A mysterious old woman appears before Setsu, who has recently lost her only child in a tragic accident. She says she can bring Setsu's son, Daio back to life. After agreeing to this sinister proposal, Daio returns to his mother, but to Setsu's horror, he is half decomposed and inhuman. To make him human again, he needs fresh human organs. Setsu does everything she can to reincarnate her son, but Daio just turns into a different kind of monster. No one can stop him as he continues to feed his hunger, claiming victim after victim.
Engineer Jan Sebek (Jan Kacer) is undergoing treatment in a mental home after his unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. His therapist, via discussions both with the patient and with people who know him, tries to find out what made the young and seemingly satisfied man decide to end his own life. Jan's pretty wife Jana (Jana Brejchová) claims not to know about anything but she is conducting an affair with a family friend, almost publicly and with the blessing of her parents.
Professor Preobrazhensky puts courageous experiences, trying to turn a dog in equal to in all of the person. As a result somebody turns out Doggies. Unfortunately, experience proves that it is better for dog to remain a dog.
의학박사 헨리(Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde: 안소니 퍼킨스 분)는 런던의 저명한 외과의사로로 아름다운 부인 엘리자베스(Elisabeth Jekyll: 그리니스 바바 분)와 행복하게 살고 있다. 부작용 없는 마취제 개발에 전념하던 그는 어느날 복용하면 도취감에 빠지며 환각 상태에서 성격이 격변하는 약제 개발에 성공한다. 그 무렵 창녀를 예리한 칼로 난자하는 연쇄 살인 사건이 발생해 런던 전체가 공포에 떨고, 뉴코먼(Newcomen: 레이 제워스 분) 형사는 범인 체포에 혈안이 된다. 새 마취제를 먹고 환각에 빠진 헨리가 저지른 일이다. 엘리자베스는 밤마다 집을 비우는 남편을 의심하게 되고, 경찰은 범행 수법으로 미루어 지킬 박사를 의심하기 시작한다. 창부 스잔나(Susannah: 사라 모어 쏩 분)의 아파트에서 중성인 조니(Johnny: 벤 콜 분)와 함께 환각 상태로 도착된 성유희를 하는 헨리 앞에 남편을 추적한 엘리자베스가 들이닥친다. 조니가 엘리자베스를 죽이려 하자 헨리는 조니를 죽이고, 그녀는 간신히 집으로 도망친다. 그러나 집에 돌아온 헨리는 난폭하게 실험실을 파괴하고 엘리자베스를 살해한다. 그리고는 형사 뉴코먼에게 다른 흉악범이 아내를 살해한 것처럼 이야기 하고, 뉴코몬은 범인을 꼭 잡을 것이라고 다짐한다.
강호의 대도 금모사왕 대소요(조웅)를 둘러싸고 그를 잡으려는 설이방의 방주 왕건초(왕협)와의 쫓고 쫓기는 와중에 왕건초의 오독침을 맞은 금모사왕을 치료해주려는 명의 여국정(방면)과 그의 딸 문방(리칭) 그리고 철없는 아들 문엽(남궁훈)의 이야기...
A notorious womanizer sets his sights on a pretty American tourist, only to be told by his doctor that he must give up all romance for his health.
OCTOBER BABY is the coming of age story of a beautiful and naive college freshman who discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself and the answers she craves.
Dr. Michael Corday, a recent graduate of the Harvard Medical School, is the son of Dr. John Corday, an eminent New York City surgeon who has a tendency to continue to direct the lives of his grown children. The daughter, Fabienne, runs away from home, and Michael, after first following his father's advice of being callous to the point of cruelty toward patients, changes when he falls in love with a patient, marries her and sets up his practice on the lower East Side in New York.
A young doctor escapes the slums of New York City to make his fortune as a Park Avenue doctor. When a fatal mistake results in tragedy his resolve to continue working is severely tested. Based on a novel by Fannie Hurst.
In a small town in southern France, on the seafront and not far from Italy, Dr. Valerio is working to heal the poor. His young wife, could no longer stand the place, encouraged him to go and settle in Nice but the doctor does not want to leave before having found a replacement. Valerio was particularly friendly with Sandro, an agricultural worker who maintains the trees belonging to Gorzone, wealthy industrialist and major employer in the city. Sandro, disturbed by the serious illness of his wife, is struggling to fulfill its functions. During an absence of his wife, Dr. Valerio meets Clara, a young Italian, and falls for her. The drama erupts when Gorzone dismisses Sandro ...
부모님이 죽고 백혈병에 걸린 남동생을 돌보고 있는 아이리스. 동생에게 골수이식을 시켜주고 싶어하지만 현실은 먹고 사는 것조차 힘든 그녀 앞에 어느날 갑부 램브릭이 나타난다. 아이리스는 자신의 디너 파티에서 열리는 게임에 참가하면 큰 돈을 주고 동생에게 골수이식을 시켜주겠다는 유혹에 넘어가 램브릭의 저택으로 가게 되고, 7명의 다른 참가자들을 만난다. 이윽고 본색을 드러낸 램브릭은 참가자들을 감금하고 총으로 위협하며 'Would You Rather'라는 게임을 강제로 시키는데...
A playboy marries a woman doctor then grows jealous of her male patients.
A doctor who has spent his career working on ways to revive the dead sees his chance to prove his theory by performing his procedures on a recently deceased dog.
Kurt Ingston, a rich recluse, invites the doctors who left him a hopeless cripple to his desolate mansion in the swamps as one by one they meet horrible deaths.
A dedicated young doctor places his patients above everyone else in his life. Unfortunately, his social register fianceé can't accept the fact that he considers an appointment in the operating room more important than attending a cocktail party. He soon drifts into an affair with a pretty nurse who shares his passion for healing.
A useless and bloody vendetta has been going on for ages between two families in this Mexican village. Men, sons, have killed each other for generations, for a so-called conception of honor in a revenge that never ends since it is also triggered by people of the village. Now, today, there are only two sons left, one in each family. One has become a doctor in the big city and his culture is modern. The other last one - of the other family - hasn't left the village and is waiting for the doctor to come "home" as he plans to kill him, to settle this war on this matter of honor once and for all. And the people of the village want blood.
After a traffic accident Kaylie is in coma for months and her doctors want to try a new procedure on her. To regain her consciousness, they stimulate her brain with the neural patterns of a woman who has just died. It works and Kaylie fully recovers. However, she begins to relive the dying moments of her donor and realizes that she was murdered! Along with her husband and mother, she tries to find out what happened.
Liang Ruoqing is a girl who, after being lied to and dumped by her ideal high-school boyfriend Ai Ren, develops love phobia and vows to never fall in love again. However, she meets a handsome doctor Lu Zhehan at her grandfather's hospital. Lu Zhehan seems to be the perfect guy but since she doesn't believe in "perfect" anymore, she thinks that he is too good to be true. Her new journey begins when she tries to show to all of the women that this doctor is not as good as everyone thinks he is, but fate is playing a trick on her. The more she tries to uncover his hidden evil nature, the more she discovers that he may be the right guy to cure her love phobia.
An 1890s New Orleans heiress tries to buy a married doctor's love with her tainted family fortune.
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.