠나거나
A fictionalized account of the career of jazz singer Ruth Etting and her tempestuous marriage to gangster Marty Snyder, who helped propel her to stardom.
홍콩의 밤
An American woman arrives in Hong Kong to unravel the mystery of her missing photographer husband. After getting nowhere with the authorities, she is led by some underground characters to an American soldier of fortune working in the area against the Communists. He promises to help find her husband.
케인호의 반란
Comdr. DeVriess
젊고 총명한 엔자인 윌리 키스(로버트 프란시스 분)는 제2차 세계대전 미국 해군함, 케인호에 배정을 받고 입대한다. 케인호에는 새로운 선장으로 필립 프란시스 퀵 선장(험프리 보가트 분)이 임명되고 케인호는 임무를 수행하기 위해 출항한다. 퀵선장은 예전의 선장과는 달리 케인호의 질서와 명령 체계를 새로 잡겠다는 굳은 의지를 보이며 강력한 통솔력으로 부대를 지휘한다. 그러나, 퀵 선장은 신속한 결단을 내려야 할 때나 위기에 처했을 때, 심한 정신 불안 증세를 보이고 심지어 별로 중요하지도 않은 일을 들추어 부하들을 추궁하는 등 정상인과는 다른 정신 이상증세를 보이기 시작한다. 이를 눈치 챈 부하들은 지휘권 문제를 놓고 의견 차이를 보인다. 그러던 어느날 폭풍우가 몰아치던 날 밤, 케인호를 지휘하던 퀵 선장은 심한 스트레스 증세와 함께 통솔력을 잃고 만다. 이를 보고 있던 스티브 매릭 중위(본 존슨 분)는 퀵 선장의 지휘권을 박탈하고 자신이 케인호를 지휘한다. 그날 밤의 사건을 계기로 '반란' 여부를 둘러싼 재판이 벌어진다. 키스를 비롯해서 스티브 매릭과 톤 키퍼 중위(프레드 맥머레이 분)는 퀵선장의 명령 불복종과 반란을 도모했다는 혐의로 군사 재판에 회부되고 군의관들의 진단 결과나 모든 사항이 그들에게 불리한 쪽으로 기우는 듯하다. 그러나 마지막으로 법정 증인으로 채택된 퀵 선장이 자신의 의견을 옹호하는 증언을 하는 과정에서 또다시 정신 이상 증세를 보임으로써 재판은 결국 스티브 매릭 중위를 비롯한 부하들의 승리로 끝나고 만다.
Arrow In The Dust
Director Lesley Selander's 1954 western stars Sterling Hayden, Coleen Gray, Keith Larsen, Tom Tully, Lee Van Cleef and Jimmy Wakely.
The Girl on The Roof
Michael O'Neill
A comedy of manners, the film centers on virtuous actress Patty O'Neill, who meets playboy architect Donald Gresham on the observation deck of the Empire State Building and accepts his invitation to join him for drinks and dinner in his apartment. There she meets Donald's upstairs neighbors, his ex-fiancée Cynthia and her father, roguish David Slader. Both men are determined to bed the young woman, but they quickly discover Patty is more interested in engaging in spirited discussions about the pressing moral and sexual issues of the day than surrendering her virginity to either one of them. After resisting their amorous advances throughout the night, Patty leaves and returns to the Empire State Building, where Donald finds her and proposes marriage.
Sea of Lost Ships
Ice Patrol Capt. Holland
The son of a deceased Coast Guard hero is raised by a Coast Guard NCO, who also has a son the same age. When they get older both are accepted into the Coast Guard Academy, but the hero's son winds up being thrown out, bringing disgrace to his adopted family.
The Moon Is Blue
Michael O'Neill
Two aging playboys are both after the same attractive young woman, but she fends them off by claiming that she plans to remain a virgin until her wedding night. Both men determine to find a way around her objections.
Trouble Along the Way
Father Malone
Struggling to retain custody of his daughter following his divorce, football coach Steve Williams finds himself embroiled in a recruiting scandal at the tiny Catholic college he is trying to bring back to football respectability.
The Jazz Singer
Dan McGurney
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
Ruby Gentry
Jud Corey
A sexy but poor young girl marries a rich man she doesn't love, but carries a torch for another man.
Lure of the Wilderness
Zack Taylor
A young girl and her father, who is unjustly accused of murder, seek refuge in a Georgia swamp until they are befriended by a trapper who penetrates the swamp in search of his dog.
The Turning Point
Matt Conroy
Special prosecutor John Conroy hopes to combat organized crime in his city and appoints his cop father Matt as chief investigator. John doesn't understand why Matt is reluctant, but cynical reporter Jerry McKibbon thinks he knows: he's seen Matt with mob lieutenant Harrigan. Jerry's friendship with John is tested by the question of what to do about Matt, and by his attraction to John's girl Amanda. Meanwhile, the threatened racketeers adopt increasingly violent means of defense.
Love Is Better Than Ever
Mr. Clinton E. Macaboy
The dancing teacher Anastasia falls in love with the smart theatre agent Jud. He likes her, too, but does not want to give up his solo life at all. Thus she plans a trap for him...
Return of the Texan
Stud Spiller
A young widower named Sam Crockett returns from Kansas City to his small hometown in rural Texas, bringing with him his feisty grandfather and two young sons, Steve and Yoyo. He tries to make a go of the old family homestead but faces financial problems and pressures from his well-to-do neighbor, Rod Marshall. He also begins an on-again-off-again romance with Rod's sister-in-law, even though she's engaged to wed the town's doctor. Events come to head when Sam's grandfather suffers a stroke.
Texas Carnival
Sheriff Jackson
A Texas carnival showmen team is mistaken for a cattle baron and his sister.
The Lady and the Bandit
Tom King
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
Dan Castello
1866년, 금이 발견되자 미 육군은 이전 조약에 의해 수족에게 양도된 영토에 도로와 요새를 건설한다. 개척단원 짐 브리저(반 헤플린)는 블랙 케틀 추장의 딸이자 죽은 아내의 여동생인 수족 여인과 함께 일촉즉발 상태인 수족 추장 레드 클라우드와의 전면전을 막기 위해 애쓰는데...
A gunfighter takes part in a scheme to bilk a wealthy cattle family out of half a million dollars by pretending to be their son, who was kidnapped as child.
골목길이 끝나는 곳
Jiggs Taylor
모든 범죄에 극심한 혐오심을 느끼는 형사 마크 딕슨. 이러한 극심한 범죄에 대한 증오는 범죄자들에 대한 극도의 편견으로 공권력 남용에 까지 이르게 된다. 또한 그의 아버지가 범법자이기에 그는 경찰로서의 경력에 누가 될까 정신적으로 괴로워한다. 어느 날 경찰들이 토미 스켈리의 아파트에서 벌어지는 불법도박 게임의 현장을 덮쳤을 때 시신 한 구를 발견하게 되고 그들은 사기 도박꾼 켄 패니를 살인용의자로 지목한다. 딕슨은 패니를 추적하고 스켈리에게 죄를 뒤집어쓰게 하려고 그를 설득하는 중 급기야 그를 죽이게 되고 그 시신을 처리하는 과정에서 택시운전자 지그 테일러에게 잡히는 것을 간신히 모면하게 되는데...
The Lady Takes a Sailor
Henry Duckworth
Jennifer Smith heads a "Consumer Reports"-type company and her reputation for honesty is her greatest asset. While out boating one day she encounters a secret prototype submarine piloted by Bill Craig. Trying to explain her absence after her boat sinks becomes very difficult as Bill and his cohorts attempt to discredit her story.
A Kiss for Corliss
Harry P. Archer
After a brief encounter with the romantic and thrice divorced Kenneth Marquis, Corliss Archer decides to write in her diary that they are together in order to make her boyfriend Dexter jealous. Corliss' father had also served as attorney representing Kenneth Marquis' ex-wife during his most recent divorce trial. When Corliss and Dexter don't come home one evening until five in the morning, Corliss decides to pretend to have amnesia to avoid the inevitable punishment awaiting her.
Illegal Entry
Nick Gruber
Long before he became producer/director of The Tonight Show, Fred DeCordova helmed the Universal meller Illegal Entry. Howard Duff, who later worked with DeCordova on the TV series Mr. Adams and Eve, stars as Bert Powers, an undercover agent for the U.S. Department of Immigration. While attempting to bring a vicious gang of alien smugglers to justice, Powers falls in love with Anna Duvak (Marta Toren), a gang member who is Not What She Seems.
블러드 온 더 문
John Lufton
Down-and-out cowhand Jim Garry is asked by his old friend Tate Riling to help mediate a cattle dispute. When Garry arrives, however, it soon becomes clear that Riling has not been entirely forthright. Garry uncovers Riling's plot to dupe local rancher John Lufton out of a fortune. When Lufton's firecracker of a daughter, Amy, gets involved, Garry must choose between his old loyalties and what he knows to be right.
June Bride
Mr. Whitman Brinker
A magazine's staff, including bickering ex-lovers Linda and Carey, cover an Indiana wedding, which goes slightly wrong...
레이첼과 이방인
Parson Jackson
A widowed farmer takes an indentured servant as his new wife, but the arrival of a passing stranger threatens their burgeoning relationship.
Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!
Robert 'Roarer' McGill
Light-hearted, old-style romance about a farm-hand who arranges to buy a pair of mules from his employer. No one is able to handle the mules and he must train them. Adding to his dilemma, he pursues his boss's daughter who gets her kicks out of keeping him guessing about her true feelings. Of course, at the end he tames both the mules and the girl.
Marc Andrews
Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamara has the troublesome Andrews murdered, Dunham realizes the folly of his behavior and works overtime to squash the black market for good and all.
Killer McCoy
Cecil Y. Walsh
Tommy McCoy grew up poor and scrappy. As a young man he discovers that he can fight with his powerful right arm. He becomes successful at boxing, however he has an alcoholic father.
Lady in the Lake
Captain Kane
Private eye Phillip Marlowe wants to get out of the detective racket and into crime writing. But when he's called to the office of editor Adrienne Fromsett, it's not to talk about his story ideas — she wants him to locate the missing wife of her boss, Mr. Kingsby. The assignment quickly becomes complicated when bodies start turning up
틸 디 엔드 오브 타임
C.W. Harper
Three former marines have a hard time readjusting to civilian life. Perry can't deal with the loss of the use of his legs. William is in trouble with bad debts. And Cliff can't decide what he wants to do with his life, although he gets encouragement from war widow Pat Ruscomb.
서부의 거친 사나이 스티브와 버지니안은 오래전부터 둘도 없는 친구로 지내온 사이. 하지만 둘의 성격은 판이하게 다르다. 스티브는 참을성 없이 쉽고 편하게 세상을 살려고 하지만 버지니안은 법을 지켜야 한다고 생각하며 목장에서 열심히 일하며 살아가는 인물이다. 노름꾼들에게 한번 공격을 당한 이후 항상 총을 가까이 두고 사는 버지니안은 스티브에게 메디슨 보우 근처의 목장일을 주며 열심히 노력하며 살아갈 것을 권유하지만 그는 그것을 받아들이지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날 그들은 메디슨 보우에 막 도착한 동부 출신의 여교사 몰리 우드를 만나게 되고 동시에 반하게 된다. 몰리 우드는 생전 처음 겪는 서부의 거친 생활 방식과 사람들의 태도가 낯설기만 한 상황에서 충격에 휩싸여있는 상태. 그러던 어느 날 그녀는 한 파티에서 버지니아의 호의를 접하고 서서히 그에게 서서히 호감을 갖기 시작한다. 한편 스티브는 무자비하고 몰인정한 갱단의 두목인 트램퍼스와 손잡고 도적질로 돈을 벌려고 한다. 버지니안은 그에게 범죄의 삶에서 빠져나올 것을 경고하지만 스티브는 코웃음 칠 뿐 들으려하지 않는데...
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Kiss and Tell
Bob Pringle
Film adaptation of the Broadway hit, about the comic mayhem that erupts in a small town when a 15-year old high-schooler (Shirley Temple) is wrongly suspected of being pregnant.
The Unseen
David Fielding, who has recently lost his wife, moves into a new neighborhood under a cloud of suspicion. Many feel that his wife's death in a car crash was no accident. Elizabeth Howard, the governess he hires to look after his children, makes it her mission to find out the truth. When other murders seem to be following David to his new town, Elizabeth investigates with the help of David's son Barnaby.
아윌 비 씨잉 유
Mr. Marshall
우연한 치사죄로 6 년간 복역중인 메리 마샬 (Mary Marshall)은 중서부의 작은 마을에서 가장 가까운 친척 인 삼촌과 그의 가족을 방문하기 위해 감옥에서 크리스마스를 보냈다. 기차에서 그녀는 자크 모건 (Zach Morgan) 군 병원에서 휴가를 위해 떠나는 군대 병장을 만난다. 그의 육체적 상처는 치유되었지만 외상 후 스트레스 장애로 고통 받고 있으며 공황 발작의 대상이됩니다. 이 쌍은 서로에게 매력을 느끼며 크리스마스 시즌 우정의 따뜻한 분위기 속에서 로맨스로 꽃을 피 웁니다. 그러나 마리아는 과거에 대해 이야기하기를 꺼리고 그녀의 형기 중 나머지를 제공하기 위해 곧 감옥으로 돌아 가야합니다. (구글번역)
The Town Went Wild
Henry Harrison
Comedy concerning two feuding fathers dealing with the shocking news that their sons were switched at birth, meaning that one of their daughters is about to marry her own brother.
Secret Command
Secret Command features Pat O'Brien as a onetime foreign correspondent in the wartime employ of the FBI. Under an assumed name, O'BRIEN goes to work at a shipyard, intending to keep both eyes open for potential saboteurs. To maintain the cover, O'BRIEN is given a "wife" (Carole Landis) and two children. When O'BRIEN's brother Chester Morris shows up, he can't comprehend the charade and nearly spills the beans to the Nazi spies O'BRIEN hopes to trap. Based on the short story The Saboteurs by John and Ward Hawkins, Secret Command offers a graying but still feisty Pat O'Brien doing what he does best.
Reward Unlimited
Peggy's father
Short film about nurse service in wartime.
데스티네이션 도쿄
Mike Conners
미국의 한 특수부대가 세계2차대전 중 일본 본토에 연합군의 강행 상륙을 준비하기 위한 임무를 부여받는다. 이에 따라서 캐시디 (케리 그란트)가 이끄는 특수전 요원들을 동경만에 침투하여 항공 공격 목표 설정 장치을 설치하려는 작전을 전개하는데...
Over the Wall
Father Darcy
A prison Chaplain is forced to leave his post for health reasons, but fate provides him with another chance to reform an escaped convict.
Northern Pursuit
Inspector Barnett
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
Mission to Moscow
American Engineer in Russia (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
사인 오브 더 크로스
Hoboken (1944 Re-Release Prologue) (uncredited)
After burning Rome, Emperor Nero decides to blame the Christians, and issues the edict that they are all to be caught and sent to the arena. Two old Christians are caught, and about to be hauled off, when Marcus, the highest military official in Rome, comes upon them. When he sees their stepdaughter Mercia, he instantly falls in love with her and frees them. Marcus pursues Mercia, which gets him into trouble with Emperor (for being easy on Christians) and with the Empress, who loves him and is jealous.